melLeHoMES tLUXURIOUS 52 10 willI3 bedrooms LARGE MOBILE HOMES General Glendaleend Twentieth Century Complete line of Travel Trailer 5950 AND UP SAVE HUNDREDs OF $$$ On the Purchase of Your Recondiï¬onedj Rental Hitches Parts and Repairs Used Furniture and Appliances RUSSEL CHURCH MOBILE HOMES I70 Burton Ave No ii Highway South Barrie Telephone 7289866 TRUCKS Jr TRAILERS POID liTON for VOLKSWAGEN Window VII lei fieuiro lï¬rie we Woodie no Halo Built mnditiw TM 6109 Iberian WANTED To Sell NATURAL GAS HEATING AND APPLIANCES MUST HAVE PROVEN SALES ABILITY Training ovlded Our neeeaaary and applicant must be villi in to canvapr when required Sane leads are provided conPAnv BENEFITS mandolin moon DURING omca nouns eon APPOINTMENT Male HELP ARTICLES lyoubelooleahy eoalled algalqu meilnm lei5 lfnitinlfï¬ihllm cHFVROIEr OLDSMOBILE on Imonuaanoy léoz CHEV rim ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬nmwmegloefln Srdaole1llitomalierndiowhitevaih Anesceiieotearln Ealierternunothlnxdwnlndmanymnnthatopeypr everyw 1961 CHEV lmger guarantee one year inflve yearn andin Barrie New Royal Parade Portable line all sauna needed by ma qr mg mg lBBOCHEV BISCAYNE studentl Only $8995 with liveyear guarantee Sedan quorum Euclid body and mechanically Al USTAR TYPEWRITER COMPAhNY tnwsgs 284 Dunlap street West one wwrmmAcflAnON WAGON real economy buy unnarnrornloJIoorow MinaNe FARMERS MARKET 1959 CITE STATION WAGON on magw hi DEADSTOCK Ammodellndplopenndulon lnlideendotlt Highest prloel or dead or Mn Sin animals removed ire MAN For that service PHONE BARRIE 7mm Collect or ask or NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 94130 NO CHARGE 24 hours day days week RR Foxmead Ontario licence No wager Nick Montague Prov POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poul en are aiming DEKALB E13 Started ready to lay and day MACHINIST Required for recond Allin Interesting position Full rlnge el Pompany beneï¬ts Wages commmsurato with ability and expert coco Apply In writing or In peron to in MacDonald personnel director WEST BEND or CANADA LTD MAINTENANCE MAN Required ior mend lhlit Should have mechanical IndQI electrical experience lnleruting position full range pl Company beneï¬ts Wager commensurate with ability and uperlence eApéï¬ycinwritingorinperlontohlrAllihluclJonolrillerlon WEST BEND or CANADA LTD Toolanriii Mu 45 condition Telephone lullo use 530 Dan Worm Beech lzozsll Stayller mm sayoer mull OBSll VUxmu mill ll nun moon AIM scored om un but oiler Bill Mellon Bob Walker Wilson Motors Todays Star Special air 61 STUDEBAKER DeLuxe Radio 8995 5mm llamas LTD It Turin so mun wane allwlc is Tinar KhranunronUY ANEWCAR noun AblIIII and Innnu lor an ear Lnlornlaiim idem mull um Nu NIH 1T1 nibble or trail It cabin noooaru alien oil lurk with lean Tolo ohm 1mm Alter mu wmuwnloouoxll maintain eillor pair moonmemoiruepnoe humongous muley med tin wul SanII noooaoly TIeTePhnnv no our lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP AVON NEED Elm MONEY mnuglnumml hr rese vu earn $500 in slow dining the mistrnas Wading Watson now In full din Idol money with AVOgiéleteciim Walk er 160 lllruwoodmr call Barrie WI nu Illa use nuur mama tiled uru and IreInner Mae flit ilulhno an to Amen lat zoo Yuzln 74112 CARS WANTED TO BUY cAlIIHTnn your car Lielu am oil We tradou rundown on Road Darrin MY nu Penna in door coach standm innpinion noon yel low billion radio lube yuan Hell Good Million oleplirn muse mo ream maroon com PM wulariiuuim no rigflhloek heater sell to our TILT Rem swwiih olnirr Planer with mod no Molar Very mlonahle otter inhal TWIN TYle bou sold with Id aired Studenta mm In rmrwmu hr at ï¬bunlop EL Welt 7156 me uIluTil um hoot nun ten 3e lb mod Quanen 49¢ lh side we lb Pork sides 41 in nych Food Market telephone 7W 23 ï¬mi om no or Alao Iwo Flips95 Ao lyqu Gavan Siml or telephone Tami AUTOMATIC washer lol nle Geri ml Electric Can be seen or ill Toronto St between up And ll men only OcIoorr unmlnnllATnR or ale auo Il ind complete Drone tudio Couch Powvr Lawn lilowrr Sinii iflcior All in good condillon and reuomoly priced mam merchorenu Full set 22 var unlea Groller moyolooeolu rom late with ooohcue new Selllt in or qxso Dummy use Tele phone 7mm JRON HERMAN Stoker hell taller romeo An Blower wiih cabinet lix Nightinan ggleï¬lilllh II me my one 7m Dali nurwnro Supplies Tolieu alnh hullun tuba nuIIo cup hardwood flooring lmnlr euon windows dam at no um 211 sheetInt pollen mix panel ooxu mm wire rldlox pining rowelpm mom MeCLMW sunshine all steel coal andde homlng hot air lumnce ldlptlbll to oil with cold and Warm air duct In Ioodccndiiion Telephone mile or rpply Blah Street Barrie DIAMOND RING over one carat wlih shoulder diamonds rho matching dhmnud wedding rlnl Iluurnrlce company vainlion sl 215 Cash mo erta aox Io am 11d LIIminer Two GAEHRSD spare lieten one used Quaker oll rind turncc lowed air 170000 BTU one no ï¬red wliel ink run on used tank plyNomn hnsiow or Bristow lumhlng and Heating llth street WOSL Telephone 7166 nunnan IITAluPn and Numbering Machines Ill rim made to order Dependhie lervlce rumpt delivery Contact Thimxxgmlnue Cflmnminl Printing Service In naynelll Street Barrie 726nm Hahn ï¬nAvm Furnace New Idea tahelt six or seven room house Also Torrid Heat oil corn venelon burner wlu tire up Io one znuon per hour will sell as unit or seplrnle Groin nvnflabin fur ml and wood Telephone 725051 dayl or mold evenings TE cannula Girl of ille tlmn In last illetime Unused edition or Ellcycinpaedia Britan Illua Great Book or the Western world with Syotoplcoh Cflmpluie wlth bookcase and inlorlal pro runs Reasonhie ollm comld cred Phono mam liter mu pan DOGS PETS Two FEMALE Reuben two mu old when in hunt Telephone evgflngam767x omenmmoPnpple or are two male and hue ale Telephone erIla Alrzna AIBEDALE Pu pies tor solo timed load blind lines male and muslin sell Telephone 723 1m CHIHUAHUA Pu yror sale pure llwcdpgllnlweeléajoig Vidal two eme en one 7155560 further lneomatlon nm Baum lor eale For no thei detail apply Jack Tracy anon the load rm station ontho Simonlo Rohd TOY pox Tenlu rhpplu rol male noooih mu use one erlia ture Pluml rerhlered lopeu ied Siamese Suipolnl Kittens im In shouldan Rand Bani2 GARDENSUPPLIES in MANURB lor sale large or all ouaolluu Telephone 7gp AMPING SUPPLIES rrie Dali Md mm old chicks Older new or early order discount nor service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD SFROUD 4364811 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Tlmn nounml Kellen dn how Apply Jhn Remy Thornton or uiephono ivy 28m Two Reammu llolatehl lieu or sale prod lo Thornlea Texal Supreme due In low dlyv Andrew Krupp hllnulug SlXYlAROLD Ptolo lime part Shetland pm Welsh Good with chigun Apva 71A Campbell Ave WELSH PONlfl hloreo to ride lullahlo or Iremgm Alon iwo rum and one edit Telephone ey Weber Home almnd Two LARGE llomelh ileum Van rlnaled due November Ilse Io Pin two maplhr old Campbell Guthrie nhol Cill Milled tonsil good eaten ï¬lephnne mu 72 FIGS FOR eAu hind week old also one sow Apply Wutrl Edgar 5th Line POLLED llmFORD Bullxgmw ihy II to 19 months old Palomino limo 16 hands yrlrn uill hmlren to ride bynl Cool one 718v2738 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Heath 176 BURTON AVE 7211297 CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 25 faster millling with new De Laval loo Series Milken Barrie Holly Hwy 27 72541338 ronn mouse Tractor three point hlioh Telephone 7le mahNATloNAL wd Tractor tor gagizgeasamtfly priced Telephone INTERNATIONAL Sir We Tran Inr with power ukco use each ohutt Tomlin nrlu Massey Han rl plow wagon and grain box Telephone 7284759 utter pln AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE so VIAU ru RAMBLER 17 an 71tr€438 HUNTERS DREAM LAND ROVER ch Equipped with Jaw an in 1963 RAMBLDER 660 door automatic 1963 MERCURY COMET door automatic 1962 FORD FAJRLANE Sports door Vii automatic 1962 CHEVYII 41door with radio 1960 NEIEQR RIDEAU Ardour with radio 1960 CHEV door with radio two time 60 STUDEBAIER door station wagon 19 CHEV on ONTARIOS LARGEST AilLBLER DEALER lS chum or Plea or role all in Buy one with lowcost lifeluured scollA PLAN MAN THE BANK OI NOVA SW PLYMOUTH two door alani automatic padded oehoouo non whitewail tins Ieltplwn noose Iiilf mu I551 rolln Motor 11 cum in ches our hlml enourolor Al tnnditiull mo or but otter Apply 51 Dunlap St Well 19 consul blur roul door Devon ma tires next oller now $5 mm Illa Telephone use cllzv two tone men and unites new throughout Mulch lne Interinr us down month Telephone 71am less 30ch two door hudton nlllo cod urea needy tuneup 3367 or out ruler Telephone 715 51 FOR two door mechanic iu perfect Florida white Iron is sold this week Apply Dinah Sheet Wmma Ilse Toni reasonath Rood body Alan Aeilinl ma Aurtln Remahll pme Tele phone 7W RIETEDR Hardtop automatic power Iteerlnl radio Need lonlo motor work 5m Telephone Iihtr Plfl 1m Tonu hidlen two door brale light on nilh match In lntniuf wh towel him When you see it youll want it 50 down $311 per month Trlqzhooo nu Byro Shop SMALL LOT WI I960 I960 I959 MINT ma non or tires mt born and and run too Iomeau oom Loon lo and not light 11000 miles humor moonuni mnnllloo Call mass lsu TALcoIv Deluxl American mod in IxNUeni cmvdlunn Ae uuo es lumentic Mia am hell ed duh etc Tel on ml or only Town at 31 WI 133 we ra dm automatic uniElan err in one owner ear $15 down ï¬g month Thiephone 725 ii on nu numr hardtop va Iuinmm tic radio lose Plymonih Tory vI automatic power aieerlnl radio loss ammohno vo authentic 6an nest otter Telephone no 1m MXREUBY Meteor Cullen Sedan Whittierll urea lantern rI die on Ifylluder standrd inns minim int be seen To be And predated can be linerIced Telo pbnm 7260375 Null can INIURANCBY Big nav lhu or Plclerred driven We lruun any driver namleaa at In or circumalanrex ll cover SI identity Ind Co 17 Capperim 5L 7156583 In noon Fliriane Al condiilon immaculate imlde and out uoor rum eonnr wrunwaln ra dio Ind mr speaker neat hello robin er blue limb to ilm use mo in er an on groinrt Tums sags Sprung way one is £353 Thornton Telephon ivy 12 In TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 723 dlll Melon mom en consent WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Glnrtored School Talmuin training In all bran PERSONALS nowurlla Coupler or unalu wish ina till run or Inn om Clll Kemgvlew Bowl teilvhnrll neural lulu all uphill haul Iluc mum lormerly or roulo Barrio will not be nopeoslola To my debt in eumd In my mm run this date tour 37 Im without my wrth of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSLNG SCHOOL WORSLEY ST 7283961 9LOST FOUND BEADLE LOST in Mm Ir IF too Inside right elr male dog 11 men In rm Telephone show MANS nvhmnlrl nu hmn canvas contained intt hand lload nu Contact Nur mhh Young 61 John street lSSI Ohev tour and roan jacket HELP WANTED gm FEMALE HELP CLERKTYPIST or otlleo located Allnhdale 21 hours liveday week Age 10 to in erie mung etc in ilox ll er Motors Around Youll Always Buy The Besi lor Less Ford door automatic transmission custom radio Chev Bel Air door automatic transmission quoise and while with matching interior over Town 1959 I958 radio car 1958 I95Z fine appointment ing only Chev door standard Transmission on The TH THE BIG DEALS Rambler door super cylinder standard transmission new tires one owner car outstanding value standard transmission custom You have been looking forrlhis dual purposeor family Cadillac Coupe De Ville way power featuring all of Cadillacs for The feelof luxurious comforffor travell V61cylinder rebuilt motor COMPANION Ind nlrod er er iii um 71ml altar Ian nnmcm whitrm nord tee Emilia wort lrlplrlen mu llotor WOMAN to flu In and look alter hoboo him SW DD lormmngboaï¬meortwo nhiidnn volcano itirphm 72 am allar Nu manual required lull or part time Street Unile laundry Good Untied Cigar SID oluppunt In In no xiiLIL aALuaLAuY experienced prelen rod Must Do dependhie avrra Unit Clue lop but Abov agaren AP ly In Duo slom Lid Barrie nouarmrm it Ina home with nine or mod eonvmloocel were Food at children Good Telephone 715m tormltlon liar inflict lllv MALE HELP TRUCK DRIVER WANTED 24 years or older Preference given to ex perience Apply in person only NIXON BUILDING PRODUCTS LTD 207 iiifin SL Barrie low mileage radio custom radio Tur heck this price all Ford door cylinder standard Transmission giéen with white Top matching interior One owner car low mileage reconditioned Be pre value packed beauty Chev SioliDnVWagon VB motor cornplerely pared to trade yours when you see this TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 772L241 he Graham $995 7$795 $875 $795 $275 $250 GENERAL limono PARTSMAN FULLY WINCH roe quired or mechanica eoimtor by large centrally located Geo eral Motors Dealer Salary and bows phn all unnl bendiu Write Box 73 Barrie Examiner MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN For detailing sheet met al product drawings Require Grade 12 with up to years industrial ex perience Salary to $400 per month Apply To NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Owen SL Barrie Tonomo TRANSIT COMMISSION nrqolm men In train as Opera tors or sheet can and buses Good arm and cnmtter md enï¬oynentmekmom Able to lrlelt the public Mun Cilia leurl em and some commem clal driving experience Minimum helm hornI weith Must pm molei examination and liDlI test No restriction lllliut those wearinl Inner prurided our ltludndl Irl met Suctm iul applicant will bl required to this up renldanca in Tbrnnto he lm commencing training Good rate or payetudy long term Pointinent and good henolltr Rm ply null min nu denu or ea once Ind backmund if Llhle pmorlll appointment will be arranged Au Ippiiclnia an lwered mplnymerlt rvisor Tornan lranrlt Co on ll BaLtillnt Street Toronto 0MB WANT are waoml LEARN memes Electronics Ihe melanoma lodu In Canadaneed trained men pm with one or then Ipprnved courau OIIr Placement eurou room you on Induauon oAniomauon lurcquch Terhool Iflrlyflmnio autumn Technol Ifglnvlalon Ind Genenl Deem or Learn ll home or II resident mu 1min manhunt on yerHTS RADIO collEar OF CANADA Est lam lei lung so Toronto Ontario mam Bulidom om tor wanted Telephone 7102907 FE LXCENEED Body urn required siphon wngea aid Apply hIc wmer Dell no No on NA parishon street or telephone 725 TWO PEOPLE flanked immediate tonne lull time real elhtlniemun Kern is the chance to learn an intentIns Ind Dim mfltlbin earner Emmi MI HOP or Mr Canon 11 canon hen mm aonorrolm7NmT Looking or that purlUM 1011 Be your own liken bone up ngohr on partMe Ioh noon re Ge gt 50635 coll CC ck TierStrain MALE FEMALE Colliuxvmod BoYs and Into And Montreal SALES HELP 8r AGENTS by large national company We spomlhle lor MUM on rota and wholesale trnde in Barrie Gravenhurst and Owen Sound In Straight salary 35 Per month with regular merit ï¬l ereaseo Also travelling experi aes and lunch allowance whik Burll9II Automobile supplied pus exec ent comm group plum Complete instruction Int coding wpurviaed iieid training algal to mull applicant ill writing to 25 Bar nn Examiner giving complete detail of yoln background and experlalea it any EMPLOYMENT WANTED INTERIOR Plinth Ind Wail ertnx Pm esllmaiu and mad at ralel Call Rick It 738759 MATURE nflhia ll will Mostly Emma ï¬n uni manure one mush ILEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILMAMTHOMPSON Silo Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate 01 William Thomson Srr late oi the Village of Strud illythe guilty olfSilrl coo men of eCi Sud bilry in the Dischaon Sud bury retired plumber dece edu odd dgfednn or about 14 August 1964 are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned William Thom son Jr and Margaret Young Kragem the exealtnra oi the estate at the said deceased on or beiore the lat day of Don ember 1964 lull particulars at their claims innr ntely er the said data the said execu tors will distribute the Mali oi the said deeeasod having le Eald only to the claims at they shall then have had notice DATED at Sullihlry this will day oi October 1964 WILLIAM THOMSON JR MARGARET YOUNG KRAG ERO Exmitors by REID AND MINES 1i Durham St Sudbuly Ontario their Solicitors herein NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Ls herdry given that all persons having any claims against the estate of ROTTEN IRWIN TWTSS latent the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Veterinarian deceased who diedvon or doom the Bill day of August 1964 are no quoated to send particulars to he lmdersigned on or More 20th November 1964 alter which dole the Admhllsllratlrix will dis trilnlte the Essen of the ma halving regardlmiy tn the claims of which she shall have uotiCE nylon andwiilnotberesponsible any others liar DATEDihiszzoddayolwp henna mosnwnsou 90wenSireet Barrie0ntari COUR OF REVISION forVespra Township Ilt$545 p$595 GIRLS 10 BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER Wva ROUTES AUCTION SALES AUCllloN SALE rApphceflon Forms Saturday Nov 21 available at at 1230 p11 sharp new paint iob low low will he held Monday Nov 10 mm MIDHURST 91 BRADFORD 31 7261771 llsoallucll or role in excellent condition Telephone 7139255 Ismuhwmurr new exc no on nomhieleiephmle 725nm use VAuxllALl cresta condition One owner VEGETABLES in PAINSWICK axnnopmh Pontiac door herd lop automatic transmission cUsiom radio sharp herdlogei model LOOKATTHBERUIASNRTAN Ford4 V8aulomalic I955 I95Z Good rnlle age Telephone Chou Borden uh ï¬lt Toun Falcon mlr door de luxe nuionntle nsmLulon and radio 11675 Telptxona 7mm Elk Flesh pp Bring Containers Closed Wed Sun nunr AND etlbies or whole Iale Meetings CarrotI Pota $375 $323 Buick door hardtop automniic custom radio in etc llllkrlst Ghrdenltlnrth tron Parrlull on ragga wm voill II holla voiepmnu ARTICLES WANTED HAUL Emmi mï¬df lP loRLACEAl BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD 19555 order Plymouth Monarch Door hardtop V8 automatic StationRWagon standard Irahsmiésion In running $69 CIRCULATION DEPT lo Myriam ST Duuvnw PmnN wanted will Bar to deliver tlnkeLl for Hockey or the estate of the late MARGARET ALICE JACOBS At 168 CLAPPERTON SF on fall Tommi oluehod furnitulu including some antiques on Use one here three eimvenli ent ways PHONE 7mm 41 want to place The Berna Exam ner Barrie Onr BRING It to The Barrie Ei airliner aillce Baylleld Street roxlmhtely lx fruitlble or alfh Mir pony mm Mrphohe 7mm q°f ponter tools galdad tools lerms cash aslhe estate must be settled $295 If ihVeQVWeaiher ChangeleUlCK Doni Worry our cars are WINTERIZED Call regain any one oi the three classliled ad takers will be glad to assist you with your I061