SIMCOELCOUN TY NEWS CROWN HILL By MR5 DUNSMDRE The Hi girls are waking on their tall project They meet Thursday afternoons at the home of leader Mrs Alvin Smith They have made in pan cookies lemon creamy rice and oatmeal cereal Drmrsuon has been held on cereals he girls are to be congratulated on their lair exhibit They received the merit award Mr and Mrs Varley of Walkerlon called on theirfa er Drury and faintly on Thanksgiving Day Miss Ella Drury was at her home here during the weekend Crown Hill Couples Club is having masquerade party Oct 24 at Shanty Bay Hall Ladies please bnng hatch Fncnds and former neighbors were sorry to learn oflhe crit ical illness 01 Mrs Arthur Bon ney who is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital CHURCHILL By MRS ll SAUNTER Mr and Mrs Bouncy sptlll Thanhgiving at Peter borough Mr and Mrs ltoger sturgoou Barrie visited their parents Mr and Mrs Kenneth Sturgmn and Mr and Mrs John Nagol at the weeke Mr and Mrs Davidse and son of Ajax spent the weekend mlh Mrs Davidscs parents Mr and Mrs John Kcmpcrs News 01 Churchill Old Boys includcs those studying Univer sity night courses Stan Todd towards his BA and Mrs Don Boynton Jean Frosscr econom res UNITED CHURCH NOTES Rct Jackson at Strnud was in rhnrge of scrviccs in this pastoral char Sunday At Churchill Kathy Led inlant daughter of Mr and Mrs Don ald Sturgeon of Barrie and lo rcph Courtney infant son of Mr and Mrs Davis wcrc haplired The ch was under thc leadership oi Miss Margaret Campbell ill age war in charge of Thanksgiving scriiccs at itroud and Lefroy Unitctl Churches UCW NUTES Mrs Emmy and Mrs Seymour Kell ware appointed delegates to the Fall Rally at aceton Mrs Mac Stewart will act as alternate Several ladies were guests ot Letrvy CW and heard Rev Warr oi Thornton speak on Brazil The Young People met at the home of Murray Spence on Sun day evening WOMENS INSTITUTE Ross manned wrator of Sim hoe County Museum spoke to the Ghurehill Womens Institute He reviewed history at this area Mr Grannen said that 500 years ago Indians living between Churchill and Bradford used deerskiu kettle The Huron Indian was well ed ucated for that time They grow acres of corn which they traded to the Northern Indian for meat and venison Mr Chanuen poin ted out that the Iroquois had to attack here in order to mive The Hurons 30000 strong had an monopoly on the furtrade The speaker told how in 1M2 Jesuit priest at Fort Ste Marie did the first cancer research in North America It was cure made from clay from the Nia jgara Peninsula The members were told that 19500 have visited Simcoe Coun ty Museum already this year The diary and scrapbooks of the late Mrs Robert Bayes charter member have recently been presented on the museum Weekend Mishaps Mrs Robert McDonald accom panied by Mrs Morris sang Like My Ain Wee Home and Bless This House Historical Events and Current Events prepared by Mrs Proser district convener oi hi9 torieal research were well re ceivcd Among the jotting not ed was that the ï¬rst nrral mail deliruy from Idroy was in mt and the first Minx in Church iii in 1069 MIDHllliST as iron momma Thanksgiving Day vLutors at the home ot Mr and Mrs Alvin Cairns were Mr and Mrs Crawford and Mr and Mrs Slcsser Orillia Owen Jones has moved into the community He has pur chased the property of Col lins Sr Miss Ruth manned ol Scar boroutzh and brother Paul 01 oalmlla spent Thanksgiving holi day wittr their parents Mr and Mrs Giannen Mrs Vandervmudc and Mrs It Peaeock spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Na cock and Mr and Mrs Brol cy in Barrie Mrs Watson Mm Night and Mrs Spence ol Barrie spent Wednesday with Mrs Cairns Recent visitors at the home ul Mr and Mrs Alvin Cairns were Mr and Mrs Harry Langman and daughter Margaret of Rugby and Mr and Mrs Irnnk Craw lord ol Orillia Mrs Harris and son Don ol Barrie were Sunday visitors with Mrs Monteith Weekend visitora at the home at Mr snd Mrs DAngio were Mrs Fairfax nt Totten ham Mr and Mrs Munt Larry Coleman of Toronto Mrs Coleman and Mrs Co burn Beeton Mrs Pardoe of Kingston Sunday visitors at the home of Dick Brown wens Mr and Mrs Tmthcway and family of Toronto and and Mrs Brown and sons of Barrio Mr and Mrs Rodwuy and daughters Gail and Helen and Mr and Mrs Anderson at Toronto were weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Bowdery Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Black was their son and daughterm law Mr and Mrs Clarence Black of North Bay and son Douglas of Montreal Your correspondent would like you to phone her at 7204196 if you have any news WilVEBLEY By MRS REG DRINKIIL Mrs William Cnrlett spent few days with Mr and Mrs William Mooney in Buffalo Members of Guild ol Anglican Church and UCW made two quilts in the Anglican Church hall Gerald French Toronto visi ted his parents Mr and Mrs Elmer French before leaving on trip to Vancouver The UCW held their October thankolfering meeting Oct The President Mrs French opened the meeting It was de cided to change the date of the turkey supper to Saturday Oct 24 Mrs Strachan guest speak er told of the work in Brazil of her son and daughterAlnlaw Mrs Reg Drinkill visited Mr and Mrs Howard Cowie in Brantford Mr and Mrs Bert French spent Sunday with their grand children Mr and Mrs Room McKenzie in Barrios Miss Zelrna Drinkrll spent the Claim 40 Lives At least 40 persons died in accidents across Canada during the wcekcnd 37 of them in trai tic mishaps survey by The Canadian Press from pm local tinm Friday to midnight local times Sunday included one hunting death one death tryfire and one man killed by fall down stairs Quebec reported the heaviest toll with 13 traltic fatalities 0ntario had nine traffic deaths Nova Sootia had two highway deaths and New Brunswick hunting fatality Six Parsons died on the highways in Saskat chewan four in Manitoba and thrce in British Columbia Man itoba also reported one person dead in ï¬re The survcydoes not include industrial deaths known cides orslayinssv The Ontario dea FRIDAY Peter Karsten at Jarvis on in twocar collision on Highway 59 miles southwest of Brantlord EATUILDA Jaek Olney 50 Kingston shortly after he was th wu iromhistvuck in on on with car at Kingston inten Clifford Bidaly St Thomas when he 911 down mmfl stairs in his boron Comelius Brouwer 64 111E Newmarket in twocar oolll sinn on Highway It about 30 miles north of Toronto Walter Chodarcewiu 34 Ni agarawntheLakeJissis ter Lucy 24 and Miss Iano Tkaczyk about both of St Catharines when the car in which they were riding lett the road near Tillsonburd 75 miles east of London Mrs Mabel Hannau 30 and Miss Dora Sohadr 73 both of holiday weekend with Mrs Shier in Toronto daughter was born in MM and Mrs Laurence French in Peneung General Hospital Mr and Munllerb Hnnrshy spent the weekend in Golden Valley Mr and Mrs Morley French of Brantlord Mr and Mrs Grav ham Drinkill of Downsview vlsi ted Mr and Mrs Reg Drinkill Mr and MrsClaytnn Banter annsvlew spent the weekend with an and Mrs William Cor belt Darby Orland French Toronto upon the holiday with his parents Mr andshlra Elmer French Mr and Mrs Clayton Adlill Oakville spent the weekend with the Snidera Mr Ind Mrd William Earle North Bay Harry Lamb Aur Reed City Mich in owocar collision on Highway 17 20 Holes north of Sault Ste Marie 3Killed Injured lls Car Hits Tree mmouaunn Got Three young persons died Sun day and three other were in Jured when their car lett township mad about mile east Tot here rideswipel two trees and crashed head on into another tree Police identiï¬ed the dead as Walter Chodaroewicz 41 of Ni agaraontheIialre Ont hissis ter lsrcy and Jane iltauyk about ofSt Cath arines The injured were identified asfstelan Nowalr7£ ot Sc Catharines Joseph Chodama wicz at at Niagara on the Mark 17 Lake and at St Calharlnes They were reported tohe in serious condi lion in hospital Tillsonburg lg arstotlondon aimtrsmiiu Emma Kirkpatrick Midland rpent the weekend with Marie ï¬lteen Canadians won major prizes in the third and last lrish Sweepstakes of the year based on Saturd running hi my Canbridgerlr re and al most 400 other will collect con isolation prlus expected to boost the Canadian winnings in the international lottery to about 513000 Sevcn top prizes at $150600 cacti from tickets on winucr Hasty Cloud will go to two wnrnunin Oshawa and Fan nyrtelle Man two Toronto ore and Mraud Mrs William Earl Sr Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Lloyd Armstrong Min Linda Homing Tomato is spending week with her parents Mr and Mrs John Hor nrng daughter was born toltlr and Mrs Eric Reynolds in St Andrews Hospital Oct 14 Eiiléen Canadians Win Major Priiesv IriIrish Sweepstakes men two others mm the Van muver area and one lmrn Riv Lere du LouP Que Four prints or moon card on the second horse Commander inï¬rlat will go to Toronto woman Brodrvilta gravel pit worker an Ottawa civil servant who lives in Ayirner Que and an Edmonton man Pour winners at $30000 each include Slmooe Ont woman who has workedtn tobacco ï¬elds to support blind husr band They held thick on thirdplaca Baruin The other Canadian who had tickets drawn on nonstart errorhorseswhoranoutol the money will collaot prim based nnehe total oi the pool held three times yearly in aid ot bosrrtals lnthe Irish Reprie lic These prizes are expected to be about 31100 eadr IA 64yearold Toronto sbway trdtet collector Harold ltidr sent relic man and Mr Richmond due or retirement next Fmry went horn Gayle Kernoo ot Oshawa said the hasnoplrnsasyetasto what she will do with the 0150 000 The loyearokl said must wait until receive ctli clal word So far have only received notification by phone mm nunan in Toronto Miss Keinoe works for an Oshawa mannlneturin ï¬rm Harold Well oi Brockville was at work in gravel pit when his horse Commander Mdd finished second or $0000 priu but was not told immediately Mn Cawoll who wnrhin hardware store said the mo would not dranze their way oi lite Mrs Josephlfisr ot Sim who has smrtod her blind hltdaand for to year said she wrll quit the tdraoeofreldn and use her $3000 Winnings to so as II TR 3m EXAMINER MONDAY OCH 1361 Juvenile Judge Dies At Home NRDNID Rev Hamid Shaw Metropolitan Toronto juvenile court judge collmed and died of heart lIitiklnhilltouiohereFriday He was made temporary juvenile murt yudge in 1951 and was appotn tad permanenUy in the position in 1567 Prior to that he served as probation oilicer tor the juvenile section of the York County juvenile and iamin court Born in Rosina he graduated frwr Trinity College Sdrool ot Mr and Social Work He was ad an Anglican priest alter graduation and was no rector at saibury drurdr be lupport rm Miami and my aeltin union for the rest at lore coming here to serve in three parishes Ila served overseas as padre in the Second World War with the rank or honorary cap tain He was promoted to ma jor ailer the end of the war shite serving with the nilrtia SMPPING POWER Under tull brake moden let airliner absorbs enough en ergy to stop almost no auton hiles travelling at so mph MIDDLEBROOK TREE SERVICE All types of tree work pruning and tree runw al etc PHONE 4364708 our liver Mrs Risa is 51 619364 pa V1efor of years 5for earl of the nertï¬uopeoir crouch ï¬re retnazmng throéjearrï¬an overogefleld when held to maturityof5 year Mi STROUD