Must Keep On Alert On Cyprus Patrols KAIO DHIKOMO Cyprus CPIThe wash dark moored scout can oi the Roy Glar dian Dragoons tit badly Into the landscape oi rural Cyprus he sudden appearance oi pair oi the iourion huiha among the shadowy dint ordtards oi the Mediterranean coast be side the innqoii Gothic splen dor oithe mica oi Betiapalx Abbeyror In the narrow lanes oi guusty iarm village Is dia conce ng But so are the barbed wire the sandbagged gun poets and the other crude acooutrements at war which now mar the heats soaked countryside and none oi the others can lay much claim to the same peacekeeping role as the Canadian scout care There are oi the vehicles with the Canadian lorces in Cy pnrs Known as Ferret scout cars they carry driver and observer is calibre machine gun and two radio sets Ihelr poweriul engines thrust them at 60 miles an hour ovu paved highways and their tractor atyle tires and low silhouette mean almost unlimited manoeu vrabltlty over the pitching in clines oi the country roads and Iieids The Dregoons job is to ob serve and report They provide mobile armed reconnaissance ior the Royal 12nd Regimentln Cyprus role whidr marries two traditional army rivals lninatry and armored corps An sitman squadron was de tached irom the magma base at Camp ngetown NB last hlarch provided with ibmen group oi cooks maintenance workers and other support ela ments and sent here to supple ment and support the 1st Bat talion oi the Van Doos 2200 MILES MONTH Since then the scout cars have been running up an aver age at 2100 miles month each During tho six months they will be here boiore returning to Can ada in September the vehicles will have seen as much use as they would get in live or six years at home The crewa are under similar pressure theyre getting six years oi training on the Euret here In sirmonths particularly Ina technical sense said Maj iohn Beament oi Ottawa 37 year old commander oithe squadron at his headquarters in Nicosia its demanding job In that you have tn be on the alert all the timeand yet oitcn theres nothing to do You never know when you come Into village whether someone will shoot And patrol has to go close to the Greclr or nuiushQp riot armed positions and ob serve closely ior any changes or buildups Youre never sure whether the guy wrll just get tired oi you snooping around and start sniping at you ROADS ARE ROUGE Sgt Leroy MacAdamswas in charge oi recent twocsr trol around this village to es north of Nicosia illyearoid native of Digby N5 Mae Adams is short alight man with an airnost mourniul ex pression and reputation ior hard work and common sense The two scout cars moving rapidly out oi their base with Company of the Royal nod to term two mileswest at here rumbled along roughly paved road and pulled to stop outside one oi the biggest oi Kata Dhikioroa dozen coliee shops glance around assured the leergeant and his cohort Cpl Duncan MacPhersoa ll oi Orn mocto NB that all was quiet in the prosperous aIIGreek Iago at 1500 The collee shop dozed in the alternoon sun Several oi the outside tables supported the demitasaes and elbows oi vii lage elders and businessmen and desuItoty card game oc cupied the leisure hours at some National Guard soldiers inside The two Canadians drew up chairs outside whileflthelr dri vers Trooper Joseph Camp hell 29 oi New Wateriord NS killed tow days later when his nmlaredxar over turned whlle on patrol and Del hastu OaL and momento alpped soft drinks standing through noutcan awedclustera makingthe oitbevdtide MACHINEBUN AT BAND Iiachdamr remarked that the village annotat mayor didnt appear to be around for his usual brieï¬ng on conununlu problem end iinlsbing his soft drink he moved to his car By now alter standing is minutes in the sun the metal sides and top at the car were searing to the touch lhe two Ferrets their long radio antennas bending in the wind drove at deliberate speed along the main street while hi and Matherson stood in the batches Iheir ra dio heed sets were on and their hands lay loosely on the locked machineguns in Front oi them Their heads turned regularly examining the aide atleets and yards ior poulhle butldups oi troops or Iupiier and ior other inlnrmation eir Canadian au periors and the United Nations should knowabout Beyond Kain Dhiitomo the care leit the paved road and moved in clouds oi powdery dust toward the nearest Greek lortiiied positions two mlies away They swung Into the grass to bypass herd oi iat sheep padding along the path then they mounted low hill and drew to halt 100 yards behind the Greek line llacAdsms scanned the sand bsgged locations with his iicld glasses There was no move ment tom the dugoute and no new positions to report lhe acorn cars rumbled back and began steady climb Housewives and iactories ea iabtish the demand where elec tric ï¬nals concerned Each day tween 580 and prn housewives all over the only be gin taming on appliances to be gin preparing supper As the Public Utilities Commission per sonnel notice the upward trend In wer use certain electrical too all over the city are turn ed ofi tor period oi about to to is minutes In this way the Barrie IUC can control the peak and keep the cost oi power at mini mum The reason householders are niiereda flat rate ior water heaters Is becausethe PUC can control these appliances irom an individualsubetation which can betghut irilerderÃ©ï¬ tree power wor pe per iods This hoéps the peak down and the coat of power at its present domestic level oi one cent per kilowatt hour According to Rowe meter department subioreman thistle Just elilclent manage men Fcrithe horrsaholder who be lieves his drabiii Is too high and who alts the meter is at ioult there is detailed pro cedure which can be followed to protest hill However accord ing to Mr Rowe oi the 1209 old meters which are taken oil Bar rie homes and tested each year and the 300 new ones that are tested beiore being put on on less struck by lightning none is found to he registering since his householer has de SIUDENIS WARNED TORONTO CF Unlvar ally oi Toronto students inund using distributing restricted dates stimulants will face expansion or suspension In lu ture The decision iollows the death from heart attack test his iinsl exams coroners iury blamed excessive use of wyamine sulphate which kept theatudent awake whlla study Iard Si Amour oi oi Kapus tag spring oi Wayne BruceMev Kenzie It the day be iinlshed patlol dinï¬ed bidrer not or an Ml among the prickly scrap to point between up per ranges The binoculars Came met again Above tiny iiubes Di color red with ties blue Greek flag identiï¬ed the mountalnatop camps oi armed Ulbters On grlnled peak between the two United Nations ban ner Identitied the camp oi dozen Canadians who try to ilinen the two sides irom clash Adams said You can see both Greek and Turkish positions irom here and tell whether theres been any moves The Ferrets eon their circle through the hills always beneath the armed mountain positions 1000 ieet higher up When they came close to Nrklsh stronghold in ill lont billshundreds oi ieet oi aandA tilled bags in nest lows the positions stacked In terraces Ihere was an open mutual ex aminatlon Tho errs stood up to watch as the cars went by and the Canadians stared baclr record ing any changes mm the pre vious days patrol lhe cars descended in itour road andtumed in the farm the days routine patrols over Including lurgthy tour in the morning at villages inr thcr well they had covered in all some 50 miles and been on the road live hours It had been light unexcittng day Establish Demand IF or Electricity aided he wishes to protmt bill he must produce bills ior the roast yearn 31 com pleta ltst oi hoosebo appliances and pay $5 to the Public Utilities Commission When all than conditions have been iuiiillcd tlrs government inspector standards division Department at Trade and Commerce will order that the meter be removed by the PUC and It will be Inspected The government inspecwr Is in Barrie every two weeks and stays about two days Once meter has been inspected it is stamped with the government so Though the meter Is estimated to be good ior litetlmo the government insists that Itbe inspected every eight years it is more accurate than the best watch and is calibrated to with inhali oions per cent oi accuracy Though meters are iound to be nrnning last or slow they are still within the allowed limit of accuracy According to Elson secretaryvtreasurer oi the PUC protests are rarity and he could recall none in the eight clear he has been with the lhlria good position to watch ior anything his More boosts mm ron isms rsns This shadowgraph oi Beetle drtnnmer Ringo Starr with his hair standing out irorn shah Iag his head mtldmo screaming and shrieking teen agers to their feet to Dallas The British quartet wound up Periect Example Parlrinson Shown In Department Operation Dhl BYNARD MP Bhnooe East was his sedthe other day while listen ng to debate In the House to leamlthat while we have createdfla Deparimanlni industry with the understanding and expectation thatpersonnel would be transicrred to this new department irom the Depart ment at Defence Production this Is not so As tar as can see the Department oi Delcnce Pro duction la hangover irnm the last world war and believe it should be examined very rare hilly to see it today it some say useiul purpose which could not be transierrod to the De partment oi Industry or the De partment oi National Deiencs without increase in non ARKINSON8 LAW Here Is newdepartment the Departmental Industry which is pcriect example at Parkinsons Law In iull ilight department which within year had added again at 573 persons rented new buildings at cost of H000 eycar with 119 private offices and 21 miss cellaneous oiilces or area The minister stated that nutty ol his ataii had been transicrred rpm the Department of Ddence Eroduction but was there cor responding decrease In the staii oi Deience Production look picks upevory word Alisha to make notes or handle pope spannn ed It up Here Is the arnaxing story in losses 1099 people employed tastes mo or some 100 mompeople employed Itll tastes thanlthe year pre ous In the Departmental Indan try during the last ten months are persons have been sddedto the staii alone at cost oi $3614000and an estimated errA penditore at over at million this is great dealoi money ior department that has been run ning just about year with little tangible evidence of any accom plishment We ilndthat 150 people re cdve over 56000 year When onetrios to ilnd out what they are doing well It Is easier to ilnd out what their position is supposed to be than what they are actually doing warralsoadvlsod that its got 0W1 or DVEri 57 get 312000 or over have no doubt that most at these gentlemen are well trained and worth titeir saI arias providing they are given the work to do UNREFUIABLE FAG But here is the unreiutabls tact Deience Production stall iigures show anv increase by over son supposedly with much less work to do because Deience is closing up certain depaw meats good example which no muump tram oommu lull sarder sunudmeauoua Home tour raptor1 hnsge turewas caughtby two spot lights AP Wllilpllolol We are well ecmrelnted With Is the Edgar Radar Station but Instead oi the Dipariment oi De lance Production decreasing it is increasing checked intoDeience and here iound that In spite oi streamlining they had increas ed their aalary costs by over groom think this indicates to you very disturbing inaction oi govermneot Athe mattop oi departments to takeover the workoi some other department but when we check we ilnd little or no change This or course is disappoinflng to the Canadian people who are taxed highly to pay ior these items No one ob lects ii the worlr is being done but to build up mew Depart ment which on uestlonlng In dicates very li accomplish ed ls somethtal else again par ticularly when it adds it nul llon dollars annually to the bar den ot taxation Surely expen ditures or this natureshould be looked at second time and very catchthn no iiarlr International Credit Union Day October 17 55 E8 is plans ior design com the other grotto wil be so KIM on Credit Union Day Making Good lilén For canadéi lit Borden Group Captain Says Group Captain Biggie Commanding Ofï¬cer oi RCA Camp Bantammake at the hat tla oi Britain Ball Slturd night on Wanted Big Men Addressing the gathering in RCAF Association HAILND iii Kcmpenielt wing it High st Capt biggie complimented the Ilr Pores Squadron They are goodngatefl he said Capt Diggle said Everyone wants big mm governments companies airiorcaa and brides want his men What you are doing there is ior the and ot the country and more power to you Training the youth in our ttacslebeatlea ann it is credit union legal lama cell Is ior oi the central portion the duller Policy ownen mountains Stan Greer at Richmond Bill will attend POE meeting in Hamilton late in October It was snoounced flé business at Camp Borden Capt Diggle continued Orr youngsters are touch the same as when you and werela and it They are no more disrespect iul but they have toured did eat tcrma oi expression The raw material ior our soon graduates each year in II oria yeeraold Many ot them have cited Grade Xior XIIand it Is our lob to make them good air men Each one will have to con tribute something to the success or tailure at some air mission And to do this they must have ialtb in therrrselvee and they must be good BARRIE rustic tIBRAltY THE OFFICIAL OPENING OFTHE LIBRARY WILL BE HELD AT 800 THURSDAY srrr out THE LIBRARYWILL saoaan FOR aoggowmo AT pan FRl sear 25m NEW LIBRARY HOURS will arm not to pm Mon through Fri to am to It pan to Saturdaya LIBRARY WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY EVENINGBI In the meantime members may return hoolrs to the Library at the minutes ht entrance during the day TV Be oblishecl Monday Sept 28 Pageaoirerspoyge youll ï¬nd many not that Cobltlng on Examine ANIMAL acooxv