Weftth 0h Siéetfemiéerés Ramï¬léirw réde5ignedytdbrfingRamblerqualifyltprthg largemar buyer illvb¢ihtkgdï¬Â¢ingtne 1965Ambassaddh Withour rébï¬tatlonfdr kï¬bckvihgibigcarsy dogs it mean weve done1anéboutfac¢v first of all American Motorsrloent have anything against big cars lrmouslne fc nstance big car and we wouldnt have It any other way lacceo bigoerabhebrancewilhï¬ut hi To mi tanotherway selass excess space that cantbeusedforbeopla or luggagehorsepo that just sits there is bad design and we cant go IPnawnhtt he result was the compactcar And what result it we Todayfevsry orth America automobile manufacturer otters compact car wefybody wants or needs compactpamrvhinh me are hev had to foregothe exclusivefeaturesfand the us clienthtt do urcom acts the leaflere In thefiald In beable to use more horsepo Np will giveLVCanadian motorists the first opport that offers all of our many exclusive quality features Weve putsingle Unit Constructlon th Unisitle Deep Dip Rustprooling Double Salety Brakes llttinge that lit inte ors thatare truly roonty and omlorteble appointments thatare luxurious tiunkfspaceyou can use Intoa pack gethat kes backseat to nobodyfor styling Thé1865 Ambassa V81omnared with 350400 thatmay not sound ke much Just driveitpnce Your discover bn rant performanceand astonishing accelerationx You never on any rth Americanroad Thats omething to think bout particularly ify heh otleedlnga hundred useless ha as to drink at thegas urn ity to drive larger car axclusive Rambler ea Ne ve nutzdone en aboutface Weve not urnsdourbacl on the compact car Well continueto after our compact Rambler Amencen the lowestpriced Cenadlanrbuilt carSAnd in addition well offer our com pletely rastyled mldsize Rambler Class And well sell lot of them Well also sell slotef1965 Ambï¬ssadorsto men who are loekinglor real car quality lit bigger sizefto men who Want proven Rambler quellty es and wide new range of power optrons xtraeï¬nalargerca invite you sae and test drive uxunousnew 1565 Ambassador PhaseTwo olthe Ra bler Revolution Its comingto younRambler Dealers SepieniberZSIh Brownridge America