The race tor the Ontario liberal leadership wont to the maximum six votes beiore fAndrew Thompson was de Lands 4H Displays iii Cookstown Fair 37368 The over iocyurdd Cosh town Fair was as succede this year in the many years it has been the scene oi competh tion in th past Horse racing was much enioyed as the trot ters mod around the ring and inrm animals provided plenty clued the winner oversir held the leadtrom the ï¬rst Amy boiore thesixtiuvote win other candidates Saturday si ternoon at the partys conven tion in Toronto Thompson vote but there were anxious moments ior him and his wife JRedChino May 1130 for Major House Cleaning Stalinlike purgeï¬rst such major housecleaning in its his torymay be in store tor the phloem Communist party with highranking members or the leadership among its targets The tone of Chinese prolt nouncements on the need tor rectiï¬cation campaign in the party leads the reader to sus pect that this time the purge will be reminiscent of Stalins crack down on the followers oi rlieon Trotsky and all others who disagrccd with him The objectioi this purge would be to remove from authority any persons suspected ot sym nathizing with what Pekings propaganrln calls modern re yislonists meaning tollowers of Soviet Piemierrithnrsnchev Peking has made modern re visinnism cardinal crime for Chinese Communists Clearly in high places in Giina there is what the Com ihunists call an antiparty group that disagrees with Mao Tsetungs theories and policies both domestically and in the tangled jungle of the Soviet Chinese Communist dispute Todays Grinese laders have led the party for 30 years with out major purge in the style of the Stalinera crank downs in the Soviet Union DIED IN JAIL The closest the Chinese came to such cleanup was about so years ago when groups lhd by Kan Kang and Van Sbuslii high ranklng iigurcs in the pariy were accused oi anti party and antistate activitis The central committee threw them out ol the politburo and evidently sent them to prison becausr later reports said Kan Kalng committed suicide in his col since then more have been minor rectilications lower in party ranks But the ruling hier archy now in its so and 70 remained unscathed Whatever purges there were failed to de liver any sizable iolt to the party apparatus This time rectiiication propa ganda leans heavily on Stalins axpeiience It extols his purges oi top leaders who opposed him It implies the Chinese party should lollow his example The most notable purge vic tim thus far is Yang Hsienchen top theoretician politburo member cen tr of committee momber and director of the Viruses May Cancer Trigger Scientist Claims PMELPIM Nobel Prizewinning scientist says there is growing body of evidence that vinisesmay act only as the triggersand at the primary causesoi mcer Dr John Enders virus Etpert said sauuday thatit the vinises did prove to be the primary cause the road toward vaccine against them might partys higher education Charges against him ndicoted he advocated conciliation with Ktirushchev and at home loss harsh measures against ele ments outside the pioletariao ranks SOME SUPPORT YANG Somewhere In the top leader ship mcn support these views The cleanup ma not go as or as Stalins phys cal liquidation oi his enemies but it already has reached into the politburo and could severely shake the central committee and the lied Army ofï¬cer corps Not long ago llsi Chungehsun vicepremier and secretarygen cral oi the state council under Premier Chou Enlai was re moved for opposing Maos poli cies At 50 he wnsnne ot the younger elements in the minesc party and government report irom inside China checked by several sources said list was accused oi antl partythlnking ior defending Gen Feng Tehhuai who had been removed years before ior opposing Maos ï¬big leap ior ward This attempt at rapid industrialization has been bone oi contention between Mao and Khrushchev it Is possible Chou Eniai the suave and handsome travelling salesman ior Chinese commu nism has not been allout ior Maos policies lie has been no tably careful in his treatment of the battle with Moscow Chou himself may be sale from the purge indeed he is believed now to be ailing But the skids seem to be greased tor number of others who have not toed the new Mao line recently pidilisbed that the Moscowvleking split must be considered something that can nothe mediated Queens Canadian Visit LONDUN tcPlIfhe Queens forthcoming trip to Canada is being compared in the British press to the dangers the late King George Vi faced irom the Nazi air blitz during the dark days of the Second World War The Sunday Telegraph in leading editorial on the trip ro calis that during the war the King contemptuousiy dis missed suggestions that he leave Inndon for Canada or elsewhere to avoid the dangers of the Nazi attacks the Queen his daughter is reacting in the same royal way to suggestions that she should canceth tour of Canada adds the Conservative newspa per As Queen of that country she clearly has just as great duty to share their period oi trial in spite of the danger to her person as her father had torshareours It Commonwealth tours are oniyvundertaken in countries do void oi ail controversy and ten sion where the Queen can be guaranteed unbroken sunshine and and it is only matter of time betore theylose all in terert EMPHASIE DANGER This emphasis on the danger the Queen may lace irom Que becterrorists also is reflected in the prominently displayed re port in The News of the World masscirculation sunday newspaper that special iorea oi royal bodyguards is being termed to accompany the Queen The decision to iorm the armedrguard was taken at Scotland Yard conference when Commander Evan Jones head oi the special branch and In spectorlohn Dean oi the Royal be more simple But it viruses tN ably trigger and help cancer growth the answer Will be more complex At session of thenational cancer conference he cited more and more virusessome at them common to human be gsthat are known to cause caoeers in some experimental fbas perhaps been ren cred even more uncertain Endars said becauserrmre and riiore scientisu have bcen find log normal appearing cells with goat tumorgtproducing it isnt likely Enders said man isexempt irom the are direct cause ottean cé easily at it seems that while yin es can transiorm the genetic artioi aceil hey may only ggcr the cell ancerouslgro enomena oi virnslossociated gt ncers hich sci It Bitt Arturosow Wllrolleottdiehll our Maniacs flattened To our Canadian Mounted Police met to discuss the vast security plans tor the royal tour the newspaper says Dean is the BCMPsperma neat liaison ofiicer in Marion and has been meeting with Jones irom time to time to no quaint him withCanadian re curity plans Scotland Yard has darted that any special security measures are being taken on this side of the Atlantic saying that it has full confidence in Canadas plans to protect the Queen Almost daily there are re ports in the London press oi the special bulletmoot vehicles ar mored cars and other unusual measures to guard the Queen during her trip of Charlotte town Quebec and Ottawa But despite the newspaper display givers these dramatic reports there have been few published appeals that the Queen cancel her trip which opens Oct Among the exceptions was the Sept 17 letter to the Lon don ï¬mes byMontrealborn sir Campbell Stuart retired Times director who urged that the trip be cancelled or post poned because was bought with such lasting dange The 79yearold Sir Cainpbeli told The Canadian Presshe be came determined to uprm his views after reading reports and listening to radio broadcasts about the discovery oi arms and the threat gt terrorists Campbell dressed ignored his plea tb elderly Canadian said he would drop the matter though he was still extremelyworried with STARS From over Qiqu Templeton Wiropbotol iiir Passengers Delayed 212 iirs SAULT STE MARIE Ont tCPiJihirty one pamengers aboard Air Canada itlght 5oz irom Toronto to Calgary were delayed an hours Sunday morn log when mechanical trouble developed inone oi the Van guard aiicraits our engines Bruce McCormsck Air Con ada station manager here said the Vanguard was normal on arrival and the limit developed when the engines were re started tor the flight which stops atWinnipeg and Sasha toon before arriving at Calgary The passengers aboard wera transierred to smaller Vis count ior the rest oi the flight Manes of competition although Sprouie bad thing pretty much in the faintly with his Short rns When it came to mixed beet herds top awards went to the Black Angus herd oi lnnistil Farms lnntsfil isrmers seemed to have big share at the win nings la the pork carcasses seven in the showing were irom lnnislil unth William New gain ing iirst Ken Ralston so oond Schcnley third and fliers irom lnnlsrn down the Edgar Homes ll drove team of Hughes Periherons inwtho ring to win first riblt boo against his dod wbowas also showing The proudest son watching was his mo er CLUBS The Ml Clubs were well in presooted and their showing would put many of the seniors to shame Their animals were well trained and hahdled and alsoiin prime shape one at the lntemting demonstrations in the womens department was the spinning wheel operated by Miss Pilton oi Proton Mills who spun raw wool into yarn and controlled the sire oi the thread by how it slipped through her lingers The top cook came irom Port Perry and took so as well as the trophy whch will be won annually This competi tion was hard won as there were many splendid cooking dis plays The show building was well arranged and the fair owes great deal to the womens committee ior good tasteand the collcction oi displays One oi Iha largest displays was that oi the Allister District High Charged In Bank Robbery OWEEVTILE Ont UP Potice arrested man denselywooded country near here Sunday and diargodrhlm with thoarmed robbery Friday of an Ottervlllarbanlc They said Ernest Caron 35 otno fixed address was at rested as he worked his way on ioot towards highway 401 Large Crowd GreetsPM Princess Royal Sl JOHNS Nild CPlA crowdof more than3000 was at Torbay Airport Sunday to greet Prime Minister Pearson who along with the Trincesa ROYALfl here to receive an honorary degree from Memor ial University today Mr Pearson accompanied by his wile was welcomtrcd by Premier Smaliwood most or the Newfoundland cabinet and Liberal Commons members irom this province wbo pre higb sp ts and exchanged ban ter with reporters in an im promptu press coniersnce at the airport He was good hum ored but iirm sldestepping some of the more contentious issues What did he think of Senator Barry Goldwater would be no former dipl mat it ansvtered that one Wbatdidhedhink or the statement by John Dimenbaloer last week saying he liked the prime minister personally There are times in the to Quebec CiiY said hewoa sure it would be happy and successful visit CUNRYand WESTERN MUSIC FESTIVAL ALL TIME GR ATSTARS RESERVED SEATS $150 fr $200 Mï¬ rdiecttormey on Tl MEIHAMC MN owe Lio orewheiirritth narrow about so miles west oi here in Caron was charged and taken to Oxford County jail to await court npperanoo in flood Police would not say it any money was recovered The arrest ended search that started alter gimman robbed the Royal Bank at Can da branch oi reported $6000 abandoned his getaway car and fled into bushland after an ex change of shots with bank uri ployea who had chased hlrn in atruckltie search involved about 50 policeman who combed the area on foot about 25 cruisers andan aircraft DDMNDB MONEY The gimman walked into the bank shortly heiore it worth close at pm demanded money irom teller Mrs Hutton and shoved the notes into abriet case no he herded the banks iour employees more vault neglected to lock it andiied in car stenographer tpped the alarm as he iett the building and accountant William Snell ran irom the vault scooped up revolver and pursued the get away oar in truck driven by Arthur Moore oi Otterviiie The getaway car shot over steep bank when it tailed to negotiate sharp head between London and Ingersoll The gun man leaped out and raninto the bush as Mr Snell tiredrtwo shots at him The ginorian tired one shotin return but none of the shots hit their mark FTMDUS PlilYEiTS shown at and 1010 pm THEATRE ouvu itsltttttltlb VIM in until on School which inducted many ar ticles made by the students neural the organs oi the Wdioter disptsy kept lovely music peeling through the bull dhrg As as women marked it weaned to be so euy ior Hrs Winter to play the in ntrnments The weather kept line which was not what had been ioiecast earlier in the day We met many people whom we had not seen since the int Cookstown lair Some asked about exltceve Tom Cook ot strond who seldom has missed fair Howard Allen who has been ill was another who never missed this iair when he had his health to EXTEND BREAKWAIPB Council made an inspection trip to the lakeside park Friday and looked over some oi the proposals ior improvements that Superintendent Carscoddm had lined up Among these was the continuationvoi the break water north on the waterline in an endeavor to prevent erosion They were well satistled with the portion done last year Some othrrjmlnor repairs were re commended but no decision was made to reclaim moreoi the waste tandson the north area which would provide more pic nic and parking mace it tilled it is over years since any of this work was done The reason given for the pur diasa oi another park site is that the lakeshore parts In too crowded However with over to acruthcre not being sad righton the shore owing to the need at ill and with at least $10000 surplus available this year it seems unreasonable that decision to continue this reclaiming was sidetracked The two members of the Park Com mittee received no support when thed placing of tilt was discusl so OLDWEH The dangerous well in the ior mcrrink at Stroud is to be treated as an emergency under the Fire Marshals Act and Fire Chic Wen has been in structed to take action cssas eur oven Owing to Magistrate Foster being too ill to attend court Fri day ionisiil poilco cases includ ing the party chlrgedwith theft ol goods irom the Stur gess larm home were put over week Jon argonrpm We have told by build Iing contractor that there is an opening for youth with Grade 12 to in education who can train iora position as bulld lng manager and get real start in lite This ï¬rm is also in need oi mechanics andrelt liable labourers who will be guaranteeda winters work it satisfactory Our welfare 0le era knows at these openings 22 caisoirxsin Derailed To One SANMAUR Que Twentytwo cars at loocar CNR ireight train were derailed Satinday near this community 175 miles north oi Montreal No one was injured in the ac cldeot Cause oi the derailment was not immediately determined nor wbs the amount ot damage to the ireight and cars railway official said the train was carrying mixed cargo The line runs from Mont real to Codriane iOnt oansn Athird at Northern Irelands populationei 500000 lives in Ballast STA T5 TODAY SEE ll WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS ElEVATfllT iiiiliiiiiiliHEiiitl ITISPERHAP5NT The Canadian 0pcroCom pony aw in its16th annual season is presenting Die Fled ermous at the OKeeie Cen tre Tomato Die Flcdermaur The Bat by Strauss lr conquered the world of opera California Fire Destroys Homes CALISIOGA Ceili APlA last moving iorest tire de stroyed 35 homes in this Napa County resort town today and touched oii smaller threatening tires in live surrounding com munities CalistogeJolice Chief lien neth Hively said at least 35 homes and other sinistqu IERIAL THEATRE now suovtiNc pun air shows DiRK FLEDEHMHHS with his arkling score the moat po or opcretta of all times since its premiere in Vienna in lalt Rosalinda is portrayed by Heather fhornp son and Adele by Sheila Pier cy eluding historic htbbs Mansion Calistoga landmark had gone up in Haynes The Tire showered Colis toga homes with burning ash and cinder touching oii several moi tops More than halt the lands 1500 residents and tourists have been evacuated police said There were no reports oi in turf norm or fit on ML It MIL MM BoeARD MARY URE optimalIroning anqu ENTERTAINMENT new tilltt Ill rows ywnmrottv and nnooont untiiq wild party started her it in nuti=3 BARRIE HURONIA DRIVE THEATRE STARTING romonnow TUESDAY jwaoussoav nine Maw rxrrniruor THURSDAY shinny in kislttiittthmit