FOR THE SECOND oortsee utive your Miss Deanna Mat son ldl was chosen Baku Queenoi thaVCookstown air THE COOKSTOWN fFAT Saturday had something to please every memberof the ihmily Fran Kcnney and Su shc was crowned by Mrs Gilroy centre memberof the ladies committee who wlttIPatIl Meir mme Stay san Anderson take trip on the ferrts wheel where from the top they enjoyed an aerial view of the fairgrounds with Barrie Team 2nd In Motor Rally Hans Baker of Peterborough with Rogers as navigator drove his 1200 to first place in the 4th annual night navigation rally organized by the Twin Lakes Motor Clib of Barrio Saturday night With loss of only in points he narrowly defeated the Mini special of Dcl Kitchen and Ted Little from the Barrie club who lost l2 points over the loo mile course Ten cars entered theratly which started from Kitchens garage Essa Rd at oclock Peter Alexander the rally or ganizer called the drivers and navigators meeting for 840 pm The route from Barrie took the competitors who started at one minute intervals to Allis ton then to Everett and then continuing on highways in Lisle and norm again to Craeniore Along the way the teamr the rally was mainly nav lional test had to answer no questions aboutyarious land uiarks they saw oLFrom Creemore the cars drove along cnncmsion roads cross country to Phelpsion via Edenvale and Anten Mills 0n the route there were six check points manned by club members and points were lost for missing any out Alter approximately five hours of driving the first car drove into the finishparlt Hay ters all night Service Station on Bayfield St Seven of the rally cars com pleted the entire course which is divided up into sections If during the rally navigator gets his car completely last he can open what is known asavpic nic envelope The information inside tells the crew where the next section starts so although they miss out one section it may pay the crew to take penalty points and start the next sec tion on time More with Robertson in Austin Super placed thini with loss ofj51polnts The trophy won by Hans Ec ker member of the Peter borough Mnior Club was dona ted bylhe Ttwin Lakes Motor Club wheel enjoys the fun as well Lita magazines Chbkstown FairDrdvvs luthinnual incision Murmurrun was held Jerrney warden oi Simeon Cour ty following parade from the ner Pipe band taste hilrr hiat eons cookies and appear more than pleased she mode the choice itslivestock machinery exhi bim and trotting races harry McArthur in marge of the DEATHS New York diaries boug las Jackson 63senior vice president or Time Inc and on mer publisher of Fortune and Trinidad Lady Juliet lihyst Williams author of several books and novels on taxation and economics and former governor of the BBC Cache Creek 130 Kene neth McLellan 49 advertising manager of the Prince George Citizen alter traffic accident Washington Walter Nor blad 56 for to years Repub lican member from Oregon of the us House of Represents lives Moscow Sergei Ushe kov pioneer in plymer chemistry who wrote extensiv ely on the development oi plas tics Adan Col All Sallal old est son of President Abdullah Al Selle of Yemen reported killed in an ambush Btamfolrl Count Francis Compton 79 Broadway and tendon actor onthastage or almost 60 years and brother of British actor Sir Compton MacKenzie London Cleve Bell Ki writer andart critic irrstrumen £31 in introducing post im paintingtothe Brit Unltcd dumb to the fair grounds by sdtool drildreu led by the Kempenfett Drum Corps Another nerentony performed at the opening war by Mrs Gill who crowned the Bake Queen of the tllr Mira Deanna Mrtsonwho war the moneti uortoroe new year Entriesthis year for both the livestock and theuhlhitr were reported the best the organizers have ever remind Judging for the ladies department roots vegetables trult grain and all the other exhibit in the main hall of the curling rink took place Friday afternoon In the evening progressive eudrre Ind 1th drawn were held The llvertoch waiyttdged 5ar turday afternoon and the clash be included ail breeds of bee enddalry cattle light and hen vy horror ponies swine and sheer Then were also classes or riding pony and trap while on the track which surrounds the fair ground trotting races were Testiï¬es Paid For OltttruA or Aifermer Northern Ontario Natural Gas official testiï¬ed Sal urday NONG picked up the tab of between moo and $4000 or banquet for munic lpal officials Kelly McLean tanner asv sistant to NONG President Ralph Farrts was testliyins at the trial of former Orlllla mayor Wilbur Cramp who has pleaded not guilty to three charges relating to the granting of citygastranchise to NONG in 1966 The ehnrges allege he ac cepted NONG shares as con aideratlon for granting the fran drlsa with Consumer $851 rival company and with corr spiring with Farris in these gs McLean said he arranged meetings with business indus trial and municipaltleaders in eonunuaides where NONG was seeking gas franchises The banquet he referred tn was ar ranged alter be got in touch with the general manager of the Northern Ontario Development held Announcerfer the alter nonn wu Jerry Coughlia WIDE VARIETY There wu something to in trrest every member of the in mily Besides the livestock fl ther had drum to get up todatciihehndnotalrudy done no on the latest in farm madalnery equipment not IP plianccs which were dtsplayed Fm mother there were the exhlhlu in the curling rink which included stand Ii work by merrrbcrr of the lml high rdrool demonstration of rpln nlng by Mn Bert Edward dressed to Which national ms tumet Ind rtands by manufac turers who specialize in mail household and farming appli ances The centre of the ourling rink was the focal point tor entries to be judged by the ladies norm mittee These lududcd arrange ments of home grown vegetab lea homemade bread and pro scrvtdplnllt mouth wateran waft tart dimes there were also uh is of plaoLt and cut flowers needle work and handicrafts There was plenty to keep the younger members of the Iarrrily happy Following the parade to the fair ground where the chil dren with their dreer leaders were dressed in colorful unl NONG Banquet Association The trial continues Thadsy ARE A150 CHARGED Also charged with accepting NONG sharcs are tamer mayA ors Wanda ltliller of Graven hurst Gims Goates oi Brace hrldgc and Leo Landrcville of Sudbtny appointed to the bench oi the Ontario Supreme court in 1956 He has been excused court duties and is to appear in wort later this month Mrt Justice Landreyitla is also charged with conspiring wilh Farris and the NONG president lanes the same charger but AttomeyGeneral Arthur Wishart has said no ac tion will be taken until Farris seriously sick with cancer re covers Earller this year Farris Vancouver businessman was sentenced to nine months defin lle and three months indefinite on charge striperlvry relating to evidence he gave provincial government investigations into NONG share dealings He is free on bail pending an appeal Barrie Fall ï¬ndWinter Program Will Start Tonight The first meetings of the Bar rie YMYWCA all and winter program start tonight at the headquarters of the on Owen st The Harmonica club for boys and girls to to it meets at pm for instruction and play Starting at 415 pm there is instruction for boys and girls to and over in Scottish coun trydanring The Barrie judo club is or going concern in the area and last week was host to other clubr in the county or their midmonth tournament Their monitors placed well in the events Adults 16 years and over are invited to attend to night at 730 or on Thursday evening to watch or take part in the instmctionprsetloe and maybe later the competitions For the children nine years and over they have special ses sion Saturday mornings lhe Ys Manaclub is the senior service club of the and they meet tonight for regular weekly meeting Weight training is popular wort with male club members 14 years and over The is open ram am to pm Monday to Friday and on Saturday to pm for training sessions and workouts BEER LEADERS LONDON tAP it was close guule but Belgians out drank West Germansin 19$ for the No spot among the worlds beer drinkers The Brit ish Brewers Society said Bel gian consumption was 25 gal loua person to West Geri manys 25 gallons forms cheerl contest wuhcld The burns were all Judged for their manner in apparent Wt Ind mardringabtl lty Gama race it in competition allowed cannonsa nismiv In the basement oi the curl ing throhlldroa had the Opportunity to Show off their talents These included emu more school duelvi may mi buck lrt domutlc ld pee and flower layouto More the moot point nflllnterlest for the tild ren war srge errlr wheel the sideshow merrygo rouoch The rrrrall the reit ing pop hot dogs and panicu lnrly thecandy lion were as always very popular Another more of the air war the parade oi the prim wtnning livestodr in be even ing SATURDAY NIGHT dance was held in the Cure Hm1Mto the muslcof Carl Elliott and the Nova Scotlana winners of the 1963 Cookstown glide Tyme Orchestra compet Oll mmnmnooorrimlme National Forest Products Large Crowd Entries Hold Week In Ontano Prenuer John Roberts said yesterday will ltotarteru nlï¬c rig Forest Week in that high employment and mill ex Puuloa well the earnine of labdantial volume of ex port dollars all stun from healthy and fastgrowing wood products industry llt is my hon he said that observance of this special week in Ontario will be Irc ecufut in an educational and inmlratlonal and that it will to our people mollusk popular the industrys leadingplace ln the economic life of our prov lace and our nation Grifï¬n of Barrie is On tario arrirman of the National Forest Products Week organiz ing committee Mr Roberts said lndustria production dependentwholly or partly on wood in manufacture tr increasing rapidly To provide or sustained yield capable of meeUng pres intuition heno In aim of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests This in volvca wise management ot for ests that nre the third largest to the northern hemisphere and our provincial and an epoxy and the esential role it wood physio the daily liver us all Mr Robert said Evans Wins Race Barrie Yacht Club The Barrie Yacht Gib tlnued its selling race series in Saturday afternoon to lids easterly breeze and sea The reduction oi the act by the absence oi three Snipes at the Silver Lake regatta in New York state was partially made by visiting Light ning sal by lirock of Shanty Bay with crew of Junior Brooks Winner in the six to muree was Evans Snipe followed by Colvln Lightning Fair Snipe Burmerrsns Shark lnnes Snipe Brett Snipe Brock Lightning gt tEANLfENDER SiRL0lN or WING srrnks VIDZEAITFVOR eranos urNEY nuances TISSUE PEPPER SQUASH WWI55 QWN each FOR iuDuleyusi BARRIE See What goes on Telephone you make your telephone calls he complicated equipmentwhich connects our alls gt automatically themaze 0t wire and Cable chlinlrs your telephone with lephones throughout the world ROLL PAK 19° anunr rooo nrrrn the amazrng microwave which provides an invisible high way for sound acrossithe countrySee the Laser which may one day transmit voices around the vworldLaud space on it ht and the ionic etesungequrp ment which eeps your take phone service troubletree andde endsble You see exhibits of the tele bones you may beusing int future demonstrat ions of Direct Distance Dial ing and be taken on guided tours to meettelephone peos it on the job So come and ring the entire family to see whatmakea your hone Nelsoanon Thursday Sept 21nd 13 24th 40Bayfeld treat winners at the even last year give their 1500 VW list in ute polish pri