it RAE oi the Royal Ca nadian Legion Barrie was among participants in care monlea commemorating the Battle of Britain Sundg Guard oervicceaad wrea ill CAMP BORDEN Battle Of Local Liberals Back Election Of Thompson with the charmer and enthu team at all candidates and laying ceremonies merited the occasion at Camp Borden Britain Anniversary Observed Poor weather forced cancella tion ole lullscale parade Sun day at Camp Borden however Royal Canadian Air Force per sonnel marked Battle oi Brit As the unit celebrated the Min anniversary ol the historic battle representative group of RCAF paraded to the station ccnotaph tor wreath laying cer ein Sunday with church services emonies lollowed by religious and wreath laying ceremonies tservice tor Protestant personnel ilccident Sends Six People In Royal Victoria Hospital Six people were admitted in Barries Royal Victoria Hospital yesterday lollouing an accident onvlllghway ii at the north end olv Guthrie All are reported in satislac tory condition today inland were Seymour Meyerd 54 ot Dundas Ont in who Phyllis so daughter Helen is and son Richard Mr and hire ltleglord aui lered leg injuries while Richard ulleredahest injuries Helen received only minor injuries and will he released today Also injured were Grant hill snn 77 and his wile of Orillla lhey auflered hesd lec erationa Damage to their cars estima ted iiy Ontario Prnvinall Police Barrie we more than $3000 The cars crashed head on when the Megtord vehicle cros eed Into the opposite lane to avoid rearend collision with car slowed to matte left hand turn Cliargee are pending TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled in A1 Flynn Dunlap st seal Asbestos Abillbt Allnma steel Aluminium Athena nut Alberta Gila Tr Argus Pld Mantle sunni at at Mont Bank at Ns Sell Tel Brasilia EA oil Cdn Aviation Cdnlmn Bk Con Cdn Brewer CPR Cm Cement chanced Gallery Power Shall as con Paper Con Gas Dona Tar Husky imp oil lnllnd Lababt ails Copper Gunnlt Elle gm Chin cdldipzmcu can Keeley Caullr Kerr Labrador Lentditn Loredn Managua Pint ax rm Mosr Ame flocks Falcunhrldle Gt Lake Paper woe Ga linden Farina nawx stodeley Hnma oil Had my Min Hudsons Bay imp Tobacco oil lnd Acce inter Nickel lntor Utilities lnterprov rip new oini Lew Llhllfld unsold Hoiuasee Lake Duletflt mnusmALI non Bridle nix Bus Dom Found noni Stnru llae Pei NV Haney PIPE Noranda Nor Ont N6 Moore Cnrp Mcln Pore Paciï¬c Pele Pena Pipe Hersey Pow Qul Royal ink Selade Ponds Sim lOflIJ She steel or CIIL TorDona at Traits Can Trill ML run an Tenet llnlon Gas Watker 53W Weston Zenith 2W mi 24 as 12 77 25 ilï¬ a1 Nnmatall Hortti It 0M Provo Rio AlInm Sherrlt Steep Infk Txioal United all United Kano Wllira Wilts Windilil stunned Aluminium Steal can Hell relepnnne men sinm DOWLJDNBU NEW Ym AVERAGEI ludultillllmup ees Rails up ALUIthlee up 1le Tnuomo slocx IXUIAHGI Mullahs up ss Golds up int Mtala up As on uncinngee and Mass in the station theatre for Roman Catholic persennnel Among the 100 area guests who took part in the wreath laying ceremonies were the president and members Wing RCAF Association Ber rle Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron Bertie president and member at the Royal Canadian Legion branches in Alllston Barrie Cookstown Angus and Evcmtt Commanding Ollicer 66 Diggle CD and Flight Lieu tenant Shepard Commanding Ofï¬cer ol in detachment HCAE Anglia lald wreaths on behali of the RCAF Religious services were con ducted by Fll MacLeod Protestant Chaplain and SA Warren RC Chaplain Many entities of alrrnen and nttlcers waterln attendaan to mark the day set Apart to honor the lemons tow who ought and died in the vital air battle to save Britain and the wotld in the dark days at into Collision Causes $380 In Damages City poll invasllgaled one meljor accident durlngthe week en Cars drle by Frances Ruth Clark 43 ot Shirley Avenue Barrie and Helen McKenaie 54 of Toronto collided in the intersection 01 Toronto and Rom etreetam Damage was estimated at $380 The investigation contin ues sullen injuries would hava been pleased any one them had been eluted the is can etaly re vitalised he said was per ttcularty Unarmed with the number oi young people at the convention think we picked the right man It pruldcnt the Simone ire Liberal Aloeietloa and voting delegate in Toronto Mr lhompaonis young enerv geue and ha been euccreslul at everything he has aimed hl hand to to date He presents their mind THIEVES EilT THEN DEPillll Thieves are gettln casual nowadays Mrs ymond Johnstonc ll Frances St Barrie returned home yea terdey to llnd her house had been broken into The thieves tied parted with small amount oi sliver Bait belote they left they had something to eat Pollce lound they had helped thernselvé to toast and jam and toilet Nearly two in precious coins was taken from the Blake St home ol Dr Stelan Friedrich Also taken was transistor radio The thieves missed two valuable bracelets The breakin which occur red yesteiday is being inver tlgated by Cpl Roy Lacey Two Injured In Accident lslael Robitaille ll RR Peneteng was charged with bitaiiiee vehicle collided head on with car driven by Joe DesRnches 15 ot Perldnelleldr The mishap occurred on High way south oi Poxietang lnjured were Paul Laircn len 17 of RR Penemnll Ind Mr Robitaiile Labreniere passenger in the Robitaitle veh icle mattered chest injuries and Robltaille euiiered multiple ehraslone and lacerations They were treated at Pene tang General Hospital and re leased Damage to the care was estimated at $740 In Car Collision Charges are pending lcilow ing an accident Saturday on Highway Jltst north of the Thornton claverleai Vehicles driven by Fred Thomas 50 iii Dcury Lane Barrie and liter ten Joseph Babony et at It Strand collided Mr Thomas his wile Evelyn and passenger Florence Ev eitcn also ol Barr were treated for minor in as at Royal Victoria Hospital in her rie and released The accidentwwae investiga led by the Ontario Provincial Police Barrie was charged with careless dri lnnistil Township Police in vestigated an accident Satur day night Peter ii Elliott la olBrcck St Barrie and Robert Edwards 20 of Anne St Barrie nutter ed head cuts when their car tailed tonegotiet turn on Sideroad 10 ollnn ll Township andvhit ditch the men were treated at RVH and released Damage to Elliots car is estimated at Oi lnnislii oifioerd also erreeted Wilfred Josephthrniere oi Qrmlle Ontario and charged him withdm breakltins at Handy Hardware and Grant Haulage in the Alcona Beach area Bennett of Scarborough vmg by Victoria Harbour OPP Iollnwinge rear end collision on Sunday on Highway 10a Ben netts car eollided th car driven by Judith esters of Scarbomzh Damage to the cars we pstlmated at SIN said Chute Newton BO COWAN in Ontario politics and that what we need not only provinu eially but lederally Mrlhomp son is not afraid to speak his mind and at the convention he threw his notes away and gave line speedi SQUARE DANCING Irlelrudim in modem square dancing will begin tonlfllt at Johnson Street School starting at sea lama Heol caller or the Bean and Belles Club will direct the weekly clues TREATED Barriea Royal Vldorla Hospi tal emergency ward nurses treated 62 patient during the weekend it patienu were ad mltzed Nine oi the patients treated were involved in motor vehicle accidental TWO ARRESTED No juveniles werearreated during the weekend by Elmvaie OPP The boys were diarged with comitting six breaktn ln lith in the Elmvachesaga Beach area llltltIE llltEll wrnrllnt locni lltlD GENEliAL mi mm eatinguldf ed two asneli tire yesterday Both were garage time at the rear nl departmmt stores The blazes WM within two hours at cede other cities nu Airmen Polioevchlel Ed Mirhart is Aylmer this week lorthe um iner oi Ontario police ehlels The Ontario Police College is the site tor the conlcrm antzit PONY lnnielll Township police are on the lookout for black and white Shetland pony Police denied the possibility that rust lera are at lare ta tbeiown ship Ohld Wll Brown said the animal moat likelygot bit tired ol captivity Overcast Skies Dull ovyrcast gnu with casional showers are iotécaat or today and throughout the night in the llarrle area and are likely to continue toinarrow High at noon at The Examin er today was as degrees Forecasts Issued by the Tor onto weather otllcs at 530 elm Synopsis Shower or thund erstlowera will edge slowly southward today and tonight and most of the iorecast dis trict will have variable oloudiJ Unidentiï¬ed Body Found badly decnniposed body was washed up on the shores oi Lake Simcoe oil thelth Colic oi Oro Township yesterday The body was discovered by lrwtn Clark at Oro Station Ontario Provincial Police are investigating it is ieared the victim may be Edward Sum mersru oi Toronto who dis appeared Labor Day in 16foot outboard motor boat Sunliners dropped all ater Mann small islan and went out to MrlBchE lihetwgtgr shits is was as be wesqeehen The mnronned siti in RobertSparliag qt Tomato was later rescued All area police departments joined massive search which was not halted until last weelr Their search produced gee can and debris believed to be trom the boat Thelobjeda were found near Georginala lend The request aneir search was made by the mlssi brother James Summer oi Tor onto ltltllltlt Puslicfliaiiiilij rils orrlciAl onetime or THE LIBRARY wul an HELD AT coo pflt iiiuilsnAv Juanita untlltllp Nobooltewiltmculatedatthletlmah in LIBRARYWI LL as OPENFOR BORROWING ATI2 pun FRI SEPT 25th new LIBRARYINOURS wllibeitotp at It ILth 91 Mon unmetl One rdaya Occasional Rain ness and reasonable tempera tures on Tuesday Lake St Clair Latte mule Lake Huron Niagara Lake Do tarlo Haliburton southern Georgian Bay Windsor Lon don Hamilton Tomato Mostly cloudy with law shower or thundershowers tbi evening and tnnlght Fog patches to night nerdayvariable cloudi ness and seasonnhle tempera tures Winds light Northern Georgian Bay Tim agami Algoma North Bay Sudbury lew shower or thundershoweu with wide spread this evening ilesday variable cloudiness and eeason able temperatures Winds light Forecast Temperhire law new high sand St Thomas tendon possesses INJOYlNfl YOURSELF can be hard and thirsty work enda rclreehlng drink lawn the twatin is very welcome only trollth is everyone else In dlireo at the same time Packs Stage Annual the stat ot Springweler Prot vinclal Park Midhuret took everything innit stride sat turday when 177 llvelycuba livm it packs in the Kempen lelt Bay ere descended upon the area They were there to take phrt in the in Cuboree and line weather permitted lull pro gram of events The registration for all packs started al9230 Lin under the direction at district cubmsater Allan Green Each pack had to submit cub leader iudgl lor the games andoorreaetltions At to am the It cuh packs marched on the ileld lor the march past and then tanned lor the grend howl Following the Judging oi the grand howl relay sack and other raw were held Atlllnch time each pack Joined with their own Akela Some had brought NWlilies but the more ad venturous medeellarbyalet in the alternood theprograln Then Oil were taking pm in the Whores til the hamper lelt Bay District held in Sprlaxweter Provincial Path last Saturday Cuboree log the grand howl and the can or good hunting it ENHANCED PROTECTION new concept in inteét incikinghcls made it poa elblc for North Ameriéon Life to offer on additional nmount of permenent insurance which may be added to basic low cost plan for the family man lAsk infidetnlls included cub tests such as mak ing kncte semaphore salety rules and law and promise Fol lowing the competition the packs mzldka artzur outI the Spring weer er swarm hill at the leaders Major Al Gerow assistant provincial commissioner atten ded the mboree in the alter nocnto pNSEnt shield to com petition winncrs ot both this years and last years events The organizers reared regret that the tth Barte was unable to attend this year as they were winners at the shield torlass The packs disbanded lollowV Kingston Ktllnloe White River Mocsonea ssssasaas 923922 REG LACHANCE cLu Dtllllflli Eu Barrie mom mos Roe Ree gilunril tuition ASSURANGE COMPANY AtliANiiAil APPLIANCES Berriels Oldestnndrlurgest minivan Golden Toueh WASHER with cvcles SEE IT TODAYI MODEL award