Union Would End Strike Tl Papers Resume Talks room OiThe more national Wlphlcal um Mt said Friday it la pre pared to end strike against Torontos three daily newspa pers and return In work it the nubtldiera will resume contract negotiations Inca 91 saidln statement it ansidered proposal by lbr ontn board at control that the papers ratio the printers pend lng settlemgrt ol the diath Were ready to end the strike and go back to sooth Std Dunktey union pthllelty ot licer added in an interview stipulating the union would do this only It the publish were willing to negotiate We are not prepared to bar gain witth the framework ot nonnegotiable takeiter leavelt ultimatum he said Ptthllshera were not available tor mnunentt About eoo printers and mall Job he PW have timed to publish It llrst usru nurvtaory personnel Reuntty they havemrted to employ outside protmlooal help ARE WILLING Kr Dunth said union otll clala are willing to recunmend that the munherahln accept an agreement reached Joly who lurisdlctloo over comput ers one at the initial diaputee that led to the strike was let tled in the nubilshers invert Settlement was lorestatled at the time when the publishers introduced new work proposal that included elimination ot lorernen and assistant oremen lrorn the union bargaining unit and scrapping at traditional makework practices Mr Dunhley said the urllon is me pared to negotiate these issues Talks went on tor month under huts Fine chit govern ment labor eonciliator but li nally ended in early August Board of content recom mended thundsy the lish en rehlre the printers or one flu or whatever time was needed tor both sides to resolve dltlereneee It said the term at relerenee tor negotiations Ihlxtld be those readied July is prior to the introduction at new proposals by the publllhm Hle bond took this action liter the publishers reiected its request that they either rme negotiations under Mr Fine or with the board aa mediator 12675525 See RDA WI T07 DUNLOP Opposite The Queen EFFECTIVE AUG 28th FURNACE OH 181 Per Gal PELICANS SIGHTED IN VICTORIA toria Its the ï¬rst time lho species has been sighted on in room amployeu walked oil their lob at The Star The egram Ind lite Globe and Rail CARRIER MISS tout ll your carrier III Int arrived by nun please phone 7282433 by yon And Copy Will he Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR TH5SERVCE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS whe the printers rel led ro ws by mugmlvdt lOOGalorMore you on 21° Per Gal 100 in or More CALI KEN FUELS 7260151 MlneiI Point Store Vancouver Island since liili tted Ihursrla rating at Wtrephotot These live pelicans upperV Esquimnlt Lagoon west ol Vlc entIy en route to winter homes in southern Caliioroia were retained for enjoyment as na tural areas and not opened to resources exploitation Prime Minister Puma and other party leaders gave good wishes to Opposition Leader Dellenhaku on his 69th birth day private bill by Robert Prittle tNDP Bumaby Richmond that would have private railways submit an annual report to Parliament wrls talked out Parliament lit ll Glance FRIDAY Still 1961 The Commons considered estimates at the northern al lairs and national resources departmentt Resources Minister Lalng said national parks would be Reds Weapon May Have Imprint On US Voters Soviet Premier Kllrushchevs disclosure that Moscow has terrible weapon is bound to leave its imprint on the voters oi the United States and Brit orrl is matter at startling achievement But Khrushchev also knows it docs not pay him to try to in in torture in AOSLORmCIlCER elec tions The electorate in both Among the first conclusionscountrics would resent io reachcd aliy mlgrly western ltrusion servers ler rus cv ma Nevertheless it may not be Meme mane loston the American voters delegation was that he intended Goldwaer mime mum to lrighten the Chinese Com munists Another interpretation Slavggsslglgssxmgus 3deng was that he wanted to quiotcn In Britain the impact is less Soviet generals seeking an ex pansion oi Soviet deience evident with the exception that some voters may say that Wil Ipendingi The puzzling element is why 55 VVE 1h 22m mm 5W ol Britain maintaining an inde particular time to mention the pendent nuclear deterrent when may The approaChmg Enl such deterrent could never ish and American elections in volve the possibility tilat gaging WW Vilma changes in present administra tions may bring radical depar As voting day approadm voters may be concerned tures in existing lorclgn pol ciest mainly with bread and lï¬utter issues at time utneve alas AUS adminlstratlon headed Wilma an new glance at by Senator Barry Goldwater might just possibly exert little gï¬giaï¬ofldgs mad What more pressure on the American qnuclear trigger Ahd an admin istration in Britain headed by Labor Leader Harold Wilson could lead to gradual British withdrawal mm the sensitive role of an independent nuclear power RECORD SPEAKS Khrushchovs real intent can it only be matter at conjecture but over the years the West has learned to weigh the Soviet leaders words with grave con cern He has shown the world that in the lields ol rockets and hydrogen bombs the Soviet reev do READING om PORStlBSthlEltSV of mtuiwsmn CANADAS GREATEST READING VALUE INFORMATION SOUGHT orillAwn art The De lenoe Research Board has been asked to provide information on the visual capacities of one eyed airplane pilots liealtil Minister Judy LaMarsh said to day in theCommons She was replying to Eric Winkler PC GreyBnlcei who asked Thurs day whether studies are being conducted as result ot appli cations tor private flying lic ences tAltE ADVANTAGE or Iteres ll You select your iJï¬erï¬E 61hr mushroom hams mm lMeCALES unmnnumm Flt MACLEANS Every other week yea FIELD AND menu CAMERA iPROTOPLAY SCIENCE AND MECHANICS JNGENUE tor Tenn ATLANTIC ADVOCATE annual Maaailnu ARGOSY The Maurine REDROOR LADIES non BETTER HOMES AND GAR TRUE STORY PARENTS MAGAZINE ONTARIO ROME ANTI SPORT MAGAZINE CEILD LIFE Ages 310 FLOWER 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