Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1964, p. 5

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nieeI renewed At what reason of the year do or me it is right Land ready ior chan oipacei now near the end summer inthelaliottheyear usually getayentore decorate its Just another oi those onethlngleads toanother sequences that homemaker know so well It When everythirfil looks ireah and colorful and sun ny outside the kl en window all the flaws on the inside stand out like sore thumb HAVE FOUND that one oi the aim lest ways to give liie to kitchen is by way oifab and there are so many deli httul new patternsto choose from deslgned esp ior this room One of the milled kitchen colors introduced this season is lilac It certainly is pleasant color to live with and morover it harmonizes welhwith the wood tone cabinets that are becoming increasingly popular For homemakers who just cant see lilac in the kitchen there are striking reds and greens and pastel ahades are extremely popular says local decorating consultant As ior patterns there is grand selection and the new ones are likely to be more sophisticated than the traditional ones SINCE THE KITCHEN in modern homes can oiten sbe glimpsed from the living room esp in small er homes and apartments designers have kept this in mind Then too guests tend to congregate in the kitchen these days of informal entertaining One of the nicest kitchen curtain fabrics have seen has sort of venetian blind look with stylized deal of vasessnd plants Another mum gay lab It is gingham dressed up with ball ge along em Wallpapers are becoming favorite choice and are lnierestmg conversation pieces The same desi tilrlat evokes smile or chuckle brightens dark en THE NARRATIVE PAPER that tells story can make small room look larger by giving it an extra interest and importance that transcends tiny space The iooltheeye design that amuses by taking you in also has adiob to do richly furnishing hare walls giving them illusion more depth warmth and comfort One important thing rememberls when using such papers lt dont overto Novelty papers like good stories are designed to hold attention to intrigue and delight By their nature they are not intended as foil ior wall decorations They are themselves the entire wall decoration One of the most pjular trends is to match room iabrlca and wallpapers exactly These artistic rnetch lrps make it easy for the nonprofessional home do ionic meaning Mrs Homemaker to do success InStructors Share Dance Experience Opportunity hooks but once tia said For square dancers lrlends it knocks every year around till time when the dedi cated square dancer arranges jior his nondanclug irlends to learn the basis at modern aouare dancing In Barrie as in every other city town or hamlet wherever there are people who have been 169on to this social activity dassea ior beginner dancers are now taming new series oi lessons will qstart Monday evening at John son treet School Registration 1an weakly sexless will be gin at oclock with the class lnshuetlon getting loader way at EM and condoning ior two home Caller and instructor ior the glass will be toms iiay asalated nby bla wile Betty oi Coiling wood No strangers to Barfle resldenis Mr and Mrs Hey were instructors of the first group of dancers who later form led Burriea iirat square dance field the Beau and Belles 1hr cmrpls are this club regular goalie This form ol recreation Nil tinues to grow across the coun try and once the learnlng daya are over the welcome mat is out ior you wherever you go You discover tire joy of moving fito music and as an extra bonus you ind yourself among the iriendllest people to be iound anywhere inn Guild ME AND sans HAY Club Members Attend Concert An evening on remerrber was enjoyed by mandrere oi the Bar rie Thistle SociabClub who et tcnderl the White Heather Con cert at Massey Hail No one at Scots ancestry who watched the Late day influences are exceed is STUDENT NURSES RECEIVE GIDEON BlBiES White bibles were maest ed to each member oi the first year class at the Royal Vldoria Hospital yesterday Altanoon by the Auxiliary dreABanle Glderolhe ro moor whidr loilowed the tea waa held in the Laldlaw nun aeaheane Mrs II ms was Blmkmmla Mrs Heath president Mi looks on Watching the SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Mrs Florence Maliery Prince George British Johnn blI is visiting in the dty at the home oi her daughter Mrs Dorothy Allur Owen Si Mn Malle is also visiting her grandfiughters and matgrand dmrghter 0N COURSE it was back to adrool this week ior several nurses on stall at The Royal Vldorla lIos plial Barrio in Toronto this week attending inimdudory classes at the Ontario Building are rm lame ass Mra Roelland Patterson Ml Olive Robertson Mrs Grace Bauidry and Misc Ruthenn Dc verell The administration oor respondence course sponsor ed by the University at Toronto on cae era the weeldy gama held at the YMAYWOA Owen 5L were Border and ero North South Mr and Mrs Wood stock EastWest ihe chi lI now back on its tail and winter sdreduie and bridge players meet Fridays at pan AFTERNOON IEA An arrangement oi yellow and while glcdioli and blue Mailin lum centre the tea table at the annual Pi lotloo teator stun dedtnurazelrieid by the Ladies Auxiliary in the Barrie Gideon TTHE yesterday Mrs John son Director oi Nursing Edu cation perionned the tea iron on Mrs ii Heath presi dent welcomed marathon oi the loudly and studurts ihe nur ses lormge was arranged and decorated by Mrs liar vOY houae moiher COUNTY ANTIQUE MAP 1be query of Miss Jean liarv ria at Victoria BC iormer Barrleile as to the origin at the County oi Simone antique map and her desire to acquire one brought many replies irom our readers Several noted that they had purchased the map at Eatona in Toronto Mrs Helen Gillies our Wasaga Beach correspondent gave the address ol the artist Jerrine Welia Kin hora as as Durla street Tor on However letter has just been received irom Harry Rooke who last month moved irom Barrie to Java Street Ottawa Mr Rookea mother was noted artist who resid ed unhii her death some years ago onDundonnld Sturat cor ner oi iheresa Mr Footie writes Jerrlne Wells Klnton tbevCemdian ar tist who did the map attend edihe0ntario College oi Art with rrry mother and has been close irlend ol the lamiiy STARS sir By EMMA FOR TOMORROW Yesterdays planetary restric tion where personal relation ships are concerned will lltt by noon on Sunday Advised there lore is iact in the early hours lolly generous iavor practi cally any interest or ctivity which you choose to pur FOR THE BIRTHDAY your horoscope indicate you should make headway in job matters urlng monetary galna especi November the lsieDec lateMarch period and and September of next opportunities to travel or pre anged or January May July andor August Best part romance late December May and August You may how to and conquered Names Officers Mrs Ben Kroeker was named pmldeot or the Lutheran ClrurchAltar Guild at thetlret meeting or the season held on ursday evening in the church On her ereoutlye she has as at vicepresident Mrs it ateuhy treasurer Mreioyd usswurm secretary Mrs Roll Eckhardt Press and Publicity lVlrs William Hoekleyu 311ng namely one were ref no addition to the church PUBLICITY MONEY Nova Scotias Travel Bureau Iand lniormatlonServlco plant tospend more than $1240000 duriog the current year in at klcllol Mic performance will 40th Elghlandersoi Toronto Who oflicialiy openedand cloa ed the periormance Grocerraters included Ken neithMcKellIt who is said to hayeraung in his usual good iorm and rendered arch favor ites as Boonie Mary OArgyle Jlrmny warren mode may Ier oiqremonles Comedian Aly wilson brought the house down with his old man rememmng the eye oihlsyouéb nosstoIdie newcomer moron captured the arniianoe with her clear sweet voice Onaoi the hiflrliflrta of the evening was the periormsnce of ArtilufoWhnlthdnrts ommdlna and withhle ms hands clapping seleeiion oi Scottish against emotional stress ior briei periods in midDene and mldvAprll buttiria do it you will relax and olva to look upon possible lrrl tlons and dratacles in your merely as chailenles to look ior good bua portunity in late Dece and it you are engaged in creative work put iorth yourybert diorts during the balance oi this month in December January and next June should pay oil handsomely trl child born on can say will be markedly entlva and practical but be little too susceptible DAY AFTER With the Iveni oi the lull moon on Mor deythera are the usual wsrnlrga and the usual curb gastroin old extremes the tendency during this lunar pe riod Benefits inspiration and stimulation or original ideas in those creatively or intellect ullly engaged FOR BIRTHDAY 1i Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you can makethis new year in your liie an outstanding one it you push lorward WILI conti deuce ani ioreslght as oi the immediate present coordinate all your aiiorts since the results which you adrleveand they should be substantialwill have ariina ef fect on yourptogram ior lets look ior especially send up portunltieato advance in No vember his late December leisMarehperlod neat June and September Personal relationship will also be governed by good aspects and except ior bnei periods oi stress inmldDaoene bar Ind midaAprll which you an avoid throng alertness domestic and social interests should prosper Beat periods ior romance late Decunber next April May and August ior travel next January May July abdor Au kilst child born on thls day will be endowed with great love or home and family and could succeed at any ocmipaiion in volving meticulous attention to detail THE NEW ihevnew Husqu model me her everything you could wish ipr in sew ingmnchineandmuch nrnrel Theintroduction has been preceded by many years oi test re search and development But only demonstration can really show how won deriul the Bus verna 2000 is See Inow ever slnce She aold these maps through Malinda dnrg store in Barrie for several years as well as other similar maps at counties elsewhere in the pro vince fire recently married Cu non Albeit retired Angilcan clergyman formerly in this dil trict oi Schomberg and is now filling then as tar as WENEB ROAST Xi Beth Pi Chapter at Beta Sigma Phi held wiener and corn rout at the cottage of Mr and Mrs Frank Graeey last eV ening Alphl Phi members were invited together with husbands and Mrs Gary Morgen Mr and those attending were Mr and Mn Jada Fair Mr and Mrs Gerry Williams Mr and Mrs Burt Pow Mr and Mrs Claire Clarke Mr andMn Ro léndrllolnlson Mr 8mm racey re Doug Mrs Jean attersby Mrs George Mlkita Miss Marg Mwougall and Mrs John Mnkmn an iron the ldt Eat ehesoo Mrs Morris Usher ra Johnston director oi nursln education and bliss Ml on GRAoUATss Miss Beverley Jean Crows wasoneoissnuraerwhore carved nursing degrees irom Sick Childrens Momltnl ilor onto Graduation exercises were held at Convocation Hail Toronto Miss Crowe who will continue her nursing career on staff at Sick arildrenl is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Crows Drtnlop St West Delegates From St Giles wa Attend Diocesan Conference St Gflta Anllican Womens Auxiliary held the Sep tember meeting with president Mrs Moodle din yntyvaeven WWW Following the opening buyer by the president scriptural readingrwas given by Mrs honey warns welcome was extend ed to the group by Mrs Moodle with special welcome ior three new members Mrs Chrisr tie Mrs Gibson and Mrs Members were reminded io bring thankoderlnge to the 0c iober meeting it was agreedlhat transpor tation costsbe provided for two deiegates alludingthe Diocee an Educational Wares in Marlo Sept flrenks ware extendedoo Mrs Whittaker who is resigning es retreshment convener Mrs Giorgianni volrnrteered to earryonthisworkiorthabhl meant the year new Dorcas cemetery will be required by January was on the resignation oi Mn Dem berline who has held poll tion iaiihiully tor the past six years St Giles WA will be hints to BishopMarkham and the wo men oi the Archdeacon on Wednesday Sept It ran nt Mrs iomlinsen volunteer ed to convure the rumrrfage sail to beheld Oct id The bazaar will be held on Nov Convencrs are Mrs Rogers Mrs Brown and Mrs Elbmllmn Mrs McKnight will be in marge at the chinoh calendars or the WA Mrs Moodie annminced that president Mrs Vance and secretary trassurer Mrs Rewoth of West Simooe Dean 33 WA are members oi Si ea social hour numefwrur relresinnents served by Mrs Norton and Mrs King nullmammal ANNLANDEBS Dont Take Sides Wrth Either Parent 52 Study ElleCis 0i Automation WlNNlPEX GP What dranger will automation bring in Canada tolnormwr The question has been held vividly belore the Canadian Ed ucation Association at its con vention here Talks so lar have dealt heav lly with how to shape education programs to beat equip the young Dr ii Gorilla dean oi edu cation at the University at Alberta told the convention Thursday that production dis tributlon audio lesser extent supporting services are beinn allotted by the explication oi tedrnology and automation Ilvas seems likely the cltl nan at theiran will have more leisure what provision should the secondary school be making tohelp prepare him to use it in creative wholesome and sat isfying rnennerl Earlier Dr ii Slander son president or the Univerlll vol Manitoba told delegates Can adas educational system worst prepare people ior an lncreas log amount oi leisure People Do Read Small Ads YOU ARE git EE at slit pig EL an lens time dailirlc help bullkuptputulltotiwllh one excuse Iitar mother My mothe inaind that all needed was rest My lather said would mend iortrrna and that couldnt afford it caudally since the effective ness of psychiatry is still we gamble against as ho put it wrote to you Ind Yul said so on that dlndaed it went The cost oi uestmart re months was about the same as major ration ilrls in cluded Inge oi paydrir tristsldldntgetenwellwiih lhe llret one and dzenged ail iirroe vlnte Anyone who thinks psydria trlsts ea tItermlom should an amun meat Mormon they an worth every dime they charge its the best money ovu spent My parents insist would have been 0K without therapy and maybe they are debt but thank God didnt take that chanceNJ MEN our air serum rams ior peydrlahln help lmple you pointed out that you didnt geton wall with your lint therapist so you chum doom ibo olten patient will write oil the entire proieeslon bemuse his initial relationship with psychiatrist is now satislactory im glad you knewbeiter FREE DELIVERY ALLANDAL DRUGS CO LTD naillane meanders ohrisiiln nous Murmur ilvtnnton in In ll

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