Elie norm Examiner ic Willa nuisa MWIDAY can limited VJLMM ID luf PM Stop Bickering About Visit 015 Queen To Canada The time has come to call halt to bickering about the Queens visit to Can ada next month She comes as ardls tinguished International personality and as the monarch of our nation As her hosts and subjects too Canadians should welcome her with warmth and good manners it would be ridiculous to cancel the visit as result of threats by few fan atics in Quebec The vast majority of the people of La Belle Province are sane sensible subjects who will evince their welcome as heartily as the goveraneot conscious residents of Ottawa Security measures for the visit are tight and no effort will be spared to protect the life of the Queen and her royal escort the Duke of Edinburgh The government is convinced that such measures are adequate We hope so for it would be unthinkable if anything happened to the Queen herself or un pleasant incidents occurred to mar what should be memorable occasion to an ap to the Canadian people the0rillia acket and Times says jSure ly it is time to introduce note of rea son into all this increasing arrelevaoce Surely it should be stressed that Quesn Elisabeth is coming here not as part of some British demonstration of power or to further some other ulterior British purpose but at the speciï¬c invitation of Canada itself She is coming because we have asked her as Queen of Carr ads to visit us at time of national cele bration marking the one hundredth an niversary of the Charlottetown meetings which led to the birth of Canada We Canadians have asked her to be our guest on this occasion and we have ac cordingly to accept the traditionalro sponsibility of Lhost The Packet is right of course Can adians whether we be monarchists sep aratists or republicans must be prepar ed in all decency to extend the hand of welcome to our royal visitors We cannot do less and call ourselves proud Canadians DOWN MEMORY LANE is YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 12 1949 Pub lic School Board decided to proceed with building two new schools at total cost $075000 first new schools to be erected in this town in 30 years One will be located on Toronto St Hiiicrest the other on Codrington St between St Vincent and Rodney After serving thousands of boys and girls for 80 years it is likely Victoria School will be aban doned and ossibly East End King George Schoo too Victoria was later demolished and site said to federal gov ernment for new post office gt Reeve Louis Truax was chairman for ceremony of opening new bridge over Bear Creek at Utopia one of four being built in Essa Township this year President Don ald Bell announced prize list for Banie Fair would be increased to $6000 in connection with Army Week Major Jack Clark said recruiting drive would be held by 135 Battery of 45th Antl Tank Regiment Royal Canadian Artil lery Grey and Simone Foresters Some local winners at CNE were Stews art Bell Roy Black Robert Squires Andy Malcomson and Herb Tillman of Churchill Local life underwriters OTHER EDITORS VIEWS WOMAN WITH COURAGE Chatham Daily News With Vancouver Beatle concert pro moters expecting 27000 sellout Beatie records being ugged day and night on the nations radio systems and the names of that longhaired foursome crop ing up somewhere every day it is aomet ing comparatively rare to find an English writer publicly blasting the Beatles and their myriad of followers in contrast to many othervwriters mostof themhighiy ucated and skill ed who attempt to of Beatlemania by say whysthey liked the1LiverpooI lads in contrast to the psychologist in famous Sunday news paper who attempted to analyze wliy girls screamedat Twist and Shout and in contrast to all other writers disc Jockeys big and small who monoton ousiy praise and repraiae thegroup Misslt onicalurlong of The Daily Mail iakes decisive stand for the opposi on Attem ting to put the wholething in perspec ve she says the British and American public have gone stark ing bonkers The Beatles singing VOlCES are pleasant shewrites but as persons theyre not charming not handsome and not witty AInadditloo the mass hysteria which accompanied the rise ofvtheformer Silver Beetles affects Miss igirriongs stomach wants to beaic Following outcry the antiBeatle brigade have immediately jumped on the band wagon and letters 20 to 15in mum slua mail Poat Office Department OilIll and for plynteni cu at Daily Sundayslnd msg33311 lightson low beam do ng da Providence Reds of American Hockey satiation lfeels the so as to unreco Tom Tattersali and Alfred Harris qualllt fled for CLU degrees Emerson Creed retained Barrie Golf Club mens title beating Bill Dyment in whole final and IPat Poland pitched twohitter as Barrie Gages beat Minesing 00 in Copaco county softball series In town senior softball finals Harris Mo tors beat Ga es 78 with Ha Couso winning pitc or over Bill ycraft Maurice and Steve Hines and catcher Doug Ramsay paced Harris club in hit ting Directors of Royal Victoria Hos pital studied ions for proposed Meritor ial Wing as ststa in new building program John ouiigofMinesing celebrated 99th birthday In Barrie Andrew Zeihr reached his 90th year Bruno Favero left for training camp of Sheila Burnlorda newbook The Fields of Noon McClel land and Stewart is collec tion of amiable chats about pufdnorsy preoccupation in northern Canada and Scotland The preoccupations are never strenuous The author sits in the sunshine and taperecorda concerts by her canary anda chorus of wild birds She sits in dude blind quacking at ducks in what she hopes will be their own language Or she takes League Under the eyes of owner Eddie Shoro andcoach Earl Seibert Springfield Indians opened training camp at Barrie Arena with 80 prospects Joe Maganis homer off pitcher Blake Con stable gave Bradford South Simcoe soft ball championship in final against Fen nells After 46 years as clergyman Rev Dr Sinclair minister of Essa Road and Stroud Presbylterian churches announced retirement holds herd of with its music Mrs Bunilord is the author of The incredible Journey fairytsla about three animals who travelled thousands of miles together in the Canadian boois was later turned into film The Fieldsot Noon should favor of the brave Miss Furlong have also appeal to animal fanciers poured into the newspapers office She Mud 91 15 as been praised to the skies and raised mgghgï¬n family almost to the level of Joan of Arc for cat who Mk la animal her courage in the face of overwhelming garage winter peanuterg ogids Now Beatlehaters have cham on The funny thing about all this is that the Beatle themselves once admitted in radio interview that they areciurn my musicians have no pretensions to being handsome or to possessing Eton manners Theyve argued openly to public burned strips of newspaper diiis ing TV interview and acutely em barrassedinterviewers Fans to the un ending despair of people with more balanced perspective have accepted their word as gospel even if its just Yeah Yeah Yeah But whether one likes or hates them cows at bay many of Mrs Burnfords pre occupations develops one oi his own when he imagines an elec tric heater to be inhabited wile of Port Arthur doctor iwn attractivelymur trated booklets about the furniture and crafts of Up per Canada Village have been published by Ryeraon Press in importation with the St him His Commission Located ha the st Lawrence River the village is an accurate production of Conn an community of the lath can tnry Early Furniture in Upper Canada Village lav by Jeanne Minhin nlnk and Spinning Ind ing adulation whichthe Beatles receive This mass hysteria is valuable poin to the sense pipsclues and perspec which the majority offans young and old must possess theother hand theBeatles have done untold good for Englands waningmusic business and unknpwmgiy sparked interest in far superior musical art forms emanating notably from America Village EH Two Canadian newspaper ambitious elfort that will pro duca 12 ks in juvenile ad venture The project called the Brad Forreat adventure series labe ing published simultaneously also in Brihln Australia and indie gt The first four books just ll suéd have Brad Forrest alto CBSSiVely in Hong Kong Loa geles fliladagascar and Col Accor ngto Cari Evans the nary His 1965 travel will fancy mfle ï¬ghts cover NewYork Yuca should be made standardvequipm nton all cars In fact until theru re pproved by he registrar TURN ON THE LIGHTS st Thomas timesJonrnal The new daytime automobile running ghts being displayed by so many molt ese days ha found chain distributing ll Canadas wont of motor vehicles he suggests we drive withhead hour under the irtdepluma an says astudy ruya ty optometrists rev tha later given automobile will be in an environment in willrreducej its vis illtyor changeb appears ce ie eatiy altetchcd rbed in his or on in hla fathers world Feariog that with recognition about coins iOhlm ha in and penny whistle to herblind and lhe retriever shares Theauthor is the Scotsborn Weav at Upper Canada men are collaboratlngin an Thma identify the joint authors ihey is driven to find out about his father Comiorted by his attractive FrendrCanadiao wife and blon trcal agent and helped bya young Nova Scotl coiisln who falls lalova with him he man ages to extract rather on likely explanation oi his falli ers downfall from reluctant aunts Freed be than is able to return to his own world carries Panic oussN To VISIT camps in qcroasa THE BOOK CORNER Author TapeRecords Concert By Canary And Wild Birds BIBLE THOUGHT Blend in he that Donald aih the poor the Lord will de liver him In Hmeof Ruthie Psalm 41 Here again is Gods mercy to depth lie helps both the poor and those who help theiii The considerate too have their trou blilearlbe Lord consider them MYS CABLE Gowns England tmyord electric cable has been laid under the Solsnt which separates the Hampshire coast from the isle oi Wight it is the first British oilfilled submarine power cable in Brit ish waters OIlhWii REPORT Hopes Dieiénbalrer SeeksRetirement ramcamcaouou Mr bidetshaker has giveri much time to public life Mr tia om his mind from lilo summed larly homgtnud rial until oomepoo ear bedtime He has rail but his more demanding mi tress leoiitlcs His critics and his wildcai enemies wlu not withhold from in the wish of his friends that Ilia last years of his life may be dedi cated to his wife so that to gether they may go borne as live out their days at their tilt home in Prince Albert star intruded by their friends theta and with that mlsm to dil lraot him no longer mu or POLY Vrana eyes lens lasts In ev hing Private hum putaiia 00h pioycesout to pasture generally at the younger age of 55 and our civil service considers that mans usefulness in government ends at that same age Din public life today cor tainiy has little use in octlvl roles for old men who are by nature subled to the slowing up of physical activity and mental piocesaea 32 young was expressed ii the House of Commons only last week by Real Caouetfe the leader oi the Rallietnent on sodium ldpa chooaa young man people who can oon tribute in the building of our country in iiie you to come Its in as our party is con Ernetli ttgre lagenopiï¬lem it on re is young people Ind that ta why we can confidently think of Canadas future Our friends to the south cheered ioyoualy whui four years there was elected as pres dcnt 30th Century man for the lint time John waatlie ML dent of that ooimtry born this fastmov ing century of change and in novationih have notgone backand ootffo hldtvto lbthCenttnyMIntblaad wh them thaws lillAtYSlS Strain Shown Oyer Quanel roxvo armatur Com munlst party structure is show 559 Liberals Need fTakeCharge Man BybONOflEARN NRONTO lhis Liberal leadership convention has been ground breaker from the start Firat of all its date was aei tied at an open general meet ing of die provincial party Then brand new mode of campaigning was atarted with the candidates travelling about the province togetherand ad dressing ioiot meetings This unorthodow has carried on trite the convention itself One instance of it was just prior to the convention who there was official nomina iion day for candidé All those intending to oohtaet the leadership hadto file for mal papers signed by 25 back ers This had never been done before by any party in Ontario This reflects an attempt by His Liberaiparty to get not only new leader but new look internally And it also could reflect move towards the many cooks in the broth llie big stimulus behind the trend is dsai with Llook over the leftshoulder at the link to be more of peo ples party Along thaellna fdoruocra decisions being made Actually iha impression one gets from the whole Liberaten deavor has been one of ama teurismofagreatmany well intentioan people doing their best but with not real pro in sight You couldget the feeling that it would compare with the exec utive of tha local little league including the mothers section being given the job of running the World Sorlu The writer feels that the greatest Liberal need is for strong takediarge man who can organim and direct all of itlhis well intantioned amateur dem Lilo way with demo erotic prooedn democrati vot cratic meeiin or may not work noun possiblyproduce good leader for the party and eventulliy ltgmlght give it lib lmagatwith nppeal Butrat the start at least it has produced mainly confusion and debateand strengthened conviction for thosepi uazwho believe that warm demon racy if things are tofunctl smoothly there must be boss conveiitionN dateuyat ti opetn meeting coma Iii mo tera as thesa are ï¬elded by the party leadership onuecutive Andtthcre are still many peop who thinkthe leadership that should havebeeii put unï¬t ham date arrangements for the convention itself Artist Marc Chagall sin ing the strain of its massive quarrel with the Soviet party Disibt contradictions and quarrsia are infecting the high est levels of the Chinese party Party Cnairman Mao Taetung has ordered noun de purge to halt the infection that began with the publication of the theories of Yang Haianchen philosopher and central com mittee member catedlnrliusaia Yang whose influence as presidentlofthe higher party school was enormous pushed lheory that it is posaiblo for up itallsm and commuhilmto mergeiiiao calla this be trayal of the Mauian theory of class rtniggle and of Ooinas own line that revolution is the only way to defeat the Wait and logmninnina the hamot coun ea in AW an article to the partys newapaper the Peking Peoplea Dally announced rectification wopaign purgoï¬and motionedva as mine minimumyarn ltaclreozie axing bacame prime minister at the age of and did not leave office finaljy until at the age of Motor Iunalely too into His health failedvand within few mmdis he was dead He bmiucceeded by 68year oid Louis St Laurent whose patriotic roman to the de mands of high office alas salsa too much of his aged oonsti tlon His family urged him to retire but he insisted on cany lng on but his friends in grettcd that he was never the same man again after the ex haustion of his official visits to foreign lands around the world an Dietenbairerl health has been publicly debated at great length It has been said that be reflected from Parkinsons Dis ease but this was denied ibe marked tremor or twitch which he shows increasingly when is tigued or under stress has been destang by doctors as any out no symptom dread disease While he has long suffered physical frailty ii igtim THE on as un dergone in fossil years was not sickness but an accident He fractined bona fnbis anklb and ith confined him to bed while he was prime mlnistdr and it was five weeks before he could go back to his Parliament lEll office On this milestone anniver sary litr Diefenhaker should banished the happiness of vbc ireowns youth of lahflr with an age of case In Red China With Soviets proponent of modern revi aloniamI ltiia meant he was promoting Soviet Premier Khrusbciisva ideas For weeks it has been known at not everyone in China agreed with Maos uncomm niiaing policies of violence But how deep was the disaffectiout The Sept ft issue the Pe king Review gives At the present time the de bate which has Ito try is continuing in terms of mothers of participants or ol its widespread influence and great significance debate such as this has rarely been seen in our academic circles for many years new It seems tha itia still far from being cont ciuded5tep by step it is deepen ing lruth always develops in struggle This means campaign to atan out diasldencs on the scale of the Nolandrightist movement is aimmaring lit an Mil our machoch ofw i0 lilo HAMMARSK oio lnIobby of adios