Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1964, p. 10

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or trabei ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW LOCATION Mortgage 23 Owen Street lst or 2nd Mortgage Loans oN City or Rural Property IMMEDIATE CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Telephone 7281960 ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built ior this work Accommo dations tor bed and In patients Male and lemale good food television Reasonable rates Call Stroud 4361401 OPENING SOON IN BARRIE Howards Nursery School Gill dren lo years Open morn ings and attenioons Qualified personncl including registered nurse Watch this space tor tur thcr announcement BIRTHS GOOD NEWS STORY When you announce the birth at our child In To name ciI plan 01 lite noticc nbc tor Babys Eon lree Records and In mail your ricotta and Ielllivu In those lar wa pincer Place In announce merit alter birth Call The Harris hamlner Ciminrd IJrtld owaNDon and Lola of Nap lrr street are pleased to lnnnllIKI the arrival or their daughter nummancI lbs it on Sep tember in im at In Royal Vic torts Hospital Barrio sister lor Teddy ENGAGEMENTS Mm munuovnnm in Ann hitn Frank rm nr Elrltlord Ontario wish inmrfinmanee mtin antlantern er ll Jane nixbeta to Paul rtI Demurdia can or Mn and air Ronald Stewart or some worstu will take place octoan 11 list at mm in SI lama Anglican comb Stratlosri DEATHS mum uni Iui At the Royal Vietorta admin an rte on hid Irwin pulpit loved run oI scarndlcn or Thornton brother or cnroi Drbuii Brsnaa and Dunn all rt home ineth It Inc Jan nrtt nine Horne amt eral service Sunday tnrnbcr so at an attendant ibmton mom Robert snrtvut can or South African CampI AC Sunnyhmok Hupltai Toronto on ihllMl SD lumber l7 l9 snmmt amt halnyetl husband oi the late Minnie Dry llrn ioviri fltllx of Victoria Mrs Len of I31 Victor or swam Robert Toronto ll mt Mn Hamiltml Hunlar of rotor matron Ian non Jenkins of Tomato All Innk IIIIKBIE In hb Inn xutinr rt thn Potluck lhlneIIi Home 117 Bay gallopingct Barrie Senrlcl till Muddy nen giant CW usurchrrtaplelery nANcocn sinan sures away at StevensonMinot Hol pttri Alliston on mundry sen amber 17 list about Han codt beloved ha and or cilia auciainr Coad derr ether of Toronto lIuhy Mn lriomu Hill at Hamilton Howe and or Montreal And Melvin or mine In his not year Rcatln nt iha Thomll Flineral chrpcl Allister tor linen rcrvuc Saintly september is t1 or Interment ALIIItdn Uno Cernelery MEMORIAMS RDBEIITSONIll Mill memo of dflr brother Egg Jam Rube llvliio planed Away NIL daily September 10 IR Always mile Instead at no Away Inna when one nwsr Al ct true thoughtful and kind wmmr mmorlel in leitbe Aiwryr remembered and rally by rut or rt trierinlay Harry 41mineg remembered and ly ruined by her buildup Prank We never pcrttrom tho Tatiana can divide memo We still walkside Elvrilifan unfit remembered Nightly and to nnrl were our to give To an the JoEnginESled ohiemliinx at oin door Alwaya by embered Ind ndly and and Inv our on Ind hlli tone my we miss every nion la Elmer shortly awn He II not dead the sm misseii by pnren crisp an gt Mrs Vair CARRSDON CENTRAth Locum beau Ralph Banks Shirley and him MILLER Investments lhrea bathlid Collinsalbumin 32 HIGH ST Until Funds Avliilhln 15 100 ACRES 45m in trace inn directive condition aUNGALow BEDROOM loss lo d7 ilvlu Mr Phil hesitant priced in cell PROPERTY FOR SAL CAMPBELL Real Estate and Insurance Photo Barne with laindry room Mrs Joan tangmail COMING EVENTS BURTON AVDIUE UNITED CHURCH WOMEN will hold TEA AND BAZAAR LUNCHEON 1130 arm to Ipm SATURDAY NOV I4 I964 Burton Ave Church Christian Education Wing NEARLY NEW SALE Tues Wed Thurs September 29 80 Oct em to pm TRINITY PARISH HALL Good used clothing and miscellaneous articles AUSPicrs TRINITY GUILD Mrs ivoiienton Ilaism 7284435 734035 Mrs Erydges REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PHOTO MLS REALTOR 58 WORSLEY ST Mortgage Funds Available ALSO PROPERTIES FOR RENT 7766481 DOWN PAYMENT REDUCED This house is less titan one year old It is ideally located tor young couple with small child son bedrooms and nicely landscaped yard with tense all arouhd Must be sold at once or owner wouldnt let it go at this low down payment Call masts and asktor Laddie Grlesbnch MINETS POINT for the fam ilywho preters suburban living this lsthe ideal bedroom home clearically heated Must be seen to be appreciated Mary Morrison tiiully landscaped lot bed rooms in this brick home which is ideal or retired couple Call Mary Morrison is mam mam maria 12 out It said mvsas Noon synnntt 4° annoy an kins COMPANY Photo MLSVRealtors as ammo SIr 7WD DOWN Mechanics op portunin 2200 square feet at garage clu ng hoist and air oompressor Ideal body shop with snack bar area Modern bedroom apartment Building only years old Excellent lo cation Call Elaina Ineson avionisz CALL curly Kloostgmln ZGInflI Koassiz Margaret lz ironr Mildrra It unorn SArri Steels Wilma Bldwell mine Ineson Adele unynu Iren Tn Toronto no can FARM wn retirill be scenic Need not HOLLY LUNCHEON O0 Drown oNnnb Kilian unit Wuhan litch Henderson Rita Scaodrett Emerson Swain Percy Ford Karl Marshall Emory Miller 7760563 Members oi arm and Diitrtct llROOMED House rooms $1500 Low down pay mentsasy terms on one mori gage snoou Irame bungalow aty tached too on XIIme poo annualmun Joe 7260241 WWIInd Mbems Duns RES 4875274 35 Valli well shined loam easy driving dis house and lungs at in dead kitchen bottoms and bleep bath tutu Forced air oil Iirnaac Call for Ma inlornntion or appointment 2SI0REY BRICK WEST END bedroom living morn dining room all piece CIosetonlIWplniuu Muslim Ilirtherinidmletion Charles nudImair Mrs Loreul Ricemaul aiu armmoi 7mm limbo lurk Ind DinHA Hui hill loud ROGERS CONNELL PHOTO MLS REALTORS DUNLOP STREET EAST At The Five Points PHONE 72813568 EVENINGS CALI GI MacArthur 7m Wiiliam Hanuiion mess TEA from pm to pm 3°39 Mrs Nortna Rogers Find Epic 7159183 Council 7734766 SHELSWELL and WI LLSON Photo MLS Realtors COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE is DUNLOP ST 7264422 or 7251423 llnwnrd Norris EMORY MILLER Photo Mas suitor 19 Collier St 726I38l Evenings call 72643605 7287930 72899 neat but Isard Mortgage Inquiries Invited COUTTS C1 C0 Redi Estate Brokers Owen Street Barrie Member or Hem1t nutrch nui Bhtmflnud MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATES PHONES urticc Izsztu median GORDON Courts7151273 SANDY Cams7mm WALTER cgmsmuii LINDSAY Real Estate In AUDREY AVENUE TORONTO is ONT aEAUTY SALON son SALE In lovelymodern room home situated on larga landscaped lot in thriving town just min utes trom Barrie Iislied clientele Well eaten The business being operated by the own ers wife who has been inaus ierred which iorces the sale Ally otter will be considered ACRES wooded and very scenic Onlgood road close to Inwell Price $2500 trout stream suitable or cottage on good road Full price $2300 Mnlre rn appointnuit to see these valuable properties call LYLE monsoon Salesman nit iNo on Estate Broker rDuntlalIir Wilden Wt or Angus 4405420 JGARVEY RR 4BARR1E bath garage and breczaway Carries or app rimate centrally nested down payment mortgage 5IIOOMED stucco bungalow Allandala area Carries or $68 monthly OOMEDstonamand brick bay on Shanty Bay Road Full price $19250 Sub stantial down payment help reduce asking pri L090 on paved moans room REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 7112410 91 Dllnlop St In and 1nd mornlea llrln ed on low monthly payments will buy your present In and zoo mortluu HABIT REAL ESTATE anoxan THORNTON PHONE ivY 29ml Mrs Eleanor Maw Oscar Bates FRANK NELLES PHOTO M15 REALTOR 79 BAYFIELD ST 7261405 EVENING mic nEwsNAr LES POPE ALI nos not REID CHUcitI coflAN FRANK NELIES Member or the Real Dal REAL ESTATE BROKER Telephone 7260054 STOUTT AGENCIES LTD to COLLER ST BARBIE 7735901 Real Estate Broken Photo mos Realtor FARM I00 ACRES level clay loam on highwayo room brick liousa with all ccnvenlenoes good barn Asldng only 4000 with good termsf at Big anPoint too it 135 it on main street Neat home with water pressure syslern irorn private well bathroom modern kitchan living room and bedrooms lioor furnace double garage Owner will sell or $5000 with low down pay mcnt Dvenlnfl Jim and Ede Gould4814100 Alex baboonmares aortl Spencermm silAu Imus Inr ulombout mile west at Allis dun Near IIIIre acre or an Burl Examiner FARM Ian mely our mile from Barrie Approxlmnoebv loll um clear balance bush and putu Good building and water nu Box Birds hammer no ANGUSTwo bedroom nithdiniillfiflm cu newly decanted irm tr Reasonable terms Telephon aloo alter pm wear sun Threl bedroom ann gliow Dn utiruilyjnndscnped lot Patio and Innen lwilnlninl oul Endlnruiha do shun mead sin room It vnrronn on schools and shopping plm ll Wellinston west pr phone m7 at to iururlflcx to axial IVE AGENTS PHONE 7155569 at any Irina CentralrOnIalioo Largest WELL KEITIyear round home mtereat up to ml of your prop erty value Low monthly Mom AVAILABLE repres BRIDE ANDGROOM Ads 728 2414 HA FOR YEARS IMVhhMIHhvl lREAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE New Tune aroroom Run slow on lam II loo root lot in lins vncin rmtly lel bitchn thnnncmrozm on hllrlinl In un ltyl mow must Ion House Inruirtca It om runninr water but on Is It by It is miter wait or dump burden village or Tern Non not run moo cub Apply DI Stand oat RI Crcemurc LOVELY modern lwnyumld bunlllnil Illluted Jim Ava min ulna Inn North Cnilllllle DAK lay Perk anti St Nuns bleOiS Tom um bedroom vioc room lid Ilonb Areplltc nltached Ir doubts mo driv rnn beau unrlly llll used with nods rem you hm pprnxirnteiy 31000 to IV down in one ulan hall am can be wflfl with immefllllo possession lrlcphane main BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES YARN SHOP LOCATED IN BARRIE with many valuable home knitting contracts lully hookcdulito May 1966 Stock and equip ment and the business as pm Iiiahie going concern is olleied or sale by owner moving to USAat end at year $1500 cash isreduired to handle APPLY ROGERS AND CON NELL REALTORS EXCLUS rc 3ch BAvllwlnr 111 welé qfllp not ng Academy in DIIIIlop st mt rINSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transler your INSURANCE and you need extra coverage SEE STEVENSONS 111 Dunlop St Eafil TAG1801 FINANCIAL 74 Interest Sayings Deposits Chequeing Privileges STERLING TRUSTS lt MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lat and2nd Mortgage Loans Anwyhere on Am nouns rams AND comncmprnorsaliu as low as IF YOU NEED MONEY noronnnuutn debts smears nom°irn°nmcnu oAnywo emu calm Write or Phone mom Mortgage Funding over SimpsonSeuss 119 DUNLOP ET Member Ontlrtn Ilium Drabhr Association WANT MORTGAGEI at or Second etglow simple Pl meats up to titteen years to re pay For any mortgage problems age COREY Real Estate SSDIlnIIIpS enLl Lnxunnc lendlnl Ln riltuuons rust ca clinics in it You uninvited dim your mortrua will in conadonca and without nhLluUnn call lDImIS ut ulna that new home or any pl Timpan Izsssu osnan HOME for rent in Park am Now an ornate Trin Dhona must six nooil House to rent at sin Concession atzoud Modern tone Vfllilneea Close to lthooL lcie phon until gilan aannooil Hours In nar October Telephone 7151151 sisva Roosl brick country home mod Elva Teiapnoun pm APARTMENTS T0 RENT wNFUansIlaD one bedroom elurl meat Queens PaIk nrc tamed Hesiod phone mm mm ROOM unlurnlshed up tallied reprate Inter ladlltiesr 7202343 SAMOYED tor ulc Ind fmlle Reuonabls khanic Iy mendly dun Telephone 126 311 anytime mum noon Ipment two bedroom livlill Imam and In and water in hit LARGE netted twcibedronms runmsasn chm mm count in quill home suit hu en Sire children Near 7M salonmoo stator 511W retention ostaiI ND BILLS lwn Ill RENTALS HOUSES TO RENT two BEDROOM Noun Centrally localtd Near While Iridnscparitl hoold Telephone nut SIIANTY DAY none Execullvl hum mubic October Queen nnlsncn burlhunt Availhie tent Slim monthly ern conveniences Immediat nul Itdercneu mournrel phone muse or Issued 31X BOOM Bungalow Ital water hulln modeln newly Elli olhcfimii on one Vlnlfll TIL PW 1100 Eunnlow on paved road shanty any all treated decoratch nvaunble now one bitumen ideal saltInland WaturIront rlvlllllsNo ob ilctlori to fine chi Phone 1151395 mun ROOM House with sense modern ennvdnlenccl Peel 5L district Gu heating For mrlher inlnnnliion tclenhonc mu boo tween and mo Nu aaleN Ituoiii brick country home Ilh modemIrnnvenlentes Ininie dim rental ileleronees required No more than three children Tlephoria BS1528 sites p111 muse uennooil Bungalow oIl bested cvery eanvenlencz Blrrln ogtakirts street lights mall and re Availphll Ottnhuuni Tela one 7237022 on handy Reasonable rent HOUSES WANTED To RENT man bannonll House wanted Nnvcmber should be In Ear Ids1111 alter Sell cori Psrlilli Tele rin apartment lieted sencorp Park Telephone 7281710 ET lanow whim II to months illi Two commandments private entrance slled alsorgaéilin Icigtleth crnrlm coups our more water hydro heat unmmllhdd hitfihendprivlte entrance IIeat an water cumulus Wen an Telephone meals mus chenctia Ind re lflllfl CE illi IMILI annualiflcoulni phonenoon afler pm LICONTAINED tmiurnkhcd Darenmini and bath hot water 1° roar as Telephounflmlflil It Nlesan Furnirh all more Vilit Room bedroom kit with dining ImySIOV maimed role l1 WIMP alleles and pni as out Arel Aanitr News Two BILDBOOM mind noor mrtmmtrllvin loot storage turns Klountll Telc Sun mucomAiNm blnhelor apartment one hédmom lllltol private bath hut lied laundry and es tho monthly nnw Telephone mam unlumleh Ill mm and lllle kitchen moderrl Near not ital and west end ran pi isz ng clu st slot Telephone all Air Force coup Abltainara run until riovii rernE rd heatddé iruntuy wn bare ent sari monthly aw Mghny un rictocu drapes to climb Three rom lo downtown Lover hennanu rrtrnent nth frel walls tove and or Invutrnnni coma in ma db ammonia and ii llnloii tiiAls mnrmmuma manly two bedroom lnodern it bunslow tuIi RITA with my Ind Commercial Printing In lnc mmtnmfin hurt Um DUNIx MM oton can rrrtcénlzlubuudfi In in Knack loll Drive or Ilium O1 LII clean mm useth Keel wallJr IIIfit IUD lied king ill Innifli Sinai Mounts on bcdrnnm rpm null tor no cmrnuy located mania ruin auldzmssrvlln spice m1an mm mm Queens Pub The bedroom upm mnl priull who build Move midterm man Adults only AVIILIBII October mom mm are mull mm Mm Illlla Hunt dell onhinld hlll Ind It luppillfl 0n PenElli 8L re em Tin MID MOUNT MOI Apirlflllll no Rammed Pdvala Intnun Tin nu Hutu vary tintsll ml xuidurtlli amend would retired to Teitpnona noun mntnrn ImcoNnnIaD In bedrpun rtmeni Heal scalar hydro on and Ingerlot rnppum XVIaltivinxlwlacllltlu Mann gauging Mint in olt pin lawn rUlNIalnii Illnet Apartmeat in triplex Blair street car Dov mininn Pllu urn riled break rut book liviaa Bedroom barn roorn umpi ticrun Available October Tel one mm ulaa modern two bedroom apartmrnt stove and relrtsentor optlnan Janitor service Paved prairirkig In lenll turf to plan no us eep onl was or 7mm Room AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD 72w nnlaln unlined bedroom lor rent centrally located Board on tionnlI For lIlrther lutolmtlon telephun midst ROOMS TO LET PUnNIallan Room Centrally is cited to wrciriy Par Mather pui tieuim telephon Insane ROOM Io IIINI Bright clean and modern Prtu outliers Cen trclxioutlnn Parking llclliUu Gentlemen pretence newttabla rent Telephone 72607 Llama fumist bookkeeping room around floor separate an rance use or remnltcr and Ilune dry parking Tclepbunn new or luster FURNISHED sitting Room with llnori uncle and sentun llnr Central Blulnul men unis my IPPLVI Telephone 11 or own hitched mob mrnixhed timekeeping room equipped with stars and remgcntnr Centrally IntILM auxin ruI presence Tricpbenr reams Amriva furnished mm In quiet adult home good location bruirvmt incindld plankitchen prtvlic es Suit or bottom or prnrc nu not an Will Do oi earri nitminer LARItcusrossatE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner you would like to have rll low rim on our please eall at our busing cl llce We are sorry we cannot use phone calls 48 HR SERVICE GLOSSY PRINTS 175 lo I50 our in FOR SALE New lid Iued lV letsVacuum Cleaners complete stock at hoses bags belts hnishu Ra palrs to all makes AlIlhorlrd Hoover Sales ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE ll Mutants mast MACHINE TOOL SURPLUS SALE Edgine Lathes Vertical Horimutal Mtllersiibe oir lshing Equipment Internal Cen tmlesa Grinders Pedestal Drills at Various Capacity Lliid shnillng Pulleys and Hangers MIDLAND FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY LLMITED BAY ST MIDLAND 0N7 moin Oil Stnu with uni good now Telephone usury Dmca naeruca wood ilo per eontCu3u Pnsll various lile Tclrpbanc Tinsel UIKD TORCH ALT Howard him no and uud minty oil lumen icsI oidrmohiie All in annual nndiliomTultDhnnl lull runNAcx AND bolIsr removal Ibo net on pump null helm at nirr Telephone 7214151 any rI TELEVISION for n10 Initiation attach in working order also min tor uir lll Telephon menu YAIIUBLI Kaitlin Machine ule led once CM 55 will roll on 0150 or but otter Tnlr phnnn usitoz oavuoemo an or call llll also Bilrut US Collectible In 21 hills All in bod condit on Telphone mam WLCOAflifurauil nm lesnuensisa l2 and It re brown and man petirnicd II load fill Runnable TIr phone 71045 couMAN apnea mater and Pipe no quaMcCoox Slave while eil me trim I7 Illa email Qudbeo stove two burnon flu Telephone toom7 Donalz BARREL lo nun shot llln Fox made It Savage In M1 um me also Shanty at new plywood Telephone 71mm IIAnN UPIIIGBT Plano mendi tinned and rcllnlched Excellent condition as Peel sLrclepiione Hooded lnYExAvam IVANI Aos PHONE mint LBUSINES SERVICE DIRECTORY TELEPHONE 7282414 Ask about Low Rates by mouth or Year SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Fast anal 24iIOUR ARGO Efficient SERVICE CALL Sanitation Service 517268334 We are equipped with 1500 gal capacity tank INSULATION NOW ISTHE TIME SAVE FUEL Rockwoollilowing Method Free Eslimatea Alrtila Insulation SCOTT MUIR 7184167 PAINTING AND PAPE RHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Paintingtandllaper WI Spray fainting Smieemca 1920 RR Barrie unseat PAUL HAIDLE SONS Faulting and Paper Hanginl Spray Painting 35 years experience RR 0m 407525 PRINTING WHATEVER YOUR PRINTING NEEDS 374 mun woalt in XAMINER lo BAYFIELD ST TRYEXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE rmtii 7W3 SADDLES CRIDING EQUIPMENT English and Western OSpeciaiized Saddle and flame Repairs SADDLE SHOP ELMVALE ONTARIO ENGLISH and WESTERN SA DLERYot all kinds at reason able prices Western clothing hats boots etc SIMMONS HIgvhwaySJ at Dalston Telephone 7261696 TAXI 7285555 Day or digit raider Shine show or sleet Ihetime is right To call CENTRAL TAXI 7285555 II UPIIOLSTERING Recovered Reasonable natal Free Estimates also TV Service WARDS FURNITURE Barria TEElflzi alter 4366811 wsILItiEfiNo WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS TREE ESTIMATESw Coupland Drilling all BARRIE 737546

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