MM SID ROAM We for heavy traffic at tag day headquarters McCarthy resi deuce which homes the hop pltal auxiliary rooms will serve headquarters for volunteer workers Mrsme is social oonvener of the nu illary RESULTS IN WOMENS SECTION Mrs William Critténden Is Champion Cook At Oro Fair An Ora Station woma who cooks on propane gas stove because she has no electricity in her home was named Cham pion Cook at the litth annual Oro Worlds Fair yesterday Mrs Villiam Crittcndcn won the award with 35 points are recorded firsts in the lemon pie cherry pie angel food cake milk roll competition Pl SECOMII and thirds in many of the other baking contests This is the first year she has won the top cook award Last year she missed out by only two points she said She has entered the ore and Barrie fairs for many years was hollering Blll her husband couldnt believe it was so excited She said the night before was very discouraging Every thing was all piled up Mrs Crittcnden unike most women said she did not get her Sinking skills from her mother She acquired them by practit lng on her children have no electricity no have to do it the hard way she said Besides baiting for family and competitions she sells home cooking at the Bar rie iarrncrs market Husband Bill said he wasnt surprised when his wife won the top award When asked if his wife had ever hunted his sup for he replied that she doesnt et him see it if she does He commented that people come all the way from iomnio to buy her goods and that many times they have 19 for Sunday supper How does the top cook feel about storehought baking wouldnt think ofvb cookie or cake she all taste like vantlla winners in the womens divis Icn were gt Pickles Jams hay Mrs ltobert Bell Mrs Ross Bradley Mrs Lloyd Samp yam Mrs Mrs Nowacin acher raspberry iam Mrs Suii ton Mrs William Critzenden Mrs George Caldwell maple syrup Albert Anderson Mrs George Caldwell Mrs Howard Campbell Canned cherries Mrs Bernnl Johnston Mrs Crittcndcn Mrs Pilkey canned peaches Mrs Johnston Mrs Pltkey Mrs Sutton canned tomatoes Mrs Crittenden Mrs Woodrow Mrs Bradley mustard pickles Mrs Altred Sutton Mrs Walter Sutton MrshNowacin dill pickles Mrs Woodrow Mrs Nowacin Mrs Lillieam pickles any vanety Mrs Ai fred Sutton Mrs Stewart John ston Mrs Bradley Salad drasalns Mrs George Caldwell Mrs Johnaton Jack Anderson canned pears Mrs Alfred Suï¬sm Mrs Waiter Sub top Mrs Ken Wilton Honey display loe Carnay BAKING Rolls Mfl George Caldwell Mrs Mchven Mrs Mel WORKING entrainment in preparation for the annual tag days sponsored by the Royal Victoria Hospital Aur iliary are Mrs Ross Adams left and Miss Agnes Flynn tag days oonvencr Members ot the auxiliary were busy yesterday morning uniting preparations for the tagging which will be held today from to it and will continue tomorrow from to pm Brenda Photon Mchven Mrs George Caldwell buns Mrs Alfred Sutton Mrs Crittenden Mrs Cameron Nellsona Special prise two pcund box of chocolates cake ltcta Caldwell Mrs George Saldwall Mra William Critter an NANDICRAIIB Quilt Mrs Graham Mrs Jon Van Leeuwen Mrs Woodrow floor rug Mrs Jack Anderson Mrs Roy McCracken hooked met him Gordon Cald well Mrs Alfred Sutton Mrs Everett McNiven fancy cush loo Mrs Merle Mason Mrs Esrl ScotL Sampler Mrs James Pear sail oil painting Mrs Mary Richardson Mrs Cough Mrs Graham weicr col or painting Mrs Jack Ander son Mrs Lloyd Sampson Mrs Nowaan House as Mrs Gordon Caldwell Mrs Pllkey Mrs Bernal Johnst built blocks Mrs Gough Mrs Woodrow hematitchlnz Mrs Bnice Che cosmos coonMu Crittenden proudly holds her prize winning angel food cake Jnnnieaon bu lientléaun Mrs Pilk Mrs Crittend whole wheattbread Mrs Pil key Mrs tiandenM Wal ter Sutton white bread Mra gtPllkey Mrs Aiir Suit Joyd Sampson Fruit loaf Mr Compton MraICrittenden Mrs Piur nut oat Mrs Plikey Mrs ont tchden tesbiac ltsMrs Jack Anderson Mrs Crittenden Mrs Alfred Station bran muffins Mrs Stewart Johnston hin Mel Jamieson Mrs Cameron Cherry pie Mrs William Crittenden MraBradIey M11 Sampson apple pie Mrs Bell Mrs Alfred Sutton MreSamp son pumpkin pie Mrs Brod ley Mrs Alired Sutton Sampson lemon pie Misir ley Mrs Crittenden Mrs Niven raisin pie Mrs Jo atoll Mrs Crittenden Mrs key Tarts Mrs Crittanden Cameron Mrs Alfred ton angel cake Mrs Critten den Mrs Alfred Sutton Mrs Ball marble cake Mrs Bruce Ctrappell Mrs Sampson Mrsn Pitkcy chocolate cake Mrs Cameron Mrs Pilkcy Mra Dental Johnston layer cak Mrs Alfred Sitton Mrs 0am eronMra Woodrow Decorated cake Mrs Howard Campbell ths Caldwell Mrs M91 Jemima isht fruitcake Mra Came Mn Vamp son Mrscrittende fruit cm Fair Examiner Photo its Mrs St Johnstoli Mrs Lillicrap Mp Pflkey ton Mrs Slaviiitlahrulon Mrs Sampson collectionof cookies modems antiton Mrs Fillrey Mr Sampson nnbaked confectionery Mrs Alfred Sut ton MraH Campbell Mrl Nowacin Sandwichcs Mrs Sampson Mra Cameron Mrs Stewart Johnston to salad Mrs Pllkey Crittendau Mrs Cameron meat loaf Mrs Beil vegetable salad Mrs Cameron Mrs George Caldwell Mrs Sampson school lunch Mls Alfred Sutton Mrs Gordon Daldwell Mrs Tattoo Data squares Mrs Sampson Mrs Walter Stilton Mrs Bell collection of baking Mrs Alfred Sutton Mrs Sampson Mrs Crittendm Standard Brands Special Cake Mrs George Caldwell Mrsl Alfred Sutton Mrs Cameron white bread Mrs Walter Sutton Mrs McCracken Mrs Nowacin brown bread Mrs Pilkey Mrs Crittenden Mrs Alex hatrte men Piiames Mra Shortbread Mrsrlltred Sui Cameron Mrs Crittenden Mra Rolls Mrs Critlcndcn Mrs Merle Moron Mica ceramic or mosaics Gray Mrs James Mrs Mary Richard acn fancy quilt Mrs Wood Mrs Alex Currie Mrs Graham bath towel Mrs Bradley Mrs James Woodrow Mrs Earl Scott handkerchief Sampson Mrs Woodrow Mrs Tattoo double mitts Mrs hurls Mrr Don McLeod Mrs Fagan single mitts Mrs Wim Van Wlnden Mrs Cecil pelt Cameron Mrs Bernl Johnston Gtillda sweater Mrs Oorsen babys croehe rouiilt an Wilton Mrs Bradley Currie Mrs Fagsn ladys pyjamas Mrr ion Van Meiwen Mrs Wlm Van Winden Mrs Currie tea towel Mrs Graham Mrs Lillicrap Mrs Van Lecuwen Mrs Woodrow Mrs lady sweater Mrs Roberta Mr Triton Mil Ken Wilton sweater Mrs Tattoo Mrs Wilton Mrs Mc Lcod Artitde from sugarsackers Craig Mrs Keri Gilchrist Mrs Graha doiiey Mrs Brad ley Mrs Woodrowu Mrs Sampson plain locks Mrs ham Mrs Cmran Gough fancy socks Mrs Tat lon Mrs McCracken Mrr ernallohnston pillotv nasal Mrs Pearaall Mrs chappeil Mrs Sampson crossMitch am hroldered pillow oasisI Mrl Luncheon set Mrs Van Lee wen Mrs Mapped Mrs ham stuffed toy Mrs Robert Barbara Gray Mrs Watson childs drell Reta Caldwell Mra Van Laeuwen Mrs Mc Leod winter bouquet Mrs Mc Cracked Mrs George Caldwell HetaCaldWell hat and mitt set Mrs Cameron Fancy apron Mrs MoCrack an Mrs Chappsll Mrs Tattoo work apron Mrs James Wood row Mrs Woodrow Mrs Wim Van Wlnden kitchen nav elty Mrs GWoodrow Mrs Cough Mrs Tattoo Special by Mitchell Square WI handmade hat Mrs Merle Mason Mrs Eernallohnstcn Mrs Pearsall best dressed doll Mrs Eva Watson Reta Cald well Mrs Ball wallet Mrs Mrs Peatsail Mrs Earl Arnie WI Special for best mustard made by 4H member Kathryn Disson Valeria Mould Susan Handy anownn snow Pansies Mrs GeorgeVCald Please turn to page 10 units Standards of pink and White gladloli adorned the altar of St James United Grouch Stroud for the wedding of DonnaMarie Mason and Robert Todd Knee ahuw Rev Fred Jackson of Siroud officiated at the double ringceiemony The bride is the elder daugh tar of Mrand Mrs Gordon Mason of Stroud The bride groom is thesnn of Mr and gr Ernest Kneeshaw oi Gli The soloist Miss Elisabeth Wanlass at Grand Valley rang IhaWeddlngPr er Loni Bless Thi Hsuean arms durï¬g the ceremony Sh accompanied by her mother Mrs Gordon Wanless also of Grand Valley as organist BRIDAL GOWN The bride was escorted down the aisle on the arm at her far iher Forher special day she chose fulllengthvgown of pure silk ugalgwn ltaffetamwhlch was at am one wild rose The fittsd bottle with ueScent neckline diamondmini waist and at sieev The bout tos chapel train was caught up at thesfdea antitank with tiny of organza giving act crown oi white brldes elbowiength scalloped tulle illusion sleda cascade btyu net ta ate auntie an of honor Wu MisaGlend Ma son sister of th bride bridesmaids were Mrs Dennis Ailen Toronto andM Allan Brownttlt Barrie sister or the groom Junior bridesmaid was Miss Karen Elliott Itorouto cousin the bride The mid of honor and can for bridesmaids were gownad alike in sheath dresses of feed bluo organza over taffeta which Communist Stationery and Systems gt Adding Masth and Calculators Office Equipmentiltepalra SIMCOE euamnss mcnmea hing tail and tiny pearlaiheidï¬thet in Eisiia esu units we nines Doctor Tells Barrie Club Women How To Plan Proper Meals FOOD HEALTH AND It Mom In the topic of the gun maker Dr Elizabeth Giant fittermus at the first meeting of thefall reason oi the Barrie University Womens Her outline at how to feed families well and emphatically was based on army done of Grade eight studenu in Toronto mus mu up in all Students recorded their total food intake to hour Including Howard of Cooks town will mental the Harvest hamstring service at St Georges Anglican Church Uto pin on Sept so The service will commence at 1030 am The choir will present special arrangements at Thanksgiving music Fruits ot harvest found in the district will decorator an diurrh and the pews anto by Lu Cowper studio Mn AND his poems masuaw Cape Cod Honeymoon Follows Summer Wedding AtStroud werl fashioned with short bus tlelika overakirts wiui bow in front The fitted bodice were designed with rounded necklinor and short sleeves Their headdresses were of mat ching scalloped iulIa held by single rosette The junior bridesmaid wore bouifant frock of white nylon enhanced with an icedblue sash band covered with organza rosettes formed her headpiece The attendants carried cascade bottom of Sweetheart pink rot cs and white carnationa flta gmmwas attended by BruceThompconoiChumhill The ushers were Paul Knee shsw of Richmond Hill cousin of the bride and Stanley Todd of Toronto cousin of the groom REOEPHON For the reception held at Stroud Community Hall the brides mother received attired in sheath dress of Dior blue so do lots with matching ac eaasoriea Her oorsaga war white gardenin Assisting the brldcgroama mother chose twopicce dress at plnkJaos with matching ac She wore white pursue avtng on honeymoon in Cape the bride donned sw theart pink sheath dress With linen coat in matching ads and navy umrles white gardenia corsage com pleted her travelling ensemble On their return the newly edawili reside on their farm at Giliord Guests were in attendance trmFoni Hill Kitchener lvanr hoe Toronto Stayner Cree more Orlllla Bradford Glliord Murchili Barrie and Should it FRESH oufcu moi Flowers humor or nasr meals and between meal toads Canadas Food Guide wasusedasnbmforoorn pariron of Natalie FRUITS The meat im portant source of Vitamin Canadian intits generally low In Ihfs and it is most easily lost cooking Dr Robertson emphasized that we must be good liefreaders to ensure that the products we buy contain the minimum re quirement of 35 mm vitamin per tit as glass Many of the drinks concentrates and hectare on the market con tain only mall fraction of the vii needed Juices are gay smmeni standardised so do not have to have vitamin mntent specified and are well above the minimum requirement Vit amlnlted apple juice is the st economical preparation available Citrus juices show no loss of strength within to hours alter opening so from this we can gauge the best sire tint for our families Most apples and tomatoes are equivalent in vit amln to it an orange Pine apple and grape juice are very low in vii per cent of the children had none of these vitamin Ccontainlng foods VEGETABIE New potatoes are another excellent route of vitamin Cabout mo mgm per 100 in potatoes The cab bage family of vegetables are also high in this vitamin Care in preparation of these vegeta bles is important to prcvcniloss of the vitamin They should be cut with sharp knife to pre vent bruising have the skin left on so the vitamin will not be dissolved in the water cooked in minimum of water in pot with tightfighting lid until just done using boil ing water not mashed as air that is mixed in oxidizes vitam in and use the cooking water to dilute other foods Do not add soda to cooking water be cause although it maintains the good colour of the vegetables it destroys vitamin instant potatoes arefourtlmes as ex pensive as ones you prepare yourself and the vitamin con tent is variable VITAMIN 1A la another vitam in in vegetables it is found as bright orange substance calle ed provltamln or carotene which is changed by the body to vitamin it is not easily damaged by cooking Vegetab les should be eaten with butter to aid in the absorption of vit amin by the hadron STAVNERr NURSING HOMI STAVNER ONT For elderly and convales ent patients Excellent facilities tor privaianr semiprivate Hot and cold water in rooms Register edNursa in attendance Reg MARSHALL Phone WWW cent the children didnt tan new yum anus Milk and cheese on ihemost important sourcestf calcium riboflavin vitamin Bat and protein Skim milk has the some animals of these whole milk Pordard milk is equally good and economical One ounce of ï¬rm cheese is equivalent to pupa ounces of milk 55 per cath the diildrrn bad IN than tit pints of milk or equivalent BREAD AND CEREALS our main sources ofiron thiamine Vitamin Sit grain cereals are best and told about too mgr thiam and 10 mm of iron per as ounce serving Many cereals contain as little uï¬i mm of thiamine and 02 of iron and cost much men One tablespoon of wheat ge served on top of them hi1ch adds too mgm thiamine Rye bread and whole wheat bredd are also good sources of these two essentials but in brown bread contains whole wheat at allbut is ored by molasses or cars as per cent of the children it not have cereal or its vaient in bread vnvtinrr which is eardr tial for growing persons and pectsnt mothers totals lit lli and can be obtained in too tablespoons of margarine 30 per cent of the children dldnot have this much MEAT AND FISH are ollf main source of protein andjh though relatively expensive only per cent of the children had less than the required on serving daily Also of interest was the fact that 30 per cent of the children had more sweets than nccdcd Dr Robertsons talk helped members to evaluate their fatn iiys eating habits lha business meeting follow ed the speaker their notice was served by the social eon vencr for the evening Mrs Howard assisted by Mrs ii Grnff Mrs Stewart Mrs Milton Powell Mrs Dun can Ellla and Mrs Ronald The hostess far the evening Mrs Charles Wilson WIFES PRIVILEGE The king of the Kafa triben Africa may only be looked at by his wives and attendants Hy cannot touch food and must fed TRAVEL SERVICE For complete and conven lent holiday planning call JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE 7266525 in DUNLDP er Huhm ï¬gsice use nouns tfth you in summons dilated brim Ill acerbic fhlais not to me the candida nip amusean beqnasu niinations araadviaablo for those who have mastitis the periodi toss or stutter human tilhrï¬ chronic inflammation and the inner ear Ferrous ar Tod Elzma lie in flgflmmfmmn my unknownsIdols illness are priceless Hanpcws ARMA°Y JACK HARPER BSP PENETANGAT sr ViNCENf angle PHONE 7285407 ANYTIME rasrcnv WIDE PRESCRIPTION seavrce OPEN WEDNESDAYS AND SUNDAYS