Ancrrmsnon CHRYSDfl OM05 primate of Greece foodies the forehead ol Anne Becomes Greek Queen ATHENS AP King Con stantine of the Helienes wed Denmarks beautiful Princess Annoliarictodny amidthe By cantino magnificence of Athens Greek Orthodox cathedral AnneMarie 1a became the oqueen of Greece and the worlds oungest queen At TA her hus and is the worlds youngest monarch She was gorgeous bride and tire darkhsirod king strik ingly handsome bridegroom it was spectacularly color qlul ceremony but it had its hu man momcnts when Anne hlarle nggled and when Queen Mother Frederika came close to hitting Britains Prince lCharles with one or the two crowns used in Greek Orihodorvwaddlap marine did not duds but he eyed the heavy crowns with concern The wedding brought together the greatest gathering of roy alty in years seven kings Iix queens two former rulers 4d princesses and 50 princes Pearson seeks To Speed Workfli Govft VANCOUVER GP Prime Ministcr Pearson has returned Ottawa after warning that wants more action from committee designed to speed the work of Parliament He told the Canadian Club here Thursday that one of Can udas problems is the need for changes in procedrne in the Commons to assure the right vol discussion and decision the right of the majority to ensure parliamentary action and the right of theminority to discuss delayaud attempt change but not prevent decision JAn allparty committee has been set up for thid purpose bptits results so far have been few and its progress slow It Denies Unbeliever Hi 43yearold Dutch immigrant who with his wife has been re in Canadian citizenship twioe says he believes in the Bible but not in God Ernest Bergsma oi Calcdo nia fathen of four children be the subject of question in the House of Commons Thursday Willianr Howe New Demo fdratic Party membarfor lia milton South mentioned the case in tiredlouse and Citizen ahip Minister Tremblay prom iged an nquiry Bergsmas ware epdrted to have been refused citizenship because they are atheists and ciiuld not take the oath so elprme God Mr Hergsmasaid in an terview Thursday he believes the Bible is book of rules on how people shouldlive but he cannot believe in God because nobody knows what happe caller death gt lle cameto Canada 10 years ago and is welder at Hamil ton steelplant lie and his wife Were at citizenship ceremony at Caledonia in months ago He he thentook an oath on the Bible to tell oniyrtha truth action which restricts Com Citizenship Maria with one of two rings used during her marriage to Greek King Constantine in YoungDanish Princess flsejandanmc monarch and his bride took their vows in Athens Greek Orthodox cath edral beneathrthe ancient mai esty of the Acropolis Areln bishop Chrysostomos the 85 yearoldprimata of Greece of ficiated at the Byzantine Ortho dox rites Only the 1600 invited guests were admitted to the cathedral For the thousands of Greek villagers and others who flocked to Athens the ceremony was broadcast to television sets at various centres around the cap ital by the ltaiian state televi sion service Athens has no tel evision station The streets WEN festonned with brilliant decorations of Greek blue and Danishrredtrmr estimated crowd of 1000000 turned art to see Constantine and his queen in gilded horse drawn open carriage lead the long procession oi crowned heads and dignitaries back to the royal palace On band for the occasion More fiction should move faster and show more results The prime minister left here lhursday after two days oi ceremony discussion and speeches He joined President Johnson Wednuday to cel ebrate the ratiï¬cation of the Columbia River Treaty and ad dressed local Liberals during the evening At press conference before boarding his plane for Ottawa Mr Pearson mentioned closure as an alternative to an election and as awnrethod to stopepar liamentary ï¬libuster But he said he preferred change of House rules rather than such mons debate When the Jndge asked me if went to church1 told him on Mr Bergsma said When he asked me what re lfgion was told himl didnt have anyaWhenhe asked me it believed in God told him the truth as had sworn to do and said no Mr Bergsrna said he would rather not be Canadianthan tell aiie Issues SpecialChristmas Stamp frrshspecial flrï¬shnair dian postal history wtli go on sale Oct 14 the post office departmen announced today There will be two issues ofsimiiar design One is printed in blue and the other is red threeoent omw CPi livecent issue issue Owaissa node as delegate to federalelection pnu unlhlbdewasr The veto first iry the Soviet lin fonner Grillia Mayor Dies of Orillia and owner of to the Onhrio Liberal convention in theRoyal York Hotel Toronto He had also been in the house construction busi ness and was an unsuccessful andidata in East riding in Athens today AP wirephoto via cable from Athens were all of Erropea reigning monarchs except Queen Eliza beth of Britain who is prepar ing for visit tocanada She was represented by her hus band Prince Pbitip owns swimwear Dntario IChiei if Magistrate Dies At 53 roaomo ca lrederldr Bartram chief magis trataot Ontario and Metropol itan Toronto died of heart at tadr today in days alter he at ceptod tho azimuthsyear ap potatment Ha suffered seizure shortly after arriving at his oifice at magistratea court in suinrrban Willowdale He was taken to hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival lie was first appointed ma gistrate in 1951 and accepted the position of senior ma gistrate in Ontario and the tan Police Com mlraion Sept lart Magistrate Bartrem was also one of three members of the Tomato Police Commission Soviet Warns UN fdgainst Extension 0i UN Forces Harmonious or Barring Vlast minute hitches the Security Council was ex pected to act today to keep United Nations troops in Cy renewed mandata for the force appeared assured alter the Soviet Union indicated Thursday it would abstain on resolution to keep the force in beingas it did when the force was set up in March and again when its mandate was renewed iii June Soviet delegate Platon Moro mv said his government was opposed to any kind of foreign interference in the island coun try and had permitted it only becauserthe Cypriot government wanted UN intervention But he warned against any extension oi the forces powers and in sisted the operation must be its nanced on purely voluntary basis as ithar been in the pasv PLANS FIRMEE ACTION SecretaryGeneral ilrant in asking continuation ot the forceslaat week made clear that he would instruct the force commander to take firmer ac tion in removing fortifications and in ensuring freedom of movement for the force He also indicated he wordd use tunds from the regular UN budget if voluntary contribu tions failed to cover the $1060 Don that he expects will be needed in pay for the three month extension ilfororov spoke on the Cyprus issue after testing the mod So veto in thercouncil ear in the day to kill resolu tion on the Malaysian crisis ion in more than yearpre vented tha council from voting to deplore an Indonesian backed paratroop attatk on Malaysia kings mortisel vbotedNior the W50 0W whidt would have celled admit in hostilities and required so speet lbr Malaysias territorial integrity Only Czechoslovakia nonpermanent member with out veto powerI voted with the Soviet Union in the Iloountry council this sent mouse TITLE CALGARY OP Fifteen cats meet Saturday night in the seventh annual world mouser championship Anxious owners will dangle sardines or gesticulate wildly oatside glasstacedvmaze in attempts to help their animals reacha wire screen which protects the mice When the min do get to the end or the maze think theyre more scared than the mice says Manager Ben Borett the Calgary Oat Show which features the event Most of them wouldnft know what to do with mouse if they caught one Bonitaoi Arregra owned by Mrs Earl Olson of Calgary died shortlyafter winning the rtlo last year mundane rigbt today elected ch man of the Commons flag committee prepares toaet down to business as them rnittees Vsnet in Ottawa today Flag committee for the first time Mr Batten ia liberal menthe otPsrlla mentior liurnberSt George At left is Hugh John Flem ing Conservative member for VictoriaCarleton OP Wire Photo Electsiehairiï¬ï¬n UMAWA tCP The flag conunittee fluttered its wrngs publicly Thursday but irritate flights are to be surrounded with mesecurity precautions of an atomic missilea blastoti Theconrrnittee gave public display of amicable cnopera tion by unanimously electing Herman Batten Letterm berSt Georges as chairman and Theogene RicardtPCSt Hyacinth Ba as char Picture taking formalities over the members settled down to drawing veil of secrecy aver committee proceedings as MPs try to find aflag design acceptable to the Commons They decided to have hand record of what is only the barest minute of pro ceedings available onlyin one py in the custody of clerk Maximo carom Even records at votes arent shearsfinders For E1eclion Onslaught TORONTO GP With an evening of convection hoopla under their belts scream tn the Ontario Liberalileadership arm night while registering leadership aspirants Convention headquarters at convention conventionbolstered themselves for an onslaughttonigirt of telect me pleas from the Royal yorkwllotel was atnolsy mixture ofvre corded announcements candl dates roomsEternal rib bond ats drew lok Thursday night for their order oilapeahhng to the Nixbn took the unfa ablofirat spot and The Saturday giv Krthe 1200 delegates seven from the emotional appealof the gasses Mr Nixon as said he wont have preferred tmapeak tar but added The obvious that might ashwell lead lathe speaking voting and other port at candidates to identify invthe minutes how each MP voted on quation Waldo Monteith PC Perth suggested periodic re parts by Chairman Batten on whattranspired at the meet ings on the basis of com munique agreed upon by all members Leo Cadierrx Terrobonne ca oned that this ight conflict th the commit tees instnrctions to report to the Commons TEWOEARILY SEELVED Finally the matter was shelved temporarily until the comnritteo went into secret sesv sion Inter Mr Batten issued nmniiIlie saying press re cases will bemade from time to time by the chairmanin con currenee with members of the committee arrawn cat Viilresidents Disclosures Seen ilimediit Goldwater WASHING101V AP Prea ldeot Johnson back from his first tour of the as general election campaign season has demonstrated anew that the man in office usually has bruit in advantage over the man who wants his lob Twice in two days Johnson dipped into the Pentagons military secrets for revela tions which got wide public It tendon Although Johnson the Demo cratic lparty proflrefdentlal nogrb nee no in directly ed his disclosures to his go against Republican rival Sen ator Barry Goldwater many seemed to see Goldwater as his target In Sacramento Calif Thurs lday Johnson made two motor military disclosures both in volving the development ofvnew defenuaaystema which until tarl experts said could prop erly ha lumped in the strategic category He did not say so but it seemed strident that his revelations were blunt re sponse to Goldwaters claim that the Democratic adminis tration has failed to ooma up with any new strategic weap ons gt These were the secrets un wrapped by the president The United States has neviv radar that will literally around the curve of the alerting us to aireralt and aspect ally missiles within seconds after they are launched Previously there had been limlnnta warning Kai We now have dcvsioped and tested two ms with the ability to intercept and destroy armed satellites circling the earth in space can tell you today that these systems are in place they are operationally ready and they are on alert the systems are Iandhased JULIET cm unwraps Fla AP Saturn de scribed here the worlds nrlglrtlut space rocket scored its seventh straight fed filth Iaccru today hurling into orbit an un wmlnned moddof thaPrv hot Apollo WIMP Wednesday in Seattle John son beraldcd another military development designed to make certain that neither mad man nor malfunction could trigger nuclear war He an nmrnced that several nuclear weapons now are equipped with bermisaive action locks which he described as electro mechanical units which must be opened by secret combina tion before action is possible vTa Govtlid Stud New Air Policy The gov ernmenta longawaited national air policy may be placed be fore Parliament before the end of the year Thatwas Jhe hope expressed by Transport Minister Pickers gill Thursday as the Commons began study of the transport departments ding esti mates for the iisul year cod ing Marchol The estimates were still be fore the Commons when the House adjourned andwill coma upagain laterin the session Today the Commons turns its attention to the spending pro gram of the northern affairs department Former Conservative trans port ministerieoir Balccr and Stanley Knowles ND Willi nipeg North Centre or crzed Mr Pickersgifl for failing to lay down guidelines for on mercialair services Earlier thisyear the nister as said that new worked out for Air Canada and Canadian Pacific Airlines as well as for the smaller regional Mr Balcer said more of mergers were causing airline unployeea concern abouttheir no security only policy statement would put an end to thaLIumors DISCUSS POLICY Mr Knowles said the main cornerstone otCanadian avia tion policy should baAir Can ada That had been Liberal pol icy in the mo andwe regret very much that governments that have been in power since then have moved away from that policy gt In reply Mr Pickersgili said talks were continuing between Air Canada President Gordon MeGregor and CPA chiefGrant McConschie The had been saltedbe th mrnrster dis cuss arrangementsfor cooper ation on international services andalso to give their ewson domestic services wrthin framework set out by Mr Pl ersgill The presidents were nearing agreementbon several points thaLwill fprm part of the pro