Glen aon at Mr and Mn than humiliated as the iamlly Gralmera oi the Tribune GP Wirephoto Prank Eiorleiison oi Winni peg appears more unhappy cal linx samplu his tood in this picture taken by Rank Police Investigate Triple Shooting mymorn APlAmrlemea Ind woman were iound ahot to death in one room and the body el widely known radio per aooaiity in another Monday at the Detroit School of Announc lng on the citys northwest ll Onepoliceman said it looks llire triple murder No gun was iound at the scene Police ideach the victim Pierre Paultn about so dil rector oi the school and an au nonncer in part years at sev eral Detroit radio stations Mrs John Dorothyt Frazier about 40 wife of railroad engineer and Clarence De Potle about whom police brew little Mrs Franer was shot at least our times and the men at least tlonin several We chm general hadrgronnds oi the vie time and that Mrn Fraziera husband was among them FINDS BODIES The bodies wen discovered although he aaid he didnt know ttatthattrnehyArtLanga partner with Peulln in the school and an announcer tor cmv in neighboring windsor Police said Lang told them he walked into the school about 100 pm but turned away without entering further when he saw two pairs oi feet on the higeawsw bed aog was thin as he lett the ldwot and returned to Windsor but later became clone and called Detroit po ce asking them to check the once each in the drest The school woman and De Patio were iound on hideaway bed Paulin hilly clothed was found in room across the hall Police said they were quee Lang aaid nelther De Potts nor litre Iraaier were atudents nor wu Ihe as some neighbora oi the school thought Paullna secretary lIigher Teacher Salaries iilttract Interest To Money genome GP alga leacheraf aalaries are attract Ing growing number of per non into the profession whose nhlei interest lemoney the On atarto Federation of Home and 53ml Associations said Man delegation iron the east dation representing about too 000 parents and teachers told the Ontario legislatures select committee on youth that some oi its members were concerned that some teachers recruited through nthactive salaries lack sincere interest in children Mrs Giaubitz assoala hion president said many pen Ions have become teachers be cause all thirst tor knowledge and interest in humans These could have been the only rraa aona many of them stayed in an underpaid proiession throughout their careerl ehe aaid With todays higher salaries however an inoreaalngnumber were entering the teaching iield wiflr the attitude that it is fjnst another 10b and lacked the feeling that teaching is lite long occupation requiring sin cere conviction and understand ing of children she said The federation also told the Man 22 Charged In BC Shooting VANCOUVER UP charge of attempted murder was laid Mondayvnlght against 22yearvoid Raymond Baker as he lay in hospital with thrce shotgun wormdsw and bullet wound all policelnilicted Baker is charged with tiring Llaakhunday night in the cli max ot halthour chase and flnbattla on Vancouver sch aker was iniair condition altar surgery or the removal Ma bullet from his spine Hundreds oiparaons saw squads at city police close in on the nearby Kitsilano wateriront to corner arnancarlying twn rlfles and revolve itnesa aaldthc man at whose home ausnicida note was lateriound threatened to kill somebody less poitcewero called fired one at his arms as he was rushed and police relt committee researdr is needed into tha ettect that television viwing has on children Rre federation said that for the last three years it had been asktnltheOBC and the Board Broadcast Governors to un dartaka surh research To this request the CBC re plied that it had no money to pursue this type at research the federation added The federation said that Can ada must find out through re search what television is doing to children It abth to television pro grams which depict the more objectionable TV crime sex and liquor elements The youth committee head by Syl Apps PC Kingston tamer National Hoelrey League star with Toronto Maple Maia alsowas told that the federa tion believes juvenile dclin truancy is not necessarily an the rum Enterlo Liberals Extend Deadline The dead line for nomination of oaadt dates for the leadership of the gt Ontario Liberal party was ex tended Monday irom today to Thursday aiternoon apparently zivrng Charles Templeton an other chance to change his mind about entering the leader ship race Davtd Greenspanffchahman oi the Ontario leadership con vention committcaaaid the committee changed the dead line because it did not want to be lnthe position oi having de on city Police Constable Peter you um the no Mr Templeton In former evangelist and newspaper exe cutive announced Friday that he wouldnoteeek the leader ship post at the convention which opens here Thursday He made the announcement alter being defeated in the Toronto hivardale hyaiectlon Atdrati Templeton honimrtv been created to Templ to recon alder his decision withdraw by presentlnghirn with corn mittrnentr oi delegates to the convention piemens Nelman conunitice chairman raid Sun gtt edthyiira beforetaltinldi tlrm the per TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS flood and mm 11 Go tecticn against price it should receive rumanammmrmrsruu Fem lohnion Begin Columbia Talks Wednesday loorhla hirer danu In the US v5 Columbia River treaty The two countries will reap handsome bandits iron the the toner readies at the Co tnmbla basin millions oi hydro electric kilowatts and substati tlaliioodcontlol Irina It will mean the linal stone in harnenlna the Columbia along its 1110 relies course tram the Canadian miles to the Padiie Ocean The United States retitled the basic treaty to 1961 But the proposal ran into troldrla in Canada over two key issueswhether Canada should temporarily aeil ltr share oi power to the us and the price APPROVE TRFATY The two countries ï¬nally reached mpmmlse and the Canadian government approved the treaty in June The treaty calla tor Canada to build three storage damn on haraidaottheborderatthe Mica Armw Lakes and Duncan sites with completion date set for 1963 1069 and Ma The three dams will even out the flow of the river throughout the year reducing the threat oi IDVIIIIAGE or Uhoilarriritxomi or to produce an additional him til at power Canada will ï¬nance the dams hyaeillngherhaiiotthehub Mer generated in the us tor at years inr lump rum oi SHEEN USJ Rte also will at WW0W tUSl ad vance cash mm the U3 goo erame tor flood unttoi ben dita In the United States combine oi Paciilc North west ulillliu incorporated as the Cchrnrbla Storage Power Exdranu has aold memo in mag bonds is the power wrpora pay oti the bonds by reselling the power to its members other utilitiea AUDI DAM The treaty also allow the US to build Ubby Dam on the Kootenal River in Montana major tributary oi the Colum hia Canadas approval was needed because it will bad wa ter 41 miles across the border into Canada Canada will also gain other beneiita ihe Mica protect will generate 2000000 kilowatts oi electricity and make it feasible to build three other downstream Canadian dams capable oi pro during another 1000000 The large increase at for the us will result in at least temporary sinplunder the Pacliic Northwest Most at it is planned tor sale in the Paciï¬c Southwest over tranir mlsalon hookup approved this year by Congress TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mall Iraewai ARGOSY The Man Mllulne 1935 camuaccnns com The classic Cadillac look in greater breadth with broad lala Coupe shown Cadiliaea on bold new trout view tor me emphaalsea look of OPEN mane omen OilAWA CPI flra gov ernment is opening new trade consume in Cleveland it was learned Monday it will be the ilth Canadian trade post in the United States Othera are In New York Washington Phila dclphia Boston Detroit Gri eago San Francisco has Arr gelea New Orleans and Seattle WILL PAY TAX PORTSMOUTH Nil AP lha internal revenue depart mentthad intruded on the jubil ation of the 1001 winners oi aarne tit00000 in Saturdays running at the New Hampshire llere is how You select your Magazines Manunea REDBOOK LADIES HOME JOURNAL BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS yrs TRUE STORY PARENTS MAGAZINE ONTARIO HOMES AND LIVWG SPORT MAGAZINE CHILD LIFE Ages 310 FLOWER GROWER MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY CHRISTIAN HERALD MECHANIX ILLUSTRA MOODY MONTHLY that me the mm tad twin headlampa Ca wonn plurws err awaeprtekea District Director Char as Ernie uld Monday thatpriac winners are liable lar tam ranging irom ta tor the 8700 winners to $65000 tor ainlle person winning the top money at 8100000 MANAGER DIE Vmwm Qua CF The manager ot bank in nearby Les Cedrea One who police aid was beaten during anAuguat holdup died in hoe pital Monday Doris ltienard 57 lived above the branch oi the Banana Canadienue Nation aie which he managed 1hree masked bandiu lorced him into distinctiveaawrooimlemre giummddewlo the cities at gun point early Aug it and beat him when he was unable to open the tor them police said They Mr Menard with them until manager or another branch at the same bank arrived at the oilite with 310000 bankroll PAIR ARRWED PHlLADEiPmA rrr Po lice melted two leaders oi New movement Monday night on charges tth instigated riot Ing and looting Ilug mo in North Philadelphia slum notion that cursed property danrags at more than $2500000 Selled by police were Shaykb Muhama mad at also known as Abbya aina linyse and Raymond Hall who uses the name Yuarni Ab flglah 1113 havle ham imam eon racy at to riot and rioting mu Ammanhenaf mumszonSnsu Cl loam immunemouhE GROUP New Denali McCALLS ayra INGENUE ATLANTIC oun ounnnnflreeu 12 volt on so pro mm mmpiegmummmuï¬ggï¬nes you select for the full mbscription termaaaahown Your carriersalesman will collect on Lowcommunion ricericrbcth the newspaper and magazines in regular EASY AYMENIS Your magalinea will was by mail Allow to weeks for ï¬rst N0 M0 issues Thean Egarwill be deliveredhy your regular larder DOWN VAMMgMMMMAMMAMAz AMERICAN HOME ESQUIRE CATHOLIC DIGEST AMERICAN GIRL CRATELA MODERN CREE MOBILE HOME JOURNAL THE WORKBASKET TRUE Mans Magazine lGOOlTIih A4AAAAMA ma Weekly ELLEEY QUE HACK and Jim aouan aarurra lsronrs semen room aoATiN annornonrcs woarn gt can aanErti gt ssrunnsy avanm IIAIIPERB POPULAR LOOK nonmar ronuuan mar smears rites of wiflnsjlhayarrle 60 cents Mullins MACLEANS Every other week FIELD AND STREAM U3 CAMERA PHOTOPLAY SCIENCE AND MECHANICS ior Teena ADVOCATE non AND GUN SATURDAY NIGHT raua nova armrmn sun mama raunrrv warm Ages s1 am cammtaNa nroasr Agea am an rvnanrorvrmnon Syra CALLING ALL GIRLS Ales 714 USEKEEPING ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED BiMo monaannonsucas au onann AntvlFr MAGAflNEMACIEAN tFr rm rcaararamn Iyre VEAZAAR Macaan co mum aracrnomca ar rraranao navmw PROT RAPHY RIGR FIDELITY