GENUINE SEItING roh chitin In Camp Borden children children raise modicum Towers Klthy wLm Bob have genuine settinan play motions nod lndlans Hera to make all out mock on pnsscrsby lhey are Glen Tobin Brian Wanna Donald logan Jimmy Weller Bruce Rowhotharn and Gary Men iMdnuigcturer Blasts Pesticide Publicity WAWA CPiSoma oi the men who manutatture Can Idas pesttddea tent thdr prod ucts are getting black eye groin tho conununlcations me la Sensational publicity and un Iounded charges have con tuaed and frightened the pub lic Ill Mon ot Kitchener lumier president of the Cana dian Agricultural Chern icata Association said Monday lttillcr manager of the Ixrimlturalrhemicals division of Shell Candida Limited said the industrys cltoris to pixhli ciao pesticides have been less thon spedacular and relations the pirhlic now face an undo lie criticized feye catching headlines un rupported bytaota and vitio lic editorials thir Marr delivered the open ing address and Mr Miller pan tlripated in nun discussion 85 the assoala on openHI its threedny annual oonterence it is attended by 150 representa tives of ï¬rms involved in the manuiecture of insecticides mngintiles herbicides and re lated chemicals Quoting United Nations sta Ustiu Mr Mart said the worlds population will double Pop Paul reads his speedi 310 the opening of the third ssion ot the Vatican Enum ea menuu nuu ovuouuon up SPECIALPRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ADULTS 90v STUDENTS 75 by the year 2000 and can be led only by extension of the use oi chemicals in agrimlture He said the average Cana diana food bill would be in creased by $7 week it it werent tor the use at pesti cides Savings to Canadian or rioulture in 196 due to pesti cides were $915000000 Fewer farmers using leer land nnv provide more and better tood tar more people he said in the panel discussion hem and Benin sdencé editor for the iloronto Star and George Atkins CBC arm commenta tor and proxith or the Cana dian Farm Writen Federation agreed with Mr Marr on the biasing ol Maiden But both tound shortcomings partial larly in public education on Hie 310 and use ot the dierni Mr liqtin antd education should he started by the prov Inoea in elementary schools as only through would the pestiuda message nome thiwflt ï¬r Atkins ad Mr Mn laoeiihig many insecti cides is landmine both in clarity and durability oi Students Seek To Ciariiy Countitutionai Role moms CPI The Ca nadian Union at Student wants the Supreme Court oi Canada to clarity the constitutiorial mla ot the federal government in ed ucation motion tromhishopa Uni varsity in Lennoxvilie Que Monday saidihia could be done by asking Justice Minister Fev reou in requeat Supmne Court rullnz or to initiate test case of the Canada Student loan Act threaten men ll the motion when they made their tirat appearance since the congress opened ihurrday Bot grey were enpectadto leave to have delegates want the GUS to dissolve ibell and create Separate Freudi and English speaking entitiu with loose mutual governing body at the top 1th have said that failure otthta proposerwould mean ï¬rtrithdflal trogn the was eir sequel joining the Union Generate des Etud ianto do Qudtec which later this year win hold in founding oonrvention hone menses councii énical iCounoil yeaherday cahle from NOW SHOWING Show at 74 pm Ilia aongres also paged rea olutiotu asking for distinctive Canadian flag other than the Red mm or the Union Jack loweflg of the guns age to 18 building hihngual university on the island site of the Montreal worlds fair otter 1957 Running allrnquot Wedding Reception Club Dinner Meeting Call RIVER GARDEN RESTAURANT an Shanty Bay Banquet Lteenreo Avallahla Phone 72569 Cdnadian Zioierttists Conduct Exdmination Take Second 5i it in look lit Park Project 31365 mwieoen amen Ippu foroeotuiniaimnis haunt heenogmploiad awtngtothein deriaion Is to purchase at more swamp land adjoining the wood lot in wacuslon now owned by lnnirtil thwnahige second took an be given choice at aitm tor the pork proiea thlr the decision at the oom mluee medan last night Three more persons were to attend ance Dwight Nelson Ernie Wonoh and lim Henry the lat ter invited by the chairman to mm member at the com Mr Nelson told member he namaflieveralmrgoro PW cost in the neighborhood ot $20000 but would not require expensive developmmta Mr Wonch told of nearly low in team ot horses in muck lands that constitute the wood lot now under consideration lie tell it would he an expensive imdertakiug Timmy had no suggestion 727 Reeve Joe Cochrana sold it might be best it the committee saw some oi the Proposed lands Oouncillor Lacirto told the meeting that Mr Mason had contacted the owner at adloln lng property who did not want toaellleasthanahlockotsoo acres which be valued at $15000 BUS CeiMPLAINflm Alter ayaot pan on re routing of the bus tripe to bring pimlln to various schoolY the school board of Area found arrangements were apparently not aatiaiactory toaoma ratepay era Vie Wdoh who lives at the east end at the nth eoooasi WNW Moms xhlid to walk nearly two miles from the point where she was let all thehna He said that as thin wan atter pm it would mean thoy child would have to walk home alone in the dark during the winter He asked that the it come to his home and maka turn He claimed that even if it cost $200 over the year this expense would be offset by many cottage owners along the shore who paid taxes iron which they received no beneï¬ts Another resident on an aide road asked why children closer to the school at Big Bay Point were taken by bua when his child had to walk or be driven He said he would be satisfied if the other tarnlly had to Walk as well as his child rooiiv THRU SUNDAY 3an oar ACADEMY AWRDS ItElRDthtfltthIIAVERWCMERAIAMI True aim and Good lnllow will Mm what can bum Pmmdlmmhildrenvlt leading an lnnlalil schod have intormed the teacher that their ereiua or the nation anthem were ni IIE ctor Mneklem said he pariment tor til the Manon In over Board munbeu teit that the loyalty part at the exercise was re what rincinan iii admin wt l7 th titres mna or more rhould haven haildoy week to at end to additional duties dfbelng out animal creme 5i Egg it $153 if go at it in is BARRIE it iiiioiis eiiiriis iiimiii HURONIA DRIVEiN THEATRE NOW SHOWING annual rum DEAD moan on p111 on internal in Just about the most frightening motion picture or madoir oath llama earn and so on wouid be observed and doom oooine aunties in aelectod use may be summed or getting the most dill the fair 5158th Fish made to the township potion when his helium being shown the victim on the records Mr Fisher alway Good Samaritan what it cord to helping others had many calls from friend tollow tngmentionofhiauamainthe nawa yesterday METERS Ed Sturgar on the all non oesion returned home last Fri day tn ï¬nd that Ilia house had been raansaclrmzd Goodsmtomge va us were Following tipotl Orlllia OPP and mutant police are investt gating goods found in throat on ï¬lm Milt North femn at Guthrie tEGtON BINGO ruesoAv SEPTEMBER IS STARTING AT mm Door mo ILA fiACKPor $20000 tEGlON HALL 7IC0ttltltST naiaoinylnebnmnacndmmn when humanist1M0 FATHER ha hm mddenb and My burs lnbtha to and eatera HANK WILLIAMS become No Sh Mm miamonenltboALln TIME GREAT STARS who will appear on the Biockbnsm OOUNIRY and WESTERN MUSI FESTIVALwilh Stan tom Ger Ole Opry at MASSEY IIALL Toronto horsemenm 150 and mo PAY SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28 Amines Bani Gher Grotto OthetVALLTIME sneer suns on tho hlgi program are eiLi ANDERSONWANDA JACK MELBA MONTGOMERY SONBOBBY BAREGRANDPA JQNES and roii iiiioine sears Mail your order or MASSEY Mm Victoria Whom ramped envelope Be me to statowtuch pertmnanoe you want 41 13 tar930 PJL Reserved seats and $200 win to Grand on opryr enclosing selfaddressed IIOOOOUOI announce nuvunou CHILDREN 40