Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Sep 1964, p. 8

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wm brawn PIRSTIOITWOPABTSKERIB Barrie To Have Role mammnmnnumrmum RevgRv Horsburgh Pleads Not Guilty In Conservation Plan as rttANtr xenon nabeptutber represent Iliva the City It Hurt Ill attend meeting in Oh flit cut their ballot ior er stunt BanIre participa tion in the proposed Latte sim ooe Seven Oomrulkl Authority This is the tint at two parts oa Conservation We live in an area where wa ter is In madnee 1hr houn daries or our watershed are already set forth by the Depori ment at Energy and Reserve Management which includes all the lands and rivers that drAIo into Latte SitncDE LakeCcu ohfdting and the Sevem River We should unite in common interest so that each person may titrive the maximum pos sible benciits irom controlled massrvstion program it is evident that one oi our major concerns is water in many parts at our area water in being taken irom the ground about 1000 times taster that it is being replenished by rainiau In southern Ontario within the lost 100 years between to per cent and hi per cent at once pcrmancntly flowing streams have bcmms either totally dry or temporarily so during part oi the summcr It means loss oi many thousands at miles oi oncs permanent streams Ev ery spring we waste water oi which there is dire nced during lummer Just as it would be diiiicult ior the individual in ilnance completely any major conserva tion project so it would be somewhat expensive ior acom munity to engage in conserve lion enterprises entailing expen ditures on larger scale The conservation autho rtty plan makes it possible tor the corn munity involved to be subsidizcd by the Province oi Ontario and to share equally In the costs oi any necessary ventures which would perhaps be prohibitive it they were undertaken independ cntiy rocapituiation oi the benefits oi the conservation att godly would show iollow Ei The Department oi Energy and Resources Management would undertake detailed study at the entire authority out lining the needs at eatit oi the municipalities and the means by which the needs could be satisfied reserving wort whi is writ ten into the report is grouped six general headings Water Lana Use For esiry Middle and Recreation The scope oi the studies made cats in some use atoll ad lttttncnta have been in the area turdu consideration be lore the OMAle it pro moted ior approval but since my all ma one or as ng oi an Authority has been re iusod the amber oi Authorities in now The area covered is are 21000 square mites and it municipalilie are taking part its total membership at the Authorities in over 747 per 15 The Authorities vary greatly in site irom the amount with an area oi to square miles and eight members to the largest with 16 square miles and 7H members Tire length oi the smallest is no miles and the largest til miles CONSERVATIIN REPORT While most at the early Autb critics were brought into being beuuse oi flooding all were aware oi the necessity oi carry log out such supplementary measures as improved methods at land use tclorestation prop er woodiot management preven tion at pollution investigation of underground water supptieo lists and wildllte studies and recre ation but the Authorities were not couipped to carry out the cxtcns ve investiga ti that would indicatewhere such work should be done kinscquently the Conservation Branch oi he Department oi Commcroe and Development undertook to do this at no expense to the Auth riiy to appraise by means oi surveys and reportsthe con servation necda oi each water shed and to submit to the Au horlty detailed report outlin ing the conservation measures that should hcxioilowedi These reports are in the iorm ot working plan and are in tended primarlty ior the Auth ority members in large water sheds such as our proposed Latte SirncoaSevem Authority they ntn to 600 pages 100 maps and charts 150 illustra tions and contain as many as 15 recommendations in addi tianvto the lull report sum mary at this in printed term is issued ior general distribution The survey work which is written into the report is group ed under six general headings History Water Land Use For estry Wildliie and Recreation The scope oi the studies made in each at these subjects Var ies with the conditions and needs oi the area under investigation with the result that inihe com pleted report the iindings re corded aredirectly related to the malor problems to be solv nl each of these subjects varies ed with the conditions and needs oi the area under investigation with the reth that in the cone plated topmt the iindings re corded are directly related to the major problems to be solv Id The province of Ontario would pay 50 per cent sub atdy on all capital expenditures in The Province would pay 90 per cent subsidy on all en gineering and engineering plans The municipalities contrib ute only to the capital expen ditures in their own municipal ity or in the benefits derived in directly irom that of an adjoin tog area The municipalities as group pay tor the operatrag costs on per capita basis The Conservation Branch oi the Ontario Department at Com merce and Development known until 1960 as the Department oi Planning and Development was established in 1944 and was charged with organizing conser vation work in Southern Ontario on the basis oi drainage bastns with all the municipalities con tained therein as partners On January 1m the Conserva tion Branch was transicrred to the Department oi Lands and Forests and in 1964 to the newly termed Department ofEnergy and Resources Management CONSERVATION ACT The Conservation Authorities Act was passed by the Le lature in the Spring oi 1946 It requires that all municipalities in watershed cities towns villages and townships tnot counties be included in the body corporate the iirst step in establishing Conservation Authoritv ts un dtrtakcn by all mu cipalities wholly or partly within the wa tershod No such municipal tles niusl first by resolution pa titicn the Minister oi Lands and an Authority should be estab iishcd No thirds oi the numbc at rcsenlativcs which the intro politics are entitled to ppotnt population basis must be present tcrnake the meeting legal li twothirds oi those present vote in favor resolution isiorwnrded to the hi ste requesting that an Art horityr be established The thority isthen made legal by an OrderinOouocil and under the Act becomes body oorporv ate with members out all the mum tpalltles in atershcd hrcludlngthosegii any who vot again tabiishment Thus irom the above it will lierocn that the strbiishtng of Conservatlo Authority is simple gal matter At the pre tozet chosen at the meeting report with the resolution to the Ministero and To GRANTS Grants are me by the On tarto Government to all types oi conservationjchemes except historical sites and maintenance The policy regarding grants is not iixed but may be varied irom year to year At the pre sent time the grants ior flood control schemes over 5000000 may be supported bythoGov ernment oi Canada under the Canada Water Conservation As aislance Act to the extentoi 571 per cent and 37 per cent by the Government at Ontario and the remaning 25 per cent by the Authort For Iarge scale rciorcstatinnthe contri bution is 50 per cent for land purchases and 100 per cent ior management under agreement with the Department oi Hands and Forests For conservation areas In which parks are situr ated the acquisition oi flood plain lands not included in the flood control scheme and all items included in administration costs the grants are 50 per cent in the early days oi the con servation movement many in dustries could be acutsed lair ly of gross abuse and misman agement oi resources but set domls this so today Most large minimMeta source development me on stantbseéingnelnntohrv prove their managementteds ntouulhey rccogniaethiraa goodbuainus in more we thanonLSomeiothrstrieaJoo areactivaiyqflnledlunfllc scrvicepromntmcstoprnmots mascrvattonlioonservattontsts baveaiobtodolodlytltdioo theytnustbettleisnotgrocd epitomized bythe timber barona oi bygone era but the vast ig uoranoe which wineries tho abate ct aociey ot the timid cance oi the interrdltionablpe between man and his environ ment partiutlarly as these to tcrretotionshipt are aliected by pressures on land and resources at incontroth population growth and urban and industrinl expansion What sort oi tlie we may expect to Lola in the More enjoy it the right word will depend strictly on how well we learn to compre hrnd these interrelationships and to what extent we are oi mind to apply this knowledge basic aim at conservation now is to provide ecological int rights through coordination oi many diiicrent disciplines in cluding the natural sciences the social sciean and the hu manities and through research and education This is broad term at rctercnoe and ior rntdable challenge but we have no alternative but to accept it it there is to be any iuture worth considering ine iirst thing we can do to meet this challenge which is perhaps the hardest oi all to do to accustom nurseries to the need ior new ways oi looking at nature We are no longer pioneer society laced with the need to hack out anexistence irom the wilderness yet by and large our attitudes towards na ture are stillcniored by lite hostile icellngs oi our ore hcars This is dangerous men tality and selldeieating one in this age oi the bulldozer and superlethal pesticides Man to part oi nature it is only by love and respect ior nature then that Vch muyrcmterthe kinds of environment that will enable us to prosper in the Years ahead The word create has been used here intentionally because this is the substance oi the chal lenge confronting us We cannot stop changes irom taking place Northern Advance weekly newspaper cities in 1385 on south side Dunlop St Eastt littSt PAPER was Standing in lront irom leit Wilse Rhloehart toreman Thompson Crew Samuel Wes MhGNET LATER ADVANCE ley tow Kcatiuil Mike harry Ed Crew Courtloltd and John Rogers principal at St Marys School ANNOUNCE SPEAKER NIAGARA FALLS Ont CPI Mr Roy Jarrett of Vanco vcr president oi the Women Christian Temperance Uition wiltbe guest speaker at the opening meeting at the Can tan Womens utrlstlan Tem perance Union hare Sept at It was announced Wednesday The Canadian president Mrs Keith oiWlniPeE will preside mutants minew tun DHorabught5mintrier MMJM arm editorroadie toluvenlladelin Juvenile Judge ti Tarot toodon It Itoeeoouthitfinmthtloflr Ihielhaprwmtbttoithedt ienceandotoerodoewcharget dyingroorodetaflrbednn lip hlr Horshorgh is sourced oi may by W9 iorund or encour aging nets oi sexual intercourse Friday NIGHTS CAR CARWASHEIi between Juveniles during the wind July 196 to lure tau ltheaaoliatcesarontlegadto havooomtmd in theparlor andapartrnentlollrthedum mmmtnlsterkornemt human and the but lob in town SAVEI auv our aooxsrtwosnss FOR mm we ARE OPEN FRIDAYS SPEEDY BAY WASH gtFO0T 0F BAYFIELI ST AT DELANEY BOATS Whatis aVoisWagen We must thereiore apply our vast sirjlis in directing the changes purposeiuily and with under standing or what it is possible to achieve This creative role is the essence nioonsqgatijn now and in theittiu Secondly and more apeciiib ally there is need to stqr up resource inventories and land use and land capability or econ omic and social development at the national provincial and regional levels Thirdll there has to be developed the widest possible program at tniormation andeducation on the ecological aspects of conservation School corriculums andtoaster train ingrprosrams especially need to emphasize the relationshipsbe tween man and the rest oi na lureAlso ecological principles should be stressed to tar greater extent in the training of engineers proiessional plan ners and other specialists whose work impinges in any way on land and resource usclatety there is need lot more ei iective cooperation and coor dination both between and among governments and the various departments and agen cies witltin government which are in any way concerned with resource admitstranna ELDERLY WOMAN Anna Arutyunian recently cel ebratcd her 113th birthday in Armenia Her sister lived to to Iii You cans Beat tau THE SARJEANT co DGET PLAN Spread your iueloii payments evenly over many month Avoid heavy midwinter bills when iuei consumption is high and other expen as are generally heavier pail uttudayt gt Nowt The Current Market Priceioi Fueloilter Gallon 51316 Stove Oil PerGa no HOME HEAT 5ERVWE Included FREE Burner Stray vice Conditionllll 1150 bars of shop The sedan isso roomy it got two trunksWitl1 the 1500 you gctSpnrts cit power and family car to famityvsports car Thats ttholksvvagenx1500 smorel oikswagcttithananyotlrdriolk agen amouron

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