BMDNRD sum Sane misiniderslandlou were dared up last niaht when Mayor Joseph blagoi and two oilin council hemben sat in an Bradford District 1551 School board meet tin visit to the board by iiayor modlmmmplrlr id at av discussion showed that pound members were under the hiprssion the mtractnr had started building two additional rooms without contract and that two taadien had been bir ad when there were no clash rooms or them Dr Hocking chairman of the High School board wel comed the mayor and council members to the meeting We are glad you are here he laid Mayor Joseph hirgani said Gendemcu we are here just to listen There are some things we dont understand and we thought by listening in we could get it cleared up Miter dismissing the additional rooms to the school board member said We hope the new bid and contract will be in Sni Irrday or $53000 As soon as the debentures are issued we can begin Another member said Well guess somebody did begin as you are all aware now out as soon as the board lound out they stopped iL INiiISili NOTES The proposed Conservation Authority which may be set up to handle the Lake Simcne watershed and endeavbr to re plcnish the rivers and dreams that law into the shed and pre vent pollution of the lake will have 0min Eben Sawyer as 19 uni That such move is at least so years late does not say that it is ol little importance With thousands of owners surround ing the lake and picnlckers and tnurists coming hundreds miles to its mores it bchooves those who have control of the shares to obtain all the advice and assistance available to keep these waters as they were in the beginning THREEWAY EXPENSE At one time move was on foot to syphon the waters at Lake Simcoe over the height of land and pour them into the city at Torontos water system as it was shown that Lake Slmcoe water was lit to drink with some treatrn thori ill be threeway ex pause with the lederal and pro vincial governments taking the bulk oi the costs and small levy on all the hundreds cl municipalities that surround the shares or drainihcir land to wards it The city of Barrie is last gat ting their sewage system under control but it is still inadequate to prevent pollution from that source and coraervation au thority might take lirst look at Other big towns and smaller places have also been inditierent to pollution for years The control or swamps and such places as could add to the bet ter holding of moisture and rains all could do in the next 50 years what should have been started in the last Only that part oi lnnisiii not already covered in the Notta wmaga River conservation will be included in the proposed Lake Simcoe area DOG WAS DESTRQYED thena dog owned by the Cassalman family who live on and the 6th opposite the school broke away trom thaelderly man who had taken for walk and ygot into ï¬eld where sheep were pflslllIiilgliel4llflS¢d the flock and the owner claimed that some animals were damaged when they ran into fence The matterl was followed up by the dog control oflicer Sawyer Is Delegate To Conservation Authority at vithy Don che and Tom Middle and much llayor blagoi asked abort the two Indus Dr Hacking said this ll amply tact reinon to the report that In teatime did not have dais looms However council learned that one teadier is looking alter clan in the malaria Iiid the othu la the auditorium Board member appeared to agree that while both reports ttartlng without controlt and Radius without class acorns wera true there were qualiti catinns in both casesthat threw quite dillznnt light on the matter Mayor Magani aodCoun Keri ltipliaz thande the board or letting them sit in and said think we are much the wiser now and Liter anything we can do to hurry things up ithlnkyoucancountoncounul or support MANY DELETIONS in discussing the two addition al rooms Dr liecising said there were many deletions horn the original plansand 5000 was cut all the original 369000 It was explained that lot of built ins and quite number oi lock ers were deleted from the orig inal plans These will have to be installed some time in the future Dr Hocking said The hos pitals it they ask or something get it but we cut down ally disposed ol alter being tak en lo the dog control oliicer in Essa Township hir Casselman came to soon oil to protest what he ended the highhanded methods adopted by Mr Fold thE lnnisiil oi iicial The dog had lately been instened up at homerbutitrwas the claim of the owner that Mr Ford insisted it be handed ovcr to him or destruction The by law has provision which al lows the owner oi sheep or other farm animals to destroy dog when caught in the ï¬eld and in the act of molesting the animals to destroy them However it also provides that unless caught in the act the owner mist be brought belore magistrate and decision made by him as to the legality of destroying the dog hlr Casselman claimed he had ap pooled to the reeve to help him get the control oliimr at his back as he called it He linal ly took the dog in the dog con trol olliccr in the adjoining township to be put away Chis Brown who was called in for ruling stated that in his have given the dog another chance provided he was kept un dercontrol He ieltthat the dog control oilicor should have consulted the police as to the manner of handling the case LIVESTOCK AT FAIR This branch oi rthe many events that will be part at the Township School Fair at Struud on Mood Sept 21 will be un der the arrmanship of William New assisted by William Gib hins and Roy Goodteiiow There are to classes consisting oi calves grade or purebred beet calves and showmanship dairy breeds and showmamhip ewe lambs anda class for ponies 1t hands or under handled by their DWDCIE Poultry is another section under the chairmanship at Craig Hunter assisted by Frank Mur ton included here are including cats dogs rabldta any other pet except these open to pupils not showing live stock or poultry Dogs must be shown on leash and exhibitors must provide their ownhcages nrcratca lorr The indie eswdl allow 20 per aunt of points on homemade cite Malena Congratulations to he Mul ollands Band on winn lirst THURSDAY ERIDAT SATURDAY SUNDAY hfuioom iiAwAiii Minimum Latinos Charlton llertonI Yvette Mineaux prize and the Webb Trophy at Can night zaitsflilsw opinion tb9 magistrate might in COuncil Gets Views On High SchoolMcittér toarnlalrnurnaadiehavea hardtlme getting lL dont thinktiiilllrlflttlbelimui Milan is as important as health Hr Taylor vine principal to the bond that with school opening everything appeared to be running smooth ly He said 462 studmta reels Ttieaday armors than on lastyear He es pent about an altogether in students are arm two arts and science Minoneandtlinan YerAlltcachersshowed up JANiIOR SERVICE The board spent considerable time discussing janitor service within wort is done by three people They adopted motion toutiheraietorjanllorservine at $10500 year in viowol the added congestion and construc tion in the school Members dismissed banquet with entertainment or the stall and board members Data was let tentatively or Sept suspend ing agreement tram the team ing stall Nightsdrool was up or dis cussion but was set over to be discussed at later meeting it Willard Kinzle proprietor of Lakevicw Dnirydlsagroes with some of the views of Lloyd Lang don manager tor US milk company Mr Langdon addrch ed the NatlonalDairy Council at Canada at Murray Banddc yesterday report oi his ad dress inilnws MURRAY BAY Que CW The elimination ot route milk men and on end at personto pcrson selling in groceries in tawroi computer rogulated vending machines were possi bilities predicted Wednesday at the National Dairy Councils annual convention The delegates representing milk product manidnoiursrs were also told that an unex pcctcd rush oi rural dwellers to shop in supermarkets resulted in 400000000 gallon aver eslimate of milk consumption in Canada last year Lloyd Langdon dairy mar keting manager for the Pet hlilk Company in Johnson City Tenn told the panel discussion supermarkets are expanding on quickly dairy are coming tocontrolliirg all lood manufais turera process known in the trade as vertical integration Within few ears people have switched from borne deiivery miikmeri tn supermarkets as milksuppliers and it the trend continues it will be only short time heiore titers will be no more home deliveries oi milk gt Maxwell 11 McQca general manager of SilyempodDairies London Ont was elected president of next two yea AGREE Mr Langdm and DA GilA belt general manager or the Retail merchants Association or Canada ckagrced ondtheulneed for new pa ayng an er mer chandising innovations to sell dairy products in highly com counrii tor the riuous PLAYERS mum BARR DRIVE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Kinzie Differs With Speaker To National Dairy Council risen to rousing clamor sound mwmm 428339 MAKES REQUEST The controllers stewed into the dispute at the request at Robert Timurmask president at local 91 of 3a airmanBl Typogrophiml on who appeared belore them with moon delegation from the Toronto and District Labor Council He also airtight trout the board clearcrt statement at least that you dont appreciate strikebreakere being bmusht into this commurnty by The Star The Telegram and The Globe and blall 9dr Mchimack said the pa pctitlve market Mr Gilbert said there are children in many Canadian families who know nothing about butter never having tasted it or seen it on the table hlr Langdon said it has be come more dillicult to get the mstomcro attention because the advertising hobbub bus lntmdudion oi newproducta was needed to convince the cus tomer goods were distinctive and hall at supermarket salsa come from products not on the market 10 years ago However rrineoutoiionewpmdudsdo not stinceod Food processing plants will maria Ye my page MBA Atari Mias Prhnbliniluiiutinnbuda Mumm anonmommade was 8ch CypruaMedrator WSW Mï¬ï¬w 9mm Dies In Geneva anuï¬s Pull erly Nyasaland Trams moot Building hen when two months ago told pup IIIITITIII Band omerg alter the it merit Timday that theï¬ve mum lu gwhduw Mmumlthobozestin nnnisiers wantndtogot rid and WM nlm 13mm legisia iii mfg 311 ONDON WINFRY rm Wit 51 became ill in turn Wedosday dananding irynould have randroned they iul Grrrevahrngaiewbounbe decidononaontidmcemoacbon loiobeIasrdiedukrdtoleava Iinn introduced tollowrnghiss on special peaaemtdoo to dismimlolilneendnistenand immensity and worse lie the reslgiratinn oi two other wasflowntoilelainkrlastbloodoyTbenumberntres and 33 as was line RigWW Mg THEATRE Silome gt bHDWN ONCE or riiuitsDAv AT Dim learned in the morning as almitdnimparaiyds moi RcAE Assoc FadImHHiwgzï¬Ã©kmwwmpn masses Go nonunion RSiElNS executive at the UN moomlc Commissllognflior llur 13 lm EVERY MONDAY Planninga Banqulti 800 pm Wedding eruption CM mm mm 510000 COLOR av DE LUXE Call SHARE THE Falw Rggrgggw warnH ROSSANUBRAZZlfMllZl GAYNUR HN KERRFRANCE NUYEN RR2 Shanty Bay mum um 14 HIGH ST Producadbw Dinctldby Abov Nuswk BUDDYAULERJUSHUA OGAN mu mu chmn Whllllll anonmmme alsobecnnie automated lo lower the cast of and products completing with dairy loads he predicted adding that more and more accotniting sales report in and invcntory controls vnll be handlnd by computers lilr Langdon advised the 350 delegates to moro time and money onpmduct and man ket research in commenting on this Mr Tonga spldvflhere have been dclinite trends that way but this isonly one side 0n the other side in the United States there has been trend bank to home delivery but with reduced delivery days The rcason they went away from home delivery was that it was too expensive in Barrie We have three days week delivery and that is economically sound in many places in thallnlted States they combine milk and bread deliv ery to make iteconomlcally Reicrringrto Mr Langdons comments Mr Kinzie said This is one speakers idea and dont necessarily agree with him Certainly though it is chea per to take whole lnrck load of milk and put it off in one ore now PLAYING HAYI as an irrepressible teenager learns secret and solve mystery Diifliiii KERRTTYTTT Mllliflliit mus headroom alumnus FEATURE TIMES 715 Ind 925 p111 llll HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY In Color HURONIA lN THEATRE by the Federal Government at Montreal raid Support of education has long been an established principle but Arty pmcticalitneasureihateirlénds the educational horizons oi young Canadians will always find ready sympatheticlresponse imm chihuahua of the QUESTIONS about the CANADA STUDENT LOANS PLAIN talk to the of NOW gt Details of the new Canada Stridént loans Planliave been released And your local branch of theBank of Montreal has the informatioaion hOw to apply This Plan wiliiprovide bank loans to students who need ï¬nancial help for fulltime studies towards degree or diploma at universities or other educationalinsinuiionslabOTe high school level No Security is required and repaymentwill not begin until six months after ydu graduate or discontinue yoiir studies Up to that time all interest will be paid in arecent statement on the PlanG Arnold Hart lieildcnt oi the Bank youd like to learn more about this new Plan call onithe Manager of your local branch of the of MfHe has all the details and he can give you folder on the subjectWhy not sgehim now GAL WITH APAST five kids with afuture and theirrevoiuiionaryreuronientpiani willllbevipter rdgramm