New Story Strip Begins Monday Whulldnd Miami Septembergroupde menmet in marlottetownto dismsstheposflhiiityotalmhn flBrltishNorthAmaiunui onlu Ind subsupsent one in Quebec City new northern nation Canada was born Canada has come long way rince Coninderation Bust by many diilmiltiea the country has nevertheless survivedand in 1961 will mark its cmennlal oi coolederotica But our growth to reatnur was not accidental It was the result at the work at men and women oi giant stahae whose achievements tanned the oun dation on which great nation could he built with Canada preparing to celebrate its centennial it is fitting that atribule be mid to these giants oi Canadas tury As contribution to the cans tenniai this newspaper will pub lish dramatic story strip which will tell in daily episodes the lie stories oi mo iamous Canadians Titled THE GIANTS the strip will start Monday Sept 14 Who are these GIANTS They have been carelully chines one tor each year at confederation and represeruing all parts of Canada and all walks ot lite They are gladiators oi the political arena the men and wo men at science the captains ol indtntry the statesmen and humanitarians the writers poets and painters whose Works and arts reflect the consclence ot Canadians THE GIANTS will tell the whole exciting story ot Canadas climb to greatness starting with the struggles at the pioneers ot Conlederatioo and taking you to TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Barrie munanal summer to too RCMP so Vacation 11m News Weather sports or Klldare Vacation 11 noun are sum how mur not TV Newl Veather Sports Nm anta Terror in the Hruntra mar runny snmomsn 11 mo Test Pattern 1215 Heres GarmwIy 111o cmoon corner ms Ns wmner Sparta nm Innocent 1n Parts Super Bingo 5mm mm Vmunn ltma Huckleberry Bound Frontier Doctor News Weaner sport in an en nr nnrenam sermonn Untouchables cnc TV News Wesrhur Spurn Nm srnn Hraw nr Doubt nioo 1115 mo anrunnnn semunsn Test hattern mm Armi ceL Football army Ottawa zone Euu annov Mr and Mn North Mike Hammer in Tell the Truth Beverly Htllhlllles Great Movies The Swan one TV News Weather News Sports Twin ELll ii11 the Conquertnl Hero Dr Cyclops Channel Buffalo mason ssmmnsn 1a Capt Bob em nucneneny Bound 1m nrnunrn rnary 1m Huntleyllrmllly Nlll arsnnn Sheen urn Precinct nr xnar Hull xran Theatre News Weather Sport Tnnrrar sann AM new mmnv snnorrnnn rr Lurept one too Moguls unau an ltttlemnn new 1954 nunueyennrrey News Fractured Flicker international snnwnna Bob Hope On Fund mtg Pan 1mm Weather Sports Tonight Show an Report summonu am Clutch Cargo era Su eman sou Fe the an to Knrtnnn Krnen Hector Heathcota mo morn xu 11oo Dennlr Tholllmca mo Fury 1m Bullwinkll mo Mr wrura too can Football on Qmfliltk Club MDNiicismmSchlll Axonsult olthismeeting toschcoliormanyandtharnst sarnnnan annenmen 12 600Supermln esn Billiard champions oo Dragnet rnnr Lieutenant ra Joey Bishop mlyNm noun nk 1100 Nm 1nd WHERE ma Saturdnï¬ cuwr heinousHohhot adaillthesplceuedhdn minus unanunnranr WIN Fm in salt drink coniat sponlt sored by the Gray Ber emu aidsHun by the Call ingwood dealership Stereo Stone dauater oi Mr and Mrs Bernard Stooen Eirnnle was swagger limpl aï¬wrirt wat ancy Bar rie who was on vacation with her grandmother Mrs Frank Volilck received bicycle Ken av Laionde also wona bicyde Following Labor Day it is back day or number PrinclpalDI Hose Mrs flmmpron hire Hale and new member Tuiloch Gravenhuut are in charge of public retinal Mr and Mrs nrliods have taken up resldmce in lieu Rit chies apartment on Straw street Mrs William Proaer and Miss Annie Procter Mabel Lake 30 are spending couple at weeks with Mr and Mrs Garry Manning Sorry to report Mn Annie Bunnerman la patient in Pene tang General Howital uttering from heart ailment Mr and Mrs William McFad den returned irons holiday at Burlington Mr and Mrs Elwood Frost and Gregory oi Stoney Creek spent the Labor Day holidays with Mrs Terry gt Guests with Mr and Mrs Manning tor the holiday week end were Mr and Mrs Oscar Srigley Mrs Donna Pittman ot North Bay Mr and Mrs Ml chael OHalloran cl Sunbury Mr and Mrs James Sullivan ol Burbank Callinmia Mrs Lorne Manning David and Lin da and Art Groves at Mark ham Mrltand Mrs DavidCol Chnnnal Toronto monsoon snrrumnn 1s In Ilousa Citlb vur nur in Odoek Matinee in Venture sports Wonher NII snunday Ntm Movie Womans Angle To Tell ran mar ZcrnOne ruk Parr NatlonalNewa Metro run1 Late show out FRIDY 33mm ll 55 Cum ï¬leflda BIHIU gt hit if Twill his Channel Nina Elk SIIIIIE in X0 Marina Hickey dull Club Kiddo rm Oclock urunn ï¬vlnlelwacgrr min en en rpm The Flintstones Coaches COMHWCI Football MCKIIE IVY 76 1030 11m civ 1115 Mntrn Hart IMO Arrest And Trial snunnu Emma 11 moo Cartoon Party Junior Auction Gannon Lunchtime Little ream Junkie any Channel Nine Theatn 114st Angel iiirune wrestuni Wide World or Sport Donna ma rnnny Quest Voyage to in Bottom oi the sea Academy Pedalmanta tTosst or New Orleans oil Hot Seat umn Zona crv New Metro Final Late Show The Elg Heat Channel Buffalo THURSDAY SEPTEMBER ll no The secret Storm Luvs rt To Beaver me Oclock Show Have locket was Thu Headline News Sport cns mourn News Bet Masterson Password Rawhide Perry MIMI 1n Nurses News Weather Sports The ma Show tScena nr the Crlnrl roman annmnnn too The secret Storm Leave It To Beaver ms oclock Show Code Two Newsand Sportr cns menial News People Are runny amt Adventurn nnute so mum Zone Alhed mtrncnck News Weather In anoruv The 1120 snow Murder By Contrlcl Poor nut Beautiful SPPPF r35 2385s sagas 1115 1130 112 no 300 as ma non moo 1oso run summer Semester PoFayaa Playhouse ce Angel Fpet Carnival Field Artp Quick Draw Mcan Mighty Mouse Ptsyhouu ntn Tin Tin The M0 ltolerl Show 5U King TennLuna Tllxedn nurnr Review Film Felttneltl NFL Countdown William Tell Amateur Hour wienuno Headline News Sports gun Round 1121 LucyDesi anneoy Hour am permane Summer Playhouse Miss America Purnrc gems Wuther Sporta National NI so coon maria IIIKidney Account For Fever By JOSEPH MDTNIK MI Dear lirI ln egdy pream eve feverand was in hospitaltor Mmttss healthy on our liter my baby was had ways which showed floating ltldney hlyvdoctor said Dont worry unless it gets worse Can you explain this to rnei Willit ocnrralainl What go be done to prevent suds prob lem whenl am pregnant again floating kidney is one whim moves more than the usual degree as you change sition it does not call ior worry or treatment unlm it becomes annoying From the clues in your letter suspect that you had some term at kidney lniection whldr could account or the Keven this lniechon in turn might have started hemuse at some obstruction in the urine flow durinl your Mulroney This does not mean that the same trouble will develop in luture pregnancy Since your obstetrician knows your medical history he can weld closely for signs at urin ary tract infection and start treatnrantsarly ii any suspic ious symptom appears Dear Dr Molner have divertiwlosis and my doctor has put me on diet He has helped lot but cant iindout it it is dangerous and what lister Mr and Mrs Kitdzcoer Manning of London also John Hatch Mr and Mrs Barry Mane ning and Nancy at Toronto MrsTM Moore at Cohourg apcnta tew days at the home at her brother and sisterinlaw Mr andMrs Tom Bate Dr and Mrs Laldlaw and iam lll Mr and Mrs Petropoulos and children of Toronto spent Labor Day at New Wasags at Tippings cottage Iouid happen it went on the deliï¬n us nmnwnanc my the drunken the trouble ax ista Itll invariant of your saler and caution so Id my on it Dear Dr Moier What do you think at heart calheterixm tion there any taking this delicate test will it determine the extent ot damage to any at the valvesi Mrs V33 Ithlnh wedbalnasorry situation It we didnt have caLbeterlsation beam itgives necmary iniormatlnnabout the heart and the now at blood through it This includes faulty valvu as well as deieota in the partitions Thetween the diatribe oi the heart ddects which tor the most part an amenable to sur gery cannot say that thuelxnt any danger but it is very small and the procedure has increased in salety over the years in which it has been in use Pa tients tram babies to adults are having this done daily across the country Even ii the danger were rather substantial believe that it would be more thanvbal anccd by the sater inherent in knowing great dealsbout heart heiora surgery Is begun Dear Dr Molner is there some iaclr ol vitamins or other reason why person hmlses easily have many bruises on Mil thighs at all times barely bump table and have bruiseMrs liCll gt There can be various causes oi easy bruising and lsnlr oi enough vitamin ttrom citrus or tomato juices or the wit tsclll is one of them Lack of calcium is anothera reason why older people should drink milk There can also be de Iects in the clotting mechanism at the blood Special tests If needed to determine this ltcoarascrsnrncrm ByJAY BECKER East dealer NorthSouth vulnerable norm titans east eras as wearin OQJIODIB VCQG area naec uoarss irqrooir scum has 115 QAKQlMGS Theblddtng South West North 84 note 40 nPaas 69 Opening lead Queen of Spades Theprirrrepur1ose ot npre cmptive bid is to crowd tire bid ding in the hope that it will cause the opponents to reach the wrong contract Thus in the present case otter his partner passes West has every reason to think his opponents can make game hrrthermore nothing teflible is likely to occur if he gets dou bled at three spades His hand irgures to take five or six tricks by itsell and ii it turns out that Northbouth have game or slam the penalty may ac tually prove worthwhile in the actual case North dou DIIILY DOWN Not tall Famous mount Ktchoil 74 annularAtalanta tallsmall pronoun Mmemane hlm and East with good suit oi his own runs to tour clubs Altar South rebldsl his suit North raisest live diamonds which becomes the ï¬nal con tract Note that the contract might have been three notrump making five it than hadbnen us interim by the oppo dents Its it stands though five dia monds is sound contract which cannot be Mottled it play correctly However it must be granted that many dcclarers would go down at ï¬ve diamonds West leads the queen ot spades and ii South is care less he loses the contract right away The proper playis to duck thequeeu and let West win the trick Whm West cone times with the jack South ducks again 11 West then plays the ten South ducks once more this time rutting the spade Dc clnrer the easily takes the rest oi the tricks It South snakes themistake of playing high lrorn dummy on the opening lead as many players would he eventually goes down one Declare would realize on the bidding that West has six spades and East none and he should therefore let West win the first two tricks Another way of expressing the same thought is to say that South sees eleven hiclrsas soon as dummy comes down Allha has to do is take the primer steps ho preserve them ITomorrow Test your dummy 2y caosswonn is on times 13 In quent tutday Am ster 355ka lhelten 378mm EGJWOW suite 2a1oma 408ka 30Anlub 413mm dangerin JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK minnmmmmmvuermm GRANDMA BI0N DIE vouz WYER MENIS Ir STUDENTS WEAR MAIL THIS APPLICATION TODAY Mostyna mens and students wear and onloy Discount Prices Too Yes would lllte to receive Mostyn 1y payments Name give the option at FREE DAY CHARGE or monthly paymenu to your budget Address Cit Employment Credit Rafurznclls uit Chargeit Account which entitles me to the option or tree today charge or month GUESS LITTLE LERCN w1L BE MY LIKE HIS FATHER WHEN HE ALREAWAlrsz SUPPER EVERY lenr nalWHAVA rHekuo nReAkMyotos Ks nounnan seam ASLEEP ON THE LIers FOOMscFA WHERE ARE VOU CALLlNG ream TRE Susan SHAW THATS LUCKY mtwm THOSE HAUNTlNé MEMORlES HER TWlNKthG WES HER GENTLE an l7 MEMORIES TillTSMB NIP SEAR gulfmall and porn please phone 28 433 Muses are skirt