minIrwin 5va behind herd nl nesriymoo in Kirby Sash amhle along cattle that arebeing dnen lromGoohi toanew IOEY moss aurora with man denim Penman nebyogldmlleflv starts PC ed to end thh week VCowllishaw Wife Claims He Did What HejHadTo Do VANCOUVER CF Toni Cowllshaw wile oi the man whose blood bomb splattered scrou Ihe House at Commons carpet Monday night believes her lmsbaod did what he had it Hire petite brunette mother ol six girls is the wile at David Cowiishaw lormer newspaper reporter who lorrned an organi zation called Underdog to plead the case of the downtrodden didnt know he was going lo do this thing Mrs Cowli shsw eald In an interview But lknow he must have tclt ho had to on it hwlishnw said in Ottawa he threwthe carton blood to the floor oi the House to publicize the grievance of Calvin Mae donald who claims to have been an undercover agent ol the RCMP working with the Com munlsls Deny Liaison Tole lam DEER Alta Idolsir cial Credit leader Robert Thompson said Wednesday night the Socml Credit Assoda tion of Canada has nothing to do with the Chrisflan Action Movmentand attempts to as social me with the group are smear attempts Mr lhompson was comment ing on Toronto Globe and Mail dispatch lrom Ottawa that the Social Credit leader arm rports the principles advocated ndliere CT the group 55cm of its leadership erxmompson said in an in terview reports that he is aso cialed with the movement ori gjnated with George Dreidiger president of the British Colma hia SocialWit League He Mr Dreldiger is try ing to associate me with the Christian Action Movement lor reasons which do notunlier stand Mr Thompson said Mr Dreidlger has tile oi corres pondence between them and howl lind these reportsare being ï¬led to members of llameot and the press repe ing statements nutot contu NAME omens Mr Thompson the move at has been ing his name in letters hearinga Vancouver postmark gt The movement is headed by Ron Gostiulr oi Flashertnn Ont publisher of the Canadian telligence Service newsletle Mrcdonaldhas been attempt lng lortwoyears to obtainpubllc conï¬rmation lrom the RCMP that his connection with the Communist party was in the line at duty Every wile must be her hus bands advocate Mrs Cowli shaw said DOESNT KNOW PLANS dont know what he plans to do next but hes tenacious hell never let go at the Mac dnunld case Cowlishnw still in Ottawa said he would undertake enr sade across the coimtry to rally indignation tor thecase of Calvin Mncdonal like her husband Tool is former newspaper employee She met her husband while she was working or the Vancouver Province When met hm David had been seeking for something like Underdog lor long time Now its his whole iii on woiits lulltime it Under dog Anytime lelt over is or writing abouthiswnrknnvalree tangles basis to pay household Money is usually pint lem Toni says She said she doeanot think the sixgirls have snflcred lrom their lamers activities MIKSED NWNING Theyve missed nothing think theyva gained it only in that they have travelled to most homes the children are taught in our home they see living example You cant go wrong it you set good ex ample toryour childreni The children range from 11 months to seven years Janet was born in Montreal Pamda and Sally were born in Victoria Vitti in mislead Yvonne in North Vancouver and Lisa in Toronto gt Cowllshaw and her six Kills live in an area about no miles from Vancouver They have on telephone She declines to pose loripleturu Underdog is David baby ltl his whole life do to clulter the image Bdhdits cieonop Brorifmcrn Jewels TAlemWN NY CFAP No masked men caramel with $300000Jn lewelry Wednesday alter breakinginto the norm mansion pt Samuel Brontinanpt Montreal and tying Broalman and his wile to bathroom inlr slndsmgsh Bronhnan 71yearold presi dent of the Seegrarna whisky firm and his wile Saidye were sleeping when the intruders one oarryi gun woke lh with no to please get up Brnnlman said the men took the ygwelryaodhsmall amount oi cash lrom sale near his wifes bed Mrau Bronfman opened the sale on orders iro the robbers millions Heisman Sim Now Enteritis Pleaf commandcry Juvenile held now minnows iii ore is Bronhnans waited an hour he loro calling police The robbers had instructed them not to call or help forat least 71 minutes Policejai bbfll vadédlhil7aue estate where the Bronfmans spendlheir sum mers and made their way across the groundsto ï¬rst floor window Alter entering through the window they went directly tothe master bedroom The uVlCleS said they were awakened by flashliflit beams shining hrtheirfaces The two men wore handkcrchiels over tlr tame munselrlor thevaccused Re Russdl Horsburgh 45 of Chatham and Crown Attorney ainkn warn ere tryE Inquest Into Youihs Death anocxvrnna cplh Kingston doctor hfas called 311 Ith dgenlhsytmrrdpoencephaum brain inflammation ot years old Elmer Crawlord or Landowne on miles west at here Dr Donald Partington Who treated the boy in Kingston General Hnsylta said the cause at the infection was not Elmer the son ot Mr and Mrs Hilliard hnwtord was ad mitted tribe hospital Ana and died last Friday Dr Thorns directo oi the and Grenville health uni said that Since the hay laad been take from the at Kingston sure was oi his jurisdiction But it the ailment proved to belt se rious nature or oomnpmicnble hewassurehewooldhenotl lied Moor colon meeting was then turhed nverito Manager Grant Cue who passed out copies ol the iiosncial stalement belore he hsdlhnetomokoaaymnarh The tellows certainly ask ques tionslwhen it comes to ï¬gure They wanted to know who we tell below average and why the accounts receivable were allow edloreachsumahlflilevel They asked about the various typu ot manber loans and debentures JId other ï¬nancing tth make up the lands to construct and operate the big mill andlaeilltles Mr Cass was kept busy with answers The ntudents out had see alon with the directors and man ngementol the County Coop erativelledioal Services which cover the carts ct doctors nurses and other expenses that do not come under hospitaliza tion This is branchoi col operatives with which the gmup Wllmtfllmtllfll The visitors were interested in the major medical plan which covers catastrophe illness or no cldent The loot that cover agetalres this intoconslderatioo andpsyshopercentolthe total ijercy Kilbridie EOEYWOOD Aptlids is the butlevard What do do do nothing says Percy Kilbride Im more or less awell you might call me hum lhats not likely Kiibridc Theymade it awtuily attractive for me wet agreed to do one more But made them put in thlconhaet that no end at the studio could even mention the poseth that mlghtdo an er one spry tweedsuitedzentlarnao oi nth 77 is the onlybouievard regu whoisreoognisedb ribs present generation of movie lane He youre Pa Keitlel touris shout at the trimiig urod hawk nosed man He lloiFoenllury aa tinds that the prdoiic remembers him only as themth Pa ot the Kettle iamily series wtudx he recalls with distaste Kllhrides careerstarted in 1905 in his nativesah Francis and nearly ended thenext be beganyeara ot travelling withstodr rampant cameto this in the role createdaon the stage in Geo Washington Slethlere lhen late cast him Theorderior more partiur 30 inn irrthe ydrsrgea was rnada at 132 skated hoirldnowhe allowed plea But hegranted Mr lï¬edrins luriheradiourn meat to Sept forpleaonly Horsburgh is accruedot Seamonz veniles and othere during between July iiiTECHNlCOLOB and WONDBASCUPE Kettles in The Egghrid Universal decidedon léaturing cities trashed colic character with eight gag stunts were too violent tor his deticate consï¬mhun quakethere He vived but his theatre duln and mom the Same buv movonjnmns Kilhride 1impedthroogh Ma IndPalettlo at Home the seventh ol the series He soil and distressed by the or it tiiatihe decided to close out his car me was 11 years rareï¬ed hemofm his W15 PaKettle vs very quietly 11° In we some friends now and Mostly walk walk dun nines am or maredown in the bouleviird or ov to Gril iilre chalk tjaiditflatay rom meat andj read Dontyaith television Dontdd much of anything Dont miss doing any thing Itspretty easy todo you know liiyouret yourrriindto it And is ale as in Sif si oE is iii ii is grog log and new machinery have endoled the plant to handle con siderably more meat mmvamrs fManager Jamsslsimpsoo to dungee an mpmvemen that had taken place since his termot nliiqe including large domestic sales and content hi or 25000 tons annually at tron en lresh pork or England as well as big orders or the Ba hamas and other southern coon or Be salda return at halls cent on total volume would as sure prolilabie business He mentioned on educational cam paign to encourage peopleto eat more meat tour of the plant proved ol great interest to the visitors and this ended their attivltlea in simmeCounty WhereIs It The picture on page three shows partial View of the lront ol The Barrie Examiner building lMPElillll Ansusrosih EVENING snows 700 900 iii siarrs web runs handsome CIllvllmT ma not run George Pepprrd in Jo 0mm cm Reports that reduction in the United Nations Force in Cyprus are contemplated are without loun dation Prime Minister Pearson said Wednesday in the Com moor Ho wasreplylog to Opposition leader Dleleehnker who based question on an Associated Hus report irons Nicosia that the UN is considering an ooper cerrt reduction in the lorce Mr Pearson no no no niggestlon has been received from the UNRotherthc UN coma To noxr eeph Levines prescntalim of lhe Carpetbaggers op ening Sunday at tbevliaxy Theatre tomigo Paramount PlciILra release Tho iedinl color Panavision epic also non Alan Lodd can Giro mings Martha liver and H4 PRESENTS no Mm IEIVHMNUII roar or am Ion Fltflllllllll was considering an increase in the silent the lorce but nnnda lied received no request to nip ply more 1mm TheCanndian contingent numbers 1130 orierIN LONDON WlNERV LTD Home im move s1AirrINGTouieHrV IFIRSTI rHEhrnr SHOWING Awri ENTERTAINMENf