The flame Examincr Published by Canadiuf Newspapm Limited 16 choId Street Barrio Ontario Walls Publishar MONDAY Kerry Lambio Gonna Manna McPherson Managing Editor Auousr 1m may For Control Of Pollution Must Cease Many Things Its now against 111 your own yard the law to burn leaves Ontario has legislation which prohibits any such no Its not strictly unforced but representative of the department of energy and resourca balicvcs that it soon will be Poking around smould ering bonre on wrap evening or savoring the odor of burning leaves in the autumn air are gas that we will soon no longer be fc to enjoy The bonre sa ohc is contributing in its own way to growing polhr flan problem wbcnfhcre were ass all right back than we people with few er res 32d lows machines to poRutc Lbeairazdwztcrbmnowwizh fhc grow ing populatu and much lns hot water might so indicated in lt mWon its too rely 1b problem of ab and garbage pollution aria what you do is pilwa recently by The Ca 42 Caurchman which advises people boar pollution they no help stop Here are few of the ways which surely reveal us all to be polluters in some way or another Dont use colored facial tissue pap er towels or toilet paper The paper dis DOWN MEMORY LANE 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug 16 1950 Royal Victoria Hospital considers surcharge on townships not sharing current nancial deficit Wilson Barrie elected Junior Warden Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada for Ontario Charles Albert SarJoant for many years manager of Sarjeant Co fuel homc Sunnldale division died at his bad Major Brimstin elected presldent Barrie Kennel Club Good pro grass on building new Canamanarlro stare proprictor Hamp 1ch announced Sudhury Barrie who turned down for Detroit Tigers Archlelnnrtoubl ativ and baseball our three offers to pitch visited former battery matg here Cumming Scott and they renunlsced Mr Burton is In charge of diamond drilling along with son Martin at new iron mine Chapleau Buffalo firm whi steel hard as in Properg they discovered near will be worked by hopes to produce new Russian tanks Uranium tests show pound to ton Lieutenants Osmond Rowe William McBride and Lorne McGibbon attend Sea Cadet administrative course at Winnipeg Ontario Hock ey Association decided to play Junior games Sunday after noons at Maple Leaf Gardens Coach Hap Emms said Barrie Flych will not and may hav thc rapidly incre overcrowding of to drop out of league solves in water but the the lingers on Dont junk coatbangus Relurn them to the cleaners the gas station dont let them top off your gas tank Make sure fertilizer is your garden is worked deep into the soil Dont hose it off because it contains phosphates Br heavyduty plastic garbage cans instead of metal ones to reduce noise and odor lf you dont need car dont buy one Dont travel to work alone form car pool If you have fireplace abstain from using it as much as possible Dout leave your water running Avoid disposable diapers They clog septic systems Do not accept axcess packaging and paper bags from your shopping places last and perhaps most important if you want more than two children adopt them There are just few examples to in dicate what this pollution problem has come to If were going to have world left to stand on its clear that many things we do and enjoy will have to be forbid dcn Depressing isnt it First 284ml pleasure cruiser Craft built in Barrie sold by William Delaney to Toronto industrialist with summer estate on Lake Simone lromiuent in Masonry church and serv ice club work Harry Love painter and decorator died at his home Owen St Bob Flatt of CGE team won bat ting title Barrio senior fastball loop Just in front of Murray Richardson of Emms Electric and George Miles of Bruce Sarieant Mayor Dr Wilsofn made draw input McArthmZ Pruldonligndogklgg sented prizes Splendid parade started carnival with arrangements made by Jack Dates and Charlie new enson Tom Tattcrsa Bob Armstrong were committee chairman Barrie Fly crs Hockey Club finally reached terms wlth arena commission for rental al town Jack Dyte returned to Barrie as dir actor of minor hockey Flyers system Senior softball league reprimanded outfielder George Storey of Emms club volved Chuck Lawrenea Rusty Aikin other players and plate umpire Bud Knapp OTHER EDITORS VIEWS PRICE TO BE PAID FOR SMOG The Scotsman Edinburgh Smog ls but one dramatic symptom of using penalties of the humanity in the great cities of the world Technology is belng outpaced by the pressure of numbers and as the millions multiply the quality of could be turned another way It could to restore the derehchon of the industrial process to for vcars perched behind jud control pollution to fertilize the deserts and bring back the forestseven to do iuseItihebpoplulntion eiplosiou The price wou eavy an theidol of eco finnu whi nomlcs would latter but the price will entlygsueryccz 20313 filling have to be paid while the rewards for it have been rather pmmfncnt be used for instance been neither particularly orthor dox nor pnrtlculnrly lcglcsl Harris Motors Lioins Club street lmymgargggl plainIII Afrollc another big success chaired by synagogue ms cxplamftfon was Edwin that he didnt think Lbcro should be drinking In church 2srsrrmvb $3331 Noel Stoph the only igmpifm out lake was that the judge liked oo guns but wasnt very fond of iuke boxes though no Sunday hockey allowed 1n this 353miflnc22fsw background by the board has been good jbourd they really mean the pulgcllior Lhaugh there have con be for actions in game at Queens Park bccn notcgleflrffngIfrll III 333 Storey charged mic calcher Bob Thur that he is I0 bossl low of CGE touching off battle which in ALL cow bccn any question The policing of our Ontario burs has been outstanding LIQUOR BOARD Judge Robb Retires Sept CONTINUED FROM AUG 15 As on admlnlslrutor he has susht tightening around the mouth and Just touch of ded slvcncss In his volce But Iiccnoo holders not open more have absolutely oowcrcd beforoyblm It has not been un known for them to emerge with eyes dam and Won though they have become Ilvld at hearings It hnl not been known for any of mania rsgttcr how rough and Mm mim be but bear on unafde gmntfzptor the judge also has in mes somewhat lous discipllnnrhm cur lcre was an instance for ex bmplc where he gave Wind sor ores beverage mom anun precedcnlcd sovero suspension of full month week later the suspension was lifted The judg es only explanation wus oh they come In and promised to be better boys Thls seems soft But then gala he once ILfted llccnce be cause tho holder woman had two man cats In her basement Sometimes he has appeared soft and sometimes rhaps very slum but always there has never been any question ho ho been the boss BESIDES RACKETEEIIING Over tho yours there has been criticism of tho Judge and he blnd fluscones of times liquor licensing inthe provinco husnt been all that clean But the crltlclsm excupl ln In stances such as tho banquet per mit where the Iudgcs personal Aeoccnlrlcltles have come out has almost entirely been misdir ected For tho targets One of Ms early decision was one could But overnil and parLioulany ministration And when nnyonc refers to the On discipline there has never In fifcl one of the really ex traordinary spccloclcs of our political times has been to Wit ncss the utter uwo which IhIs mild little man has Inspired In our bar owners and publlcuns This slight figure of mun has icial fable over which physlcnlly he has just about appenrcd his most pronunan feature has been rather thlck lens glasses have bccn turban life deteriorates Technology are still obtainable iiyewcgsesld Edmbi 1581 lift3133532 ttluareouclllf X1 ll 86 gm normally has mm mm 52 mz bmrxumamofwasmwmmmx if not actnllynsmlflilgfhfmdmhgl dlnln DUDEGS and III Devume from left erland John SEAIED BARRIE Hacks CLUBNorthcrn Ontario champions 1897 HOTO FLASHBACK BACK ROW Moore William Suth Craig Churchill Macbaren president Pro Bays team captain and centre Pearson manager fnRONf Clark Blanca the asco enncdy Photo su lied by Miss Moore pp the ban on Sunday sale And though the Indy has been the mun before tho public on thcso they have beenmattcrs of gov emmeut policy On them he has taken orders and within the scopf of thhcre ogdders he IM mosty adm stcr we in 11111 Examiner to his credit ha has never point off out that the responsibility was Hayfield street the governments He has just Burrlc Ontario tukcn tho crltlctsm and lived Tolephonu 7266537 with It Second Class Man On the second qucstlon behind chfslrauon Number 0484 the scenes vcnnlfty there was Return postage goalunwed vldo ruckfatenrlugl In If uor lic Dnlly Sundays and cnccs back In for ca So Statutory Holidays voice as soft as moth Even when at his sterncsf when hund lng out suspension or repri mond the on change has been azarlr oral Lcslio Blackwell called four Emmi rumlnent Conservatives Into Subscription rates daily by In office and threatened to full currler 60c weekly $3120 them If they dldnt stop But no ycarly slnglc copies too By body hos ever associated the mull Burrlu $120 yearly judge with this or probabl Ontario 31300 year on even thought of associating him mml $300 your Molar He is so sincere and obviously throw off $2100 ycar honest that his infogrlty simply National Advertising om Mducsnned cos 425 University Avenue And his presence almost ccr Totem 340 Cayman tulnly has been deterrent that Montreal has kopt any behlndLhesconul dealing In liquor lIccuceI from getting out of hand NOW MAFIA PllllIombcfl ogugchCunudiuu ess urcnu of circulations Tho Oanudlnn Press Is ex cluslvcly cntIflcd to tho use for rcpubllcntlon of all news dispatches in this paper clCflv It It or The Associnlod oven government Itself would be your there has bccn on assump tion mm III case or so Involv Prosa or llcutcrs unff ulso int lnrgc oncrauona the govern tho local news published men Ill Slapped In and told the therein Ich what wanted In one In stance llccnccs were dated buck but the feeling In that ox cent tor extraordinary stance the government keeps hands off no that any other Ilcence niunl ulntlo ls Mnoxlstanp in mummy Tho Murrla ExumIner claims Copyright In all orlglnnl ad vertising and cdilorInI motor Iol created by Its employees and reproduced In this pews paper Copyright Registration NumA new rem her mum roalstcr 61 um could be Illa Inf Till wmgwrsa judge About how ho doles on his much so that than Attorney Gcln There Is the impression that careful to go too for In recent circumv LETTER TO THE EDITOR MOSPORI FESTIVAL Sir you wake up to pnnthcr beautiful morning busy day oronb ollday but when we read of Ihose people In the plum crash of all and trains colliding and tho war It makes onc Ich and then thunkful the future not our to see But Mosport Is different roblcm altogether boy stool ng for food or stealan car goes to prlson Buf advertislng the Mosan festlvnl which was more than drugs nudity and rock for thousnnds of kids who happening when promoters on allowed to openly ruln the lives of our young people un it tho guiso of motorcycle racing Mlko religious event MacDonald said its event more than you would find in ChrIstIurf con grcgntlon churches We and rcvcrc our In any young peoples church groups lhcyarc not taught drugs nudity and worse but It oqun whlcb will not ruln home life Who do you think you are Mikc Mncdonuld and your PM motors Have you no tum lea What is our government going enough Inc to find work huplng Is It not discouraging for oun en lo try tgffnfsb their education and comedy out of work nnnk you 00 CITIZEN 22 grnnchldmn and one wond era If he hasnt up lied the sme dlsclpll or as hld luv seems no upproa to bar awn hc apply to them about of fishing and how he to hnvo eternal youth and probably will carry on for do codes of But of It only be said that as ho prepare to retire we con look at the quality of our hnr op oration in Ontario with satisfac tion Sure there are few joints around mainly beverage rooms in rough areas but averall our outlets are attractive and rowdin many this And any to cll mn generally without ess There arent too jurlsdlcflnn that can say crhops the finest testim hu Judge Robb regime is that as he steps down we begin to wonder will them be do cllne WIIII perhaps the Mafia start to get In To data there has been no sign of II THE FIRST COLUMN Bill Hagan Hom Prom Saudi Arabia By KEN WALLS BllL MEAN back hom ln Burl aft working In Sm Arabia for the past four yuan 11 form bad and buob player of so your up look moon to go out than right now on left wing fa Roy Garfcpyc club of give John Down thlt mug rim arm Barrie team could so In the ball league Bill has been working for an Amalcan mm It ddo lines leaving Owen sound But wont be here Ion lie LI bud log bad to wort week will bL teenage by air to Homo where they will meet Mn Er gun and their teenage daugh ter wbo ha been going to school In Switzerland They left several days ago by boat on tho return trip to the MidEast BIII ofce ls near Mecca on the Red Sea He claims We hol to hero in Barrie W0 HM TO TAKE ON III the local problem of tho week We have III kinds of people round who know all the emus and solutions You can read all about it III this newlpaper every day Soundso doesnt grce with anothur soundco Cant be see hes all wrong husn got the facts stralght Now bcrcs the right thing to do Time for another cool onc OTHER PAPERS make mis takes too have been advised by vctcrun Iournnllst who handed me this clipping from the Syracuse NY HeraldJour rml His furtIng salary ls $14 000 It was for an educators job From the Denver Colora do Post This is the time when the churlntnus of pesos und freedom eulogizo for clgn dictators while dosecrating Lbc flab that keeps them free Best one we ever had in my time In thls pupcr was awcddlng writL up which described the beauti IuI bride She looked charming attired In long ffowfng mum vcil hld In tho gullcy up be hind thc old golf course for the next day while the angry mother kept planning of course we corrected that one ton CANADAS STORY Father Lacombe CPR EffPresident by boa nowmuv numbcr ai dizungfllnbedVCa nsdlnns nnvo been presidents of the on since It formation In 1880 Ono of them was Rev Al on Lacombs and um official record of the rallwny shows that be was appointed president Aug 10 1m However If the record Is ex unlined more closely It reveals that Father Locombc was presi dent the CPR for only one hour He was one of tho grentcxt mlsslouarlcs ever to serve on the Prnlrlos and was respected by the Blackfoot and Oreo tribes although they wore hitter ene mies The Indians did not llke the CPR traCkx bclng IaId across their lands and often fore them up during the night 1119 CPR asked Father Lscombo to try to persuade them not to do this and ho was successful On Aug 10 was the first CPR train druw Into Calgary It includcd private car with all the directors on board lbsy In vited Father Lacombe to lunch during whlcb President George Stephan announced that ho had resigned for one hour KB Angus then ro po ed that Father Lucnmbo be appointed to tnkc his place and the motion was carried GOT ACTION So Father Lucomhe became president of the CPR for one hour The railway also presented him with cheque for IT HAPPENED IN CANADA Plouaafzs EMBEDDED IN an ow MAPLE rose pv WIIIIM Condo MILM Visa745 ON Ducvsmv comm or 40 new 457 rls 0201M 1125 WVV lEARSIEO Mawxawo 51569050 Mil8M M2 0M0fI780064r 5454 an ai WWWVD 1r wizomyss if to tiltom and then was the gcncr prusInn that be was mcrclls InladgmanNotaowclunfgl lowing has at In with Idunc lug age Cohen was the only critic who bothered to cover the Grypbon company In Emlo and he was quite fair to tho falsified young people You may recall thatmy prawn Ic ccleuted over review In the My and Canadas national newspaper re that 38 year old doll ch his Reynolds and tho lame plt plied to Milli Gm ngNG FROM le Star by Coban one day last wagingncbble Reynolds was cc given plenty of op funlty on radio and TV to sulfur off about the revlmu of herself and bar Show at the Ochfe Centre But MISS Reynolds pro rejected the ball Ind kcpt calm Nor has she told word In private on the mutter Catch the ocrfbblera who went after binbeing that professiom of lf anybody went after them What seem to be beyond the comprehension of most critics In the media that theres no trick having opinions But giv fng reasons for the opinions thats what criticism is all bout and why Its totally beyond tblzelr ken You said ll Nate ole DEAR NOEL Do you remem ber when the annual mIlItary camp for Central Ontarla was held In who Is now Queens Park them being blgh plckot fence around It and guard salt tIoncd at tho two entrances Tor onto and Hil Staff 310000 for work on his lnISSIO and lifetime pass on the roll WW Somdmu ha and um pus to go to Ottawa to try to get fed oral government action on prob Ierm on one occasion he saw cabinet minister who said he would look Into the sltuctIOn Father anombe looked at tho comfortable carpet on the floor of the office and raid in effect Thats very good of you Now am accustomed to sleeping on the ground so will just lie down here on thls nice carpet and rest while you are attending to this mattedl The cabinet mlnister really had to do something and Father Lucombe got his answer within an hour Perhaps he was the In spiration for prcsentduy altins IRSCartier named Gulf St Lawrence IanDutch force captured French forts on st John River SIBritish force beaten LnPraIrie near Montreal after one ght BIBLE THOUGHT For God no loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever bcIIchl In him mould not perLIb bui have overlutlnx llfe John me This is tho verso that so many quote but do not actually cm bracc If ye believe not shall die In your sins RI TI will WAsFaszEmuVORK mi NI 115 mimicn5 wasrf if was wuec CLOTHING FOR Tit EMILIIIA EN DEFENDNO FROMIIEBMAINSIAMSRIUN IIIVASfOll MUM IT HELPED FAMILIEfsMEEVING MILIIIAMElluoLAfER ITDRWID RELIEFRIE PEOPLE WHO msumcso Logz I7 ormopsmvavenwmnw IMAMoat nal5144910 WSWAFW musAu AEFTWMAPlr mom mac 141 mmrwemwwar am new WW