Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1970, p. 1

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Lads and tastes ulna frolic naked in swIrxmrm hole gunnerysesamenwe Elbe dame Examiner Barrie Mario Canada My August I7 I970 SWEET SWEET SUMMER nearaouumtianmmar racivnisharcduomcvos nityofVaiMnnn scarecr hxivzd Wlm at the rRabbits Only Crew Aboard As Liberty Ship At Sea ABOARD HARTLEY AP rusty surplus Liberty sblp carrying cargo of nerve gas and several rabbits wallowed through the Atlantic under tow today headed for water grave miles east of Cape Kennedy the LcBaron Russell Briggs is scheduled to be scuttled in 16000 feet of water Nesday carrying with her to the bottom 418 steellacketed concrete vaults containing more than 12500 nerve gas rockets The way torthe tontrovsaial dispMal of the deadb was was cleared Sunday when Florida Gov Claude Kirk and the Ewi ranmcntnl Defence red laid theywere aboadonln ht against the armys plans bimythqmehts racy the gas ceprestnted an immune dangertothe ocean ctr vironment In rare Sunday sexton the us Court of Appeals in Wash ington upheld district courts reluaul to grant Kirk and the defence fund an injunction bar ring the disposal plmrs It said first the Br ggs must remain in port at Sunny Point NC until 10 am today to give Kirk and the defence fund chance to carry an appeal to the US Su preme Court The appeals court announced 4500 Pasties 0n Strike OTTAWA CPI The mini lng postal strikes picked up pace Monday as nearly 4500 workers were on strike at 25 Ontario poqu and Quebec City Th cwaikouts came after weekend meeting between the Council of Postal Unions and 22 union zone directors at which the directors endarceds the stand of their negotiators Hit by strikes were the To ronto main post office Toronto airport and Villowdnle ofces and 22 offices in the North Bay area Including North Bay Suult Ste Marie Sudbury and Tim mins and Quebec City some two hours later however that Kirk and the group were quitting the court fight and the Briggs which originally had been scheduled to get under way Saturday moved out with tug supplying the power Providing escort were backup tug the destroyer escort Hartley and the Coast Guard cutter Mendntta When the convoy reaches the disposal area ttrnan team of specialists will board the Briggs checking rst the rulir bits They are sensitive to gas shag my of the vaults spring gt The men will train devices to moniior the rate of descent as the Briggs goes to the bot tom remove the rabbis nun all salvagenble equipment open valves to let seawntu ood the ship then abandon the Briggs Navy Capt Hamilton In charge of sinking tho Briggs es timated it would take to hours for the freighter to go down The Meridqu and Hartley qu rcrnainet the scene for eight to 12 hours charting the exact position of the Briggs and examining environmental data and water samples to check against my early leakage or Hopes Flickerng For one Since BruCe Enters Picture PARIS Reuters Hopes are ickering for the dead locked Vietnam peace talks since David Bruce one of the most experienced United States diplomats took over as head oi the US delegation Aug Bruces arrival signalled it new American attention to tha 1monthold talks after Presi dent Nixon had left the delega tion in the hands of state de partment official Philip Habib for eight months At the end of his first 10 days here Bruces businesslike style and his initial avoidance oi rhe tarlcnl pointscoriag made him more than ever man to watch Hanoi and Viet Cong negotia tors reacted cautiously After Bruces first appearance in the weekly talks they said he intro duced nothing new But the most reliable and bestadvertised news on the Paris diplomatic circuit was that Bruce is likely to wait for the return of top North vlet namese negotiator Xuan Thuy or someone of similar rank to begin his most important negoti atingprobably in private Thuy went back to North Viet nam In May charging that Nixon downgraded the talks by failing to name highlevel rc placement for Henry Cabot Lodge who resigned as chief American delegate Inst Decem her Thuys deputy Col Ha Van Lau also returned to Hanoi and their delegation has been led this summa by Nansen Mlnh Vy its thirdrankiag member gt Death Sentence For 17 Persons FHNOM PENH Reuters Cambodian military tribunal sentenced 17 persons to death in their absence today including nine members of Prince Situa houks governmentinexile in Peking for conspiracy to com rnit treason The court also sentenced Prince Slhanouks wife PrInlt coss Monique and her mother Pom Peang to life Imprison ment at hard labor on specific charges of smuggling and sell lag weapons to the Viet Cong The prince ousted as Corn bodins head of state March 13 was himself sentenced to death in absentla alter threeday trial In July Ransom Notes Differ MONTEVIDEO AP Uru guayan police noted several major differences Sunday night between new ransom note de livered to Brazilian news DHPEr and earlier confirmed notes from antigovernment rob lls holding an American agrono lnlst and Brazilian diplomat as hostages The police said they doubted the messages validity or that iIs threat to kill Brazilian Corl sul Aloysio Mares Dias Gomide came from the lupamaros tucirillusr Brazilian police brought the communiqucs to Montevideo llmlay alternoon Delivered to El paper in Porto Aiagre Brazil Id Dias Gomldos execution vie would he set unless the ll It government ru leased lax rise mcsday here by ll it one lintt did not mention Patron Fly 65 of Fort Col Cute all adviser to the III noulture ministry who was kid PM Aug Dias Gomidc ti Daniel tiltrlono so ol forget in post the ransom nuts Richmond Iltd titre rectal JLILv sl ltlltrioue ras manure $31 to ullcr the gorernmea runlsed to maple wilha rtlIII ultimatum newsman till poliliiml nets lousni rost some checo hm said the 3nch wtro criminals ant he has Police Doubt Validity refused to negotiate with the Tupamams Police sources said the mes sage from Brazil was dis counted becatne it was hand written lnstcad of typed or ml meogrophcd was numbered 14 when the lost conllrmed mes sage was numbered 10 and the guvermnent is holding 206 susr peeled iupamoros instead or itd lhe last confirmed message from the kidnappers was deliv crcd last Ncsdny along with lcltcls irom Dias Camille and FLr lo thcir wines Since then there hum been four other notes which the police believe were also ilmnirhilc private houses Paepitnis and churches were impoha as ram police and Scanners outlined the drawer his the mining tantrum and mums ems hare been on were can the search iIIcIud ing than rt it Mister and anth lmimtri the at os who had been turr car an years WW0 15 MilliEN WITHBIIZORS CUT HOLES WASHINGTON AP senator has demanded an aim cial explanation of why 15 air men armcd with is razor blades spent full day cutting 10000 holes in 10000 news papers because someone didnt the we gen erals picture was displayed when the Aug editim of the Talespinner the hm newspaper at Lackland Air Force Base TEL Wu distri uted there was an unexplained holc three columns wide and inches deep neatly carved in the centre of page put space and teen occup Ed by badly mapped photograph of MalGen John Samuel no is commander which was very Inappro priate for general The photograph showed Samuel receiving the Legion of Matt from LLGen Arthur Onesbeck director of the air forces Weapons Systems Evaluation Group it was cropped narrowly displaying views of the heads of the two generals and that of Samuels wife Oberhccks three store could not be seen Senator William Proxmire oompianiing of the incident in letter to Air Force Seerec tary Robert Seamans said if these facts are accurate think this was violation of freedom of the press and waste of the taxpayers moneY Wm JERUSALEM lCPl For eign Minister Abba Eben charged today Egypt is mntlnu ing missile moveme is in the Suez canal areain solution at the USinitiltcd Middle East ceasefire At the same time Eben no eased the United States of fail ing to acknowledge Israeli evi dence of these mavemenu WASHINGTON AP Claiming several bright new proschB far stable world peace the Nixon administration has Expressed renewed enthusl usm for slowdown in the weapons race with the Soviet Union The Icy issue nf the joint strategic arms limitations talks is proposal to abolish mu tually or curtail deployment of antiballistic missiles they Said Administration spokesman sad the safeguard ABM sytem had been major bargaining tool at the Vienna talks which just ended lounmonth round last week The negotiations re sume In Helsinki this Novem ber They said the Soviet Union had expressed most interest In SAN FRANCISCO AP The search for Angela Davis broadened today after it federal attorney confirmed that the selfprofessed Communist and former university philosophy in structor bought the shot gun that killed Judge Harold iinlcy The judge and three other men were killed Aug during gunbattlc that followed court room kidnapping at San Rafael across the Golden Gate from San Francisco SAIGON AP The United States committed ILs entire Pa cific force of 352 bombers against the new North Vietnam ner CAPSULE NEW Chuvan K05 Kinetican in Round Two SARAJEVO Yugoslavia Reuters Cheering spectatois climbed into the ring here Saturday night and carried Canadian heavyweight boxing champion George Chuvan shoulder high alter he knocked out American Mike Bruce in the second round of scheduled l0round fight The nyeaMId Canadian who is of Yugoslav origin took less than six minutes to send the Massa chusetts boxer crashing to the canvas 113 Die In Eastern Pakistan DAOGA tactile Cholera has claimed 113 lives in three floodstrickm districts of eastern Pakistan official reports reach ing Bacon said today President Yubya Khan warned of the danger oi an epidemic alter recent floods which ravaged the eastern province killing more than 100 persons SixHour Fire Guts Guelph Street GUELPK CP Fire raged for more than six hours through downtown area early today destroying four business establish ments and national parole board office and damaging at least 12 other business offices The fire estimated by one business owner to have caused damage up to 5500009 broke out in the too ycanold MacDonald Building shortly before am it destroyed restaurant ladies wear store and two photography shops Police Lured Into Dynamite Trap OMAHA Neb AP Eight Omaha policemen apparently were lured Into ndynumite trap in vacant house on the citys near North Side today and one was killed and Seven hurt Lieut John Bozak said boobytrapped suitcase on the living room floor of the anatomy house In predominantly Negro section exploded blowing the house apart Likes Young Girls In MiniSkirts TORONTO CPI Joseph Wilson who celebrated his 100th birthday Saturday says he likes the occasional shot of brandy and looking at young girls in miniskirts Its too bad they didnt Weapons Pace Pleases Nixon Entire 352 Force Strikes New North Vietnam Offensive have the miniskirt in my younger days he sold in an Interview at senior cltlrnns homo At news conference Bian said the ceasefire agreement demanded the stricth level of precision In determining ad herenc and cannot agree that it is immaterial whether missiles were moved up into the forbidden zone 12 hours before or 12 hours after Israel has provided the US government as author and stopping development of the AEM The United States has of fer to do so if the Russians would limit their large 55 mis siles and cut their ABM Al weekend briefing for edi tons and broadcasters in New Orleans during President Nix ons visit the officials said Nix oas promise last year of 11ch Gallons rather than confronta tion had panned out as turn ing point in postwar policy The spokesman who declined Identication and prohibited re lease of their comments until Sunday also said the convem tional ground war in southern South Vietnam is virtually ended They said security in that part of the nation was the best Its been since I964 NelMonThan IOcPerCopyIPe ISRAEL CITE NEW BUILDUP guarantor of the ceasere with precisely dened evidence of Egyplun vinlatioas an laid Referring to cements by Defence Secretary Melvin laird Sunday that it was not possible to determine whether cease fire violation actually occurred because missiles may have been in hen the muffin went into effect mdnight Aug Eben said Israel has lodged complainu transgressions look place not only immediately alter the ceasere but continue to be made PURPOSE SERVED Laird had said Sunday that he did not think it served any pur pose to disch what Declined during the hauls before and alter thc ceasefire Eban citcd these alleged vio Iallons Last Ihursdnl material on grave Violations shortly after the time of the ceasefire was passed on to the United Nations Irish Riots Halted By Heavy Rains BELFAST AP Nineteen hours of torrential rain and Belv fasts worst ood in it years brought weekend halt to Roman CatholicProtestant riots and changed British troops from enemies to heroes at least tear perarily Rescue operations replaced strcet battles as hundreds of families were evacuated from their homes Mo so rungwaiers Jerrold Ladur assistant US attorney said Sunday serial number chock showed the shot gun was purchased at sun Huncism pawn shop Aug by the former instructor at the University of California at Les Augeles Miss Davis is charged with one count of murder and five counts of kidnapping under California law which holds uny ane who aids major crime as guilty as the direct participants offensive today in the northern most pmvinccs of South Vict nnm Nearly 100 of the big bombers dropped some 3000 tons of bombs on Northern Vietnamese supply and staging areas on goth sides of thc Laotian bor er The raids were the heaviest In two years invtho sector in formed sources said clouds pit vented any accurate assessment of the bomb damage but sev ernl secondary explosions Indi cated hits on ammunition stores The US command ordered the 8525 out in full force after attacks Sunday on seven south eru allied bases guarding ap proaches to the populous coastal lowlands of Quang lrl and Thua Thien provinces The US command also un nounced that three American helicopters were shot down on the Laotian side of the border Saturday headquarters aid one American was killed and two are missing casualties wesE but damage estlrnnter run as hIin as $25 million The ClLIlo lie Falls Road district was hard est hit the cleanup got under way today both Protmtants and Roman Catholics praised the soldiers who the previous week end were targets of bricks bot tles and such epithets as Ge stapo swine Weve had nothing but kind words sold an army spokes itussia Launches New Space Probe MOSCOW AP The Soviet Union today launched an un manned space probe to explore the planet Venus Toss said the spaceship which it called the automatic interplanetary ti Venus VII would continue the EX ploration of the planet Venln which was carried out earlier by Soviet automatic stations it said the spaceship was launched at ala min 138 am EDT and together with the final stage of the rocket carrier was put into on interim orbit of the earth At 959 am the report said the engine of the final stage was switched on for slightly more than four minutes to boost the rocket out of orbit and on its way Tass said at noon Venus VI was more than 25000 miles from earth Venus VI was put into trajectory close In the proset one the Soviet news agency said All the systems and sat entllic equipment on board the station are lunctlonlng nor mally The ight controlled by the longdistance space com mtmlcntion centre Trapping safe Chretien SACHS HARBOUR NWT GP Oil companies starting exploration work on Banks is land this fall will not he allowed to destroy the thriving trapping eCanmny there Northern Devel opment Minister Jean Chreticn said Sunday He told public meeting in this Eskimo community at about lilo persons that he would stop any practices of the oil crews that threaten the liveli hood ot the trappcrs at Sachs Harbour about 1400 miles north of Edmonton The mcetlng was called by the association which said the white fox one of the more valuable Arctic furs might leave the Islands because States of the noise and activity of the oil crews Seventeen families here reap about $250000 on nually from white fox fur There also are plenty of seal polar bear and other animals making this community one of the most prosperous in the Aria Fearing their livelihood threatened by an announcement that Elf and Demlnex Oil Co are bringing In seismic crews In October the Eskimos have ap pealed to the Committee for the Original Peoples Entitlement for help In keeping oil men off the Island Brian Purdy Yellowknife lawyer acting for the Eskimos gut their case before Mr Chrclt on and lie United States At this time midemhlc number of HoundNI missiles wen moved forward by the Egypt inns 0a the same day one other missile battery was deployed map reference was provided to the United Nations on this 50 and complaint On Sunday construction was observed taking place Na spots which were cmpty be fore Eban expressed belief Laird was not in possession or the lat est lsracli material whcnihe made his statement Sindhi Eban stressed that he thought Lairds words were not nal verdict The foreign minister added There is no crisis between rusalcm and Washington There is frank discussion He said it was important for Israel and the United States to establish the facts together Eban said larger issue the degree of validity and credence to be given to Soviet and Egyptian assurances that they would abide by the com fire agreement These were bound to have an effect onLIho climate of the present peace ef fort he gtEhan said there is still mate pal being transmitted to Wash ington containing lsmeis evi dence of the ceasefire violations it is impossible for me to believe we wont reach comv mou understanding Eben said he didnt know what could he done to brmg newt removal of the 33 item are three of the four Warm candidates for tha presidency of lehanon iarhn meat will select ouc Mmdny night Fromtopn turner Pre sides Camille Chanauu be this nrlnllster oipublre wcrlih The present incumbent clmrlv riira Emma yetab from Balm

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