play In of In of Be high it first all as pics in are in the cili to Old in of as if Police To Crack Down On Festival Drug Use TORONTO Police lilo Harold Manson slid In an interview Friday his Mm polling Toronto force will crack down on abuse of In law at any future rock fall lie said police want legislation in mirin the like of festivals to crode mall annual for In to Canadian Asks Mining Concern DAR ES SAXAA lReuleiI Canadian citizen living hen has written to mlnlnl company Falconbrl uklngltlopulloutofSoum weal Africa because its profits there are based on slave labor Htvorth director of the Canadian Universities Serv ion overseas here said menu In lhe territory depended on the monopoly organization New Saitbwesl African Native Labor Association The builds of this assodir lion was to trade In human beluga the letter laid and it supplied Canadian companies Leave SouthWest Africa such as Falcoliorldge and Elo lha Petroleum with slave labor If the rule of about $53 mm per year After quoting description of the moclationa activities Til swcrlh nade the chairman of Falconbrldge If it tallied with 31 his South African Staff old He asked whether or not investors and shareholders knew about the Lysitm and concluded that he personally thoughl Falconbridge and other Canadian companies should pull out of Soutth Alrlca until the illegal occupation of the terri tory by Soulh Africa was ended LOTS of WHEAT Liberal MP Ab Douglns ex amlnca whcat piled next to chockvfull elevator at Frnn cls 40 miles southeast of Re gin and In his constituency or Wirephoto niely control and mm as full Be Wind that MM person be Ihe limh At the Slrlwbony Flew rock festival II Hooper fut week end drug were taken and sold openly but police did not Infu vuze forfearofczualngrict Among the 53 fans We are going to try to hide that the crowd be kept small but no matter what we inlaid to get tough with abusu of the drug laws the dild said Law enfereanent at the Mo port festival so miles northcut of lbrnnte was handled by pro vindal pollen ofllcul TORONTO CPI senior officer of the Metropolitan Te ronlo police department said Friday police are gain to crack down on drinking fan It Can dlxn Football League games Uranium Mine Mill Announced For Saskatchewan REGINA GP Afler months of uncerulnly because of federal government rules on foreign ownership plans were announced Friday for $50 mil lion uranium mill and mine for northeast Saskatchewan The announcement came at joint news conference with Pro miar Ross Tbnlchcr and an offl clal of Gulf Minerals Co and Gulf Oil Canada Ltd and the uranium buyer UrancrzBcnn of Germany This is grant day for Sas kulchcwan and particularly for the North Mr Thatcher sold The provincial economy had been staggered by burden of surplus wheat but the develop mcnt pm It the way to pro pcrily again The uranium body was found In December 1968 near Walla lon Lake in lake and rockcov cred lurrnlo 275 miles northern of Prince Albert Birthcr explo ratory drilling followed early this year through ice on the lakes Edward Walker of Denver president of Gulf Mineral Rea sources said the find might have been left undeveloped for 10 years if it were not for the agrcemonl by UrananEonn to buy the ursnlum In relurn for Allpercent Interest Gulf with supercent inter est signed an agreement Nov 1969 with Urunerxvlaonn privntulyvowned firm and lub alliilinry of lhc Igggcst electric ly group In oat Gummy The German firm is to fake enough uranium to keep planned 2oootonudny mill op erating at top capacity Jury Continues Study In Collins Murder Trial ANN ARBOR Mich AP jury of six men and six women resumes deliberations today in the lintdegree murder trial of John Norman Collins accused of slaying an Easlcrn Michigan University cord The Jury spent five hours and 40 minutes Friday trying to delt termlne Collinas guilt or innue ence and another four and 15 minutes bearing the testimony of two witnesses at Colllna trial read to them The jury received its lnslnxo lions Friday more than eight Richard Burton Helped Him Quit Drinking HOLLYWOOD Reuters Richard Burton boast that on bet with his wne Elizabeth Taylor he has gone without alcoholic bev erages for nearly six months Looking slimmer and younger than many of his photographs from months ago he told reporter of the wager while on location for the adventurewar film The Raid on Rommel which he has just completed In San Felipe Mexico week after the trial atnrted Six weeks were spent selecting the jury Testimony and final summaries took another 13 dnys Tho Ziyenrold Collins na tive of Windsor out who moved to Michigan as child is charged in the July 1969 slaying of Karen Suo Belneman an 13yearold freshman at Eastern Michigan The Grand Rapids girl was last seen alive July 23 Three days later her nude and tor tured bod was found in wooded gully Claims Ref was disturbed at the fact that was putting on weight nod Elizabeth said it was the booze She bot me just kiss or something like thatthat couldnt quit booze for three months Burton said So did Its been over five months now For the first time ln25 years Im seeing the world without an alcoholic haze Im not sure like what aeoybut at least its new experience We would like on to he us celebrate our anni trying pour specialized ltallan verssry today meals IRENZE RESTAURANT s4 MAPLE ST OPEN TILL AM OFF on all meals served it the Restaurant on Saturday 7280850 The jury was instructed that it could return just two verdicts convict Collins of firstdegree murder or declare him not guilty Michigan law imposes man datory life imprisonment for firstdegree murder conviction There is no capital punishment in the state Collins also is under indict ment in California on charges of kil ng vacationing Oregon girl In June 1969 Miss Belneman was the rev enth young womnn killed In Woshtcnaw County in slightly more than two years No one has been charged in any of the other six killings World War Liberty ship 55 ubaron Russell rig FILLED TO BE SUNK Point NC Army lcrminnl us feel of waitr Millfills off in 3mm SATURDAY ACGIII 15 lm Corn Blight Spreads Across United States ATmS Ga AP An epllt dunk of southern leaf blight fimzus deem whkh xltxclu corn is spreading acng the United States and could destroy 50 per oral or more of the I970 corn crop group of scientists and seed producer says The group meeting at the University of Georgia said In series of reports Friday it has conrmed that the disease has hll the 115 corn belt and reached the epidemic slag as far north as Dc Moises Iowa and Torre Home Ind They also said it may have spread inlo Canada Agriculture dcparimenf sookcsmcn in Washington said the disease has been found In of least 60 Illinois counties and us far norlh 15 Wisconsin They said rcliable esIImntcs of dam age in most areas an difficult In obtain but lhat field repum said Clll production has been cut by so pcr rum in Mississippi and also ICduuud in other Smith rrn areas ix tslimnllzig um yexr corn crop at 46 billion bullets current prices Ibo official sold such loss could coal US farmers more Lhon $15 billion in income Om of the agriculturaliats said this would send corn prices skyrockeLing increasing cost for producer of poultry and llmmcx because com is pri mary feed for bulb The officials said their call mnlu arc based on What al ready has occurred in six Soulh crn states In Washington Dr Harlan Smith US extension service plant pathologist said there is no effective treatment once the disease plnnlz has sinned In corn RCAF ASSOC WING BINGO crew lead two uainloads of Plant lbnloslsts Il lowni Cipe Kennedy Fla if originv For YT WTEHORSE YT CF Roland Michener who flies loduy to Dawson YT to take part in Discovery Day celebrations said Friday night that perhaps Yukonefn should consider celebrating It as iscovcry Day This could Signin the discov ery of yourselves and your dis covery by others he said dur ing speech to about 150 pen son special dinner organ ized by the territorial govern nian Discovery Day is celebrated in Dawson to commemorate the discovery of gold in The Yukon In 1830 For three feverish ycnm nflcr the discovery thousands of adventurer poured Into the arcs Youve been looking back on the gold rush for long time Perhaps you have realized IL over But although the gold rugh is the GovernorGeneral suesedlhatfbe Nh one of Canadas greatest areas of potential development ISSUES CAUTION But he warned that Norther nera should be alert in two arena The North is fortunate that it does not have the air and water pollution problems of southern Canada he said But the deli cate uneasy balance of nature must be protected He urged unit the natural ad vantages and unspoiled nature of the north should not be do wnlinuea to lake on ll 1m deadly nerve gas today The nl plans are followed up 5W University said is blishl load of cargo at the Sunny ship will be scuttled in lawn mm had been apollcd on one In live SPECIALS per cent of lhc plnnls in custom Michener Flies North and control foul1 spokesman for the group in lmcns including 125 agricul lllraliafs from 10 comgrowing slut Said the seriousness of the disease Cannot be fully do lcrmincd unlil filler the fall har vest However he said that some members are prodiclingl that us much as so per cent or more of Ibis ycars anticipated yield could be lost The dupurimcnl of ngricullurc JACKPO SHARE THE WEALTH Admission 50c 14 HIGH sr Above NuSarvlu Cleaners Discovery Day strayed and IJJJI the manner of life of the inhabitantsand that Include the original lnhnb ilnnlsahould ho safeguarded assure you that all Canadi ans arc conscious of their fol lows in The North nnd arc cancelcu with what will hap pen in the future and wanl to help The GovcmorGcnernl and Mrs Michener were in the Yukon capitol Iin begin loony tour of the Vcslcrn Arc tic During Lhc day they visited local historical and IourLst sites and had attended picnic which was moved into school gym nnsium because of rain Following the dinner Friday Commissioner Smith presumed lhc vicorcgnl cuuplo with moosehide jacket as snu venirs WRITER SIGNED Douglas Graham has been signed by Warner Bros to write Albatross on original screen play about making ll In the pop music business MIE DAL 1309 Its switchedon laugh riot Bl FOR ENQUIRIES AND SPECIAL GROUP RATES party must number over 25 call Maureen ODonnell at4163601442 Tickets available all performance this weekend For moil orders make certified cheque or mancv order payable to the Royal Alexandra Theatre No cash please and list ullcrnalo dares No mall orders accepted urges accompanied by unified cheque or money 07 Ol wu no mm lvmmo InIIALCDVV no3 1m nuTn Avaltnnkl NOTE THRU THE SUMMER THERE ARE TWO MATINEES WEDNESDAY SHOPPERS DELIGHTZEOFM SUNDAYWEEKEND SPECIALZSO FM ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE 260 King West Toronto ANDMoss I1 1000 TD BIRD ROXY EVENINGS FROM RM CHILDREN T5 ANYTIME live lobsters at BARRIE SEA FOODS RESTAURANT l0 Bradford Sf Open II to 10 Sun to 10 Phone 7280502 Al Conditioned DINING OUT NIGHTS lakeview RESTAURANT Family Monday to CORNED BEEF and CABBAGE og BAKED PORK CHOPS with Mushroom Sauce $175 Children Under l2 $110 Complete meal Includes Dessert Beverage 1255151 Nights Thursday lst Feature NOW PLAYING pm pm If dlygu malinPlanafITInAgesluas only TEs EEATH MAYB lllE ENDI Pavlov nil qulnf lly Deluxe V8 Iii they take you for an out0140mm they really tuba you snafu1 COLUMBIAPICYURESpruIM raanxowc snooucnon NATALIE WOOD ROBERT CULP BOB CAROLTED ALICE ELLIOTT GOULD DYAN CANNON BOB 8n CAROL SHOWN lST MON UE5WEDTHURS unwewl mlumf mum Jfili EMMIIII SillillVllEHIilS aluminum THE GUTDFTGWIIEIIS mm mus Mavncm WHERES JACK TOMMY STEELE Colari About What Cannot Be Restored mvu newmwlmwo IWlltwemm