Vovvs Of Local Interest At Church In St Thomas Tall yellow tapers in candel abra and baskets cl white and yellow chrymdoemtum decor ated the liter Central United 5L Thom or the wedding at Joanne Bambrick and Franklin Bead Jollle TUE BABE WINTER TUESDAY GUST I1 BARBIE ART CLUB EXHIBIT AT LIBRARY Franz right spot to hang urc can often at gas deal of adjust mezz Mrs Cox of Shan ty Bay member the Bar rie An and Salim dcrs of ll Barrie the clubs properly convch diy colored ptclun of the tires Art Clubs Permanent lcction which ill be on tiiS play tor the remainder at August In the Barrie ruolrv Library all The permanent ANN LANDERS ADVISES Sleepwalkers Not Always True To Form says Reader near Ann undzry Arc you IUII aloepwalitm never do any thing they wouldnt do while awake disagree doused trom Todays Ilcalth abwt iIycurold boy who rose Irom his bunk still asleep looked in the refrigerator and then walked out the back door it would have been just another aiecpwulking episode he boy was in campertruck traveling at 50 miles an hour on the San Diego Freeway The article vurncd against awakening sleepwalitcr ab ruptly One mun never seize liccvwnlker and shake hlm awake It best In repeat his name cuhnlymn nwmni his collsciausnc then help him realize Where It Is and let him know ht is sulc Parran ul hlecpwulkinl chil dren should take obvious pro cautions by listening gates at the head of stairs and locking doors that load to the outside The article uuole Dr Roger Brouhton an Ottuwa ncuroilr method plat and authority on surnnam Celebrate Golden Wedding At Open House In St Pauls Filly years at wedch llle lur Mr rind Mrs Wilmer ilumphrty Walt mllrkcd on Sunday with all open house reception at their home an Yongc St at St Pauls From early nllcrnoun until late Sunday evening Mr llumlt phrey and his bride rcccivcd over 125 Iriends neighbors and relatives Bhe bridegroom retired Can adlan ionai ilways cm playcc with It lcr record oi all years was horn in Allondulc the son II this lull Mr and Mrs Willis Humphrey lil iturlun llvc Ilia hrldc Edna Illluzndcn daughter III the late Mr Ilnd Mrs Ihu ltlliendun was born at lm ing The wedding took place in the Mlncsinz pur sonagc on Aug ma ollielat cd by Rev Albert Mote Belurc retirement to Ilicll burnt in St Pauls lhc couple lived at Furl Irlr Iltlrniilun mid Nlilrd Falls read an article by Isabella Tilch conl good to ulswurugc slccptvuiking by such primitive means as sur rounding childx bed with pans of cold wulcr so he will Step Into them and wake up letter in your column suggested just this Please correct this misstatement It Mr Minn Sharing in the golden wedding anllilLrsllry ly were the Cell hrilnlti lulu ildrul and their Inmlllu Vernon Humphrey ul Vellan Marion iblrs Ilun Course Welland Ruth lirh Bernie Grnnbyl of Hamilton and Bud Humphrey at home Then are night grandchildren and ttw great grandchildren IOUIIING TEA Tea Ilolluriwerc plrlormtd by two uioters lit llrldc Mrs llorry Otto tor and Ivorgo luliml ll oi Tito ltclldlnt tlI dotuntied in while and gold wlls lIiL local paint on IIIL llzn lzllilc itwls mode by wichrlllllh do lcrinlaw Irv IIlim pllrey oI WLI lnd Among lllc gills prcmllvd to Hit couple Wore Iiorltl bouquets Irum the limily ilnll ii klllhnn Vernon ILLW 0041 table and Illlllclllng choirs from there are counter theories Most aulhurIliL say the vast majority oi slcep walker do nothing out char aeter in their sleep The boy who wdlkcd out of the buck door at ihc camper was not deviating null his normal behavior pul thcy used the water rAin method with great sllcc cure the siccpwn uwukull him bage business is plumey unli hc IMF mi Mrs Course rind in tunl sun Andrcw ilonultl great collection has butn accumu lated try the club over the past 20 years and many at the pic tures were donated by the ar themselves when they were in Barrie giving demon strations lEtmninlr Photo Dcar Itoch For most theories on somnumbullsnl Many readers wrote to tell me it did not but It did Iltnr Ann Lnndcrs thI do you think vi 26ycnrrolll who Cowle production known yet Mr Cowies spectacles stny an alter lump into the water from lGIDot diving board parachuting basket during while playing tenn TODAYS RECIPE OTTAWA it Do your glasses slip down on your nose when you sweat Do you have to remove your glasses when swimming under water or skydiving With These Spectacle Frames YouCanSwinLDivePlayTennis ball hockey and but have you IDOK SIBIPLE LIX most inventions Mr Cowlei looks like the simplest thing in the world and 39 Mud prompts the agrold remark slip on gas mask without re moving ypur glasses Wilbur Elliott Cowl oi Ot lawa an engineer with the defence march board has invented alter it years trying and is models specia clc frames dilcult to pull all your lncc it took nearly 40 years to develop the ripper saldMr envxrpn mental protection at the boards Ottawa laboratories The spcclucles were dcch oped for armed lorces person nei primarily but Canadian patent has been arranged so that they can go into civilinn Just when isnt director DI treeall SKILLET MSAGNA pound ground heel butler envelope sauce mix pound creamed collage cheese cups broad noodles uncooked cup water oregano basil leaves snll large can Iornnlocs small can tomato paste mouzlrcllu chccsc spughclli Sprinkle with half of the spit hetti sauce mix spoon cottage cheese over meut Top with noodles mid sprinkle with remaining spaghettisauce mix basil oreguno and sail Pour lomstou tomato paste out water over top Bring to it Why didnt think pl that The Irames are hinged on lop Instead or on the top om side corner as with everyday glasses 11w bow conse quently hug the side of the bead On the end of the bows are two plastic baiLmoom which encircle the car You get lled or my glasses just the same as or nay glasses Mr Comic said lhchuman head wider just back DI the ears than at the corner the eyes wanted to eliminate all that extra lramo on ordinary glasses which bump into things like doors These frames are shlped to suit the human Incc You can sleep with them on Mr CoWIe said hls frames will be no more expensive than ordinary ones They have been exlcnslvcly tested by armed lorces personnel and can be worn under gas mask Architect Reveals Theatre Plans TORONN lCP The Iilal pltlns lor the new $25milllon Shaw chtlval theatre at Nlagi aruunlheLakc 0nl were re vealed Monday by urchllcct llon Thom The Klzscul IIILJIIE in EX pcclcd to have its opening in 11w bride 13 the daughter 01 Sir and Mn Arthur Bambrlck DI locust 5L SL Thomas and the bridegroom is the son 01 Mr and Lin Jolllllc ol Well ington St Bail Barrie Rev Sherwin trickled at the wedding and Miss Otcri Edward of Loodm Ontario presided at the organ CIILFFON GOWN An allwhile bouquet or gar denins slephunotis and babys breath with ivy trails and while satin streamers was carried by the bride who was givzn in mar riage by her father tier nour lcnth gown DI cloud white chi lon over talleta lectured an em pin waist and wedding ring neckline appliqued with Gulpure lace daisies and sheer bishop sleeves curled at the wrist Matching Guipure lace cdgcdthe detachable train at the germ ex tending mm the snltly gathered skirt scalloped veil cl illusion silk with lace applique was bold in place by scalloped umm edg ed wllh oral motif AIIENDANIS The brides twin sister Miss Janet Bambrick was mnld ol honor Another sister Mrs Jer oid Vol of London was brides mid Similar floorlength govms mini green chillan were worn by the attendants Gulpurc lace outlined lhe mandarin neckiiues and accented the empire waists and null the lullsleeved dresses Matching mint green bow lnshloncd their headpiec cs and they carried cascades 01 while silostli dalslB with it WHAT THE FDR TOMORROW Certain restrictive lnliuelltcs during Wednesduys early hours Irm the tenth unnlvorsnry ot tern Unlurlunulciy that partic Cook bcel In tho bullcr in the annual lcsllvnl Construction ular bedroom was not the one heavy lzlnch skillet Cook until Is to bcgin this winter on site he wtla accustomed to browned immediately behind the old town hull where the festival new stages its major productions The new theatre is described in lestivul release us cunA temporary in structure with considerable use mude til now rnl materials Mr Thom native oI Pcntlc hr 511 mr0rm mm toll cover and lmmvr Ior as ton Ilc who gcslgncd Toron Ijudim1wmslcrs as minute or until noodles are lcn 10s It College said lhut in der planning the tllculrc the needs and after it months on Wall Street decich money is car wunls to he Inellnlunrllu Iarcrllll his Dear luinnls To each 10 lurrncr Fort Erie neighbors Conurutululury mossugcs Includr ell tcltilllllll mm the Mayor of Furl Lrie OUTOFoTIHVN GUESTS Among the gutsis were Mrs Joan stormiii ul Burlala Nun York Mrs Illullnc Chcllims grandson ol the nnnlvernury couple Mrs Pilllley and Mrs iIYIJJII LuIIIIJ all oi Fort Arthur Quinlan ol Strulll roy Ir Ilnd Mrli Uord lyliurn of Arthur Mr and Mrs Art tlostick and the lallors luthci lr liurl Mlh llllrsell unrl dilllghlcr Grace ltusscil III Toronto Mrs Vinlu ii iii DI Flce strips at cheese over top and let stand minutes to soften Serves II or two sets at people were cousi dcrcrl those who make theatre and lhusc who attend AUGUST VOWS Mr and Mrs Clltlurd llllr Grimsby and Mr and Mrs lloy Olllcro Ilittendcn of Midland lroln Niuguru llllls Min we sln Barrie Ilnd Strand urcus EXmiller Itwlnl ME AND MRS ViLMEII lIUMIHREY rln of RR Barrio mm nounccd the engagement ol their daughter thll Marlon to Paul Frederick Dobson the son at Mrs llrell Dobsun Imd the into Mr Dobson ille wed ding will be held on Aug 22 at it pm in St Andrew Presbyterian Church Btu Photo by Les Convert CANNES Available at Cusdens Rexall Pharmacy 48 Collier SI ALSO Cusden Cosmetics I4 Dunlop St 7285959 7266434 will call for unusllni discretion in dealing vilhlbusiness asso elales cbpcclnily ll Ilnnnccs are involved Above nil dont let anyone talk you into speculative ventures of any kind Late nItA crnoon and evening nspccls will be more generous will espe cially lover romance and social activities FOR THE BIRTHDAY It tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope promises LI plcusinp ycur Both your mulc rlal lnd personal Interests will be governed by generous plane tury influences so lhnt by the time another 12 nlonths have rolled around you should ind all of your nlalirs in very sta blc condition To Ich you the picture brlcny Excellent periods or in creasing monctury assets are starpromised during the last three munth of mo ulso dur ing next March May und June in this cunncctlon there are two WAVERLEY By MIIS REG DRINKILL Mrs George Burr ol Orilliu is visiting her daughter and sun ln law Mr Lind Mrs 0r ton Brown Dennis Brown ol Barrio also visited his pnrullls Mr and Mrs Euri Gregg of Toronto Mr and Mrs Iluruld Dybail UI Orllliu visited Mr and Mrs Juhn Miller Mrs Clarke French spent week Ill Vernon Luke with his sister Mrs Albert Smith Dr and Mrs Warren French rind daughters of Ottawa spent low days willl Mr and Mrs Elmer French Julie and Alan Melllyck lire visiting relatives at Suskutuon Willis Armstrong has returned home from Pcnclung Gcncrul llospltul Mrs ltlly Gregg is ll ptlticllt in General Iluspllnl Punching SIIANTY UAY IAIIM lnrlto burn lluod vonulllon $15200 FULL PRICE $1000 IIIII anp 72381575 INCOME PROPERTY bedroom uullrtnlcllln our school bus route chopping Income 5245 mmlul Live In one rent the other lllrlry Slvillllllll 12 7610 By EFTRELLITA Photo by Cowlrd 51 Thuan ME AND MRS FRANKLlN READ JOLLIFFB ed by his brother Leslie Joli illc at Ottawa Guests were uslt ercd to pews marked with shasla dalsics and satin how by James Nolan London Followln the ceremony re caption was held in Grand Cru lrnl IIuth moving or the wedding trip ln Niagara Falls the bride trav elll in pink lace panldrcss with matching hnir bow anti white carnation Corsage On lhcir return the newlyweds will mldo at Wedgeuood Ian Development 020 Huron St London trails and mint green ribbon streamers The bridegroom was attend STARS SAY udIllvnllions however Engnge in no speculation tor the bal unco nl 1970 especially during curly September early Oclobcr and late November and do re slst temptation to splurge vllh monies during the latter hull at this month or during the tlrst two weeks at April The urge will be there but curb II On lhc occupational score your prospects are also good Within three weeks you will enter nn excellent lhreennonlh cycle Ior making progress and gaining grndlyln recognition ior past und present cllorts Do lake an outage or this benetlw cont period since achievements within ill spark still lurlller opportunities lor advancement during January Mllrch and June Most productive periods or creative Workerswho abound in Leowill include the months til September Novem ber January lllnrch April and June Rolnuncc is highlighted In your chart or the bnlnllcc oI this month Illsu dllrill Octo bLI lulv Ilcxl Mnrcll May and June auspicious periods or lruvcl the next twoweeks September iebruuly May and Julie child born on this day will in endowed with strong gills of leadership lolly ambitions llntI the lenucily ol purpose to attain Ills CARPET FASHIONS BYBIGELOW at DawntaEarth Prices COMEIN AND BROWSE nColorcoIor cololl world oi style and loxluro Don Now oxclllng llborn Dmrrhen wllto wollbroadloam Upset Your Plans IRuomslxennd area rugs Man pleasant vsmlinn nr ntllvr on has can spoiled by sudden altar nl dlavlhcaEullhI nonnlhuppanlnycv lllalllls I0 Ill laslacltng IIDIIWlisll Fallnvhvlbs and tools lolmula at Or with gillacl at Wild Sllawhvlly FowlnI Is limopmven lemedy fornver120yvaIsCanadlanlhavoplaixull Ilslzerillu ellecllvuness and lho quick Hillel Il hunks ln hrlll thiidlcn and Idulls Dull sllllur needless embarrass CENTRE ment and lIiSCumIOlIDu propane lrcpobotllomnuyilwoltslAsklol Am Dr FOWLERS EXTRACT Or call tor our Flea ShopAlNorno Service No obllnnllon oi course BALL BUILDING TZEEIJSB mm EXECUTIVE STYLE li ACIIE LOT bedroom split level may be subdivided minutes Irom Barrio car garage hnlhil lumlly room Ilrcplucv rec runm Excel terms Try 55000 down VII Child 4563113 ucuulllul IotntIon hunlc recently rlvillvllltll Incul will handle Dow Morten 1380071 bedroom home all heut large lot Just out side Barrie John linker 7284401 FURNISHED COTTAGE WATERFRONT rooms 31500 down In one murtltlnw OF WILD STRAWBERRY srupcd Irnnt III cxclllslvp low um pay nnnrtnlvntn New Lowe Ilclll 45405 78 ACRES $5000 down BEDROOM IIUUSI llocklly Vul mice currlrs IZIIHJD 7284401 ANGUS 4115681 ALLISION 4355510 MEMBERS UAIIIIII OIIANGEVILLE TORONTO IIOAIIIIB CHOLKAN CO DEDROOM BUNGALOW RETIREMENT OR STARTER White aluminum siding lnrlte nicely land nInrc bedroomv 314000 lloh Zucca 4354661 INCOME PROPERTY $300 MONTHLY Ill mutun trees hvdgcs Three IJCIIIlllim Murlcll 7280014 LDEII HOME Ill ACIIES rooms milling 7000 Ilrllm or IIillij luke llmlvc llllmly Ill lltruugll bcnlllliul ltlll Irll Iuwn room In ntllc to Ilnlsll residcnllninrcll lovely largo only 60 Dave or Dolly storey brick llunto ll bulb tlullt Mull burn 3060 $10000 LEN IvllVLlIHl AZ Nutluwlwliillt IIiII rillw mull tlmvn lull Ilkc lllll Ii Marlin 5er ivy LTD