Balms name 133 37 7mm Sr minim 1507 1275 Bi N30 WEATHER Rnn at isolated Meniscu EXAMINER TELEmoNEs ARQE no 52de 57 For details please turn to page No Mot Thin 10 For Copy l4 Page mm msw Come MOnday POI Kasabicln IDS ANGELES AP Indudelendlntundshe be Kasahlan who has told thatsnythm gshesaid couldin her story or the Enron Tate trimle her murder allot being promised He sald that the Hence he immunity Iron prosecution litres that Mrs KerHan the may wnlk cut of jail free state title wltnul tailored woman Monday when that Im her teahlmmy to please presents munlty L1 set In he unrealized tor who have promised In Although tha pigtailed young mualty mother of two still under Once shes given Immunity uossusmlnstien In the mun she might recat said Finger dcr trial of maria hi Manson aid lawyer or Patricia Krea and three women allowm the winkel dclcace wanb her Lmrnunlty lhe deleuce is concerned lut granted immediately Ihey the trial he completed belan hope it will encourage her to such lanthanth canted othus on trial with Manson By THE CANADIAN PRESS the stat tat01dmnlr$ls guvm ment would la an respon ring min mcammcn The him of the 5m Canal sihlo or any failure to control The lilrrlng mission was abandoned April 1969 ailm is change her story Linda Kuahlan took the wlt no mean Atkins It end hello Wed Hum my guerrillas operating lrom her months at lutila talks It was hes stand la dual role del nagn an an be tho first Lima in three years Hum But only hm an United If termnsts or any other reactivated Friday by UN Sco encc lawyer Paul Fitzgerald nld alter coalt adjourned Frl Bent was set at dnee brg we Wifmxwdis mu gum 25313 he upon an autism unknown on Israe villages an towns tn sJI negotiations memmkfm gogfny lsrnei wauldhbc ohlilgiii to in he longunrduous nnd llan slum her arrest last Decembur along the tronaertvith Jordan mg mm mm 313513 353 mLh three Israeh soldiers The ceasere is viewed as search or peace in tho ttiddtu rst stop inward indirect Arub East or Golda Meir of Israel We have reached Ill ary strad ical strug dillicult on the dune charge theme wounded The southern command to Israeli peace talks It was an Pr Proeecntm said she could re mm 10 pom quiet In tsraoli mllltary pounced Friday in Washington said spokesman said as the ceasere Calm ler us alem and the stage due to our chase to In so for her salety became ellectlve along the United Nations in New York Iaslnrss and our no The ceasere prompted lim glc Ahead all us still lie The prosecution has said It will tr to gravid protection or canal area Mn asa an once mem But we Mm led optimism lcr sottirrntnt ot trials mggmwunggmc Nut ported tired tram Jordan at the the husuhu that have existed With all our proluund desire hm ed mm WWW NUDE antnan cool oilin attomptstoevlctth complaints reasoning They lsaell Dead Sea potash work mans 185ch Eutern that Lbc ceasereand not only wmnmm We mm mm pond mm op dirty map as nimdreus or soon to be enjoying thcm within hours the ceasere nusth 5mm Israel became on this IrunI atomshould mo don wk site at this weekends Strnw music Inns sought relief from selves so why should try to and the military command said am 19 ixst step toward pcaLL we re mar ty 315 mm hem Field rock Emu pm the dust and hem Pond own chase them away GP Wire Arab gunnc rs In Jordan At the United Nations SPCCILII member that our road to peace vincinl police iionlly gave up er John Thorndykc so had no photo wounded three Israeli soldiers opvoy Gunnar Jnnlng oi is still long and hunt one in on Miss early today This chdun scllcdulcvd meetings mad menu or ll Egyptian and don voth whom tcchniculy IHGI hip You really blew it Linda Yuu better your orvm lsrnolis returned the ire alter today with lsrno the ambush in the southern Jordanian diplomats on me wnseum has been in an Syria is spukcs chanlcs ol the ceasere whlch since the 1967 pvnr Fighting has Golan Height man said is to cunllnuc at least through mm on me 10mm Tho military said in Tel Aviv NW trpnt the They to expected to discuss Amman accepted the truce there were no casualties rocket attack on the potasb possible ct cs or the acgotja suon allul President Gnmnl liman New York Abdel Nasser of Egypt dld luly works and no lnlormation on donspres who red the rockets Arab Gcnevzt or Nicoslu Cyprus The In Israel uccvpted the plan guexrrtllns were believed reaper US propoisnl caged tor the gov Aug sib eminent nvov to name mp CLAINI VICTORY mm was Add usm muss ailiiiiiflifvili the as he Ahrnm newspaper hailed the treat and did thriving busi censcilre us victory Ior lacing the other defendants Fate OI Kidnap Victims Uncertain Despite Promise MONTEVDHJ AP The the terrorist drgunlullnn Ith into at three kldnappedareigar has berrused the Uruguayan 5$d2 Remmmmh ma MOSPORI opt cm Newcastle while unthcl today despite reported prams the government at Presldgnt amefz Egrgr agg hgiwfgiiufuc unra Jrllin martyrn as him withIsrael At the lse from captured guerrilla Jorge Pacheco Areco that ny leader that their lives would he would tornuaplo thi rstur mhklgda 1retro ampllllcd echo mm and do justice II the ransomV thatrues strawberry gum attired regaimggw vigilante must bu malntulncd pnpcm ti nag the canal =5 ml at the village at on out Cairo saldwlhc ccuhigflre as to on 11355 other enterprising nv My artttgdUntgusyan govermnetit demand was Ignored or laminae roclttans maduthosccna The mill pa Tyrone north the park was agreement PRINCE RUPERT BC CPI now is in position to borrow certain arrangement that tool deadline aotby the hlpnmaros Wmal wanting was mo dug drum 55 gancy sorv urban gumrings la algreemltant thlgsut Hglmdiiudosl Flag mm on of 10mm tnrlu Hnspltul Scrvls 31a mm Provincial lice and doctors Plyng ouran dozens ox Dun co Snggsgfgkfs um zgfagux gmgffdg at mnkcsh It mcdlcul centre Ingzugmxcw me pc mun or them nd Prime Mlnlstcr Irxlctillu new Iutltds II 30 money market cwgidhrnvn the security of However Uruguayan radio la apwal In the kldnuppcrd rcpomd gs mag of directlon of Dr Norman Mes 5M hc pd swxmmng KWSS pd if $5 mvgsmnfgnnicu A53 5335 utille quoted police sources as shortly helore midnight the iganigoglgs thghlgiains Nully and Lawrence Partly hf Eggnog mm 31 gddgg hummus saying that Raul Scndlc ur three vietims wheyMyriam only mm hm mu mg day director at the ioundntions Mct shin Mme mop rested Friday had promised my Henrietta Mitrone and rupolltan Toronto region were Many 53mm We CVl chylwmds naught 5mg or re Ry csxvn 8k mm no yam tunic mm dtllrtcchwlthhsr3ull chllgren run remains and growing con mug cm corn or unemployment urln lnterr atloa that the no srecldh Leitl Di gnptivves livcsvouid be spared Gsmldopesld sacrlIIco aat swf gm $131 associated with the ARE Seadlc is Iormcr law stu human lives has always boom mm any mommyde Doctors and hides mu lb Ital Izhht tlltixol lgrns uhvl updd mm medmg in 0mm dent credited with being one useless Mllrono was shot and map just no bad in tho medical tools were not keeping Falls logging town or 2500 on MW and 1m WWMM during Much grass and liston to the hoot count of the bad known but the EC coast that the sh Loon rock mupg were lot said It had been quiet during FEED pump ngalnst lnIlaLion In Canada has lowed as ndverllsd by such tho day and increasingly husy ram rice kitchens undmod been more successful than in major groups as Delaney Bon as night wore on buses wcro ready the huh any other western nation or in 7w glohnndmlicnds lllclanic and oiaggzilgbgghlmplsfg sry and many Eclilsonsmsol up Juggle murky is mm igf$ylo IJsbntqcugt et ro camps eves or es to Earlier court manoeuvrcin Bowmaavillo said three or iaur cook ad bmu ploymcnt he suld adding 1th national dsscmblys labor and centred on tho provincial golf1 and Muhammad W11 Ire33 nurrclsDal drinklng wvatcr wire lgggssmehgftxrggtiufngjg snapping committee Slllldllgg ernmcnts attempt to stop the ere acu as Yea located Around um park and c851 onaSSls sald AttaCked Innew Yok lestlvnl and uncertainty over girl The hospital was placed on panama long mm mm am max am more than 40000 Quebec can NEW YORK CF on rd of Pm whether major groups actually an nlert status able pwrggm Ilium sgigmblgd smwmn workcm mm Onassis the Greek slapping magnate was attacked Tld mm had mm rail32iifair$gff 131mg at tho medigpt cenlir justcd 56 nor cent of the labor bug fggmlsssefggy 52 so or wasno roe wt nc My 1W0 0W Nb hhn W5 9M Onassis About sun provincial potion ols val wbfldary and 5a tliitsvl hi mm awnings Fund 20 Sift mm mum said me by Prcmlcr Robert spurnsspp won P10 11 panel noted that the ground are sun mug innuony Egcgsrlikgcchrmcnt to deal with llcers patrolled In shitts outside swam pm nm mus legltllmimrgt generally were pretty tidy sac areas at work in the economy baEBWISDs caused malnly by excessive The emergency legislation prLSLnlcd Friday morning by ward on Shel 25 Eioreg In dslc Productions Sportive curly gun at mine urcr ds 0m tame Americans continued to duml wage tmda Ulster Protestants Call Parade ff mm In Wk gxgotxsmfultlnllc mnfh rate the scene us ags most labor Laborahnistor riorro Luporte SEIVolo treating it as nor any bill Imttt tho government mm PSW dW 1ch dlprm not palm 55 $5321 IDNDONDERRY AP Militant Northern Ireland Protestaan mm met0 in them would be 35mm were much in evidence frrgscsncgg as as was gums ixdusfrypru mm bowed to government pwmurc today and called of the madman has boon no trouble sald pro St or as concerned we The event had been heavily Whs innmng parade that last August touched oil bloody street dots between vlacial pollen Constable Rny are all paid up advertised in the norihuastcrn labor $50 003 mm mm wl Pmmm WW WWI Asso Brooks attached to tho Enrons The drug huslnoss was do us The organizers had not ad it Pnls him or lust elation had earlier threatened to 0on go ban on par uows bureau scribed by one reporter as helm vertlscd as beauty in Cnnadu CAN BORROW Now semied oz can tour nr really flourishingwide open or our Public Wmd nullify The prime minister told me gnsxcolzmmesrg their attempts to barPass otti Inter meeting of about moo pco the 75c hourlywage mlt we hem mat the government crease over three years altered PIERRE LAPORTF by the employers while holding the parties involved responsible cm might curse him um Lib for the negotiation of disputed rrnl caucus has decided that ISSUB5 the Liberal pitrt and the gnv The vnrkers principal dir craman are stn ing their lite dimu Pollco reported onlyY rests on drug charges all young one youth took over an empty Americans arrested at nenrby concession booth wrote the clitl opposition to tho Icstlval adcs and threatened In moblilac 5000 followers Aug 12 colehtvstlon oi the what of the city trotn busioglng Roman Catholic troops of King James ll USSR Urging Laotian Settlement BIOLOGICAL CHEMICAL WEAPONS up opmam Wm siizummu Emu as ee on urglnga ion or war in Laos and has uttlotw bold North Vietnam it will not la nd WE my Ws guise Li aid The bosom decthwdlto clu ralowumwwm hm ycume 790m III in Uni witch rlCL ill mm Wu WAsulNGmv tcri An in Unved to contain leIiims nt involved in sucli research ex Defence department requests nirfzig1v2d muslmgm Wm we creasing lurorover tramportas pounds oi chemical agents change inionmation to prevent 93 march mus bu hnur utoru than their uouutur government ltus tlcc redwar tlon and dhposal or chemical ranging from mild tear gas duplication of etiort been declining in recent ycatfs puns other mus the WW on mum mommumu vmd used In Vlctnnm to polsonous Russia Is believed to have from peak $125 million in we mum or muting here may chemical Weapons 195 Tm West Mr anorle said in introduo at emu otnuutos involvud in Youth Drowns Swmmmg SLLawrence and Mom was GA GB and nerve agents stockpile five to eight times as large as $78 million and the department mg the hm mm while Him om the dispute States illustrates grow Mm mumed by Emma min less tasteless and mg WM To mm is being at are US with supplies being has requested another $177 mlIA whee in he headed for the rock Icsvail at Mospott was drowned cm and can kill In seconds tho Friduyin the St Lawrence River while attempting to swim hon gggfntdglfydbcw available to the army at battnl lion this your tor csw spending United suites to Canaan Police said the with about 20 06 mo world BAUNTE EERMS hm 31 or on level Ilho mLlol Hurtlon 05 which Er as your or smo time an incoa sum mm on to ompany ReSI en lspute 32erme dmjssl mdaatl LeaBrld dwed to cane bcoAttsc cl look It Is amwhlMC Wm crm weapons were part of tits ness some selentiiic ulllclnls Md arsenal president Nixon Public pretestlbcgdu in our ewe Md dcmiams or via oestin thou mIJSB pilotthe mm dllO 00 ll mg For the last week there have 100 yards mistrenm 1mm where or capm menu say at the Ilumiyini power mum 01 such weapons suciby 031p ideOIRIhgnntsto dcng 15mg mks de ld5$ fgtrhtSrtfgl US oiliclnls says production dca ey wow tll ILS nld Bc Pnsmes sage clear bomb scemhke mil fisdasitilicut researth to gm piglicvrggsgggflfg mg mulngvrvigmggtshfgm CABANO out IGPI all are angry over lllolmilirlanys racket by comvl Wk im potlvuttin near this commun rciusal to build va Ibaar Inc NEW wnsmlnsmnc CPIAboutmmlllsh columhm What ms introduced as mmn ensures sh 0mm mustard an we Smmed hat bmx suspended mu me my am Mm ham by um Britain with total chemical Quebec guvurnmont makes granted woodcutting rights in Inn on how to resolve nearby woods vs the Germans In 1915 son gd The chemical weapons re spasm at 5cm budget be $15 do sldcnts and Mme ed 3W my prisoners stag an NEMIWI Wight rimmed to their cells after an earlyWm evolved to chumlcal and bi ms mm Drs SW35 Md 0MP Wmmm Magical rims mem mall ll uo all 5de million year manufactures lit conlllcl univvtuu re WWW 1he dtxvth last hlvsdy 05 WNW ycamm some scientists say that and mm is said to be G8 the type now ND kuk mm 0mm in been dcmonslmuuns an Eslmwhmym prisoner was hulievodto have spartlalbthq titup can kill seven million pco 13m 33 pggdlln gumsf gtllisposicd at which by if emof for domes Mfrs 00 in it um when Bjignes and mrehzsim MN mm cm Iim thclr horrilying aspects we 69mm 0k InxcslIlgutsglfImIlvtrItcllilg and MP9 WWW Kelvin Drummond Quebec property belonging to the com hvcvclwhcllllttd the logic The US however is not the LESS mm one am Wm cause 10 nerve KPS PSOIIS and lands and lorcsts minister puny were burned by demon id sch weapons on have led to gully country itvolvgd in 013 the victim I0 110 lntouconvulsxlglns Tccd qgfwgwgx 31213 gggggilgg gfmn how mum an all die It xln on In as lng EXPGCIed In Post own abusimggu hgrslgiul valved although on relatively Elf asp The mm gas manmnetumd toluls and citizen groups In the situation Will he reached tn OTTAWA UP 5w mam board mm um up since the First World minor and strictly controlled Until Nixon ordered an end to is described as Very deadly volvcd in dispute with Quebec Clly within two weeks 19 Ida to mlm an charge that shun War and methods proposed to poolo In such research Military blologlcnl weapons the army poison based on discoveries by dAuteull Lumber Co Mr Drummoad told reporters dawns oI goalmo as 83 mm mmmenn response to strike 3550 mem is lending to as planners also believe hall the was duodme hardy strains pl Germans durlng tho second Alter meeting wltlt tho minis lio said it committee oi gover action oispwn mm by We liht lent invoivod in much controversy as tilttr nrl members in the United Nations discsso onpnhlo ol mslstlng vuc World War two types de lcr Mayor Guy Michaud stud meat oiclnls and represan ihu twiHla mega Tm gemyv Adi nhvimm during in or continued ilcvclupmutit have lho teklhmloslvulhwuhs of cities nitso rungtd Irom lniiu scribed by scientists are Gu he hopes all nets of vandalism th05 tom tho regional dullequ mg mm mm has huge stockpiles ChIOVIlg CB PWIHW can and measles to such gents which kill when Inhaled against the company will cad mcnt council the catholic tularemln and Vugents which kill when Residents at this town its Farmers Union and the munici miles northeast oi Quebec City pullty will study the problem HM ointfmlLIXlhe amount is nu Canada the us and llrtlnin deadly germs as tionai secretwhich are be and most or the NATO countries smallpox anthrax and plague absorbed through the slim the lily by strike cu ten Nld shuKItywns utvolvutl in workers at ll olllccs