Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayeld Strut Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Kerry Ci anbia General Manager Mcrhman Managing Editor lmPAGSC AH ITLL GT YOU THEIR THE MINICAB IS MEETING SALES RESISTANCE 7m 13mzp5 Many Farm Machines Make Lite Dangerous In the past few years during Farm Safety Week the emphasis has been on safety practices while using tractors The kingpin on the farm the tractor in 18 years has doubled in numbers now oper ated while the farm population has ac tually receded Now fewer farmers are working pell mell with more mechanical equipment to turn out higher production of food The Canada Safety Council has an apt way with phrase this year Fewer farmers work faster to produce more food than ever before Many of them are hurryin themselves to death because they sacrifice safety in the name of speed One of the biggest tragedies is that it is frequently the children who become victims They are run over by tractors they fall off tractors when given rides and they may try to operate tractor that has been left running But lets look beyond the useful trac tor to the next most dangerous farm element pesticides The farm operator believes he takes praanuom butare illsxjool roof as far as children are concerned ven after cautions are spread far and wide there are harried farmers who put pesticide in soft drink bottle only for few min utes There are chemical containers disposed of in garbage dumps accessible to children The Safety Council reminds that ap proximately 250 avoidable accidents to children under five years of age are caus ed annually by carelessness with pesti cides Farmers should plan their application programs thoroughly Use the right chemical at the right time for the right job Wear the prescribed type of cloth ing or skin covering as noted on the label Keep children away from mixing dusting or spraying areas Farm children live in dangerous en vironment The accidental death rate of farm residents is 20 per cent higher than for the nation as whole The Safety Council points out that its up to Cavadas farmers to plan safety the way they plan crops The protection of Canadas future farmers is at stake DOWN MEMORY LANE WAR DAYS 30 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner July 30 1040 Sini coe Hall in Ward Six Allandale former private sanitarium which reverted to town for taxes several years ago will be used indirectly for use of war guests from Britain Following negotiations With 100F Grand Lodge Town Council gave option on property for use as home for aged while Davenport Rd building in Toronto can he used for British people IOOF will likely purchase Barrie roperty Hon Dr Cody pres ident University of Toronto was speaker at second of series Sunday night get acquainted gatherings arranged in Queens Park by Barrie Community Assocn Freedom is worth every sac rifice we can make declared Dr Cody who was introduced by Canon Mention of Trinity Church Municipal Band dir ected by Joseph Clark played concert Likely that Slmcoe County will provide 1000 of 50000 single men between ages 2124 to be called up for compulsory mil itary training in next two months Stewart Page reported labor situation on farms of Simcoc County acute Meeting called to organize collection of waste intown such as paper cotton and wool scraps iron silver and lead foil for war effort It was discovered that young heir to multimillionaire Us for tune Warren Rand had enlisted as priv ate soldier with Canadian Black Watch Regt and was now getting basic training at CampBordcn Harry Wliarimisklp ped Barrie rink to lawn bowling prize at Benton Phil Marchlldon of Penetang rated top hurler for Toronto Maple Leafs New theatre with 600 seats opened atRCAF Borden Orders receivednt Barrio Armoury to mobilize at once Sec ond Battalion Grey Simcoe Foresters LtCol Charles McRae MC of Stay ner will be in command Major Gordon Longman beads HQ company here William Craig general chairman re ported net proceeds from Kiwanis Karn ival would be close to $2000 divided between child welfare and war service work Committee chairmen were Cec Norris Charlie Parsons Roy McVittie Dr Bill Lewis Frank Servais Roy Chris tie Bert Robertson Tony Decarle Wllf McKinnon George Fricke Albert Bryson Stamp Out Hitler drive packed Roxy and Capitol theatres Program in cluded Bob Powells Melody Men and Wally Perkins Orchestra plus other local entertainers William Campbell Elmvale assisted by Howard Rowley will head registration for North Slmcoe of every person over 16 years Miss Peggy Rogers Minets Point won title Miss Simcoc County Judges were Max Pciiibcrion of Toronto Mrs Christa Cuthbert hair stylist and Fred Smith Home photographer OTHER EDITORS VIEWS REMUNERATION DISPABITIES Welland Tribune Clearly some guidelines are needed in respect to the setting of salaries for municipal representatives Its rill very well for the provincial government to maintain handsoff policy in this respect but wlth such wldc vurlnnce between neighbors such as Thorolds $3000 and Fort Eries 3000 it would seem that the provincial government could at least set maximums and min imums Fluctuation between the two would be less controversial than the present actup OTTAWA REPORT Hard Task Is Faced By NDP Candidate Iy PAmICK NICHOLSON Ed Wt Humid MP for cavemen is spending mm ofhir holiday on the road to market Ed Broaaoeot the out declnred undi dIio for tho leadership of the New Demoaatlc may he is visiting many districts owes lnx meetings and Quintinta to get and his idea Ind hi wt for Ed made his debut in active Politics In Itch he do felted the longtime Conserv five MP for OshIwI Ind former cabinet minister Mike sun by scant 15 votes is wrote It the limo Ed westbo mlyMPloboelected by his fumlly He has 24 lb in living In Oshawa who nor mally split their votes three ways among Liberal Conserva ailie and ND candidates be told me But on that occasion they closed ranks to vole mostly for cousin Ed The 16 Broad bent mics which swlidied to the hDPwuciusteuwtoenablo hlmtoedxomiwhsurr unnme MInewoomzitopubhchfe anddean havoahardukuwinmixb supporttoenrrytbocadrendod But mannedidjun that and when Mr name toes Interesting comparison alumina when Pierre Trudeau stood ffl MAI ludenhlp In In like Trudeau Riverboat will the have been in Parliament for loss than three years like Thideau Broodbmt is former university Nessa and blob dor Brit whereas Trudeau was recrult to the Liberal party who had Mainly wriflt am on flat party worked for tho NDP in 120 selfmfident but larger with it at is well attuned to the younger generation yet trained in the politics of past and present Trudeau is skilled at the smart comeback on TV yet poor orator Broodbent is persuasive speaker and lled as the shnrvtmgued coi uer of the memorable phrase His recent cement hint Tru deau is not man of action but Mackenzie King who to dance with Funny Girl rang the bell on Parliament Hill and created the nickname Funny Boy for the Prime Minis or is no at rmmnmmm Minimum Bumcumvnimnfmnu thde DIM Robin lfoodukmz mwridito rise to the noon but in Int he chimed mu white papa in taxation it micl bet1 MUM intended to garnerre the Wot discrbu llou Valli while MW to do the century In the months ahead CinndF ans nod NDgumdp porters in parts will have the opportunity of seeing Ind bearing mil Icem lnzly shy Icndemc who Is be hind his IppoIrInce sham professor tout bolder for social Justice Canadian nationalism and big ger unions He has made name for him self In the House of Commons not through sensational head lines won by membrldour conis merit in the daily question pe riod but by wellresearched speeches unwinding his views on lending topics Man for man Ind pound for pound the ND gmuplnPar lionroot has always outshone its rivnls nod Brondbent is well in this tradition This has already won him notable support within his party and when the ballot takes place one would expect that support also to include such prominent MP as the expul enped trio from no Harold Winch Grace Munich and ljrank Howard and the Very ac tive new member from Moose Jaw John Skoberg among many others THE QUEBEC PRESS SAYS This is selection of edi torih on cumui worn tr led from the hushmuse pm of mm Quebec IA solell The 10 day stay of Queen Elizabeth in Canada allowed her to crown the 1001b anniversary of the entry of Manitoba into Confederation This anniver nary testifiel to the ex panslon of the country Into the West to the resulting economic development of the country and finally to the re discovery which Manitoba has lust mode of the French fac tor in national life La Vercndrye went tlure to hfnnltobat during Lh period of Normal France 1731 other Explartrn fol lowed him The first federal census in 1871 showed that the first Manitoba colony at ftlvlere Rouge had in total popula tion of 11400 persons 1600 whites 5210 Frenchspeaking Malls and 4080 Englishspank ing irctu The at nevertheless played fundamental role in the birth oi the Canadian fed eral union Westward expon Ilon opened up now outlets for central Canada and the Mori times Furthermore the entry of Mnniotbn Into Confed crntlon become the first step in structured Canadian pres ence in the West thus fore stalilng possible overow of the American West into the Canadian West By the union of 1067 the East truly opened tho West to colonization The East gave the West the railways BIBLE THOUGHT not deceived God Is not mocked for whatsoever men soweth lhlt shall be 1110 reap Galatians person has to be careful of the seed that he Iowa The day of harvest will come Elie Elmtie summer 10 Bayfield Street Barrio Ontario Telephone 7266587 Second Class Mail Registration Number 0184 lloturn postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by cnrrier 55c weekly $2060 yearly Single copies me By mall Barrio $23360 yearly Ontario $1800 your other mnll $3500 your Motor lJuow off $2100 your National Advertising Offl ccs 425 University Avenue Toronto M0 Cnthcart SL Montreal Member of tho Cunndlan Press and Audit Bureau of Circulntans The Canadian Press Ls cx cluslvcly entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper crodlt lied to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein The Murrio Exomlncr claims Copyright In all original ud vcrilslogsnd editorial mstor Iol created by its employees and reproduced In this news paper Copyright Registration Num ber aoosio relister oi The West gave wheat In re turn The construction of the railways and railway ours was done mainly by the cen lral provinces of Ontario and Quebec which really led to their Industrial beginnings Since the beginning of thev zoo century wheat has be come the major economic nc tlvlty of Canada Thanks to the increased ekports of west ern wheat which brought abundant currency into the cmmtry the induiiies of Quebec and Ontario have been able to grow ius western agriculture and central Canadian industry bolstered each other to build the infrastructure of the coun trys economy is no less Important in the future of the country may Manitoba come to recognize officially the right to instruct Lion in the two official lan guagcs in the public schools even if other minorities are more numerous than the FrenchCanadian minority Thu initiative could not bets to underline the 100th anni versary of Manitoba in Con federation testifies to the fact that if exist and west are two essential geographic and economic elements of this country the full recognition of French and English as the two cultural components is no less essentialGlllcs Boyer July 20 Quebec LActlou During the night of July N21 1965 after fantastic voyage of four days in space two Amen icon astronauts set foot on corths natural satellite the moon Millions of human beings riveted to their televi sion sets for hours were wit nesses to the extraordinary event and there was from one end of the earth to the other an emotional uproar of enthu siasm llt is in the name of humnnv lty that the nstionnuL made contact with the moon Its small step for it man but giant step for all mankind snldeil Armstrong as be put hl first fuot an the moon iv was not only me victory of American technolo over that of other nations It was the success of the research of all nations in all centuries and thus the triumph of ii intelligence the trIumph of the progress of the toil of the generations who have inhabited the earth since the boglnuing The event which happened July 20 1969 opened the door to many hopes for humanity not only in the field of science and technology but also in the field of comprehension and of peaceful ctrexistence AROUND THE WORLD Mideast Is Facing Outside Pressures runs DIANE Iran ufnh New from Wahlndiou Hoo cow and Calm sunsets am the superpon have com Ited to some extent In no pressure on both the Arm lxulla to adopt more Mr his position toward perm lemme Baden may re manbu that this run ruled in this column some time Igo when most other new some were talking of intensifying cou fanItlnn betweennussin and the United Sula in the Middle Eon nae two woman have had their urban confrontation and both remember it IS ex tremon unpleasant and danger ous They have been since then extremely careful of not getting Into another confrontation and they boil realize that if their re spective protege in the Middle Em faced mnlor defeat can frontatlon would be inevitable Washington and Moscow have both been wrdul to Limit the amount of military support they have km to thcri client in th Middle East to as to make clsive miutary solution difficult if not impossible Apparently the Russians and the AmerIcInx have made it abundantly clear now that neither Israel nor the Arabs can expect to be equipped for decisive military victory The superpowers moreover CANADAS STORY Canadian Northern Amazing Enterprise By BOB BOWMAN Until Canadian National Rail ways was formed in 1819 Carr ads had three competing trans continental railway lines the CPR Canadian Northern and Grand Think The last two were taken over by the government when they went bankrupt and were merged with Canadian Government Railways to form the ONE The Grand Trunk as prof itable railway when it operated only in eastern Canada but its expansion west to Prince Ru pert wns too costly Canadian Northom was an amazing enterprise put together by William Mackenzie and Don nld Mann who began in ms with railway betwemGlnd stone Man and Lake Winnipe gosis distance of 130 miles It 55 operated by 13 men and Mackenzie was smnlllown teacher who also kept atom Mann triilned to he church minister but became lumber camp foreman instead They become the most spec tacular promoters in Canadian history Gradually they merged number of scattered railway lines until they were operating trains between Edmonton and Port Arthur now Thunder Bay ruinsunny have obviousst applied end stiller pressure in under to make me Arias and innit produce concealing The Arab W23 now say thw 31 ink before lanai refruu nora territories it occupial In in Hal hr 111 out on my ceded the possib of talking with the Arm Indirectly and being more willing to give up the territories it took The eIrlier position van on the Arbe would cum so thin until the lsraelis Wilhdrew and flu Israel would disc1 as nothing except in dim talk with the Arabs with no prior understanding that the can quorud territories of 1961 would be returned Gruntpower pr lure has produced mar exibility in the Middle East Alas all this concerns mainly the Arab governments No prog ress he been made in getting Arab guerrilla organizations to change their attitude they still LllSIlI that they wont Israel dis mantled to be replaced by Palestinian state run jointly by Arabs and Israelis The guerril In have vowed to continue figth until they achieve this aim and they have been citing stronger no weaker Dip omals hope that some new interna bounlfolou might protect Israel from guerrilla incuraiDns but guerrilla have always been hard to stop Even so some progress has bccu made Then on July 29 1911 they completed the section between Port Arthur and Montreal By 1915 their Canadian Northern Railway extended from Quebec City to Vancouver They owned 10000 miles of track hotels tel egrapb companies transAt lantic steamship scivice iron and coal mines sawmills and sheries Tbeycompiicd this huge em pire Without spending nickel of their own money but bore rowed it from governments across the nation When the Cg nadlan Northern went bankrupt it was estimated that Mackenzie and Mann had personal un touchable fortune of about $45000000 ornrm JULY mam laidJean do Lauzon tnincd island of Montreal liefNew England force at tncked Chignecto and Grand Pre Acodio laidSuspension bridge com pleted over Niagara River lslcelandcrs settled al Gimli on Lulu Winnipeg 1885Pacillc section of CPI was completed between Port Moody and Sevens EC irisimperial Privy Council upheld right of provinces lp make marriage lows Winnipeg carpenters went on strike oli ADLILI ENYERIAINMENI NOW PLAYING 153253 WILLIE am is HERE Aumvrnsurlcruss umvusiu pierunr vrcumcoion ONE OF THE YEARS 10 BEST 4x n4 Holiday Mmrm ROBERT REDFORD KATHARINE ROSS ROBERT BLAKE SUSAN CLARK TELL THEM COLLINGWOOD DRIVEIN THEATRE ENJOY DRIVEIN THEATRE TONIGHT Reiveris brawlel pe NOW PLAYING Steve McQueen plays Boon inWiIliam Faulkner PuIiIZerPrizeWinner inThe Reiversf will mmammurr Patty Duke gives one of the most brilliantlythought out rformances seen in long tnnelZrx Rud MW Milli DUSK TO DAWN SHOW SUNDAY ALL NEW FEATURES Patty Duke Color by Delux