Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jul 1970, p. 23

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ue CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South duh ed the nine ulste ed road North54cm vubanbln homdonoaetmJardm widthking 127 mlpkynould hum bllhly had es Ind 0175 mewkomnmtumuy It Om mamz tn tan we only by ducking tho jack could South 2glsm1 mak tha contrad since the dad would hladr in suit and 75 Juz proveanneal behlxnm gt 5005 Perhaps the Argeminn declar AKS should have gunned the qlo hltnIIOB and played the queen QAKJIOII onlhehck hutittstmlyhlrm ya ehthe xmu Amrlcandedxnrotthetlrst table did not have to an Openlng leadeight hearts This hand occurred In the Art US match played In ll In 198 contract was three nor trunw reached on exactly the same sequence at cllch table Both Souths leaped ln notrump despite the nlntlcton club whitl simply goes to show that ex dont alwayo have no trurnp dlstrlhutton when they hid notrump The outcome should have been ntandou but actually the US mam galnod 760 points on the deal This came about In the following fashion At the first table where the US held the NorthSouth cards the Argentine West led his high gt heart the eight East play ed the ten and South won with queen and ran eleven tricks lean 660 pulnts At the time Is appeared to be it perfectly ormul result but when the and was played at the second in the Arzentine declarer cut down one Robinson the American West the two of hearts not the ght his was In accordance Lh the method at play ho and rdan were using namely to the lowest of three smrdl Jordan played the ace and re ed the Jack Had South put the queen he would havo do the contra but he pl NY or nuts scream BALL TOURNAMENT successtlil baseball tourna ment was held to try Pork Sat urday July II ON TOUR Several mm here attended the last band concert held In Barrie bottom the collegiate hand left tor the world Music Festival on their European tour Sandro Hunts and Ronnie trom here are on the tour MI and BI Wilmer Wilson and Iamtlyattended the Wilson Park Barrie July 18 Mr and lira will Showell and Iarnlly spent last week at their cottage In Durham AUGUST vncnldN utter scrvlco held on Aug once 01 the month Bectan church July In Ella McLean Barrie and Mrs Elnood Jennett In Gagestown BUFFALO BARKE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALD TORONTO ll HAMILWN PETERBDRDUGII MORNING VIEWING MONDAY 10 FRDAY mu sit 431 min an Kannmo oranlo Tody tuna soular Druup peclu rim 211 loAh antith alind Allen rhna lBchba Hhowcm 3150th PIN suit sho at aLurul tun nonhuma BUncll neon upm loop nun 2Cunclnlrltlwl UTIIOIXVVQM noon tilt afgihr nnimr mutual unit out 7Gnllon nit chm Tonic DMulntrlu court Movie and Strike Ind Svnrcl lel 1950 nut Tan About Cannon plannin Jt WEDNESDAY JULY is EVENING and 1m Mu arttcn canto neuron Ird union Eszdf Hlntvitll riveo 1760mm 91 am 7sniumer Brother mfr Pylo uslnc The Killer man 31mm nay artrtlth mo mm MCIN1 Mick van on allunnnu dunno lIElhlul EDI dTh or 1100 me man Conradonu llNewl mnnv Thoms 1Nnvrl lZNewl amen Daughter onanaatt Ind Walther Sporta Hannah lament nurtnn Arlen Grimm svtrcrtaia OVlownolnt ouitorymltalmEm 4wnano middle ombpln ltlynoldl 1Numv And Th Jottnuv Clnon AMerv Grutln turn rnn 1nt Gun Wm 1nt0vlo irtouu vtno panties Bloody xotznmhau Gomor Pyle 1135 53 1Caumhln at aMuelon ltillnlulu Edlel 1th nulbc Gamer Pyle um oltlava mm or Football when My nub Cogrgusneun ll Ick CAVQII In IxJovlo Husnon Plrnon The mu dnoverhrv uulhllttu Prlnkemln Na Weather Sport no Nowl Wittiter Sports tlZNowe Dick Van kau ro Tell the mth lelchetl hon tugignlnellntn tFEvuly Brothel um oPonvl mm two bUntvorni or the Alr att 100 dMovio 7DIEI Cavett rind However my yoxologist hchAan Gibson reunion at St Vincent Christ Church will he closed Rev Mr and Mrs Robertson will he on vacation or the hat ltlr and Mrs James ltcher mott attended barbecue at spent the weekend at July 19 with Mr Heather mnlnghnm let July to by plane to visit her lather TELEVISION moonlitis TO GOOD HEALTH Use Other Method II Pill Is Out CHEER MD Den Dr have Ion ve and have bets trying tor three ur to have Lumbar child the my nor have and German mensles My though was that by ha In hlm immunized would MRI reduce the chances at my all German measles Our pediatrician told me should not be pregnant when my son gets the shot so thought that could have hlm Innoculaled It than or my pe telhmethutlllwantmymn lmmttnlud will have to so on birth control pills tar three months or IMDI my coming In contact with the virus dont Want tt like the lel to do have another choice Mn EV Your Intentions are wise As you obviously realize German measles Is it rather trian disr caseexcept that II woman geld It In the tint pm or preg LEFROY ll MES Ill REID Sympathy or the community Is extended to Mr Ed Gibbons in the passing cl hcr brother 135 Walsh on July at Kirkland Lake Mn Mina Kelly and MI and Mrs Ronald Kelly nll attended Iamlly barbecue at the home at Mrs Jean Constable Chur chill for Mr and Mrs Blake Constable and Inmlly before they lelt an their trip to the Calgary Stampede Mrs Patricia Trible at Bar rle spent two weeks holiday and Katherine and Billy Atkin son spent ll tow days with Miss Florence Britten at Stoney Point MRS STEPHENS Sympathy goes to the lam Ily and relatives at Mrs Thom as Stephens who passed away In Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie Tuesday July la in her inst year Mrs Stephens had been Hats 01 tho Cnntm to tiNqu tVanRo at Danger hospitalized tor thdpt year She will long be remembered for her uctlvltlcs ln church and communlty work good neigh bor and tripod her many acts of kindness will he recalled by all who knew her Mr and lltrs Albert Edwards Faxattain Que and Mrs Ll onel Rowe Prince Albert Sash have been gum Mrs Ethel Mill0y mently Mt and Mrs Gordon Kidd and Tracey to Toronto have ur chased the home Mrs lie Davis Mrs Davis isnow rd Ildlrlg In BurlIo Mary Mlllcl Mina Kelly Evil Reid Dorls Clark and Joyco Sheppard went with the Church lll NJ bus trip to Jacksons Point dined at the Twin Seas on Motel and enjoyed the play Barcloot in the Park at the Red Barn Theatre July 16 Miss Vllda Ctllhert Barrio spent two days with Mr and Mrs Gordon Young Miss Marietta Atkinson Osha wa visited her parents Mr and Mrs Atkinson war one night last week OFFIGESHOURS unity it can Cause devastating damage to the unborn hild You no right that having your son Immuniud Is valua lth to you land to other women like you Inn the dsease Is rm spread by epi dumcs among childru However your doom also are right because the vaccine It made 1mm the Cannon mu alu virus Your son whila the vaccine ls gradually giving him protection ls actually urryin some or the virus In his system And you must avoid with It It you Are pregnant Even cause damage That Is use at German measles Iv mild ya dont even know you have It ltlll carries threat to an unborn child matact subcnnlcnl case can II you dont want the pill see whether he can suggest some other contraceptive measure that suitable People seem to have forgotten about other con traceptlves since the advent of tho pill Ornnd thls may be the min Unit to your quandaryare you positch you havent had Ger man measles signed or that purpose can de termine this and women who didnt know they have ever come In contact with the dis case have teamed to their sur prlso that they have developed blood test de Immunily In this use you would have nnthlng to worry about and can go ahead and have your son vaccinated Dear Dr Thunteson have been taking and llwr at every night because was told It was good or ahrlll but was told later that It cantalns cholesterol am wondering It should stop taking the all or reduce tho nmounLMJI There Is no good evidence that cod liver all helps anhrItls Its longlived belief some body having concocted the idea that It might Iubrlcatc the Joints It doesnt The cholcy turol content not ltlznlllcnnt Dear Dr Thosteann My hus bond was threopaekauay smoker Stopped nmoklng In 1960 New has taken up clgurs and pipe Almost ti Ho Inhale tho cigar smoke He says this Isnt bad Inr him because all the warnings ttro about clgnrette In chaln smoker hating Is he rlghttMn add doubt It but to tho best my knowledge thernttns been no comprehensive study In hnllng clgnr smoke Its easy to lintl enough cigarette stnoker tat rcliuhln slimy halers This dont know sltlm tion is Iar from being us your husband claims green tight to go uhund Quite aside from his lungs be Is absorbing lot at nicotine poisons monoxide other which can ve hnrmlul eltec on his blood pressure and circu latlon suspect that he Is kid ding hansulr THE Bis OH1THOUGHT ADDRESYOUQ supERGTtr FOR SIGNALS WAS my EmIINEB WANT ADS SIZE MODE um PHONE 72mm NEW FRIDGE 4L HCmSCOLD LIGHT VINSIDEI Easy to nnd cigarsnip nil JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK FEIDAY NIGHT ON we WAY To VISIT Nu AUNT SHE nlsAvvthun SATURDAY MuzhNo THE KIDNAFFERS THIS is VAUGHIII CHAILINE ME CMIIEAN SHES 21 um OLD M5 Umil M2 wnuLD as RELEASED nits Momma 5H5 Mam SECRET AGENT MI SPOON HAS SOMETHING ON MRS FITZ manna ETTA KETT it not SHE SAID TIIAl Hal HUSBAND MM HANDSOMER NonnlELa rllURSDAY JULY 30 AFTERNOON ARGUMENT WITH Hiram Paradise ma xudm gggWWmd lm He won nDLICO inflation until they start charging SW funfugymuug iitacim three dollars for twodollar bet at the races eLunchin Dim mvunmm ulvltirneiil atrniua llet of 13 1Datln om draw 1ill 5ng liSmnmcm ud it DAILY CROSSWORD 130 zLAnotner World 1Newl smvlilt xtocc latfilling ye Aonoss 5Velsh river Nultc nFurm Nm 53 The world IGvnel malt DPutwlu in Can ct Awry 6Slltynght Hutks 12 7413 in ND 61mltttrt Southern boy hmnliltldlrzn withing iitilyvd ital 23 Tamorrow NI ht at nto trig outMpg kccngtdsr Tum 2315 fig 29 gigs literatuuktztist GUN wag you MWlllP GUARDS tar mt IIllwl Splendorotl 1an twutur srx 33mlng 1v Rorschach lullufr 1MTNMQ gzwiitjCKtN TKsuts IsPIISKINTEIFKEIQX l1 mumavlutll so EVENING prophet muting mung fh 57 WWW cao out an Evaluate ltlto vlrnto Ill 53 Mr 23m in zur net SParadlbl bnzoon 2lhu knight Gfemmt 39100mm was mth litcuilooll maa llDlvld non 95m notation Mantath Gourmet mem arAntta 20Ftawer ar pachgrn mensum lt agella Pvt lnGokx mm 20Lov tint 38uhrlcrlb 13 Nduvo otlml Ma gWISJesvzlgrlun 23Chlneso 2x solo on mgllsn minerals 4nd Gum 31 on 10 rrlteusuro 22Fro river 45anyur kmm er Fmmm is Uoat qticnt ALOnedga nbbr iznanna sumo coneouoncu 00 lime ntnl km 31nppartlon 1Dlnnv Thom rrlmll AlrIIr ow 325mm mu lldy tam sons Walther Snort my 410 7o nlllsm Barton 3117 5WD 2Dlll 1190M H30 DC tililrfi UNCLE 5752mm IJlilewvmm at grill ti flightMil tlfhmva Manilan ostarlrclr AlumJ Vor Liam 0Irntyor IITh min lan DTom Jime Founeln noun gnnlzatlon izcmpnn llmtko no 44 Purple SEVEHTE nv aeawead 3$lvllv tznlll crdany rfalieiuwiien AILo MD EsIEmNEDNS mh imamta Summer Coaquuence 4m to Abscond we ltldfh Crooked EJPJMNItcm 2lton std mm llsnrm wmher 1244 Elle 51 401Inds Thints Yanl Prob owltctwd zoo now VI Nuvi Vonthvr 95 mm 2331 59 LArmndtllo sum Hetero Allan 2Tcu3dule wntttur Spam Ht um tTltlavt tor 0110 tanl vother trimaran Save My 3mg Stuart And ltka kghlldl bum 4rd Tu Tu Arttth TlDlllllllth Lunlvttalty nI lite tuners Atl Jiowitettut 1IUnl Jpncl

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