iriwiiiing to surrender some of setout in this province he Buyer Oi Bonnie EXAMINER TELEPHONES axon non 106th Your No 171 GETS NEW HOPE Doctors said threeyearold age of 12 but four hours in Tony Pusenlak born with Montreal Childrens Hospital hole in his heart would operating room turned the probably not live past the tables on possible death and Province CoQperates In Pollution control LtcPl cumm beyond vvlnt We hm already its jurisdiction ever water man said ngcmcnl to allow effective intcr 41 is necessary unch of national control of Great Lakes surrender 50mm of up 3mg pollution thu chairman oi the dictiunto achieve the control we Guthrie Wiieli5martes Cour need to have missed sin es ay ru Speaking to conference of gsdmlzfgt gsngrdcgp WWW ing the Great Lakes have juris irum 16 countries Donald Gal dlcuonnl dis grecments with has called for amendments to um med States guvemmcm the Boundary Waters ncaty oi 1900 to establish common stand 31 gngfm edualpm ards of water quality as an tional policy in both the United SHOULD BE NATLONAL States and Canada Thats why mentioned an On behalf of the government amendment to the treaty of Ontario say we will meet think its very important that it these standards even it they gal be done this way because then Longshoremen To Decide Today It They Will Unload Perishables LONDON Reuters Brit refuse to movetho perishable ains 47000 lungsholemen de goods eide today whether to make Dockers and Hull and Son limited return to work to move thampton quickly replied to the perishable food carges in dnn government ultimatum by votlt gar of rotting in the docks ing against moving fruit meat mugsimmmen at individual and sh cargoesbut they may volLs will Vote on com reconsider their decision after dation by national union leaders the union arreal to move food cargoas of an es 5an leaders i191 the men sential nature which are genu Will mound to their appeal and ineiy in danger of deteriora avoid dimt clash With the ting government Thousands of tons of imported MOVE 50MB ems 50 inms and chili meal They have stipulated that Dilly could be saved NBlltlsh house cargoes already in Port Wm be mm alliean facing daily lmce handled and pay for the work increases as the strike enters musg go to charity ii Bigmh dati Fruit supplies are so far the The union appeal Wednesday biggest casualty of the strike night followed government mainly bananas from the West warning that it will send troops indies grapes from Cyprus and to work in the docks it the men oranges from South Africa Could Be Loser VANCOUVER CP Any and selling shlPSall over the one who buys the Canadian ails world or 15 years crnit carrier Bonaventure and Mr Kennedy admitted he In tries to turn it into convention tends to bid on the Bonaventure centre is heading for the iinan strictly forscrup clal rocks says Bill Kennedy He said he was breaking Vancouver ship broker whose personal policy to avoid pubilc navy over the years has been lty like the plague because of bigger than Canadas what he called idiot state Mr Kennedyk bend of NW meats by people saying they Kennedy Ltd described by an plan to buy the Bonnvanture official of the federal goveru He mm slnlenem by ments Crown assets agency as Saskatoon Mel WW exec one of the top 5th buyers in the we may um camp would wattEsta the law of the landnational policyanti wouldnt be niicctcd by differences in individual states eventually should be under the United Nations because some in fish are truly international Barrie Ontario Ouch Thuradly July 23 lm Greece Will Bar Arabs If Terrorism Continues ATHENS CP Greece is reported today to have warned Arab ambassadors that all Arabs will be expelled and barred from the country if Arab commandos stage any more tcr rorist attacks on lsracli prop erty in Greece Pop Singer Is Iicquitied NIAGARA FALLS NY CPI gave the child new lease on Chubby Checker the pop lite Sue Wislzsworth is shown singer who started the twist Wmiomns regal lg rfV dance tad in the late 1950 was found not guilty Wednesday of possession of dangerous drugs Checker was charged June under his real name Ernest Evans after customs officers at tha American and of the Rain bow Bridge searched the van in which be was returning tmm an engagement in Sudbury and found quantity or mnrtiuan Word of mounttough policy came within hours of hijack ing drama Wednesday in which six Arab commandos seized the airliner mortly after it took Greek Olympic Airw ays Boeing 721 jetllnur and its 47 passen gers here to secure the freedom of seven colleagues held for acts of sabotage in Greece it was understood that Deputy Premier Stylianns If summoned the ambassadors hi all Arab countries represented in Athens and personally issued the warning about the consequ ences of further commando at tacks The hijacking of the airliner ended with the arrival of the hi lackcrs in Cairo the safe return of the plane and its crew to Ath ens early today and promise or freedom for seven Arno ter rorists held in Greece GAIN PROMISE The hijackers 1qu and girl released the pi nes 47 at WJA ernment agreed to tree two Arabs accused of bombing an Israeli airline office in Athens and five others serv think watcr standards questions like the mercury level ones Mr Collins was addressing the management rc seareh group of the Organiza tionior Economic Ccnpcrntlon and Development to which Can ada belongs along with the US European countries and Japan The water management group meets twice year to exchange information on how problems are solved within member coun res CAPSUL NE Four Protessors File Suit DETROIT CPlFour professors at Wayne State University have filed ll civil suit against our laundry detergent manufactur ers asking 55000000 in damngesfor hilegcd pollution of Lake St Clair Lake Erie and the Detroit River The professors are also seeking an order from Wayne Circuit Court to have Lever Brothers Proctor undGamblc inc Colgate Palmolive Peat Co and Boyle Midwest stop selling products in Michigan which cause we tcr pollution Ten Held On Extortion Charge 10Ron CPlPnlice investigating an extortion throat nr rested 13yearold boy Wednesday North York supermarket owner said he received telephoned bombing threat during which childish voice demanded $5 week Dominic Delrac said he ig nored the call Alter second call he saw sevenyearolrl boy at phone booth outside the store and called the police Army Private Charged In Hijacking SALGON ReuterslA United States Army private who tried to hijack an Air Vietnam DCA Wednesday has been charged with attempted hijacking and assault with deadly weapon US military spokesman said today Ptc George Hardin 20 at St Louis Mo held the American pilot of the nircrait at knife point for two hours Wednesdaylwltile the plane was on the ground at Saigons Tan Son Nhui Airport before giving bimselt up PaieOi Soviet Plane Stillilnknown NEW YORK CPlThe fate of giant Soviet transport plane remained concealed in the expanses of icy ocean somewhere off Greenland today despite the discovery of literati and scattered debris and the monitoring of two mysterious radio messages Both of the radio signals were discounted by the Canadian air sea rescue centre in Halifax and the US Coast Guard here as be ing possible calls for help from the fourengine Ali22 transport one of the worlds biggest aircraft werld said such efforts have um $1ooonoo tor the Bona l3uuercent failure rate venturewhich was reiiitcd in Any time unyqne has tried 1957 at cost of summon turn wnrslnp into floating Wm tho possible purpose or convention centre hotel gam mt in bling casino or whatever it has Vegg zenz mm ver can emle not just failure but in absolute resounding glorious CITY TALK lDlDCY disaster he said in an inter He also described as idiocy view Wednesday on earlier statement by Vancou Mr Kennedy Vancouver var Mayor Tom Campbell that native who grow up in Aus the city itself might bid for the trails said be has been buying ship West Germans Still Held Captive LA PAZ ReuterstTwo kidnapped West German technicians tlvo today by leftwing guerrillas after Bolivia bought their lives by flying 10 political prisoners to irecdom in Chile The prisoners flew into Arcin Chile Wednesday night aboard an air force plane to meet an ultimatum from the guerril las thrt the Bolivian government decide by it pm local tlmo Wednesday on eeting the 10 men otherwise one or the technicians would be executed ikt251 lug terms of two to 17 yours for two attacks on lsracli airliners at the Athens airport Authorities said the seven would be turqu over to the in ternational Red Cross and month nitr the two charged in the airline ofcc bombing last November stand trial The trial is scheduled to open Friday nd the two men are charged CALGARY CF About 110 Canadian Forces troops were sent today to Wood Buffalo Na tional Park where forest are is advancing an the nesting grounds of the rare whooping cranes Early reports indicate about 20000 acres burning in nine fires in the park whim strad dles the AlhcrtaNurlhwesl Ter ritories border Five of the tires were out of control There was no early indication of how large fire was advanc ing on the nesting grounds or its location The fire is rapidly approach ing their habitat parks branch spukcsman said We have critical situation there grounds are in smaller porunn of the 17300 snueremiie park jutting the NWT near Fort Snutil about 450 miles north of Edmon ton biologist from libs Canadian Wildlife Service sent by Dr Maopherson oi Edmonton Puppy Lured Away Is Hit By Train GP Police are seeking three boys who held German shepherd pqu over railway trucks Wednesday until train cut the animal in two motorist said the boys used it to it lured the fourmonth old pup Dusty from the yard ct Mrs Arthur Naglc whose five children owned the animal When the boys returned Mrs Nagle said she chased them barefoot My feet still look like raw meat because of it think Id have choked them it caught them Mrs Nagle said she doubts she can afford to buy new puppy for the children because her husband is in hospital and motives early today after he the iamily is on welfare other passengers and skill its LIl 112 Iiiarrir Examine MONTREAL Cll Policc who have been urged at can Vcntiun bare to become more militant in defence of law and Order were advised in final ses sions Wednesday to use per suuslun and the ballot box to solve their problems Delegates from 13 North American police associations representing more than 125000 policemen at the filth annual lnlt Lemational Conference of Police Associations hcrc passed rcso lution demanding immediate off from Beirut on ght to government ncum again Athens and Rume lice killers lncy warned that landed at Athens tho Arabs re palm wan deal Wm men buffed number at offers in assailants directly withdraw eluding one by the airline th crviccs it no action owner Aristotle Onassis to be mms come their hostage in return for the pnsscngcrs freedom Onassis also offered them an undisclosed sum of money but 5m the hijackers insisted on trots But George alrinpate former dom for the seven Arab prison Montreal police officer and ms The government finally Liberal member at the Quebec agreed to the demand national assembly now told del with murder Greek child hav ing been fatally injured The hijackers commandeered resolution urged member associations to Seek the SEE PAGE THREE cgaies tn stay an the job and face reality lie said solutions will not be found by onLbbstrcct justice but in education public rela tions and the greatest weapon 4lcctiens BEAmON ANGRY Delegates allch by the sni per slayings of two Chicago po licemen many night unani muusly passed the resolution urging government action But Mr Springate described the conference reaction as walking away trorn reality lnsp LAO Pluuifu of the Mont real police department saidpo lice can meet successfully the challenges of society if they make use at publicity and tech nology in the some way that legislators du Persuasion has been the most efficient method laud by those who change our laws and it should become our method also lrlsp Plouiie told the dela Italv Plagued With Problems mmragmuwalwwas tics in his coalition Andrcotti lulled ho patch An 13 an par mum the socialist Weemcnts and merit today deeper into po economic crisis gates that police should respect the law but al communicate their opinions the pmhlts dangers oi this or that mea sure til legislators Curl Parse ucwlyclected president of lCPA said US poo lico will campaign to remove incompetent and lncnylhln judgu between the two Socialist pars NML said We will throw our weight be hind candidates who stand for law and order at all times not just when voting time up Lions and bickering Andrcottl his min mummy within called on President Giuseppe his own Christian Democrat Saragat and renounced his man party the largest 1n the centre date to try to form new coali leit coalition which has gov tian government emed italy for the last seven preaches Mr Parscll tolil delegates Wednesday how they could rm brute federal us investigations into police conduct during racial Andrcotti was given the task when Premier Mariano Rumor resigned his four party centre leit government July Humor quit on the eve of general strike in showdownwitb it nlys powerful labor unions The str was cancelled TORONLO CF The secre MY CALIED IN 21335li2iib3ti Fire Endangers Whooping cranesiiibs1iri tarin called Wednesday for provincewidc oneday strike by construction unions to protest proposed amendments to the Labor Relations Act Henry Kabryll of Windsor said strike at meeting here Tues stern re ion director day night rennin to It area Mr Kabrlm said the oneday Dr Maugham said 50 60 general strike would follow adult birds are in the park plus series rotating oneday yearling young and an unknown strikes in every major Ontario number hatched this summer cltlI Dr Itlacpherson said in an in He said the first of the strikes terview today the fire is within and study sessions on the pm few miles of the areas which posed amendments are set July we think are important for nest 31 lyLondun and Windsor and ing will involve more than 7000 He said the areas an mostiyl workers He did not specify the wet and marshy And biologists date at the provincewide strike believe the young hatched this which would involve 90000 men year should be mobile enough to Mr Kobryn said march and demonstration by construction MILTON NIPORT 21 centre with glasses is escor ted to tall by Miami Metro do was charged with the murder disordcm years Ontario Construction Unions Asked To Hold One Day Strike workers would he held on tho day of the mass walkout Labor Minister Dalton Bales reiuscd comment on the strike at this stage Mr Bales announced major changes in the Labor Relations Act last month which are to be come law soon after the lcgislzh turc resumes in October The minister claims there in chaos in the construction lnduy Lry Mr Kobryll said in all in tcrvicw Well therell be even more chaos the way It looks He said the proposed amend ments would let contractors form associations that could en force areawide lockouts The changes also would give the Onihrio Labor Relations Board wider powers to inter vcne in jurisdictional disputes between construction unions and to proclaim commanddesist or dcrs to stop organizational pick cling escape ESCOBTED T0 Hill at two women toliowlng the robbery at suburban West ern Union oitice earlier this week Niport was arrested filter as get oil at an airlines photo ight rot to Miami in Les Angola man was unarmed and often od no resistance Wins lice said the SI KILLERS