Ellis Norrie Examine Published by Canadian NBWSpapm Limited 16 Bayeid Street Barrie Ontario Kerry Lambio General Manager McPherson Managing Editor SATURDAY JULY PAGE Waits Publisher Barrie Collegiate Band Ready For European Tour Good journey good luck good music Theres no need to extend any wishes rabout the latter The Barrie Collegiate Band will look alter that without any trouble on its European Tour which be gins next week The BSmember concert group along with officials and number of adults leave Tuesday at 815 pm from Toronto International Airport tor Am sterdam This evening the band will present bun voyage concert at Central auditor ium proceeds to buy portable music stands and pay or several side tours not previously included Some of the numbers on tonights program will be included in the bands repertoire at the World Festival of Music at Kerkrade The Netherlands Barrie Collegiate Baud which came into being some 30 years ago through the etiorts of its conductor and teacher of music Allen Fisher of the school stall has been undoubtedly Barries biggest avorable publicist over three de cades Mr Fishers instrumental pro gram is the envy of secondary schools right across Canada and in many com munities south oi the border The hand has won international recog nition and is in constant demand for concerts and lestivai appearances it was not until 1944 our years after forma tion that Mr Fisher first entered his organisation in competition Since that time the Barrie Collegiate Band with constantly changing personnel has won 75 rstplace awards including annual contests at the Canadian National Exhibi tion and the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto The awards also include three gold medals won at the World Music Festival in Holland in 1958 it is this event at Kerkrade which Mr Fisher and his band are now aiming at again Other concerts will be given in other European countries during the thrceweek tour it is great honor for Canada for Ontario and especially for Barrie and the County at Simone Barrie Colieyate hands over the years have played three times at the Mid West Music Conference in Chicago at the Seattle Worlds Fair at Expo 67 and at festival in Montreal 20 years betore that at Detroit at Atlantic City at many Canadian cities including Vancouver Allen Fisher came to Barrie native oi Cobourg who had been teaching at Timmins in 1937 to become head of the history department at Barrie Collegiate Institute then the towns only high school now known as Barrie District Central Collegiate Band members are drawn from all over Barrie and environs so the entire community is represented geographically The musicians attend Central of necessity for teaching and practice but the organization is official ly Barrie Collegiate Band and as such represents all high schools in the city Mr Fisher is controversial person in in his own right Behind that gruff blunt exterior there is heart of gold Some citizens have criticized him for not letting the band make more local public appearances particularly on foot But there is valid reason he always used competition as spur to achieve ment rather than as an end to it To extend musical education to child is more important than giving credit or be ing on prizewlnning band At 84 he has no intention of retiring yet Soon he will become special music consultant for Simcoe County Board of Education Thats when musical up re clation and instruntion will show mar ed improvement through the entire school system DOWN MEMORY LANE YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie mmmlulyvlti 1m mne tytwo lodge took art in largest Orange arude ever held it Barrie taking two ours to pass Post Office Square Shareholders at First Cooperative Pack ers were told construction of new plant would begin soon Mayor Duncan Mc Cuaig welcomed them at first annual meeting in Barrie Collegiate auditorium John Bowman town sanitary inspec tor and truant olcer was rand marsh al of Orange parade destroyed barn owned by James Hughes on Pene tang Road where joined by Highway 11 Blaze discovered by neighbor Varlcy Drury Ins ectors honor roll of coun ty high schoo entrance exams includ ed Barrie students Gwen Jackson Leona Murphy Don Beverley Dorothea Robson Wanda Watterworth Rt Hon William Lyon Mackenzie King Prime Minister of Canada addressed rally of Liberals in Barrie Armoury Other speakers were candidates in Simcue County ridings Hon Ernest Drury George McLean and Garfield Case At New Dream land Theatre Clara Bow in True to the Na At Capitol Greta Garbo in Arms Christie her rst talking picture Kiwanis Clubs annual street carnival another big success headed by Arthur Smith Bell Teie hone manager and ChitelDler oyai Bank manager Wally Perkins orchestra played for dancing each night Cookstowns an nual garden party at fair grounds featured lvy Brass Band led by William Lenncx Duncan Cowans entertainers dancing at John Gilheeneys pavilion By BRIAN BAKER While it must be admitted that the subject of pollution de serves some attention it up pours to have become big poi iticoi issue and on almost hypo critical subject at conversation oi the man on the street that bus one half oi the population milii$iiiiuiiith3 ll engugdmin ugrlculgtlixzehnduat uutorno III dardbred Bud Grattan set new track Egrquigxgplfsggrof momma Dom yzanndthnulr waveWA artist from Toronto played organ at St ugngbmg Andrews Church Sunday evening as Marty lprfy guest of Edmund Hardy choir director home against mg and on Police Chief Alexander Stewart calllt pests never even considering ed on citizens to beware of cm ue art the possibility that chnmlcul employees of amide pourful cgzugh to kiIihlnsccts Division held train excursion to Mid gwl dymnm zd rLTE lands Little LakePark Churchill and dairy cattle used ordim Midhurst were engaged in hot pia on lry household oprny within series for county softball honors lor In days several of his cowl icy Schandlcrt and Walter Craig armed had 10 Midhurst battery while Jack Reive and And then must be great num Jack Constable were same for Churghill 3363023123wigglnldlo Big batters were shomw Ralph eive and Bill Constable or idhurst Jim 33 Vggglpfcpm Torpey and Art McKee Start Malltin of dimrm game and Foresters was elding am Barrie baseball club defeated Creemore to tie Camp Borden for first place in North Simcoe League Cotty Tribble bested Herb Jennings in pitchcrs duel Jack Moore and Del Emma were local hitting stars OTHER BDITORS VIEWS SOME UNWAKIZD IMPORTS Financial Times Canada Panama president or the Mont real Board of Trade expressed concern over the state or law and order at the annual meeting at the board crime is on the rise in Montreal he said and will no doubt increase bore and clac whcre as result of increasingly ottec tlve v5 government action against thc crime syndicates In their country We Conservative rally for candidate Thom must review our thinking on crime and as Simpson held at Capitol Theatre confrontation and rti its only At Brockville Payettes crack stan to socloty us whale1 ll DON OIIEAlIN key question on tho iuture oi the NDi in the province und incidentally on the tuturo oi the province itscii inasmuch as its course In inuenced by its poiltl cu lilo in tho credibility of st phcn Wis At this point it scams almost WW like ame Examiner lo Dsyilcid Strut Burris Ontario Telephone 72043531 Second Clusl Mull ttczlatrutlon Number 0404 Return postage guaranteed Dolly Sundays and Statutory lioildoya uxcoptcd Subscription rates daily by curricr 03c weekly 12000 yearly single coplcN 10c By mull llurlls $2000 youriy Onturio 01000 your other mull 93700 your Motor throw oil 92100 your Nullonui Advertising om cos 4204 University Avenuo Toronto 010 Cuticurt St Montronl Member oi the Canadian lrosn and Audit llurouu oi Circulntlons Tho Conudluu Ittlill is ex clusivon untitltii to tho uso tor rcpuhilcutlnn oi oil ows din lllLIlvit in this pupcr crcd tic to it or The Anxnclnted new or limiters and also thn local news pllblishud thoroin Thu iturrio Examiner cIaImu Copyright In all oriuinul ud vcltislml bull sditorlul motor to created by Its ompluycos und reproduced in this news pupor Copyright Registration Num ber 201015 resistor 01 IT HAPPENED IN CANADA i211 NATURALFoRMATION on LAKE ROSGEALIAritarIo mg 72 SI Muss WITH l5 MEN ssoiu BUIEINNELFSR grimeits FirobtciuFWHITBSfJILEMENTmVamMp island sumos LATER place Mmawwwmmse suno WA FOR ED Willi I79 oAleALir FORT Uicrauu Assyrians orstirwessssmow Wis OIIEATED TIPM WfrvE naturales Uueoairwmricoopmrwsucmwmlwme mznlssgreosrsmutsoaoulmuaspctunmasww 650 UNITED PUBLIC NEWS 601 rlifc cunerl hour urinean Vitusrm You MYING artlticlsl sweeteners man oi which are saturated with be preservatives like saltpstro and worse and avoring and other chemicals shown to produce cancer In laboratory mice Thers um various naughty little habits like making cigar cttes drinking beer and whisky and the taking at drugs all at which in their ownwsy bava trom mild to extremely injur ious ettocts on the inunuu body that are never considon or arm at pollution Mun household clsarnors muteriuisdoo orants and drain cicanurl produce fumes thut can permanently damage the respiratory system and cause cmpOrar blindness Carbon tetrachloride such as is used in various cleaners and tire extinguishers is one oi the most dangerous LIVE IN COUNTRY it so many pooplo are con ccrncd ubout poliutiou und pol lution is said to ho concentrat cd in our cities why is it that so low puoplo want to live in tho country and that even our rural population is moving into urbun control uwuy ironi tho so cortuln tliut Mr bowls will be the next Onturio NDP louder ulmost curtain bocuuso thorn uru still three months until the party convonton and there un questionnbiy is in body oi opiu ion in tho pnrty which he doesnt spook or und probably never could It might oppose him As oi now however Mr Lewis would appear to ho in Ho uircudy two very brood bucking within the purty includln or tho luglsintum coucus ii sup port sccms to be overwhelming Crcdlhillly onion in tiiut fairly substuntlui group at his bunkers howovor nro sumo whut ruluctunt players on his team The phuiunx oi support with which tho young NDP member announced his condi dncy undoubtedly wusnt trom nroundswcll or voluntary look ing to cause it could have resulted tram trunk tlrm und pcrhu bold ro quests by Mr bowls ou might cull ll pressure The roiuctuncn would have cumu from luck at bollci in Mr Latvis pructicuiit and aim iilllty or put nnot or wuy from tour oi his rudlculism it won ovorcomo by Mr stis apparently donning nnlt other cout As was muntioned here low wccks ugo this your luv gotta suddenly uppuurod or matter Stephan bowls mol luwor more considerate cud Ions lrusciblo Mr Lewis young mun with tho hubiimonts oi stntosmun DEEP CONVICTION This impressed luppolIorl he needed Sumo at them will toil you no quite trunkly At least one hon anld in conversation ho hopes it is tnlo change and not mond culled up by tho practicalities ot the mumcut undY Kraut it tho bolicis needed by tho pructiculitlcs oi the mo moot whon souls are hicb tho IMING the aims out at its misery it has starved or troxeu to death it escapes to die elsewhere by chewing through its own limbs Many Anti Pollutionists May Find They Are At Fault called fresh air and wide open spaces Despite the loot that the land has always been able to dispost of all that it prolimes our scientists are not antilied They want all animal waste not to boroturnodtotbe loll but to disappear pilot bog arm on the Frazer liver is equl od with treatment plant is so elliclent and costly that tho ehluon can be Enlarged tutothe river How long can we rob our loll bunk How can these exports any that pollution can be avoided by pumping puried sewage into our rlv ers and lakes and that return ing it in solid form to the land from which it come is unvhyglcn lo and in court at pollution Orin source oi lnlormntion suggosta that the middle cluss of our society contributes most to pollution Another group or cuscs the automoon ouncr thut we should remember is thnl it aVcrugcs out thut we all contributo to pollution at about on oqunrl ruto either directly or indirectly by enjoying the services or industry Agriculture and the society in which we V0 NDP Backing Strong For Stephen Lewis mind and hour can go through striking translormutlons So in key point thut will be wutchchn Mr Lewis and not only by observers but by NDP members will be tho depth And strengththo underlying convic tionxi this chunge in this writors viow tho iirst signs uro not encouraging nio aspiring lcudor now is on the road and mukln statements practically every by They no not reassuring Ono in Hamilton won on pol lution in cilcct Mr inwis said that it the stool Compuny oi Cuuudo doesnt cicrul all pol lution right away It uld bo closed down This is the old extremist tho youngmnninm groutrush Slophun lcwls How would he iced tho thou sunils oi Stolco workers while the plant wus closed down Ho didnt any Then he sold OPP Commis uionor 10ch Silk and Attorney lonorui Arthur Wluhurt should be tired or shoor incompoh onco This was commont on the Duke case at couruo Fire the two men why 30 cause OPP oiilcors wont to low parties This is all that has boon provon so iur ill we were to uturt Ilrlllll hom tho hip like this we could end up with on Ontario pogrom Mr Lewis will have to earn his credibility in his starting stages ho isnt adding to it BIBLE THOUGHT Novortholcol have some what uuninat then boon thou hast lolt thy lint iovo navel ntion 21 Scorch us we will the ten ood is to romombor nnd repent Perhaps we need to go buck little bciuro we can go lorwurd Restore unto me the Joy or thy salvation unit is torn apart by passing predator These are well chosen phrases and om on occasion true phrascl Mr Taylor but not by anyone worthy ol holding trap pars license EASY TO CRITKCEE it is easy or all of us to cri ticize someone else but would suggest that you and the rest of tho CART stop criticiqu until you sctu know what you are talking an writing about men come up with some constructive typo criticism would suggest that this fail you and the CART come north trorn Miulssnuga and follow the troopers around You will note that this log bold trap that you relor to it set properly which it is by true truppere will drown the trapped animal in approximately two minutes You will had the nulrnalwill be bold firmly Inpiuco below water and ovented horn choose his mba oil sutterinn or days on end escaping to dis elsewhere or being torn apart by redators on might also be interested to know that am not trapper and never have been but your complete luck knowledge and your com iota ignorance oi this present 13 trade has put me in the post on of bavin to write this letter in the de ence or some Ilno gentlemen namely the trappera you criticise ior the use at this trap tend to believe by your letter that you have uevor act uuliy seen these tran in use and it by chance you have they certainly have not been used properly At this no at would like to say that have never known or mat trapper who oohdones the use oi any inhumnno trppnor have Imot one who coudoucs the improper use of troll Wouldnt it be odVIiublo Mr Taylor that tho grou Ihut you rsprosont THE CAN IAN AS THE EDITOR sousnos FOR HUMAN mml NM NM clauses an arrow near San On Why July it our ism Ily bad the pleasure of viewing the very worthwhile art exhibit at the Barrie Dialing cab le chills show Including the wan lust beautint and pleasure to see Congratulllim to the spous or and city or swimming show of this magnitude Mrs Method and family Alilltop UNION 3115mm Dear Editor could use your column gain to nd out something llaidbdoreJammidintho matters concerning trade union bualuus was union man in Toronto University and again in Ontario Hydroswiiot are the un ions working the man who pays dues or the Goverult merit The government prompt 1y raise taxes In the firm where now work we have relt celvcd raise in pay oi any st week and the government gets at this and we receive at which is also taxed for one am wondering who pays theun lvn its dual at this rate and what they any union man gets or paying this or one an ex unlon man um very deeply puz zled Perhaps some at our unv ion bonds can claboruto on this side raise in pay me govern ment raises the income bracket to absorb roughly tbrceuuaru ten ol this whom is it tooling it is no wonder Lila government is staying neutral in those mut tcrs it is reaping golden har vest at luborr expense Yours truly George Elliott RR Barrie Ontario COIN CLUB Dear Sir Dunno the set that was or holidays unlorluuutely misl ed Coilectors letter of July concerning the coin club and convention Good construct criticism Is always helpful at any time to any club and ours is no excep Oh would like to take this or portan to alter my support to tho and Collector emsn ottlcs in next ours elections should he dcci to run or my Your truly Ken Prophet President Huronin Numismutic Assoc AROUND THE WORLD US Will Require More Fuel Supplies It PHILIP DEANE Foreign Altair Analyst Cunndu will comb under in cruising pressure irom the Unllcdstatcs to Join In conti nontwndc pooling energy rolt suurccs or the simple reason that the Americans are running out at luei sugpllcs at luntus tic rate At present rate at lncrouso oi oucr consumption in America tosall luols should ho exhausted botoro ul tcrnuttvo 50m oi energy bro developed For thosn muthomntlculiy in clined the rule cun be put In graph arm US electricity consumption per bond at opuln tion in 1000 was titty lowalt hours per hood and in 1000 it will be 25000 kilowattshours 0l hsud unnuuily On it graph is produces very stcoply rising curve that la made even steeper by the fact that the population at the US bus grown grout dooi rum tho buglnnln oi tho century and will cont one to grow By tho your 2000 the annual oil consumption at tho US will be thirty bilinn barrels but tho oil industry oxpccts that by 1085 it will have provon oil resources oi only one hundred billion bur rois out this includes thohopb lul estimates oi what the Alas kun ilulds muy contuln Nuturul pus is running out Just us that in tho US in 1070 the US will use twentyom Mb tho oncrgy produce lion cubic ioctoi unturul gus At the current rate lucrouso in consumption by the your 2000 the US will be using one hundred uud seventyone trillion cubic toot ot natural pus uri nuully Tho present provon ro scrch in tho US umount to no more than two bundrcd and sev ontytivc trillion cubic loot MIIEE SOURCES By now hydroelectric power accounts tor only tour or cent In the 115 and the proportion may do crouso ruthor thun rise Nuclear power bus not duvciopcd as lost us bud been hoped and now cone tributes twotcnths of one per cent to the electricity consumed by tho US unnuuily Cool still contributcs twenty per cent But there are severe pollution prObloms in usizirg both cool and nuclear lucis currentnu ciour plants are not yet broader plums breeder plants will hows the almost mlruculouu property at producing more tucl than thoy use while uiso reducing power But the broo crs have not yet been dcovlopod Existing uucloar plants do not compote uvorubiy In costs with fossil fuels They also are potentially dangerous to the surrounding communities Cool plunts are the groutost pollutants unri methods for reducing their pol lution have so or proved too costly So the US la in torri blo energy crisis QUEBEC OPINIONS This is selection at cLIl turinls on current topics translated Iloln the Punchlanguage prrss at Cuuutiu Ouohoc Lo Soioil According to Senator David Croii choir mun oi the Sonata committco on poverty the aociul woliuro system in Conudu should ho abundoan And why not There are more 4000000 poor in Cunuda long as we trout them as Itogoods thoy will continue to be on unsupportnblu reality which costs the taxpayer $000 per cupitu ouch your our logislutoru or in themselves morol with tho enusos at the needs at tho In dividuals and with the motto ode which must be put into ci toct to help those who can hid it pluco on tho iubor mur kcl and com salury ior their work To content ourselves with subsidizing the poor is to sub sldlzo poverty We must lnjcct into the wolluro syaitlm new dimension which will permit it to iurulsh Ila cllonts with hotter up or tunitios to raise their level oi lcurning and training by using special cilorls to up gruilo lhoir level at compot oucu roduco tho toll of pre muluro schoollowing permit lumllics to increase their cu poclty to improve their in come llIIII in nrtlculnr to propurc their ch Idron to earn more in the course at their lives Psnl Lechnos July l3