Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jul 1970, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES mam Clinton our man now circulation All Other 106 Your No l67 Cost Of Independence Subject or QUEBEC Flutier Robert erassa said Friday his cabinet will decide next Wedusday whether to set up parliamentary committce to study how mud Quebecs inde pende from Chanda would cost the province He told news conference but arse if such is committee is formed it would not be able to give the exact cost of separsw Lion because there are many lninnmhlcs invoivcd The premier said thc only sure way of determining the cost of In independent Ebec would be for the province to ac lualiy separate from Canada period or economic uncer tainty following Independence is one the intangible domain 3dr haunts said because thorn is no way of determining how investors would react if they had the choice be tween weak economy and stronger on they would move towards the latter ihis waiting altitude cannot be cvplustrd in figures During the recent election Provinces And Ottawa Agree On Federal Divorce Powers HALIFAX iCPi Canadas Altomoychncrai agreed hero Friday to see that divorce ac tious undcr fcdcral jurisdiction take into accoiml support cus tody alimony and the possibilb tics of rcconcilintlou all of which are currently provincial powers under the constitution Justice Minister John iurncr said at news moistened ailsr three days of mcclings with his provincial counterparts that the provinces and icdcrui govcru most had agrcrd to pursue this objective The provinces might take ovcr current icdcral powers over marriage and divorce as part of constitutional revision enabling thorn to be certain that their activities meshed with the operation of divorce laws Ailcrnulivoly the various lev eis of government might mor dinntc the activities of the var ious tribunals and agencies cod corned with mass family and socinl problems nm conllroucu also agreed to federal proposal to create special committee of chief Jus tices to deal with disciplinary action involving Judges The committee would mm inc complaints about the bench and rccommend action to the governmonm said Mr nnncr Their jurisdiction would include personal misbdlsvior by judges complaints is inudcqunlu hunting of tho attitudo and dc mconor of judges during trials and potcntial conflicts of inter Est Quebec Study campaign that brought his gav ernm ta paws hlr new ass said if elected would study the cost of 4erth 71 cant no any reason it keep my pc he said Friday UN HURON TABLED The actual motion to be studied by the whine is one R5 53 ppe emers Entries who called for study of the economic social and political ls of separa tion Mr Boutnun said if an inves tigation is made the results will be released to the while before the out rovincinl election Llko to be id in 1974 preliminary investigation has already been completed by the industry and commerce dc pnrtm concerning Quebecs balance of payments the pre mler said its results would be made public before the non sencrsl election During the last election cam paign several spokesmen for the union National said if their party was reelected and consti tutional discussions did not progress satisfactorily by 1974 referendum on separatism would he held Bennett Cabinet In Meeting To Discuss Threatened Strike VICTORIA CPI Prcmlcr WACBennotts Social Credit administration facing open defiance by he British Columbia Federation of Labor and the throat of possible goo ernl strike scheduled an emu gency mcctlng cf the full cubi net toduy to discuss the tense situation Teachers Back Native Peoples EdUCcttion Rights HALIFAX CF The rights of Canadas native peoples to dctcrmlno for themselves their educational future rcccivcd sup port here Friday from delegates to the Canadian Teachers Fod crntiun annual meeting British Columbia resolution calling for fodorntion backing of Indian and Eskimo demands won unanimous Eproval with out dobatu as weeklong meeting onded llio resolution seconded by the Nova Scotio dolognlion asked that federation activities be directed towards securing for Canadas nutlvo peoples in oil izcnshlp ri lit in matters con coming the own education Smith of Vancouver who moved the resolution said later the delegation thought Cam nativo popula tion should decide for thorn solves what they wanted in edu cation Indians have not been treated as full citizens and got vbat we think is best for thorn said hlr Smith They should have the right to articipaio and rule themselves This cost to the taxpuycr would bo small payment for what has been done to the or tivo peoples Tho dolognios later backed the docision with muncy in creasing to $5000 from $2000 budget allotment for ludianEs kimo cducatioc Mss 33 CAPSULE NEWS Youth Turns in Warsaw Pact UNITED NATIONS CPiThc first World Youth Assembly ended Friday night with hundreds of youths oxprcssing soliduriiy with opprvsed people ovcrywitorc in suddon and almost as lonlslting swing from an ahuostcntirciy untiAmoricun and anti Israeli tendency youths from around the world turned on tho Communists at the last minute and condemned tho Warsaw pact invasion of Gswboslovakia two years ago Earlier Lhoy had ap proved demand that the United States got out of indoctrina PM Would Ease Burden 0n Poor OllAWA cplPrime Minister Trudeau says his governman wants to caso tho tax burden on lowincome Canadians and lovy heavier Linton on those better off me comment was contained in 2500word mLssive sold to have boon written by tho prime min istcr who complained about government unLlinfiaLion policies and rising unemployment $1 Million Wont Stop Walk TULLULAH FALLS Ga APi You can glvo mo $1000000 but nm still going to walk that wire Kari ltiiicndu said as ho Pictured to wall slender cable across Toulootzdccp gorge to day Vallcndu ruling mcmbor of one of ct wisdom must famous families said Friday he is making the walk because he wants to do something srcutor than has ever been tlonu before Two Policemen Slain By Sniper CHICAGO APllwo while policemen working on commum friendship program wcm killed by snipe fire riduy night as they walked on North Sido busubull diamond wth tiioy had played with black youngsters tho day below Sgt Jumps Sovcrln iii ind Patrolman Anthony Manic 37 were at tho Cabrini Homes harming project to our with neighborhood youths us part of tho PcilCt dcpurtmonis program on mmmurtity rotations police said Three Gold Medals For Canada EDINBURGH CEDAri clu Coughiuu Uf Burlington Uni won Canadas first swimming god medal of tho Commomvcnllb Games today in the womens Oilmoire freestyle uilcr furious battio from tho stint with ir or Australians George smi montcn aka collected opioid modal with driving fini of Ed iu the mens foilmetre individual medley swimming Beverly lloye of Pickering Ont won the gold medal for Canada in the wonwns lhrcuincirc springboard diving til the Commonwealth Games today The meeting was expcctcd to start about it am PDT Facing cabinet is the prickhy question of whether the govcru moat will invoko compulsory provisions of the 36 Mediation Act to and threemonth strikelockout dispute that has crippled the provinces con son industry Both thu cabinet and the feds oration held emergency sessions Friday the cabinet here this duration in Vancouver Mr Bennett turned usido questions about his meeting with curt no comment but the federation was anything but reticent me In moremetemtml tub fcdcrmlon threw its full support behind the building tradcs us ions announced intention of defying the government by not returning to work without con trast reiterated that its affili ated unions should rcfuso to ac cept compulsory arbitration and refuse to work under compul sion Ls tor federation secretary Ray Haynes suid union mcm bcrs should be prepared to refuse to pay any fines levied for nuncomplinnce with the log isiaiiou and go to jail if neces sary Tho law is so bad so un bearable and so impossible for us that were going to have to violate ii if its in force and we are ready to pay the penalty ho said We feel so strongly about the icglslution and about compul sion that if wo havo to go to iuil that will have to be Pcskett president of tho 30 Employers Council de scribed the federation an nouncoment as slntamunl bordoring on anarchy The council recently organized group represents most ompioy ers in the province Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday July 18 l770 on Dorrie Examiner warm miss and Sun tcnlgnlii Sum newts on psge No More Than 10 Per Copy 16 Papa WAGE RESTRAINT IMPASSE BROKEN Plumbers Meet Contractors To Discuss Best Application DEMONSTRATOBS TAUNT POLICE Taunting demonstrators face riot police Thursday in Rog gio Calabriu itniy during fourth straight day of rich ing Demonstrations vcrc triglt gcrcd by tho designation of rival Camitiara us capitol of tho Calahria region Duc por son has been lulled anti hund rods inJurcd AP ersphotn via cable from Rome QRESiiQSAbout Frau Emerge From Tax Study OTTAWA CP Basil quas tious about the future pattern of Canadas way of life have emerged from protracted public debate about federal proposals to change the system of lncomu taxcs The debate conducted for eight months largely by busi nessmen and politicians ds down with midsummer series of hearings in Atlantic and Western Canada The Commons finance cums mittcc has split in two for Si multnncous hearings starting Monday in tho provincial cupi tuls beyond Ontario and Quebec On both excursions as in tho Ottawa sessions since Flnuncu Minister Benson published hLitmrmform policy paper inst Nov the lists of witncsscs consist largely of businessmen Thus the MP5 on tho commit tco can cxpccz to hear more of what they huvo been getting through would of hearings in Ottawacries of at from businessman and profes sionals at the fcdurul tux pro posais would bu unconscionable unworkable and in violation of the Canadian froucntcrprisc way of life Whether or not tilt govern mcnl inioiiticd it UIL fcdcrhl whltu paper on to rtIorm has become the focus of an argu men about the tlun Cun aliu should fako politically coo nom ally and so OTTAWA lCP signifi cant break has occurred in the impasse bciwucn organized labor and the governments prircs and incomes commissiun on wage restraints The Slowmember Unitcd AS sociallun oi Journeymcn and Apprcnticcs in the Plumbing lnlt dustry has met contractors and top officer of the commission in discuss ways in which rb straihts can be applied to both piumbcrs wages and bulidtsrs profits More meetings are to be hcid They could load national conference involving other seg ments of tho construction indus tryboth employers and trades men The object would be to stem inflation in the construction inlt Killslry which EmplDyS ciosc to 500000 and has been pacesub km in both costs and wings in recent yours anc sctticmcnts of par cent and more hnvc hccu made with some of the building trade in the Toronto area and other parts of Canada John Ymmg hand of the prices and incomes commission excused thum bccauso they were based on bargaining that began hcforc the govcrnmenl announced six weeks ago the commissionendoisrd guidcllnc of mmmum six per cent increases in wugcs and prices At that time contact had al ready been made among the in is Tho plumbcrs union made the conciliatory move towards that Fricus and inward commission last February in liontrcai at mccting with contractor rcprclt scntntivcs The joint muctihg of union rrprcsonlativcs Lind delegates of the Canadian Plumbing and Mc chun Contractors MSUCiJ lion instructed our of thcir nulnbcr to confer with Mr Young in Billy letter in Mr Young sui have It was unanimous feeling of the joint committee that there would he great dcal of valuc In labor and management meeting to set ii there was continua ground or arcs of ngrccment hricls by the Lona dian Cunsiruction Association and the Canadian Labor Curb grass notuithsuntling CLC OPPDSED This latter words were signilla cunt The Canadian Construc tion Association endorsed the conuitissiuns work as curly its December 1959 out construc tion industry luadcrs have been alarmed at wage dcmunds The Canadian Labor Congrch said from the ouLsct of the com mlssions work that it would not agree in rostrum vagcincrcuso demands unlcss all forms of in comcinciutiing rents profils intorcst rates and the likearc restricted Organized labor was not as result invited to last Febru nrys pricc roslruiut courtmice attended by 300 businch and professional loaders lhat meeting decided that pr it increases during 1970 should be bold clcuriy below cost increases putting the squeeze on company profits This was subsequently endorsed at meeting of Prime Minister lrudcau and tho provincial prs mlers and mu hemm Lhe oom musions mum criterion lugging all subsequent pri creases rolled back upon price increases to come within the price guide Professional associations of doctors dentists and others at tended the February meeting and agreed to restrain rate in creases Thc commission says they have observed tho nslt struinis But until thc move the plumbers union came its light organized labor was regarded as the big holdout against the wage li raxnl pm In Rock Music Fireworks Highlight Capital Party th Cliuck Annic Larger Strike Threatened If Troops Unload Ships LONDON UP British Army afficors made reconnais anco patrols of Britains or parts as the national dock sir ko entered its third day today while union lander warned that tho slriko could spraad if troops are used to unload ships Jack Jones general soctotury of the Transport and General Vorkcrs Union Britains big gest said Buforo troops aio uscti the unions should be con sulted in soc if them an other ways of moving essential cur goes olhcrwisc hu said there is serious danger of tho strike spreading to other industries Jonas added The strike could last very long time Tho dockors uro digging in This governments uxncrgcucy committee decided Friduy night thaltroops will not he sent in beforo Monday hccuuso no Safety Police On Beat In Forefront Oi Conference MONTREAL 10197 Tho issue of snfcty for the cop on tho bout although not officially on tho ugendn was brought to the forefront at the opuuing sus siou of tho international Confor oncu of Police Associations which oponcd hero Friday Moro than zoo delegates rcp rescaling 133 police associations across North America hoard John Harrington president of tho Fraternal Order of Polko mon in tho us any that icuiout rulings by the US Suprumo Court were responsible for tho spiralling crimo rate in that country llo snid nlkvgcd criminals were often on tho BttCEl on por souul bonds wlihln low hours after their arrest Many atrocious crimes am committed by pcopio who huvo been locked up 20 or 30 times he added Wo mtist find out who tilt hell is letting them loose after we lack thum up Ed Kimun president of tho New York City Policumuns BE uovoioni Associatiousnid My pcopio are being slxoigunncd Theyre being snipotl Pcopio drop cinder blocks on their are from tho roots of buildings Delegates at tho mlh annual meeting of tho group were criti cal that there was no munda tory legislation in the US cull ing for twde patrols in cars They noted that mtmy under staffed police owes soul men out alone in patrol curs cargo nocds shifting during the weekend But with tho striko of 41000 dockch two days old sorvicolt men from all thrco armed forces worn put on standby in case they huvc to move perlsh nblo goods Jones warned that if the troops are moved in tho striko cuuid spread to involve truck drivcrs who have already pledged their support for tho dockors lockkeepers who could purnlysc Enclosed docks und xivor ilots Uudcr national stats of emergency declared by the gov ornmcnt 35000 soldiers tire standing by to move loodstufis Jummcd by tho strike Army officers moanwhllo vis itud several ports lo map out procedures if tho troops have to go to work Forward parties have been placed on alert Thu crippling strikeover wngsswlli imporii Britalns economic recovery if it drags on for long Every day if doluys ships Soxnu industrial observers bu iiov that with both sides dood iockcd and not nvcn meeting at tho momLm tho stoppage could last up to six weekswith disas trous rcsuils for Britain The countr is under smor gency roguia arts which come into fares at midnight Friday night ulthough the government has said that most of tho provi siuns will only he cniorccd it tho situation deteriorates WASHINGTON AP Princo Charles and Princess Anne danced into the curly morning hours toduy at White House lawn party highlighted with French champagne fire warln and rack music The royal couple pluns more sightseeing trips and privch dinner with President and Mrs Nixon bcforu flying buck to Lon don tonight The party on the south lawn was the big Sp iui occasion of the threeday Visit and tho inst guest departed about pm EDT Thu dunco pavilion was covered by canopy of thoult sands of tiny white lights Thorn worn 51 candlelighted flower docked tables and the Washing ton Monument and full moon served as spectacular buck drops The prince dunccd three times with 24ycuruid Tricia Nixon From across tho 175 564 young persons were invited to meet the royal pair They woro mainly sons and daughtcrs of members of the cnhinut US diplomatic corps governors and friends of tho Nixon fondly The princess hcr biondo hair with curled full in buck wore green voile dress and din mend earrings Thu prince was dressed in tuxedo brightened by blur velvet bow tin and purple handkerchief in tho breast pockut Both hold forth in an hourinng resolving lino whilouhosts Tricia Nixon and Julio null David Eisenhower stood on balcony overlooking the grounds The prince and princess danced to fax trots and rock tunes changing partners and chatting with guests THREE BANDS PLAY Canadas top rock band Tho Guoss Who together with tho US hiurinu Band and 115 rock group ind by 27yeurold Gary Euckuttof Sun Diego provided tho music Thu 21yearoid prince was rc pcrtrd to be charming and graceful dancer and proved bimsnll congenial and inter ested tourist PRINCESS ANNE of Great Britain is escorted down tho Capitol stops today by William Wunnuii deputy Sergeant at Arms of the Senate altar vis iting both the Senate and tho House of Reprosuntutlvos with her brother Prince Charles Tricia Nixon daughter of tho President is at left AP Wir photo

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