mews BOUNBUI cal x1211 twort sexism trust the hzspzuil Pat Murph Cam lor Ill Ith my in go to the meeting July member the union negotiating team However hospital administra tor Mail said 12 in an interview our the hospital ulil rcluse pennight more than thr IOma negotiating ILJm to attend the meeting the rst with camelliatier since bargaining began lily 11 hospital oxkm are paid nbasenteuimhrmhthlnr prairies is on Guernl Em played tntd man meeting that although hmpzml markers in uric are hidden by lzr fro hinting it Iould be legal ptrsotu were lnlled and seven New Ofce OTTAWA CPI June Irishman LS anisqnt pres Rcrdzry in the prime minis ters 05c since BBS In both mind camsha the Cam dun pastas commistim Vel um Mini Dube tn nmm Hominy Winona sawed uith the Canadian navy1mm 191 Lo 1345 and Iain hum low to 1955 He kind the out at Penman mutt prime minister in 1956 and remind the same position It Prim Mints Trudelu Three Dead KENDRA Ont Three Hospital Staff Vote TORONTO stmlxteL Hospital voted Monday to kit tbr johs to 1th worth nan muting nm wet in Art loan to area higher wage To Leave Jobs New Look Loth an Film heal me iron the Queens Inno mung to Mm I11 bc P3 new Grist ms Day broadcast this year Buckingham Palace an nounced Monday the mum Lina of the truditlohal bro nst nitcr oncycar malte The program was drvmxd year bccausc it was let that after the hlwy Wu Royal Earnin him there might be danger of overxposure oi the Queen on television This years lSmlnule brind 25 will include conversation between the Queen and her lam tly nnd that of her visits to Canad and Australu In pru yiuus yurs it showed nu road tax mm preparcd texL Borden Meet INGERSOLA 02L Employees of the Borden Co Ltd plant were to meet tn the lngersoii Arena at 730 am today to decide whetha they should return to work The workers them of Local No Vtholuiile Dury Ind GmeralWorten Union ad of the to Monday otter tallying tocrosupicmuhosotupby the National Farmers Union which in protcnlng the use of powdered whole milk imparted tram ircltmd lilume Laid in lentenclng nut Gets Time VANCOUVER United SALE Army Ihme deportation inn Jnntnry sparked roared inquiry on Icutcnced Hominy to nine months in or ccnlribub in to juvenile delinquenty What this m3 did mounts almost to rape Judge Dougan Lenard Ilsa known as cum Leonard 15 cl Unto Calif apparently his guard and two other men were handed items the US border at Huntingch BC in January in deportation that county court Judge Stewart ruled illegal but un Likely to happen again nllowlng ludicihi inquiry into the inci dent Iznnrd was chnrgui with con trtbuilng to juvenile delinquency Iiter the aunt of lLyeIrold girl complained to pallce letterp injured Sunday in ntwmr col QUEEN ELIZABETH 11 mulch and $45 or males Mr niumriy id be Intent to churn the hospital with intimi datlon bctore the labor relations board or letter ltut to seven union members last Week by personnel director 117w 147w out Youth Jailed TORONTO CPI yearold American youth as Sentenced to 30 days Monday when he pleaded guilty to is sauitlric policeman during melee at rock music Itstlvol Saturday Richard Lilidnrr cl West Seneca NY was one 0125 pcr sons who appeared to court on charges placed at the icstival on Canndllm National Exhibi tion grounds Many Wore re manded to July and August for sentencing Court wru told Undncr tried to crash the new to the CNE stadium Without having pald rid misriori throw rock that nar rrnwly missed pollccmtm and spat into policemann lace Sidney Fraud 20 and Bob Kuslcvich 19 both at Montran were lined $200 each or panes Iian of marijuana Steve Edward Ferris 15 Arm Arbor Mich was ned $100 or common nsxault The festival attracted about 37900 people and mulled in so DETEOn being injured in clashes between police and natural cn Named Rector OTTAWA CF Canon omnn Edward Downcy hru en named rector at Christ Sir SKEgu and Ochoa Thom ason 65 were in satisfactory Ontario community police reported Monday Dead are William Thoma isari $5 at Holmium View MO ton Mo drivrrl by Virgil Show 63 The driver of the second car tnl was also killed caodlilon in hospital in Kcnora FirstIn 25 Years TORONTO 1C tvty year contract with Metropolitan Toruntal 100 separate school teacher was ratied Mondly by the Metro separnto school board board vpukczman laid the agreement the rst twolyertr contract separate school tench era havr lined in 15 years Contracts normllly cover only one year The agreement ratied Inst work by the tenchen call for wageincrement and ringe bencfil package representing 97pcr4tent increase this school your and Suvacont increase the allowing year The minimum pay or teacher with Grade 13 nod on year at toncherr college in cruises to $5400 In the coming ycar and 35600 in lint12 from the present 557110 Quiz Hiker lthUGA Ont GP hltchdllkcr picked up by Mis slunugn polch was questioned tilch Cathedral here and Air on dam of Ottawa wMCMdInZFi Gnrtre In Ammo or bi run born ovar9 0nt in the Ottawa Valley and wins rec tor here at All Snintn Church altnr his ordination in 1914 ah well til at other parishes includ Jnc St Gcnrgcl and st Cathar inn Police In Court BRANTEORD 0P llet George Kerr nnd three other juniorpolice nlllccrs will ap Dtar in provincial court Sept to elect trial on Joint chmgo ol conspiring to obstruct justice The ditto was set Mondny when 3hch Kerr Deputy Chief Lea Butcher and DebSgt Gor don Crocock all of tho Brunt lord pollco department and Tulip Archie Ferguson of the provincial pallcn nppcarcd bn hiondny tryPennsylvania ollcc line about the shooting derlth at his wife Ill 355 with Itth armed robbery Uemcctlon with on Incident at Brockvliin lust Thursday Thomas Thimble no Wort chnstrr Pit and another hitch hiker Stewart Whelari 18 de scrlbcd by police as transient lrorn Montreal have also been charged with illegal possession dongcruun weapon calibre plhtoll TRUCK STOLEN MONTREAL truck containing 1200 cases at rum valued at 25000 wnl stolen while parked in rant of the drivers northend homo police reported Monday The 310000 truck property oi Florida Ro trlgcrutod Service inc hnd been standing in from oi Yvon Godnnir home during the night lore Judge Fred Hayes instruction to In omited General Arts and Scicnto Buxincsts Allmlnlrtmtinn Bilslnahr Admlnliitmtion lMurkctlngt Civil Technology Communicntlon Arts Gulch AM and Science Advertising Pramlurch For Information about these programs it contact It now accnpllng npplicnlom for odmlsslon to Law and Security Admlnlslrlilinn Lsiou on Highway 71 25 miles southeast of this northwestern prmlncinl sgrrrcliird Hopalong miwtmy an Hopnlong Cossldy and bill longgone 30 and all Shun 55 Ho him have been disinterrcd tram P83418131 in car Boot Hill to make their aca danlc dtbut thlh all at York University in new course Abraham Huang 15 Ema called The Cmboy An Amcri tan Otlture Hero The coursewhim will the cu values in society concepts of law and order and heroesis pm or yoanold experiment at the unitmlty to educate stu dents by musing interesting whim matter In eliminating grades Boy Found SUDBURY CF Daniel Proulx oi nearby Azilda was found safe by unrch party Monday alter upendan 12 hours in swamp The boy clad only in bath lng suit was taken to hospital nurturing tram expoaurc and in sect bites About 200 searchers sound the boy Alter he become Loot while picking berries Sun by Racial Slur BATON ROUGE La AP Thn Lnulllhnh lozillator who said hed rathcr set his inmily die thun rcccivo drop rtIEA gcr blond apologized Monday to tho House or use of the ra cial slur used that word nlggcr the other day arid Im sorry for lt sald Representatlvu hie Davis at Bognlurn is get mnd like anyone else MODERN INSURANCE TECHNOLOGY our mrvlcc reect long time experience In oilt lng with wide variety or business concerns Call tho trnlncd purple 27 Collier hl Bnrrle and was gone when Mn Godon left his house in the morning applications now being accepted GEORGIAN COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY Barrio Onto rio in September 1970 THREE YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS Illctronit chlmolotty Mnlcrinls Tochnolimy Mlchilrlltul Tocllnoluizy Ihsolirtts Technology TWO YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS Lentil Secretarial Mulitill Socrctaria Secrtluriltl Allu Italian rntlon Fleet Grinchi1 unlncm Accotintlngt lA rw ccim 3H Gcrwml Buslrwlls Marketing Mk 0mm ervry chlmicllm Mmhimlcnl Drnlng Technician ONE YEAR CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS mum Proocttu imam plutonium iclurling lees ilnll admission The Registrar Georgian Colle 40 Duckworth Barrio Ontario III following program of 50 Telephone 7281951 it requirements plcnsn Street Enjoy The STORE FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS CASH REFUND MAXIMUM REFUND $200 BEAUTY AIDS trim um Wm All In Any HM lwr twin Irocin ninth to on tum onqu UNI IN IVIRY SI PEOPLE RICIIVING REFUND ALSO Wllt WIN UNI III llIISE IRVING KNIVES Heal Shlil runny Sun lav lube or toll till titles SUFIR SPRAY DIODDRAIIT SUSIE IISI 109 812 INSEOT REPELLENT 51199 12oz159 SOUTTUWELS TWIN PACK mnrhrium oil so succ 581 Aunllvd Colouit Nnuiunannitnru KlIItr 1L2 hr SHE USYTEU l1 UUUL RAY Putnam iittciAssisff Mills ltdvex All HALO summit rim Sin sum usr sac Plu54 lulu cu UHBHEAKABLE PDLYETIIYLEIIE COMPARE AT 149 TO 169 ran immflkm 99 itlIIltI Right or Slisz suc llSl 139 ALKASELTZERAs SUGG 151 83c DELSEY TOILET TISSUE Whin or Euloincd SUGG list tall 39 IIIILU HOSPITAL littinll WW KANIIDIWi ammo OIL CHLORTRIPOLON OILESPRAV lhs DEN OUIGK Home Permanent TABLETS sunrilisv as KAI mun TUESDAY JUNE If Sent To lail WY 897 BI end by product police In Luke MI lair comlnunlty loo miles 3015 at Sault Ste Mane hrold prints who produced SEW tlly am or people who put tannin thumbs was sect entnd Mutiny to year in Police nu Bill Mount Royal Oak and Alexandr anion 41 Livonia prison Idrmrncd the take Crcum Nicholas Piliperho at nearby Clarksoo was charged utter me slam and time at the drain rtrc not mediately heard at his Tarmta printing knmn Ah by Metropolitan Toronto Igprwincinl police turned up other plates or Ioritln cheques mockups or baptism records itnd blank Ontario birth MAR530M Ont certificotrs Ind hospttnl insur ance card Patrick Le mwn Atlarne Ssxe said Pikpenia was an idle grhl port or vast bushes in Ontario Find Bodies HAWK rimcnm Ont CF The bodies of two missing Michllln Lourth were discov RIDIJUR FUVDUP OOLGATE v7 sworn In Cori Brant tn lull India galin was main in Monday the rst icdtan trustee on tho Hastings County board is educav Uoh Mr Brant will rwresont iso chlldrm of the Bay Quint Mohawk It the Wuhan he serve He wns recmnmmdod In trustee by the band council Ind accepted unnnimotuty by tho other 16 trustees MFP TAL CREAM Flirtirvrssmii lRiirAons Ian 0mm oz 75crukr alum Sup minim Slul Blldu sutc U517Sc OILLETTE Illtilll OUARB or Dredonnl Emu ar orm our or unit GILLETTE Supar Sllnlcsl 71 succllsrilrl89c W590 Jill MILFHIDIHVII sum til 59 Inllclor lledu OURAD chhlasa Buntingl 50s succ tlslaac AIR nuiurolv lotion is or Sou tm us nmuronl cum 12 ul 5U list us 99 Hr SUGG 43s NtKllll at Super SUGG CREME RIIISE is 17 IE or 69B Twilillilii157 WItlt mount illl an to Bull WiaciiAY Pharmacy 77c or al hlllltEAtlrsdI Psnmls bPSIJREX SHAMPOO at Willi Enlllq SUEG list IS Ltd 66 Dunlop St 7282903 BAGTINE UST 129 Korrr FEMININE NAPKIIIS 139 147 LIST ZJI Sum llsl mu