cessiui in obtaining this yeul drl contract tor providing stone and THE PUELgUQE$EUNTANL tr oils and the application at shine the tn meet Iihe standards lnld yol dowri by the department mi SHEEP CLAIMS nie sheep claim mcnllnned ra cmtly niinutd have read 6000 for Ted ltewsan Ilnntner claim MI by Buwmun amounted to ch $15100 Other more recent sheep claims have yet in be approved by cauncil In 1905 total 751 dill lic ences were sold at an average at 3500 each while sheep ciaimli or that your amounted to $1 30 moo This year the sale oi tier ences is down so tar although Co many dog owners am now lac m1 ing eounnppenrunce it not 03 complying with the requirement to get their licences Some If owners who were personally call 10 ed on by the animal ennirol Mt oiiieirr have 19 dogs that we still withnut licences ut time writing living been warned GIENDINNIPGI CA built verbally nnil by mail they The Pliltlii Accuunumt Coun may lace adlilliliillii costs it cii for the Province of Onlilrln hruugn that court nnnotlncen the election the uvmw HNIIHH iIIaNT lgg Iymzhifg Bank the nine1 runirnl my 15mm Vim world Ituy Bridge is in ennrlw Idpntn ummm Ol the mlureemmt 11 the hy FLA Smbmzy qan Mr at ni ttie tuwntlltp on iIni imi milnn FA tor Ivr oi 1Trmitn is and acculml Lion in rum mo IVHII Sound Junk and van platen My 57 clause oI ille bylaw inais rmmw rr Iic Where on any eruuiida ydrd LrnAlj Lca nr vueunt lola there Ir rrtuae niuuilr my ii ma guiding ruiiliirti tin tans IUA discarded nuieliuivry tnniiir lhgy 41x minds vehicles or partii iiivmii Iurnt 1d No lure junk nr any wall Illhlll hummm Ia list at any kind lhe all mm ant er shall remove nutIi Iur huge ruiihuli in ca MW no ed machinery motor irln hr ARA panII thereni lurnliure Junk In in IL IM iny waste material at any kind It Irmn this land leaving the same 01 WWW All termnti wt Irrittile as I517 Th bylaw fhwim pin uninininn in Ontario Iiui ilI IIIltlrIIiIXilvrrlhtAlillI izti OFFICIAL FIRED 1133 13 tin Irilifl WWIIWm The ltifli iciIilmi liilit Ilnwn IIV Col leull niim niinn tum Am WM IriI Wednesday Dr men Allen nuns be awry in use tar er screen stone at 38 size St Pauls lnnlsl attended Ltst lwlln heavier oil and add ID Sunday tor the menialm service tog fr Casts Miller PuVement was nuc Il Road Surfaces itilliidas immlE 9= 1m LIe vim 03 sun in iarnmgs gpggtkpefmapggggg do not ocu nppear on county or lb 5mm township riiads The mag corn moo mlltee drove untied the timi BREW cm unp recently and dazed plus where s1gns 5de be lorat iiiIsch are not already covered pit1rd our sortie Wednesday my EXAMINER WANT ans the deteaoe department re riioxt mztit 31R ct highways in order to meet their approval or subsidy It this liter coating matting lbs or the Inrrner rector ot the par nlsbcd road cost approximale isia the Rev and Rowe ly $7000 pt mile This corri who as laid to rat in the lam pares with previausly used mm ily plot Ven Archdeaeun serial that began with an all Lighthourn preached the sermun and sand treatment at 11000 and recalled the many it per mile and lasted approxim is ugly year Ln the mix men country and his church in sev iy that cost about $4000 cral parishes across Canada and mile Imd had the at about iiic In Innislil where he was rural dean or South Simeoe The ser Vice leek the turn at holy com rnunioa when the rector the Rev anm Lee was assist ed by Archdeacon untriboum 10 mm to which would the Rev Arthur Rowe Lay new du Allan Lennox And Jim Fitlv stmmin as server The chair years his ear total six miles will take lhebudktt as set up tor mp urincing naads sii lnitnderit John Cowlin eels lhll stand up tar 2i years or more might be the more economical treatment when the cost at slime cubs dcd the graveside senice unm lr Rowe was laid to rest be side son Winston All the large Iumlly Iiud gathered tar IIIls memnrlal service except one sun who Is with the Itcll in Van couvcr Island and was unuble to leave Mrs Rowe is staying in the St Pauls district tor cw dnys utter which she will return lo Prince Albert Sask RAISED 3100000 and nits have advanced In delivv ercd lorm by at least $2 per ton sample rnad using lint as phall was made in the W15 pas ticn at the 8th line Irum too Highway to 21 when the county placed this log on that stretch mad It was ddncduringthc year or the lnlernullnnal plum lug match when that road was ntedcd or heavy traliic It has stood up well and will be In Ennd shape long alter surface treated roads are needing replacing The roads that have been trea ted by primer wrlace In the in cw years when lnnlinl deal that gravel roads were too ex pensive to maintain are tart n4 cominl in need ot being brought up to better standard one at the best places where hot asphalt might be used to advantage woidd be Tarn Crawlrile to the beach on the tour line This top surtseed md basa heavy sum mtr train but Iew roads ln lnnlstll meet the specifications at the highways department at 500 vehicles is day on year round Count which Is their stan lurd before lhey will approve hot asphalt and subsidize the payer has twice been Itan In court Is being used by the eD bills 31 glue Baum interned all er in get some at township reads has soared with mum yum dung up the added requirements tazd penny an anus up down by the Ontario drparirngit The largest gathering ever at ROWE FUNERAL in hlch lr Rowe had served his and congregation ailcn The tatai received by Reeve George Burton Inr his nurticlpu lion in the writtenthan tor the artificial ice tund has now reach ed the thousand dollar Iigure This remarkable resull at th eltorts ot the head at our coun cil an bchnii ot the youth at the township is much appreciated The auctlnn sale tor raisins more Iunds tor the protect will be held on June 20 III the rink in Siroud Persona having artlc Ies so Quanta siwuld hava tlnm on the sale grounds early ROAD SIGNS Over zoo rand signs th been decided on or placement nlong township rna These include the contrnterliiil Persimmon in education whryllan Mun iii midi thh udminltArutiIln ciei ranging Irvin hchultl dineg Vlll in Cambodia winrt Inch outgtalng ii II heulihl education said he had lens unatiun wellm Ontario CLOSING SALE All Building Supplies Paint And Hardware CLEARING AT WHOLESALE PRICES Cash and carry only LEEROY LUMBER fig LEFROY ONT 92 SLEEPING BAG Fully vstlllltr ILHI fluumersu l2ll1 green ineriniil lusiilntnd nieeping nerwa liliintc lull in ptr Approx in Ilnr my pull leulstrlir iiii 4562129 mill riltilitlllllm rIIuI LM Il hian rminii inr It Ilrnvinivt mum in Hindis Stuht HIart Iru rim Iurnnw 503m THREAT EDA TORONN iul An Al Canada DCb carrying pas scugers was delayed here tar class to tun hours an light to Montreal tram Vancouver lirednesday tanning Threat spoksmua iar Air 224an 53 someone tele phontd In my there was OTTAWA Canadian ported The Caribou transports EEK MO lha tini tn lrlrrw erlow Voids raw alulnve nr naming 174 rm tr llm is II II Open Evory Shopping Day l0 mm to 10 pm Sat cult to 10 pm WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF in at mm curried 6s tan food and emerxency mutual cumuluin jcss dc Hinth and new 6t perv sens out at the urea where inhale communities were shat tered by the rum earth quakes NDP BOUNCE supply to the deleme The provincial council which directs the conventions proposal that sit markers at the legsature nunll be mum Cavallur SLEEPING BAG Towers Ilal Itm Poplin outer shell with lluntlnlt llitnncl llnlnttl All ilroiind zlppar can he Zipped to unuther hilt Ill arm onol lb tyontar lllilnn DIUSTABLE CO TOWERS HlECIAL Ituutiet PRICE why ratchet style set with Into chills MAl or loun cl Lightweight tubular steel that tor storage or travel Heavy duty cotton ducts cover For tho latlost hung iris rind iitnnlntt all summer iongl Iriiinta walnut rant to WinYourDad Gift CONTEST d1 At trend ml 13 3A3 mm mmat 13332 1m eledediesitmmudl cal1P TRY EXAMINER WAN ADS F303 mull BUILD YOUR OWN TORONTO The or tario New Dahomtic Party SANDWICH BAR Plain Draw council will meet at hrietnn Wear the delicious Phi University in Ottawa duringtha not Met complete weekend with its agenda 13 with Fans Ladies Shela cluding the report at special not mu Mmt Sum cunmittee on enviedan mm Cum between Brookdalo Pu rk Inn mm ISO Dunlap mm Low REGULAR DRY CLEANING PRICES Free Pickup Delivery 1235 Ddlbln Manna ianni TURDlI puTsIDaiunylLrnims ASSEMBLY vitaqu ourvwiirin REPELLENT DUCK we LARGE WINDOWSWITH STORM FLAPS SEWNIN FLOOR Anuxcupliotliilvnluulsintu PS us tutti Iii atlirglyvcntiotl lliCKIWIUI lourlul yellow out Ripley walls Dmilt wttlt puck tIIleIIIil gtWIIII ynuuluw lWoutIs will lean Winn sully Iilmlu nit IOULSIIIU Itlitlnl Ililyuy1ytn er Id etumill mi Window mlsl Iliultlv tmmtldiiuml mfg UHOUgIt to 71579 an entry term It Iuwtrs AixHUl iIult Deals BARRIE ONE STOP CENTRE Buyiicld Street Hiahyypy 20 Ind 27 Favd CW Any child in It yes nuiv wh hls mm utorehaudlsa Intimate worth my $95 ur wt Iur Iult drtalln lle