Minnesota III 11 California 30 17 30 Oakland 25 23 3I Kunsas City 19 27 IIII Chieugo ill 3114 Ill Milwaukee 15 30 3351 lay THE CANADIAN Prim outelder Rico any who 2nd ninegun National belt hittihl streak cut by Philadelphia Saturday night not lot of revenge Sunday in Aunt liziuer June in sixruns with three home runs and single as the Braves whipped the Pbiiies 51 Carty who has hm iiuid bit less in only our of Adults 45 games this season and earlier this year bit 511er in 11 caused utiv games raised his league luln batting average to 415 In nther Sunday netlnn Sm Francisco pitcher Juan Mari chnl was tagged for ve runs in Innings the Giants tell 74 to Pittsburgh Pimtcs New York Mets swap douth gthcader from Houston Astros 1H and 64019 second game going 10 inningsCincinnati Reds beat Montreal Expo 64 has Angeles Dodgers outscored St Louis Cardinals 56 in It in hing and Chicago Cubs downed San Diego Padres 71 Saturday Cincinnati nipped Montreal in II innings Sun Francisco tripped micngo 1311 New York edged iiouslon +3 Los Angelo beat 51 Louis 75 New York beat Houston lt3 Philadelphia clipped Atlanta 75 and San DICKO split with Chl Pitchers Carty Blasts Revenge His Saturday Shultout Wiring 114 beiore laiizgl tkoeped eight in vw Lee 57 IIIIS THREE OLT Carty Sunday hit Lire ho triers and single to actom for Six runs He now has 14 homers 1iis rpm brlped nonunion Jim Nmrto his mm straight victory ash 74 scattered live hits stmck out It and bLaniud the Phillie until the eighth Ln mus Gene Alley homered to lake liverun terdinning burst that nished Mariehai 11nd carv the Pirate past the Ginnu thinning single by pmch hitter Dully Dyer dcivered Ia unearned run that completed the hlets Sweep Lentinder Denny Lemasur who bud taken the rstgame loss as starter was the victim again in mild as second baseman Joe Morgan booted Ken Bosweiis leadoll groundn to open the gates DRIVES IN FIVE Ron Swoboda delivered Inc runs in the opener with two Ill mcrs and baseslauded walk Im the Nets Jim Wynn no mered in each grime or Hous tun Tony Port2s iih homer oi the season tworun wailap in the seventh Inning carried the Rods past the Expos who have Chased So Is AL Record By TIIE CA1 HUMAN PRESS night pitchers absorbed 40 bits Sundly as Boston Red Sox and Chicago White Sox chased myear American League scur Fl record The White Sox unloaded 21 Is ngninst six Boston pitchers taking zii victory The ms came withln one run ol the league mark for most In game by both teams set in 1950 when the Red whipped Philadelphia Alh 21514 tun nlso so he ant4mm lame marl at 29 run in the your against St Louis VBrowns Elsewhere Sunday Kansas City Royals manager Charlie gm Metro objected to the use ol television camel11 by the Wash ington team in tho oulncld dents but the Royals but the Sentorn 55 cniuornln Angels clipped hol II are Grillle Minnesota inns nipped New York Yun 14 in i0 lnninls Cleveland indinns edged Oakilmd Athletics l2 anti Milwaukee Brewers Out scorcd Detroit Tigers 76 Saturday Minnesota downed New York 106 Oakland edged Cleveland 54 Li lilllliEtl Kansas City Milwau kee clipped Detroit liv7 Boston beat Chicago 75 and Cuiilurniu edged Baltimore 32 GET FIVE EACII Luis npuriciu and Willi Wil itams paced go with live tilts caeii AlliIr playing uliiy the Iirst sur innings druve across three runs Vth three sin gle and triple and scored tIirvc times himself Williams tagged double and our singles III st times lit but and scored two times More than onethird ol lile combined Chicago unit Boston hit carried for extra bases They Included tnrne homers two Iripics and 10 doublel Bill Melton homered tor the White Sux while Curl Ynstrzeliiski sucked his 12th humor of the year and Mike Andrews his uurth or the led Sax Mclm said he would seek ruling tram league president Jtlt Cumin about the camera which Ilie Senators use to tape their pitchers and hitters lllctlos oliiclal pmiest at the game was wiped out when uic Royals rallied ior two runs in Lhu eighth inning on Joe Kuoughs single and ninvscutillll doubles by Luis Alcuruz anti pinchliittcr Hawk Taylor Home runs by Ken luciiullen mill Jim Frugasi paced the An gets In their second straight vii tnry Over the Orioles BLAIR nnmNun Elnir wits struck in the Inca by in pitch rum Ktn Tatum In the eighth and sullered broken nose The Nins maintained their zitgame lend UVBI California in the West Division when Hannail Klilebrew sacked his second home run of the game In the lOlh inning to boat lill Yankees tworun ninthinning doublu by Ted Savage lined the Brow ers past the Tigers The Brew thL Eighth single by Graig Nettlt sucrilicc and Tell Uhlacn runscoring ingle accuunItd loi Clevelands winning run against kilnd the ninth inning It gic liit ii and Burt Cani lllcris llomeilzli Or he rlilltt and Ray Fusoc fur the indii ans ll BASEBALL RECORD American League Rust lct Lilli Baltimore 3o l5 5115 New York 16 ll 31 711 Washington 22 478 III Dutrolt 21 23 477 to Boston 40 11 Cleveland 16 27 371 West 705 Games Sunday Culllornia Baltimore Cleveland Oakland Milwaukee Detroit Mluncsotn New York Chicago 22 Boston 111 Kansas City Washington National League East Put Gill Chicago 25 19 5Il8 New York all 3211 Pittsburgh luv st Louis 21 457 Philadelphia to 426 511 Iluntreul 16 1148 West Cincinnati 720 Alluuta Ill 5117 L05 AngLIus ll 20 so Sun Pruneiscu 24 28 4110 12 Houston 21251 430 15 San Diego 22 31 415 15 ltusnitx Sunday New Yurk Nut iluustlm IEl Chicago Sun Diego Pittsburgh Salt Francisco L05 Angeles St Lutlis ti Atlanta Philadelphia Cincinnati I1 Montreal Proiitlblc Pitchers Twin Los Angeleg Sutton 65 at Chicago ilunds 727 San Diego Combs 53 at Pittsburgh Ellis 34 Sun Francisco Perry 75 at St Louis Carlton 23 Only games scheduled Boo Powell homnred tor Baltimore and inllmmatc Puul ers llllti scoeii three times in and wen it happenswere here As Canadas Iolunlost limoglass ioplacomclu specialisls our reputation is your guarantee of taut raliablo nunice But biokun glass is not our only buulnuss wu lix faulty muchullism Iooky Souls and badly lilting doors you name ii Si Como and zoo us at llm Ills lilut ol lrnublthcould bu it just mind llttlit drop at oilII so than on our gunoil 18 BRANCHES AND 30 MOBILE UNITS CALL 7287911 ALSO AUTO RADIOS AIR CONDITIONER May hit two titmm and ital Alonso one In Ls Ends help in southpaw Jim Kairm come the iiist mm winner Li the mxlor team The Dodgers potted their third nial will over St Louis on Billy Grabuxkewitzs tworun homer the nth Inning hail ing tan Mules upiodedi or we run in the seventh to tie the MR Johnny Cailison knocked in three runs with homer and single us the Dihs attened San Diego behind Ferguson Jenkins who survived homers by Nate Coime Bob Barton and Al Fer ran on the way to his foullb victory against seven xetincks Few Surprises At Diving Trials VINNIEEG ICP Ihcrc uere few surprises in the three day British Commonwciiith Games Canadian diving trials which ended here Sunday with the naming of sevenmember team Four girls and three men were picked to cumpctt in mt Commonwealth Games in Edin burgh July 153 As expected Beverley Boys at Pickering 0nt and Ken Sully of White and the 1mm championships They were joined on the itle by lion Friusen of Saskatoon Nancy Ilobcrbun oi ilckerin and in Sundays lmvcr event with Miss Rollo third In Suturiluys ttircmuctil Eaton took the runnerup split in thr niuns tower nlicnii oi Friestll who finished second In tori to World cup soccer tnu turnutitlnni soccer made cl whnt they wanted more luv Klllu between Mexico and the Soviet Union The Russians and ium but cliltl mullngc only no tnsllinal slurks or notiun uml nished in ii scoreless lilo ll Fell uI vorlti ul 1500 govern in till Inurillliiltnl Is tennis advance to till next IV titIttlsch play and more stur All tint lilo llluxilzuns and RH no played or game devoted it must lltlluiy in defence Tllu uptmng on slow course if 26 miles 3195 yards Eit ill cur tilt in llcck llul spinlin unnqnumur tIS nap in ructr III nouny lane lllur winning lluv Still running Illltilliu gtllkLlii nitu ill llullI Inning ll llllit ptr hullr II vlr 111mm lluuk 11c walked 01 With both SPKLd mmc SFHHEMML IVI unit ICllI ul limitn and checkered ailltilili lnlililll Indy Winner Gives Credit iiEii To Pit Crew And Mentor INDIANAPOLIS ruululzs lilililllllul Ctlliiti liltlllltzil cur um nu llIL mil nin went by lvn tilt Illlltitl sunmile aulu IJtt low iinurs iliit biggest singl cutnu ever l0 tile lillllL 147100 Iu llt Ill huntst pmgrnm it was Miss Curruthcrs Um credit where second anti liliss Robertson gizuilur boy giv third Lttdll IS dueiii this east lu his pit crew and ill IllLIliIll Ilirnulll gt Jun Ihc lhrcunnotrc Roger Kennedy llc gtitllki up Sunlin ul lin oi Winnipeg the only diver intlmnapnlls uniting the top lhruc in tile kicked Iilruu events who didnt make the by 100000 team finished third in the willl ilc crmv which bud llLlllCll threcmutw tiim lltl llL uctclitull molur AHEAD GLORY ilL uliiliits illlllu1 or ill ommlilng innitr JIIII lilu iho il ti iiulrcll member at rltlllg rim ily Irulu mnuqnorqut back tlivr ltic iI pntsibl lilld Sumo Minotmoi winiii lllr Jones uilllivr ul tilt Mullioriill Day 300 Jones till Iiiliili Sliotti lilc drivers them of and tlllii and lu llc Ilmlkull up litli lllllrs it prior 10 lilu Blvlllurml Day innitii no in Iluluitllg ill munyou Ill zlin gurngo iron vlutu illllltl ut the ltti Iulll llltlt performed all rm 1mm Sulurtluy There Wais Less Mayhem But No Goals In Clip Opening Maxim ctnt cpl En utter Illllltitli In six vicll ius second linen and Iiillvll Rutherford Iliru uiieatl at Iile Iluitl but AI mused him on the buck rebels ircm Lhnt point on than wen uuly tiileu Ulilel lendersFD Mark Donahue and Lloyd Ruby Iui IllYlttiIlld tnliii or inc OI iiIL Jill tlruvu 11 is mlnutun crowd haun to ban uin plnyurn nzlmunt opened the bosses of In Bug margin mm rinring tempers or rough play that ililLn um and Icss muylicm nulinnnl comp rncy gut Iliiit or what tiluy mm Mm wanted Sunday in mo uptliini pop pm iIIA liutl lwirnclwl rumors to riiiliipti on quickly on any uncutinn dcti out rCllrIliliitid ollll or dirty pin uup ltitltll until ll ilitllilllt the hum tuurth In smother iii ctulle illtu this years $00 with the best record among cur rent drivan and will the best CIl Illliltl llu III mums iil nun lllu poi pmltluii mi lil first tiil oi quulllyinp villi mp 11 llliiih4ill lliilirile over such uurtillus ls IllruuIiluu Win chiiillliillll lirulllcr Inllllll um liIILCIllilt tiliillllllllll Jack mics In 1le ni slitvii on ion by Tlwmliml mpl iltlii unlicr lilt rutc tllu ml run lully Li lmd 10 III In kuqi on river the unitrs 1hr iuunuusl culclirulull Mexicans Iliayld generally Irollbi litl soccer belore more than md 107000 inns in the Aztec 5111 he clunuiml llvr Miliili lllir lluwr Iulililvl llll qumu II it ill in 11mm urnlilimn oumo clinic Irulliilo uilly ulmu not1n pilllip vilii nu illllesl It 40 blltllltil ull lllll lillluglil out lliu tllilw min cl ii iii ull wunlks llli 1st lillllillluuusly and LCIIII Till lnlcmnliunnl Asontinlllll All aligns 1pm today Inli ulluu 1ll day lluunucd lictorc thL 211 coiil Pin pelillun started llult it would iucbl use new system in decide lim TIILSU ll pit England illziilllst llumnnin in tiruup ill Uillgimy lull in Emu ii and ilulgnrin III Uruull unmm 1mm ulimu IIIL Slimlqu rillmmu II mount cu but he hind ll ll dill slillv didnt illilts Iu lruulilc against will be Subtlucleti Irmn aguIIN goals scurcd lll dclcruiiliu which ivlll munu IIic niin was ll get its MIXTURE Two played mixture lil liilllllliuli Illtl llirlll tLllltLl Canadian Marathon Title Won By Torontos Boychuk HAMILTON ICI Andy only 20 or he asslurlnrs till Buyclulk 01 Toronto Olympic isiltti Ihc rnru ju lllt nlilidllv Club Sunday won over field at litm on om liiititillzlttd by Ultltl stilltum in the minqu many of Iilo runners who amp ti an marathon over piuiliud ut the slurling lime lillltl lilildu oyrhuk mywmld chem illicc plilclnls lust Vttk will an Quince hushed Wm they tullltl lull change the httlll me or two Mum 32 mm lug tinlt lo tllL cuulvt murnmu and 21 seconds In the race Wis which sturltd at 1230 pm in We Wm noucgrtu hunt 711m minutes lmliinti Buyehuk vus lennmmlu W5 Robert Illuure who run sidcby WP side by gm closnig n1 un Burlington culini miles One in tililti split was nun Wul Buck 01 Turunlu lingivrd Di Sullliurys Lauron the liu il llllc Lillli tiuliUliivutslIty and Bill Hopkins hosp 11 where Ilu at hnrniu finished nutLil In satisfactory condition powered iinll Citl tric moll commercial and Citpropelled lundu rumich illlgLtllLlliS ileutly been nludu or IE involved police and the 00minute Wliut dues LawnBuy have that Utiltt lrlOWL halvuntl Exclllsivu Fin er 1p start immunit or Lililt cunt vlul because it Iills from the buck lilsl Bil Zcyuie hp engine Rust proof ilKlILW ght maime gtiunl Imusill sure yuu choose one ull ILilliy Lulllc llupsud at taken In rcpallLd llulllurS it will bu Iltillnti or long long Dischargi product at Outboard Murine Curpmnlinn ul Cnnlril Ltd Ivtcrborou uuull minke la OMC btrrn Drivr uniInks hnow Crulwr snowmobilch Ilnd Pioneer Chuin Snwn LawnBoy nvnilnblo BARRIE HARDWARE 40 BAYFIELD 5T BARRIE 7283664 Buy your quality LawnBoy from SPORTHAVEN SHANTY BAY ROAD BARRIE LIMITED 7261001 EAR BABE MONDAY JUNE No Agreement On Anything Punch Clarence MTGme lCPt Gar ante Campbell and Plath lad debated the relative merits ol Naunnsi Hockey League pansion during the weekmd but into each speaking dittng Lingunge they couldnt seem in agree on some point From the slundpcuit 01 act uomics to the Lpahsion tum there has never beu anythinil in match this success icilgJc president Campbell told temp nnr at the annual convention of the Ontario soorswntom and Sportscaslcrs Association But money Isnt tllt right now said imluch who as coach and general mallugnr of the new Euflaln Sabres has yet in put together mini 11 the league erII in next week on cant buy hockey play ers tint lmiacii complaining that rules of the uxputiszun Limit tur Buffalo and VtincuulLl Cun link this 11 lire not as iIDLrui as they were hon tile lculzuu expanded to Irans mm 1967 ltLLE DIFFEIIENT In 1907 iilt ehtubihitull lLltii were allowed to protect uliu guuiit nnd Il plnyurs murr rqlllluhlu arrzlngclilclit mom up your hen the teams will ill THE PROFITS uosrox up Boston Bruins mil lrom winning the nl mp fur the Iirst Itrllc granllll mu siluits uui uni nncimll 51mm mur lily plitxlng the pizlyull money no aninnnl llllckoy Lciigur hutilurimd mil shares oi including 10 plnyrrs much Hurry Sintlcn gclitrul milling Mill SciiluJIt illd lrnmnr Dun County The Eriilns mnnngcincnt also decided Ill grant oioluli lllfiluy or our full 51mm and Wu in sllurus Tllc lonr tuII shilr will no It dulontu luau Tuddy Giton iinli fur wards loll Murphy Wayne Car Iutuil ilui Don i111 ultu Greuu cliliud utttr sui luring 1r lured skull iii yin son exhibitiun game Murphy was sidelined must at tho nunon by Ihwlder Injuries Carleton was obtained In mid season Rum Tbmnlo and Mar cottc was called up from the Allondolc air Gall Club GREEN Sum ill lcltiiiiy Iltt 43 ALSO New clubliuu tatllliilw Sllilck llnr Pru Sltilli tilt titty lnlnt ltnuu iiiluli into lzluunrl saltIv Spring stool cutting speeds luLIllll heights Anti llont lotI an adjustable ilitllliit Sivoollr It grunt Luwm B7 or 1970 lit your llvult luv 14 KIB Years from now See tho LawnBay display at ROBINSON HARDWARE 3T DUNLOP ST BARRIE LTD 7282431 In Stroud 800 LawnBoy at JOES MARINE SALES AND SERVICE ALCONA BEACH STROUD 4362874 snowed to prom luo gunliu and 15 plulers sold lmnen Equrtsmn 2115 not been dumb and the lunmr coach and general manager at Toninlo Maple Louis us not as good deal as expected inn new dmsion mm tenr5 amu last season than they till the year bolero and 11s gem get wane Campbell said Um hilt our crpinsion club dwppntpi Illtnt cu pulmwa Intl wu numirilly and two other nit bet11 question marks lhe pin ers and owners ILHC btnebtmd rum expulsion It has crc ii 200 mure major league Nb There wr an overail Increase of per cum in basic salaries in lb Eastern DiVIsiOn auxin as comlurcd lat lill List yunr prior to expansion lnIiLIClI also Cttl lllil Compbtll when the gilc pro ldunt mnu cell tumour ntu rules ml ptllJiIiu or delay of inc TO TRY iiLLII Campbell ttiltl till uliuiizlr that the new ruin ulli he nd rim in prescubull uniniunn ploy amt it succenoflll will be Jillllllld tor Ihe 197071 season Campbell said tiiut It any pimur 0r goalie inlunuunullv Shoots the llULk out of the rink Ur rut2m till putk the puck mil be pinted in line or the Iuctlifi Curios near the net uI 0F CUP WINNING tile attending Ilium Tllr nuiiuiiundtilu turn will have the right it piLly the puck iitliullt mlerlurvllcc Ill said with the only condition being Iii lllt piiiytr taking the lace uII cunnut Iimit directly on gun iIl must pass to tuxini male or nknie out of the tuccoli circle bolurc sliuotinil You got Tree shut Irom the edge or the lam nil oircln vus llilL uuy lliiiacli described II Its just like punnlly slim and the puck is timing out In you nlct and soft IRE Y0 war5111750 roroi Loss luur ouliru savings can he Iltl nut by an nulo crush Stc us or insur aim Lnr Illlmc Fulll Illinlnuu irit lrlilutlion Service JB Wholan Insuraneo KT IIuittnia 723 No lawnmower can outlive out LawnBoy Some Iawnmowois cant even outlive our warranty ul LuwuBnys have ill known In give good sclVltc for IO I12 yours Wliitli pltn our SLultiiESL mmpotltols uunt butter The LawnBuy Wur lhtV is wood for two full yours which is longer than snluo clump lilnnllVtl youll know it was Worth it vinrutlt md Johnmu uulliunrd muluro