Viktil Finally Shows All Just What His Car Can Do hmwasaoewbckuthe Barrie Way Saturday night 50 only had the can tea at with been added to tho in side at the trad but someone bndbeenotnriththeqarxygun andtheretainlnz wail appeared insncwwtsitecoak udomcdby va painted rsices wu tting thus that Jim Yik in his Caer should utilize the new widih and decide was time to break loose with his new car It was just week prior that Viktil bad the transmission go only in the evening and he was $er to head home III was back Saturday We somewhat conservatively during the second heat of the night but decided Iomtubere between that and the semifinal that the ime had come 10 show everyone lat his car had the slurr mt decision provided the most exciting InCc of the evening not of the Barrie Speedway raid in sewn to date Filllxn cars entered the 15h seminal with Villil sitting ICU back in the pick Art Summertime at Oranth grabbed In early lead in his 61 bevyllvithAlPirriedOro in badly band 64 Corvair challenging The two driver changed poltlim on lhe sixth lap and it continued Pirrie 11w ly increasing his lead Things tinned to change dur ing the 11th lap Viktil and Norm ms in Us 70 Buick had come close lortdiing each other lenders on night and they cross ed nds in their attempts to grab position behind the first two drivers In the encounter Cross brushed the wall and fell behind Viklil accelerating his purring engine to 903 Summer ville on lap 12 He headed alter Pirrie who had good lead caught him on the 14th lap and passed him on the nal corner into the sintab or home But Viktii was hardly through or the night with the seminal will Skill prevented ohmic it the Mans styled race win Viktil rounded the fourth comer ntibeuackoniytoliadloon Mason and 12 Oman sitting Ways midtrack stalled The nights big winner swung his car 90 degrees shunned Mason broadside And both roll ed into the ineld The 69 Camam had bruises but nothing worse and in the niglis mud nale the trature with cars entered Vthil never gave up le lead al tar gaining it though Peter attenuated to onion him as the lcalurc neared its end EARLY CRASH Pirrle probably should hm been awarded the prize for in testinal onitude during the CV ning lle battled Summontile in the nights opening heat only to nu the wall on the ninth lap alter II and Sommcrviile Inn led The impact limit the trout nt Pirrxel Clarita mingled Lid it vulmwodlmnbnek in action lot the erenintt first common minus at body puts He mm that one While the place was deniter good mechanical mom plsgtudwsallnighllhdthis was evident during the second consoth when only our curs could makeit to the track Norm Ores my won that one for cumlasing his opponents The Mans start replaced the eveningl usual Lost Glance Rate lashlimit imammm the start took place on the crack instead the ineld The re suil was ratha chaotic when both Mason and Joe Niughton lound thaniseites unable to get their car started and were are ed to ml the track while oth ers summed to gm around bem In the case of Mason Vik xil didnt The next card is slated or titrt Saturday at prn FINAL RESULTS Flnt hell Ken Froliclt Elmvale Shows Power In Game Against Hotel Barri fastball fans had their rst chance to see Elmval mer Chaan in action this season and the Elmvalc squad vshawcd their ruin dropping Clarkson 110ch ms in an lnlprmcdinle game at Queens park lids night Do Speed Wilson sLirtcd the game on the mound Inr Claran and quickly ran Into trouble the result being five runs in the tap at the Iirst in nillg vtum started things or when he walked Mike Kelly Mercil anLi Carl Edwards allowed with single and stolen basc Lou Bclcourt singled and drove two home Chuck Jordan much cd on error while Belcourt came home on wild pitch Dave Campbell doubled to drive Jordan home and Campbell com pleted Ills trip around Die dia momi when Lott nlurntr doubled Jack Fuhey relieved Wilson but gave up two more rims in the top of the second when Gary Turner singltd wont to second on wild pitch and came home on an error that put Edwards on base Jordan tripled to ac ORIINGEVILLE RESULTS FirstMile pace Volvct Gloves 1230 340 240 guns Lady 130 250 Jackie will 00 imo 211 v1 Bars Max 2min sllc Adios ilr Gcnr shill qizlnell 251 paid 32520 secondlime IroI Jellerson Jim 430 300 Lil up 250 I1de Binds 230 212 25 April ODca Avir my rhlnlllilc pace Calman Gut 50 330 240 Sams l50IIn 570 230 Coda Lee 240 Time 2113 25 Steady Widow LChnmp Peters Belly Victory FourthMile pace snrndy cash 420 200 270 lblnimnd Lass 600 000 Norlhwoud Gabe 270 Time 212 all at white Petra Herbert nob lion Frail Amun da IInl Qulnelil 15 pull $570 minkMilo pace chch Times Sixthllilc trot Silk Ben 440 140 230 Extra Something 500 250 Prince Demon 240 Time 210 Tough Stuff Forjar SeventhMile pncc Barbara Pride 500 320 240 Moorcltmds Dan 310 260 Golden Smoker zno Time 209 25 Narciss Qulrlelil 65 plid $550 mm Mile pace Busters McNab 350 300 270 Duke Ninth ltilt mice Tiinughtltll 450 380 260 Collingwood Boy 610 450 Bonnie Duke I10 Time 203 25 Daisy Lochin vnr lcnn Harmony Scotts who Hue Kenny Dares TenthMile pace nnver Wee Lari 1100 0256 Ace 1030 540 550 ltopcr lsiigzzis Comel 400 300 Mnruinll mm 300 Belly Loo Castle 570 Time 214 25 Sunday Walt Adios oNclll Victorya Mlntli llonnr Exnctor $3710 SPORTS NEWS IN BRIEF BOWLS 711 VEIINON BC ICI Iluss uggun oi tmonlo railed threegame 731 Saturday to Win the mens singles crown lit the British Columqu Festival at Spnrts national livcpin bowling EAGLES ON TOP tournament Womens winner White Eagle landing the no third nt 3495 MONEY srlLt our Sunday Money was hit ill rI ht eye by ground bull in gfmc against St Louis lllny 21 and has been out or the lineup illncc KAIilNl llUitT MILWAUKEE IAP Itighl iicldcr Iii Kalinc of Dctrmt Ti lgcrs duilcrwl injuries to Clarke or ilcitinn with Alimrta look Ihc tciim 1mm our wms and one championship with 309 total Ontario was hccontl at 3521 and PHILADELPHIA All Dun nloncy Philodclpliln rnlnior third baseman and lending hit wr wlli be sidclllled tor LII Icust two more weeks by un eye In jury team spokesman said behind Vhltc Engl SNOW sum3 ruifcd grpusc enable the birds knee and jaw in collision with wmk Avnlcm 280 240 Wynsor 280 Time 219 25 Victory Rhythm Lady Guy American nclbcrti TOIIONW CPI White Eil glcs blanked First Portuguese +0 and llungarln downed Olym pia 61 Sunday in National Soc cer League games involving lu runlo teams The results lclt tuum lcuguc with nine points against one defeat Hungariu with ll record at three wins and two tins irom live starts ntlv aimed to second place one point CLENDENON OUT 10 DAYS NEW YOIIK IAPI First butlLnlIln Dunn Clendunon Will but to New York Mots tur to lo dnytl because oi km the led muscle ClcnlItnun pulled lllu must1c nttnched to his Ill ciigc elding hunt in Sutur duyd game against Houston As Horned discs that spread out on cneh side of the toes count for the second run Llle inning Clarkson iinally got on the scoreboard in the bottom oI the third with walks to Dale Mid wood and Jay Dccanea and Merv Eroly singled The lioteimcn scored anolhtr in this fth when Bob Glccoit homered Eimvaic replied in the top at the sixth with pitcher Keith French tripling and cum In 11an on nirners Mcriee They scored two more in tile seventh whorl Belcnurt led all with single Campbell sin gled and hirncr doubled Clarksan scored one in the bot tom but of the Sixth Barry erlhuil tripling nnd Jack Valr sacrificinghim home Ron Vermette pinchhitting or pliLIier Fahcy walked to open till last the seventh Mid wood singled and Dccliric dmlc both home with ti double Llnucorc Elmvalc 500 001 10 ll 0010112 52 Clark on aim tnn mmmi=$tfnLp mccllng Ynnch Hentin time is oclock Huronia Shut Out By The Old Boys Toronto or of the Toronto team Time 212 50W 510 5W vnnec to the seminal Brown Boy Emmy Glow Leah lit North collegiate played at North Buy Game This Is allowed by senior gnmemctwecn Ncwmnrkct and Church Mobile Homes at 8130 The liuronia Rugby Football Olub went down to detest Satur day at tho hands at more ex perienced mum the old Boys at Innisl The final score was 2941 in luv The game was the quarterIm nl round at tho Junior 01p cum ItI rovincewide spring iiileg Tillvpoltl Boys nalh nd Painswick meets Sundy Cove Saturdays game was played Next Saturday the Huroniu Sunsut hpucdwa side will host North Buy In the shrine Motel second game at home and Pnlnswmk homo series Lust month Noth Alcnnn Golt Buy bunt llurtlila 140 in ii game St Pauls Minesihg John Mason Orii Ila Art Sonnnuvillc Orange xllc Second hell Perry Barr oro Jam Escott Barrie Peter Schaamb Barrie lrvplzr Terry Barr Dru John Eacott Barrie Fin Consolation Al Pir rie Oro Ross Gougb Bar rie Ken Bradon OrilLia Second Consolation Norm Cross Barrie Ken Schell Severn Bridge Mike Shnuzh ncssy Harrie SemiHunt lim Vliilii Darrin Al Pirrle 0ft John EchLt Barrie Art Som mcrvlllc Ornngovillc Le Mans Peter Scbotan us Barrie Norm Crass Ear ric John Eacott Barrie Feature Jim Viktil Bar rie Peter Schotnnus Barri John Eacott Barrie Al Pir ric Ora Ken Schcli Severn Bridge Barrie Loses To The Base Biirrie Res look the field at Borden cn Saturday with only nine men Kicking oil against the wind the Enrrlc goal was quickly un der pressure and only the mpcrb 3i Thou time Burr STAN DINGS Sundy Cove lllcrcsZ II lluiiy MF Equip NORM CROSS Barr Barr Ill and Jim Viktil 112 vie or the load in the excit ing second heat Speedway Saturday inter won the race and took the following Trophy dash be Terry Barrio JUNE II THE BARRIE EXA ER MONDAY Two Huronia Striders Place lit BEG Toronto PieTrials Two members of tho iiuronia the area track and eld club showed well in the protrial qualifications or the British Empire Games in Tor onto an the weekend Jon Patterson at Barrie came scculld in tile javclln with it toss indies the rst Itimc he has thrown over the 100 loot mark Heather not put on by the provincial gov eminent Miss Dinning Is being honored or her line showing in juvenile womens juvclin The Striders are now in lull scale training or loruicoming meets nrmuers am practl every Monday and Wednesday at North the runners and hurdle specialists work out at thc school on TumdnyandThurs day Time or practice 155230 Siritlcrs vi 200 toot won her heat in the womens 400 metres uilh time at 008 scconds Tuesday in Toronto Barbara Dinnlng of tile iiurnnln club will be honored with it national diurn plont citation oi itn nvunrdl inn prnctloooulm Campbell Anyone 13 and over and inter ested in becoming club mem her is mum to and my turn kept 21 minutes in the second hull perfectly timed cross rum winger Malcolm Smithson tound the not at centre Inrward Dave Brown Brown vllhout any hesi lotion slammed it Into the bot tom corner at the net Within tow minucs Borden again look the lead and despite the out standing skill and ctlort oi Jim Spruce nnLl skipper Bill Hack the game nished in 21 dclunt lor THURSDAY BE FRIDAY CLIP ONS Stripes plains LllELk Priced from $2 to $5 It Slnllilc Motel ll Aleonu Gull lO Winning pitcher John Busuto Tonight nt lnnslil Pork Al cona Gull meets St Pauls willie APACHE TIES colors Priced at $300 Ill The NEW TIES 14 Iinnlly scored some runs Grccnuu Ell It could be the biggest news tie in quite some ttmc for Burrie baseball fans the new ball club After going through their rst Barries New Baseball Club Finally Scores Some Runs collected nine hits oit Barrie pit char Neil Iteitl Fulr Grounds Lllrtc limes withrult scurin Illa now usury In IboSouIb Siincou BEST PRICES Baseball League went against any the DrlIIla Jimims in Orilllu Sal tuduy and picked up five runs in lilo second inning Im an enrly and all camping The hit blow in the timing was home run Irom the but or John equipment Altogether Barrie picked up BARRIE three hitsmin thrlltotllgllllilgnlll ml aim or or in third Ictr their gunlu total or tour ms mo nl OrYIlin Itcnltxl live runs in the centre elder Jim Narihru Silt NOTICE TO EXAMINER SUBSCRIBERS TO CONTACT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT urdny night but was reported in good condition in hospital Ku Ilm Buttered tin lracture but wnil held in the hospital over night for observation Knllnc wns curried all tile laid on stretcher tullowlng the 1an nlng accident The mlshap ac eurtcd ml Kuline 11ml Northrup were chasing ball hit by Roberto Penn BALI STARS Pilllllcs 01 IltclilligJlm Nlnll Iirliv checked Illa Philius on live Iii CARRIER MISS YOU 11 your nnrrle Examiner cnrrldr It not arrived by pan plenuo pillma 7282433 tutti copy n1 The Examiner will in lly TIIIX ASSOCIATED lIIIiSS llntllnuitlcu Curly Bravos llJlilllILltli three home runs and ii single In four LllIlnlli and Alch I11 51 runs rulalng his buttlng uvcruge to 425 us At Illntu trounced Philadelphia drUvmd to ynur numo by pm VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS 8v TRUCKS There no charge for this service Linlung out 11 hullmu oi the second and seven Collier St mum in the bottom of the Hill They directly call 7266539 830 am to 530 Mon to Fri and up to 200 pm Slit BARRIE EXAMINER Donnelly Circulation Manager lly Parkland Mulli colors Priced Ar $500 Barrie IluSIs Pcnelung iii their next puma Wedncstiuy at till Tents Sleeping Bags hundreds and hundreds of mens nuckrics all styles and fabrics largest selection in all of Barrie lore car problems orced him out or both the miniruin and leature Vtktil was the even ings big winner toxic both the nights bi race Ex aminer Photo St Kilt Oarsmen School Champs Si CAIHAEINB CF St Catharine oamnen dominated the 25th annual Canadian schoolboy rowing champion ships during the weekend but youngster from Michigan chino timing to challenge their si pmnncy Dans stick vealtold stu dent ot Illnunt Carmel High School Wynndotte Mich won the championsz singles by Lin Ishinx three lengths ahead at Anthony Novotny of Lawrence Park Secondary School of To name Davis Burns of West Catholic Il School Philadelphia won the Mspound single with schoolmates Jim King and John Itumvood combining lol the open doubles Lnkepart Secondary School at St Catharines wan um Cosych Trapily and the regatta points title by compiling no point on Ihren Irtn nn Clmllw atom non MONDAY IO IVEiDNESDAY AIII TO 5210 PJIT Altl T0 Elli SATURDAY Arhl T0 II TIE PUFF SETS Vuriolls shades to choosr Priced at $400 THE cumsroman COLLECTION By Omega IldVI to be seen to be appreciated Friend or $500 debt at the Eula Ridlcys his win come In tho championship eight duplica tion of ther showing at the United States championship tho pmvlous weekend at Princeton NJAndthistimethcydidit without their mmiilir stroke VAZIZ TAKES ovnrt Bob Schmon came down with monoculeosls during the week and Warren All moved rum his No spot to take over Jim Mtereid Stepped Into No in addition to the his eight Ridley also captured the heavy cox our Llikcports victories came In the lilopound tour and eight and this novice irispound eight an event or firstyear onrsmen Gru ft th in High School rounded out the St Catharine showing by winninit the its our whiln the Idsgrand xwm 13 um mmunu this church to choose from for your old tin regardless at condition th lllwo loo right to limit qunnlllm