lrtmqulliur Whether this was psychiatrist attributed this to goes with old age though it is tartmature or her 52 years which said that Prolonxtd treatment by reserpine alien bring on lyndrornc nearly in camp distinguishable irorn Parkinson isrnL on barn to be good results but foqoon Emmi CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER Can Tranquillizers Cause Brain Damage It 78081118033 MD Dear Dr nuance Piraso discus Ibo possibility brain damage from continued use tranquillizm My sister has been taking him for yam No 31 ago 7a JM ca lhww mm HIMI $1qu dealer Beth Mia uu nouns KD ea At MD THAT MY CUM LMLED Hm TOWN this made urea Whats so wanderail about all Lia you ask other have also been know1 ta finesse against run nine trumps the them is against the Well theres one little item we neiloded to mention On the ace oi diamonds ddr had SilDdor couldnt tell Ittkre the was located but was it ed to me am mmfgiiux or West AW $70 WWI5 NIKKI 15mm wooded by use at some other ibrhituratci medication on or alcohol dcr various clrcumunces patients sometimes muchthey diwbcy the doctors instruction or go to more than scum prescriptions queea hearts his pls the II on fr the ins corrupt or her lay and was hospltnlized This was cilan is reaction ironl the tram unusual sensitivity or thA in more than the manned douse was not dcterminrd Stu switched to another mtdlcatloa and munrod slowly On mat visit was sur prised at her extreme passive nm and lapses memory Her brain damage which mmntly tron cull Dill in addition Lapse ol manory drowsiness rtupar and nausea lire the chitl when or excessive dasagr lt ns yrssumo is the case some precautions are living takcrl to be sure your sister is not taking overdoses then mould be lnv Clintd to suspect that her pay sire behavior is due to gradqu changes in on brain rather than to lrnnqulllu Properly had the queen alter he had dropped and pinch trump as he did East on up with the queen would have lost trump true but um valid East have Nturnrd East would alm hart led the king lie would instead his partner had led and that dcclnrzrs quzrn was singleton East would therefore return partners hoped or they take sleeping the queen ed the had sh Silodor trick it lynching lead ion at mands lien is an circa ed by the lair sldn was in six heart and West led the ten or diamonds it stcmcd highly likely that East had the king Souths chic prublem ost surer not of diamonds assume that Irom the 10 cnt hand play cy Silodor lie lrttnqttilllers are very usolul It Is excessive spade to ill use that comes mixchicf recently read an article ace union he had the ace ch case he would DONALD DUCK was to avoid is trump loser Silodor solved the problem In vcry ncnt style ll diamond lead with played heart to the ace turned the jack himself in will try to cash it Had Sllodor mend lead til not have gun Deu Dr Ihostnoa Beside medication what can be done to lgh blood pressure wnn the Iintsscd the dia might or might the trump sit Mn and Imtlstd 1mm mu mm It obese luac soluc illlulu up the wrong or nuqunu you are nCnuusly tense and used pmqu Irellul teach yourscli nut to in an emotional award brain damage rcsult in mm any them help uation later but played the hand he uhclming Iatoritc the way he was an over to make the hes the jack he the kin ran six cluhs discard ing dummys diamonds Id be cashed turmoil over Both these methods will with or Without mtdlca FLINT AND TAGGEIZT WERENT 50 LUCKY The maitin ulckg engul the ut Carri an r21 ed Karen Holt has As to mumm an lion Hut medlcllllon em in rauwollla we of tranquilizers modorntc amounts alien is we can cause palsy ul Ame usciul resembling Parkinsonlm it is There are not common however Iuruiur sinuous in tile imublo rovch limit when helqu the drug ls stopped on doubt that brain darn is the elm applicable term title kliytllnoy Eus ANXIETIES sh other tranquilizers vary clicct in Docia chemical makeup but they all grow again alto have relaxing or depressant oraanB No they do not Thcrciorc excessive doses can cause sleepiness and Note muscle weakness BUFFALO BARBIE sraronto Tudlv wrecked and the emergency SIIGII BEACH British oliilsors playing wliist lllllc enjoying glass or part nine in snug log hut on the shares tile irozun Nottnwastv perhaps in picture llonvily ladtn ox tzlrt loaded with barrels OI rum cznvns or sails cloth or uniforms and all the other necessities to supply the ofcers and ratings stationch Great quantities of lndlan trade goods had also to be kept on hand to use in By HELEN GILLIES IMPORTANT RIVER At at meeting at llurania Ili5 torit Associatlon llcilcll May ccasionnl in Whltli surgery can but those are Special lltunlloxu with rcstrlctcd to some organ ins contributing to the nod pressure Wasnch Mrs Elsie Jury read an article all Clearly traced lilt important rch the Nottairusngn River has playcd in tile development or Canada and In determining the direc tion In wcsltrn world would take alter the Napoleonic wars Mrs Jury remarked that slit SECRET AGENT Do cataracts cataract op at the depot complicated problnm fincy can help palent cope headachcs with his anxieties and other emotional tcnslons but they do to not impart added strength The depressant cliect can be com den and her husband Dr thirid Jury Ilntl greatly enjoyed the rLScarvli anti digging thcy had done on ll Nine Mile Portage Willow Crock and Stllooncrtown and that tilty have always cit rr wAs THE FITST TIME EVERY MEMBEK SHOWED LP their dealings with the Indians The information that Mrs Jury has so Cnpably put would make book and it hoped that some day soon she use sill has put dizziness car and the rest of it let suggest that might be the basis ds rm neurologist ost useful in tipding together your tr will add it to th oublcs TELEVISION PROGRAMS the thrct sites should be restor ltd it our project ll it llltd not llltfl ur the part tllnyod by the Nuttnwusnzzl lti would be quliv dirrerrnt coun try lrnm lilo um know tudny Hailed in the pa Mrs Jury was thanked by the president of are Wns Chamber Zig Beach of Camcrcc group then walked over to Now MRS FITZ Canada BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll II PETERBOBOUGII MORNING VIEWING MONDAY TO FRIDAY mo lumo 4cpt Klnllroo Film an iismiu rim BiHAmIH 75llllafn3W Parks small tin zTuu Two rl Etnamnrr Room annenmunn Montct IZrrvo gnnvrrl lllallhllllul an as our nun kusrrl Jamar abll llTTIII Cline Gunr ii iii flirtsan rh Truth or Co leaucncu 13ch Van Dyk Weather Th II in MI winery goalnull no car kmnuh lor this Top Till Elli 00 75 Innwi urnPier uurtoa 4bit lllo Mlllm znaprdv lll um 61mmth um DMnm 741m ol zwnst Mv Line vDlintianu luv 1itlovlo ma DNowl luovmornlml Wrath riurtl uGauaoinl Gourmet Aamner Ile olraui iflwlmalround limo Im 7lHnny Thomas FWD IIr 31 ItUtfcllin anil vLuumlllp oI Loonlol Pyll Irl rram UNCLE aHJ PllY stun um or VII LIICY Hllr Trek Gamo Gnllll Cartoons ewfly lllllllllllr Tn To the rth onsouorncu Dltk Van 7in iiNem Sport utilrr ZJulin snid Skcilon lnn ir LM Andv Crackll van lllululny cash Weather snort The stars smo Plum Baton ru two so tLueluo tUnclo mm in lzFrlcndly nlmi ntrtraloa court cy Villa when Mrs Dyer had prepared sumptuous bullet supper courtesy or tile Cham ber Com aiicr supper the gun lighted to lis lokcs by Do this well kn by TORONTO no lu LOHIILCUWI with Illcir r0lt Search on tho ICnctanguidlcno utilbllshmcnt Jury iltlvc unearthed great deal of the history of Schooner townthe nuvul dcpovtvlocatctl on We lifter Ltin i2 Eh Jury xed the Ila tram the time Capt Owen drew of Lake Huron and rncrco During and 515 were de ten to songs and Srnlth Tornnm awn lucmlon Bobs Finally Lilo group travelled over to Nancy Island were glvon porsonall td tour by Bill LcN electronic Lakes Museum and the ob PChu NED 1sslo this Conlttry irrv II mistrial DPoylon Plato na trike and soups or at 1812 tho Ilriit ma marking the Nottnlv Schoonertown and Said Mrs Jury the most interesting and import ant piece of history in the what province Ontario From liai to FonttanguL epic horn they conduct oz the Upper Light Frank llnckur were rccont guests Motel Franks par nsaga River Vlllww Crook night hurl is dDmIbiu txDolurI lollywaod Snunrcs lnvo or Llni 711m lliri theatre Mr and Mrs Willowdnh nt Angcb land Landin antno is olic illarics lZCnrtcnlu IlNcws HENRY MONDAY JUNE EVENI It 30 LMovie DNcw tilno shoot Fllll Jsluaelb Sparta Dauou to Iv Gourmet lIlollketl Lilamass Pylr lzlmnaldo was chh Van llvlu 3lvlghrio guns 123220 or FNhglrncgl owl thlhlf GIIDG Cldl nHlell Ll unilone Kilian conlla Till hnr IIILuulcliio mu mo illv World many Grlllllh 32 12GVd New iTglfiinqlikcs It nlel ucutauns album ll IZGICQII Arkl aaeverley lllilrizlncach Party nod 24mm Doctor in Dlntrnu TUESDAY JUNE AITIIlt hat ma Clack Myth rst union wplncn It MIW Gritlln DY 12DIHVIG Tllk Th0 HEDDllltt Hays Your Life lLFsrm Nsws mu 11 in WDtl Turns 1llusa um Maisnqusz 155 In row IWortd Annrt NE llaMy lhron sun oo DIV Ulll LIV gmtur tslnlzvndll nut31 ion In Lathtlv Ara iiu lllllrnnaa Paradlslo 7Nawlywon Dam llIknln Dont at Thu unis 12ltTom lonu lino Zmck Vnn llyko 54m smnri canssousncu 7Nuwlt wantllcr Eddies Itller ilnly illrsls Sun lt linll IIlllUl la litruin nnr aGllust and am llulr ud Strum Mod sound innitr lllu aziu 1Frst 1mm iiUndel Attlrk journals who wore were th Nattuwn liolc owners of tile which was lo cated close to 1ch this do partmcnt or lands and iorcsts is now making in Nels McLeod is piliil Mrs Claire In Cullingwood hosp ruuing surgery written by the men hero and located by in British and Canadian ivcs sho IlllS be together lllc work linil rutrelation in the wilds new world As she spoke it win easy to im Ln dlilu to piece pattern of rig parking lot ome mm hos Robertson is lttll nitcr un dkurol nllrrwtl olrnnldc ilDnvd Frost oi the 10 TODAY TOM AND MAR wwDING ANNIVEDSADY THEYRE EXPECTING BLESSED EtENl iziinn Aliv ow HE FIRST BABYx HOW NOWWS TH BLESSED OFFICE HOURS cicw NICE Illllvr Stinlls oNcns Voltlcr Lo illima Ulirton nimn tannin crimn 1Mcrv llu1 llutlrlvl mtllnz lotl Lino tiloulllrln rnr iinllluillcl ll Icllyl Ilnht Unlvrrxltv ultIlI Valllsk Cllrlt 4illlvr lulillrii illlux Llnl NOON HEY SOMEBODY arc am cur snkeu OFITI Noun HAMBUQGED my Mother KNEW lihouldn tried to have ion mo in tho told you that hr stockmotn iitn DAILY caosswom BLONDIE lilllllls Light 71mm Mnlon IZALIIIiiIiIul linlhrr VnrM lzrnkr Stun Nlrrllt Iluulllll vImulln ln Unlitllot Miltth Injury lnn rlt ls Inlugon 41Ilmvl rhnmllrr ltncltlr Sputum mullnnn lintant2 I4 lump in HuIInllmlvl 251 lrlmv ll Ctilm 7w Ali IliE um tummy in Illinan an twin stay 12 laxpum Fltri CIINI 11 Nngulivr IN Clunrrltr wartw Aunrsrrn row vimouo Wm MrcklNoi NIVER SAW HER arrows um um AND MIME or DANCES wml mum 5N sAID um warm was Missmo coulowr rmo tr min aw AND SHE WAWD MK SEARCH REACKED tNYONN PO THE HANG TMIM WAS own at til twvwrw 1me manlm mng WIN HAL 9301 1nillllllllllllzr linuml ill Mum llvrlil Imp ml ll um IllI mlmly nail as trimmi 1mm Mrrrilv lltrllr mum 7v Allulml 2i llltlllcnl Marion llntllvhlnl lrrouillm 21 Cnrlhhlilil 11 Stadium 2n ituvlvn 27 Cover le ll lllullill 2R plltl littmllllt nurmlu to human at my will mil iritllll Aluvtr WINn 7ltlovic lbltaylilli IIIItl Li Mow anti ww no mi 94 Alto MAKE mAT AWFUL FACE EAllld was In ONLY TRYING Tb PICK RAVELINE on YOUR COLLAR Zonluml panat lz Smnll Stlnluintlan Cammotlpn mllnny nilgnr Ireland 41 So no It Rodents nolvN lrrnlnlr hop cplllslnn Entrnnrs llallmls ln snis cl Mulmlll ll llmlalrl Lrrhs Ftilll Unllclslll nu tlvv llsnl lerrr Lutl swam 11ch CINH