3331 PUBLIC 37m 82 1507 1270 we Sisters Are Killed In Accident it EXAMINER TELEPHONES ravage mew dialed Advertising mutt All Other Departments nibcar 106th Yur No In POLICEth look at large chunk 51 stone strewn about stockbroker ush lite Qtaigs home in tho Montreal suburb of Vcstmount alter bomb cxplusion early Sunday ml 33 morning it was one oi live explosions in the suburb AC lVlrtpllutpl Five Time Bombs Explode InlWeglthY Moritregal Areq CF Police tint and limM Lctrurtsnt as the at pa tt reason behind the live dtuamitlo time bomb that car lil in this du rocked the Postal Talks wealthy mainly Englishepcl inr suburb ol Westmouul we dont have any clues as to the particular reasons behind these bombings other than pure and simple terrorism mem lart To Drag With No Settlement In Sight OTTAWA CF Me all or tin postal dispute is st uled to continue here today WI no visible signs that any signilL cant progress was made in solv ing the bargaining deadlock during lengthy weekond talks Odilllur Ciltrulher who arrived on the early Saturday rctuscd late Sunday to say whether colllplollliso has yet been reached on any of the 12 disputed mum items which include wages and cm ployllllcllt security gt ilowu el ho indicated that he lulg any quick solar liunS liltinng tclilng reporters they can expect to be on the job or while Mediation so iolts begin at 29ml EDT Meanwhile Vunlt eouver became the fourth site at harassing 21hour rike and all area post onions and depots shut dawn for the oneday Stop page Negotiators or 27001 postal workers and the paymaslcr the treasury board met for 10 hours Saturday and eight htlurs Sunday At the llrst meeting Mr Car touters told both sid to keep their lips zippch appur elttly in an attempt to car Lilo atmosphere or the many public countcrchltrgcs made since nc gotiatians began eight month ago Ptlslni ol it refused even to say in what rooms the talks were taking place in down town Ottawa hotel drrolhcrs president of the Un ctslty of Calgary who was appointed mediator last Thursday said he would give Mort to the pies twice each day But both Salurday and Sunday he was absent at the times allotted He did say in quick ellunce interview that the negotiators lol the unions and the treasury board have been meeting both Separach and lacevtmluco auspice Meanwhile some 3118 postal workers in Windsor what Wednesday Joined series of lo tilting 24hour strikes called by the unions voted to remain oil the job today SHUTOUT KING mils tle poiin aimed sell in Seven bomi of which exploded wcrctalactd in West lnotutt before dawn Sunday and Jolie scilrehcd into the night tor other cxplns dewccs that might been planted in the end suburb Three persons one of them nin yearsaidgtrl wen tmaltd at hospital or cuts and shock resulting ruin the bombings mu oi the bombs were placed in empty houses and one police in esligalor said this Continued his belief that terrorists were involved SCAR scuuls that the pcuplu are not out nitcr anyone or an thing in particular 11le just to scare the public at ive squad cumblned unit at RCMP plevi ciill and munle ml poll was formed alter wave ul tel orist bombings slrutk Montreal in it Another lllLnlbLi of tile sq ad said he bollcvcs new group may be behind the bolltbin al though they might try to iden tify thcmsclv with other ter group cause ll adds little romantic to the cause We moutlt police ofcer an ol tilt at lodud bombs consisting of Ill slicks ill dynamite would denlo llslled the unoccupied house he hind which it was placed it It had exploded Barrio Criteria Canada Monday Jun i970 CANADAS DOLLAR nday SEE PAGE NINE meets tim to High Tuesday 75 plus in pa FREE 0N MARKET LIMA mp Hundreds were feared dead in today idl lewlu massive carthq he that devastated commult les along BOOmile stretch ol the coast Radio Punamerieana revortcd 140 dead in Huaras city of M900 in the snmvltztppcd Andes 175 miles north of Lima The Peruvian itd Ross said 90 per cent it the homes and commer cial buildings were destroyed Sunday in the quake and at least five alter shocks Some 35 miles to the north west the slumridden coastal city of Chlmbolo had at least 15 killed and terrible destruction officials reported Chimbule was sleepy lislrhlg vJlage until few years ago but the new meal lndushy has attracted artisans Indian us work in Llu Junglel Lima and 11 from Cllimbotc it etlule said the tremor 77 an the Richter scale and eight oil the Men elite intense enough to cause grave dulnug Perus last disaslrnun quake on 0e 17 woo killed it per and left more than llon homeless it registered 75 on the Richter scale onioillls it llligllt bu llclore all irate vs lent er deaths and luopc damage wuld be illiltll Peronist Group Will Kill liramburu BUENOS Alli Reuters The Pchlist group lhitt alleg edly kidnapped Pedro Eulze Ar nlburu former Argentine pre duut lied lWll communquc lu ty announcing his imminent etecuLiulf Arumhuru iv been put lo trial Lind condemned to tie the Hr st Clllttluniqtle The annuullcelllcnl of it culialt will be in due time The in Will be handed to the unity only Iiit lilo Iv ins oi Eva Peron itppe it said The second culltmunlqtle prov Idea detailed lisL of items Arumhuru had with him when he dllllppcd that titr ulnlmunluuls we lhcntlc Cardiac Arrest Scores Final NEW YORK OP 21 ycar reer in the National Hockey League studded with allstar selections trophies and colleagues has ended with the Kilcttth oi goaltender Terry Salv cittk l1lc linearold veteran with New York Rangers died in has pitul Sunday of cardiac arrest allowing extensive surgery to correct inlurics sullcred in what reported hurseolay inclllent with teammate al hi homo lolico said Sunday all lltvcs Zillion vmuld be conducted The death oi Terry Sawullltk the and shocking laws to llt general and the New in in pa licuiitr ltltl Ellllt brunetn the hanger well and general manager who was at It unalle lied do or mm of lost ultr Salvchllk record speaks for lisel Francis rolcrrilt to the seven oilstar selectloli and our Vezintt Trophies the Winnipeg naiiv earned as the leagues top goaile Sam Pollock Montreal Cana dions general manager said Sawchuk was one or the greatest goalies ol all time lllt Just shocked its very tragic thing NHL president Clarence Campbell also call the death terrible tragedy WAS WEDNESDAYS LIIILD Bob Kinncar who scouted wehuk or Detroit Red Wings What in Illul rhyme Wednesdays child is lull ol woe Terry was born on Wednesday and he had lot at troubles but he was the prudent goalkeeper he ever seen and as lar as wt concerned it wonderful kid tlclec vo in the NEIJCUU County homicide bureau said Sunday llt investigation would begin today into the cause 01 death Ur Elliott Gross deputy rltiel lllcdlcnl examiner for New York City 17 mi lry nding1 at an autopsy which dctm mined that Snwelttlk died at pulmonary elnbolleina blotl clot on one of the arterial sliuvo been soul to tu Cuunly district attorney The tlu County poll have on over the Atlantic Beatll urea whch Su Uhuk rented holttt illlll Where the alleged injury occurred April 29 At the mm to inlllltll in IA Lung li lmspltnl police said vachllk had been mic playing on the lawn Mill teammale although the other player llllcr tldllc Klitw nn thing or till lueidrnl All llllllJE OPERATIONS Sweilltk Uildctlll Nugcly to tlovo hits gall bladder and had second leiutioll follow ing compile Its lie was hospital and under it lt ltiid opcrullun for fur tulllpl lions Sunday mutnlllg The leagues lllllc shutout leader with toil wunul lull prolc nal ultrce thJt Umuhu Knights of the United States League in time The next sc on he went to Indi anupolis Cups oi the AnteriLim League beiorc graduating to Do troit ol Lhc Nil WllClc he was rookie oi the yo In 105051 He spent seasons with Do trait bcioro bolus traded to 1105 loll Bruins ill iJflrl lie was traded back to Detroit in 15157 and then liraltcd by Toronto Maple Leela in lilo1 lie played ll leading role in the Leafs Stanley Cup victory in 1967 and Vlls narrowly baalelt by Town lus Dave ltcon or tile Conn Smytlle Trophy as tho outstand ing player in the piayuits Saw rlluli did will the Elehell lro ph as the outstanding lltovcd Saturday to New York player on the club that ye Lillrlu it mid allrntilvd ll Wu llngloli willtwllat he encou alum mllllltry rt ltd Vlctltum States in DUIIs on lo relay to the llte sell uldrtw Well in budla Illtl ill at the Western lwu top commandersGen He not the blicliil While lluuliu llolll si ellour DISPllthY ml sltldtnll OI l3 trollvel mill ample lll Lhr tllllltlnte between muderlt line and lkltlllic lurlllallly Dull dMIlt lotll ll de ere nee dulllg the UBC 0IIVULllllIJII etrcmtluy tin Wlltlllllllli NiXOn To Relay The Good Word SAN CllEMEtTls Ld AP Udent NXOH rLlllr to Creiglllutl Alli ns tun like US utlltllllnntlt in Vlelllltllt and llllllnl JOlIII Met rt Lulllllliultlurinclti Pa They ill hurt the illttl top lllilllury leaders all tillii the lnnlltlwhl mbullitl upt ion and how will all plan for witlltl more troops llottt Vietnam The pl llJrIIl was cutnur ugcd by this briefing lltpuly press he cl raid Warren announced allelwzlld ill turllcll It questions on specific deiaih explaining that U10 ncalllllt llillla to milk his own lrlult in it lFminute TV talk Warren tint on hits no new or dramatic tll Illnnlluucultnls Largest US Attack Of War SAIGON lAll United States mtilleryttlcn lined up Zil howitzers and illad more titan 2011 shell into suspected Norlll Vietilnnl aging area across the Calltlmdlun border Sunday in oan the utmost are tllltiy altaekl of the Vietnam war it mutt llch lllilknll like the Russian rout in World War ll one of or said oi the live hour attack made from it rco pelltd reb in War Zone about 70 miles nominwet of st gun inlllnt lMotLa indicated Mum hunkrla blown open and for secondary explosions oc curred lllllltallug that mut tlunn had been stored ill the area But US nlflt said bad leaUler pretended thorough aerial asecoonlcnt CAPSU Benson Hints lit Relaxation 0f Domestic Restraints otrAwit ICF The Calla dlnn dollar was rec on In lcmatienal money market today to rise tn response to lremo demand that the govern ment decided it lntoicrnblc alter woks al pn re The Canadian dollar his been pegged by lnternatiunnl agree ment since tall nlthin lrae dunal margins on either side at as cents Freed the Ca Uncertainly Staneld Says By THE CANADIAN PR1 lniLtiiI mueLion was varied to lhe federal gnVernmunts alt nouncerncnt Sunday that the Ca nadlan dullar would be allowed to float lrccly on international exchanges Conservative Leader Robert Slanlied sniLl Canada is in for period of unlerlinly posit bly higher unemployment and luriher disruption of primary producers because oi Ute move into Ll ill iii the move in llutllld it hurt Lilllutl exports rLtilt illdolllu or primary pruduccl and inemllsc unemployment un less offset by other me in 1mm and llr but die llnylll Bulll nl Lnnad ll the LuVLllllllLlll lllll lite rlxllt tiling DIDNT LlKli PEG We would have been llll Ilctlur oil had the government not decided to jtlte gov minan was pnellull Lntllbttl or the Tormlle Dllnunlun linnh nd ltc rnund the gmcrmnell lLlllln dist and snnl IIu pptlinllll litl lllc tell it new in make Intnc lle hill the dollar lvill lnuly no higher and the llonnln uhnnec rule vill lie in lit ltMmll lnthl Mr Staneld said iln was an nadlitll dollar should rise in nadlnns generally llln muye Ili have no immediate at home although trav illde will find their Ca nadian money goes little lur literpaying perhaps 106 or so or dullnl instead of 108 But finance Minister Benson hinth Sunday night some relaxation nl dam it straittts on spending and credit to onset any ricpres ng ullrcu ml the economy He pmlm statement on credit eondi ona tn Parliament todzly in the int suett restratnlrc lullnl move the Bank at Carl ettla ttkluy dropped Its largvh symbolic bankinterest rate to seven per cent from 7Ia sig nal to commcmial bankers and nanciers to keen interest rates down SECOND DROP it wa Lhe second drop or that size in our weeks and reflects decline in shortderm borrow ing rates among dealers It also is designed to discourage an in rd of foreign invc mun Depending linw dun dolls Insum an mnrkeu uio mulm la ini would lend to man has art guoda lllurc llen wlnlc imports into Canada would he cheaper However Mr Balloon muln tltlll that federal lnullrlll 1a lllorilles would sumd Nelly to intervene til kccp dunlillus in Canadian lunda orderly and to ke stir the dollar llOCh lnL an up too lllr in relation in US funds cheap they would become Hi tor dottleslicprudutLl Ill ltitdlnn nlurltc lltprcgt It utluctiun and costing more jul tlr Bcltsnn altu indl mod the oating 11 go rate will be temporary Canada would rustuttr soon as circumstances pcmtil its nllligzltion to tho interna tiu Monetary Fund wltirll ndllllnl crs aumemeuls on xed exchango rates LE thaws Czechoslovakian Airliner Crashes lRllOLl Lllla Ult Ch lltl oi Airlines ll lull made lhllltl iripoll lntcr llionnl airport lucllty runnl lllllt all 11 Funeral Services Held or Union Man IOilONTU tCPl lllwrul relvices won in be held today Daniel Dean Olllarin representative of the international suelnliml oi Machinists and Autohpttco lkills who died Fri day oi lulu cancer me in Britain helmn cumin to Canada alter the Second Air Dunn won an uliiclnl of the lllnchi union or ill tdlS RearEnd Protest In Toronto TORONTO Cll iclzn mall naked Sunday at rll concert alter an on war demonstration at city hall square The culwld youth lllotlglil ll low giggles rent the crowd of 100 all he wandered around willt Stop Spudlnn inked nn his rear protest refcloncll to tanned eily expressway when It started tn rain lle goL thts Canadian Miler Weds In Beavetton BEAVERTON UHL lCll Duvu Bullcy llrsl Canadian in run the mile in under our lnlllulun was married Saturday to Barbara ltttn Gillespla of i3 tvuriun about 20 miles east of orllll Halley met his llllllc sltoltiy allel turning from tho Mexican Olytlinics ill 19m New In in retirement Bu Illa ntlln in 315ml in ltlllli at San Diego Youth Dies 0f Asphyxiation RENFREW Onl lcil Andrew Cori Anderson 17 lound dcud early Saturday wall asphyxlnttd beeall be had inadvert ently backed his car into manure pile that blocked his exhaust splllc Police disclosed the inlet of death after all ntllopny in this community 70 miles in or Olluwn Smugglers Arrested In Seoul SEOUL menurat Police said Monday they arrested two West Germany who tried to smuggle 121 pounds 55 bars of gold worth demon into lith Karon durllt the weekend Pollen said they were mcmhals ot Switzerlandinset gold trafficking ell tetlta Ln whLaarh +9 rim iilvnheti ill South Koreas llliml gold smuggling also in Armed Famui lmm noon untl one day 01 Harris 60 you uont ru tennis on On May piled lettl was lutcndcd cl Whimsy abou this and to the Voolw street dance in vems during The game ini ilie children also be able to my lms sy EQnHizly nuclei the CiSAL Ex of armored no