2600 000 ISSUED IN CANADA Banks Are Pushing Credit Cards By TRY WHYNOT Business Edilut it is no score ulter the bank would ljkc to take their credt cardsom every part the mun From start less than yrarx ago the tour banks op crating credit cards in Can ado have puabfd their busi into the major mercham distag areas at three prov inns it hadnt been or some public criticism and the anti inflation light which has ind lo credit squeeze the expa sion would have been much 12512 The our banks are the Royal Commrrco Toronto Dominion and Canadiclme ticnalc The banks have is 16mm cardsnot all are in uskaad have 211 30000 merchants ho accept the card instead cash Through agreement with umign banks the card cu be used in the United States Great Britain Japan and Eurth of other countries in turn the mix banks cord up be used in Canada In his international netuudt there arc 0010 card holder and 000 merchants PRAISED AND DHLVED in Canada the introduction at Ourch bank credit cards has been praised and damned almost with equal fenor or its any they end to add to ix nation The banks ray they had to get into the business to hold their position In the pay ments mechanism of the country ith Chargex card rus tamer can charge purchase at pmicipating merchants lie rcceivcs monthly state ment from his Chargcx bank and can pay within 25 days meats latter privi loge he pay interest II TE BARBIE MEYER WAY MAY 1m Badcal Charge is ol convuleace mch which the bank COOP crazed in establishing the lcxn alike the initial cost pl going into new areas but then compete ercely among them sclvzs or business For this reason the tour bank dont make their Indi vidual Charch business ures available to each other or to anyone else To do so they claim would be giving away competitive informir lion The wont say how many STICKY TICKET murmur England CE Sclbadhesiv parking tickets presented lrallic warden with sticky problem The glue kept jamming the machines and now the meter men have gone bad to taping nonstlclt tickeu to car Mindslzields rumor tabloid 5an An exciting 9day eventwith savingspacked selection thats perfect for warmweather waarl NEVERIRON 60 CRIMPLENE DUBLEKNIT Special Purchasg yard 97 The most popular fabric in years Machine washable driporlumbledry polyester 111201 needs no llnlng makes lerrlllc dresses sportswear Attracllve crepe weave In shades such as Rose Delight Lllty Blue Gum Drop Green Champagne Bubble and many more Buy nowl 45 TEXMADE COTTON TERRY PLAIN PRINT gularly 249 yd yd Heres fabulous opportunity to save on fully washable quality cotton terrythe Iabrlc that makes such great beachwear and aporlswaarl Whllo and gay colours 45 ALL POLYESTER SHANTUNG Regularly 375 Allractlva carelreo 100 Polyester labrlc wlth the rich look of shantung Fully washable in aolt summer shades of Lemon Blue Pink Lllac Mlnl Green etc Buy now and naval Use your ankcra Option Chnrgc cards they have each isiued hot annex business they do the total oi Char gex accounts as percentage their business DEBT PERCENTAGE LOW But in rtply to written nurs ttoru tram The Canadian Press the our luvs made available or the its time some general information on the operaticaol the system and the size at the business They say the total Charge is considerably less than one per cent or the total consumer debt outstand lng in Lbe country At the end of 1909 that was summon Using that total it means that the our Charch banks handled sorry thing less than $1M000000 through their credit cards may also say that about half DI the outstanding total is paid off within days willr cut interest to the card holder That would mean that wmo thing in than $50000000 is being carried an interest bcaring eonsumcr debt The rate varies slightly from bank to bank and with the silt oi the bilL but it runs about 18 per cent year Still urlhcr the banks say TREATEN TO LEAVE ISLMIABAD Reuters Pakistan sold away it will not participate in the Common wealth Games in Edinburgh in July the allrwhila South Afri can cricket team touts Englpud 1110 South AIrlcau tour isduelo June this does not All represent new debt Much at it they lay ix merely transfer 1mm some other credit Ican My than buying new ro trinenlor on his Our card rather than through stores own credit system 503E MAY SWITCH In the United Stain when there are nearly 50001000 holders of bank credit cudl the total business transacted on bank card is lust under two per cent of the ouutnnd poor deoL Sonia US bank predict that within decade the credit camp will be handhuz caequarter ol the total or even more if large retail store now operating their on card system switdl to bank curls Three other Canadian bank operate term or approved crndit or customers The Hulk Montreal and Banque Provincial du Canada otter Bancardchek which consists of an identity card and supply of trach lera cheques Each customer lms builtin line or credit witb the bank and use hls cheque to pay for purchases No discount is charged the merchant The customer pay normal bank handling charge at 11 eoan cheque his uccotmt hasnt enough funds to cover the amount the bank automatically makcs loan at 12 per cent year Scotiacnrd oileer by the Bank otNova Scotln operales along much the some lines in effect these are hum of guaranteed cheque Barely lling mans hat new bum RBIch llluntloo door or barking deer girls in at slightly morn Strike Could Follow Labor Leaders Death DETROIT AP iLh Wal ler ncuther dead the big question that artists is what his death will mean contract talks this summer between his United Auto Workers union and carmakers Already some nbscners on both sides here say Reulhers denlh in plane crash has heightened possibilities of strike Their roasoning Both the union and the indus try had taken tough stances even before the accident and Gov wtltlnm MJlUkctt had 5po ken of an anticipated st in the automobile industry in at economic report to the Michigan leglslnlurc Industry now ears the man who takus Roulhers place at the bargaining table in midJuly maycomc Ihcrc determined to prove himsclt even tougher than his armor chief The union lenrs regardless at who is chosen union presldcnt alter lleuthers funeral Friday that the industry will losn no time in putting him to the tcsl NEEDS TUNING And theres ear elsewhere the next man may not have Roulhers sense oi tinting of when to give and take knack that won the UAW many firsts in industrial union eontroctszt guaranteed annual income for instance Under the UAW constitution Secretarylrensurer in t1 lllazcy became acting prcsldcnt but tho man who will head the union until its 1972 convontion will be named by the remaining 25 members of the international executive board its next sched ulcd meeting is Juno The impact or auto industry pact reach lar beyond General Motors Ford Chrysler and American Motors Tho 600000member UAW uses them no pattern in bargaining in scores at auto supplier plums and in the nlrospnco and agri cultural implement industries That adds to sideline preSlt sure on buLh the companies and the union SALES SAGGING Thu Big ThreeGM Ford and Chryslerhove reported nagging sales and prots the last two quarters with con tracts expiring next Sept 14 these three rms come up first for negotiations UAW leaders say members have been feeling the pinch of the rising cost of living along with Widespread layoffs They have adopted wideranging set at economic demands to oval rldo lntlatlon In sLmilnr economic situa tion in 1950 strike was avolded But the union kept working lhruo mimth without contracts and nally settled for 11 package worth 286 cents hourly over three years Current contracts written in 1967 were estimated to be worth $1 an hour in wages and irlnge bottenth over three years in 1050 when new car sales also were logging and layoiis widespread the UAWs strike fund had $32000000 in it Today its balance is $101400 HELL OF L01 And in wlnnlng roccnt UAW convention approval of 15 percent wngo increaseeight per cent lhls your and seven per cent next yearfor UAW cm ployuoa llculllcr toltl 1100 cheering delegate We pact to do hell of lot er tor the guys in the Sim Tho UAW will be attempting to work upward ram base wage averaging $102 hourly and package of fringe benets estimated to be worth $l75 hourly Leonard Woodcock UAW vicepresldent and its GM direc tor sold it the union did do better than 15 per cent vero certainly going to have strike Chairman James Roche ol Genlral Motors apparently an llclpatlng still union demands said earlier this year the lnduy try has reached crisis of cost and that better bal ance between productivity and wages will be key objective in our 1970 negotiations TRAINS KILL There were railway accl dents which killed 236 persons in India between Feb and July 31 1969 on than pounds The 8011 born Monday in the Dnllns Zoo stands ladies high and will grow to nbout inch Fishways Busy In Allislon Area ALLISWN lvo always near Allislon the one at Nicol ston Dam to the east and the other at Earl Rowe provincial park haw been receiving tention from shing enthusiasts and other spectators Bock since the rst rainbow trout started running up the Not tawasaga month ago llslt using tho ladders have been tag ged measured sexed and exam iner or lamprey marks by 0nlt torio department of lands pad forests ofcers Built solely or migrating rain bows the lishwnys also are to caslnnally used by other llsh The introduction of echo chin ook and kokaaee salmon in lake native Southeast Asia the small deer gained its nick name became thn bark like noise it man when larmcd AP Wlnphalo Huron makes it mime that all of these may eventually find their way into the Notutwnsaga limpf Suckers also have been mov lng up the river or spawning Most are longnoso rutken which how red stripe down their sides Thousands of them have congregated at the base or the dams and many spectators hav been seen taking photographs VOLEE WORK EDMONTON GP Stu dent engaged in volunteer work contributed 748 hours last year the Central Volunteer Elk reau says total of 1211 stu dents were involved compared with 374 adults Combined total hours contributed auroraturd to 113759 on lntrcaso of 38 per cent from 1968