13 AUCTION SALES ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE all humanoid furniture in ctodtnx china arm Mm relics WK room mitts set lots love was had low ztcu me antique pieces no amend auctioneers have mtvtd untructions mm WW2 STATE of my my to salt at EVENT AlV 133 Blake Slml East in the Guy at 8am Monday May 18 and Wednesday May 20 starting at 1030 hm aharp the cumin Ladies and Costumed As there is such large quanitty cl beauzllul antique furnishing they wlll be divided Equally bb tween the two sale days Terms cash No reserve as the estate mist be mtlcd Buych from distance must prove Ulclr idcnlifmticn with our clerk Mensa come early tacit sale day and mirer as we will auuim to numbers only large oak kitchen table Vt new Eledrlc sharpencr new Antique bench full 01 took and nai Laundry box stop Jd tiers All mm ot sporting equip LIrge insulated pitmic baskets Quaniiiy at antique oil lamps Qnmity of antique all lantern 11m antique arltiqc auppllts lcr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 24 wall motml lwrm Anvmrlalxcpcans Duncul lute am pus ma tn can tum Lamina nor an consecqu musaa dis tax were per Lion and on than tntni urnn in per ant can mourn um an mm mm or so cenu who mo or on taualas in lulum tar out Idrntxu ol Box Number ukn lukuy utm daxu will be M1 only our Ilkr last wbusxuou can mod narcwnu and nop tax the mud mun bitch send by nan ly prR Sunni minimum or non on vlua 11 xrtln ol unansn Display mvrmculx uhlrh that I5 tam IAcni on on we rfrmilunl insertion ml prided Dim to null not vhc tantrum mtdu o5 oniuonu film EDI Id lmtn MINI Bax Humour or ran eontldrnual new to or ll mm EXAMINER WAY MAY rm ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Manoriam m1u rm and um mu 3am no AR to mourn um b1 la tzw noun momma cu mun ol mummy All obese rumor area mud mmrnknu IWJKPL mun cuisine their Illvvw mounts4 Inc an tum la mar LAlimmu lnv rrnz or patlust mv tn rr pom adorn or ta cm can nan as on reactd rs Inks day pusnuna ram Vie are gs least ms or snow 11 set 43 is infer Lurest no 31 um ms lb rm Au du Just 51 Pundl risenzoo mm rutma NbAx use its sdru NPll Rune or runny my um mama bum mom or can our ntznr Ronu KlyQ r1 lunar not me armrsxsrrul Blrth mmta maximum 60 Word Engagements Marriage and Dealha Crk cl Thanks ml mutual mtg 6c per word co verse Verse per count line an Darin Eveds ENG Lunarcur AGEMENTS to moorare nmcncx curl mun Ir Gifford wouxv cnmr run or air Ind an Dcux cum ch 51 The mom tu me norm plum arm in Emmi Onu rummta mamw timer rumi Eclmr to LI mnkn or was ur Bonn ltum June lm Unitu rib or an Alpert Pawn1 pl ham no doing nu rue pita on Satum was or DEATHS mm you mu nanNM no CALL US FIRST Prompt Attention CLASSETED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE rumis or LEin ll tai ELK ed in cur Service and will give you No tux Mr is DEATHS to the 1M was noun went in on lriaay at no In lies mom morll Ibo non moLlorl my Cam my CARDS OF THANKS uxrorrr was to an num Ind rarr in Inle an or In on In Mr rm ninth ud anusLu buL Emu Ibo Rel ems mu ulhd to nap in rho no Kton lloolu COMING EVENIS ST VINCENT DB PAUL mus HOURS WW km or crnry ta Friday 25 and 76 pm Silunh 11 In Am 83 015 Sum Bucch cl Jerrys TY SARFE FIGLRE SKATING CLUB ANNUAL MEETING EARN AREA Rm MA 190 AJ puts45 and sector starts are reborn moo Dear WESIL pm WED count HALL storm maxed goons H110 games Stunned by STROLD MINOR SPORTS WJCLATIOX 32 ms price scar udcasrs LZ can perms tqac cantons mahogany n3 room suite amusing or table china cabinet butter and chairs in beautiiut condon large quantity of sterling vcrwaro Antique walnut drop loal table Large quantin ol antique brass and bronze An tique brim hanging 13ml ml crystnt and hand lured shodE conmlotowlutdin 2vlctorlan chesterilelds newly uwlcr cd 31 assorted antique chairs dilleront and all in ticautqu condition antique clocks antique lamps of ditlcront shapes and sizes Largo quar tlty of pit paintings large and amnll SHES Large quantity oi antlun pictures and lramcs different antique tnhlrs some drop leaf and some circu lar Captains chair with needle point nish large living room rugs and manypnall rugs in beautiful donation Hundreds or pieces of antique china many in sets Largequantity of old crystal and milk gla antique com plate bedroom suites with marble tops brass and blonde oak Antique pump organ An tique tcacaddie Antiduo ouk chum cablnpt with leaded win dows antique hall trees An tique mahogany desk and ohms cabinet combination Year m4 circular drop lea table small slze from England Television theatre complete th Hirli andAllLFM radi antique mdluhgstools Hi set com plotAgtvlIlh records lque cast iron and nickel Franklin corner replace in boauhlul condition Large sup plyof bookssome are old Antique Italian marbl and bronze clock six days obelisk wlth Egyptian sphlnx antique love seats newly uphol stored Antique rosewood hand carved iovo sent and mulching chair AnLIque walnut rodar llned chest Antique candlehold crls Antique mirrors Antique Egdmnrnsltoganym spool single in spglng mattress and easelnotice All anti uc hod room suites are complth wilh box springs and mattresses Large antique pine litdrme ghost ti antique dressers com plete with mirrors Mans lnrc walnut glass covered dosk colit plcte Leather swivel cllillr antique washstands Large quanllty or luggage Largo quantity or anti it chkcr lur shade Many In heautdul glassware Bigcltg Tohoggans Sleiglls ctc and many other smaller antique arr bolus too numerous to rot Frank Webb nnd rlughrs mth gems uclluN armhole PIIIHEII uuorltirflrorn Audioneers Remarks This has got to be one of best nnthuc collections that hnvo soon in 31 years of auctinnocring WANT ADS DONT COST THEY PAY PHONE CONTRACTORS DRIVING SCHOOL IDDmV dvlnx xhool dual conI BUILDER rhino rim Peter Centen 7283495 CHMNEY FARS GENERAL CONTRACilNG New homes lociorios olcos stores garages Recreation Rooms and Remodelling GARDEN SUPPLIES RICH BLACK LOAM lo bushels 5521 bushels $12 Chopped up line It bushels sis2t bushels 512 Also by the loud PROMPT DELIVERY MANUltr or not dothor any amounl 7253531 or motto Tor sou rl srnllc scoping and urad Exulloht Knnrnutcrd Krvlcc 72$l275 night or tin lnnlt lmleln FREE ESTIMATES ON Alcan Siding 20 year guarantee Doors Windows Eavestroughing Roofing Blown insulation CALL BARRlE 7286203 CUSTOM SAWING roiling rrltllli Garage and additions hull 207er MM Frcc cstirrlzlm Budget 42521179 24121 moms PAVING MANIER Anywthcltiu or 72041031 WOOD REFINISHING MolmltNAntlliuu rtlnlymnz 72824l lvldlml ulc It chllruvvm llnllulr uu Dray 72 am ur mum GARDEN SUPPLIES WELL ROIIED MANURE 7281106 wnu ILlltld garden nmruro lor nllovcnlng 2845502 rll rotted will Telephone CIII HOME IMPROVEMENTS SSTAR ROOFING co LTD BARRIE Cris0M molnni nw mm 75 mIICV trvnr trout mun atone IGJll ALUMINUM rEiiIuil Mm STROLD Storm windows doors lwrlllltw Windows and rnnmo rrmrwlnllml BUY THE ELIT FOR lnvm 41 Cundlcs RAJ nrNGnn trnlncu hotwoo rnnn wlll oll nrllnt Ind nalust tension any machine MENde or Plans drawn to your specication No job too large or too small FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 25 Years In the Building Trade 182 BLAKE ST PETER CENTEN 7183495 GMIIAMS chimney repin block or hrlrlr rroo utlmnm Invno mm MASONRY mam RDIUY brick block nnu cullrulers lso tnurlor pl luring sidewalks roundnon curt lnz 76451 or WEED CONTROL WILD CDMNII hm Amyd IIlhlc Ilkl Tclcphano ml RALNGS UPHOLSTERY wnoucilT lnoN RAILINGS INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR CARDOZO out Dividers UPHOLSIERY oStool stulrwnyr Modern Antique Frce estimates BoaLs Cars SI MCOE RAILI NG CO 726438 SEWING MACHINES model Tc lcvhonn name BOAT REPAIRS BOAT rcprlr3ln 00d Mid MV custom llnhhmd room it FREE ESTIMATES CALL 436lt242l ANYTIME Alcunrl Beach Rd IIRZ Struutl ROOFING GnAIlAMH roolln ohlnrl roltr rm mun lllotll we MOBILE CRANE vnzn Knirrhl Iobllc ne mm Itl4rr st Urlmr 709 min ltuat lllllrlz nun rrrrttnn mclrlncry huutlnz conuzt hour rlrs klcphmw ml my BOOKKEEPING IRONING noun rmri and mum work um mu per hum TCIMIUII chins Pickup Ind rwmama EATING 797mm 15 ml REYNOLDS ALUIUFVLW Split Fucxa am walnut PAVING CO BARR rrroill we pave them all GUAltrtftTZlJl In ll 7122 and mum ulinff allowursoia yl ni Almln atxnti cum ruins write fleI imp4 74 mo of Mono to on tng 1n wmm MIXv fr77 2930 Riff 731JIDN in mm hft tlmtmrfr mailJ thindrums In ltriMlll AILLit ii lb my on MCLEAN Ups nnm not rut Ir1tlll 4mm who mum Volrm ownom ZKVKIU 100ng mum Nita Ill um lawm oil ll 1mm in Mn his iwawom truths in mi mime Wit Innmm mumtrr Iulrllc Ar rountant Ivmn st nmlc Tclv or mm homo lr thx turn umploud vzlonuily oonwummu urullt rho llm uuewrtu rulul mtu Im mm Dintoo noun LANDSCAPING NO TOPSOIL FREE OI WEEDS Dell1cm by the yard or mill at the pllo 7283000 rmtntnttnca mom lluhyillx trmutl work lrrltlni ulnar mogul sAttllluvint work rate ru lowlmlrlr flu143 trmr to ytyIIAUIIlI In mth undm mm 7Nrm1nm10N Irtmltlvllt letm llmt tnymflggfw nmum put it ttrhmrnry qlmltt on hut tllml oll Import tmltlhht horo or and liltvc autumnll Ilmt tho it mmty3lmgm15 wlll lllIVU rrlthnl ohmtutu or our Lzuu ttillrltaullttllly lllutlutnl gnu wltll CKRPENZIZhVW In this cumin It It lItllllvtl llllu nlnu thnt MANFHHD mun ultm nutnutllur Axumu lllt the with lutnrtur tittruttuy ltho my Minor ViiMK iIillilr mutiny tilA Illlfrlltll MAYNMR 471 H5 fl tspl lithium unto you Wm hill19 713 niitrmo mountintomm um rlltllI lrlxwwm mww km IllHIM Jill mmm um nu smut 77 of Mn jllIWKXAMIZ WANT llluttt 77mm 1233 1th haul ml bum tor rm name on man mm if 41x it ammo um mineon cl unit or uhebcuinlbetxurdmu ylllll CHI 11 IiiMlHli Aft liViFlUIHJLIIII U3 toom mo PRETTY Dcuwr Lmvcrsio cocci reaches up to touch the Wmt ed cud cf bayonet held by NIDILIOO Nauonal Guard men Denver Police and guardsmcn moved onto Lot campus belorc dumt Vrdhes day to oust demonstrators from their shantics built on SHARP the campus The demonstrat vrs had led before police and guardsan arrived small group or guardsmcn rt maincd on the campus for short while after the shrmtlts ore destroyed then moved back to the armory PM SUDBURY CF Ionucl member at Sudhury motorcy clc gung was acquitted by jury Wednesday in the shotgun wounding at two rivalgang mcmbcrs but was scntonccrl to two months or wounding third with pistol Thomas Reade JI 11 was clmrgcd with three counts at discharging tlrcnrm with in tcnt to wound nttcr Alvin ArmA strong 14 of nearby 5L Churlnu and two brothers Sylvester and nlcodorc Mroszkowski or Sudbury were shot Nov Incl Judge Coop IlllCtl Rondo mo is well as sentenc ing llim to jail Itlr shouting Armstrong In the leg as he tried to drug out at Illt shotgun vic tlmsl uwuy Ironl llcutlcs soIllco station Motorcycle Gang Member Free Following Wounding Charges Court was told Armstrong and tho lllloszkuwskls along with tour or live othcr members at the Mongols motorcycle club conirontcd llcatlu hon secre tary ol the White Liglltnings witll motorcycle clluins ltcadc was alone at the station with his ancee Reade admitted tiring two I2 guuge shotgun blasts Into the grains of the brothers Theodore Mroslkotvskls right leg had to ho nmputntcd hi the hip Sylves ter wllo now wulkr wllh llmp Iultt the court he has not boon tllllc to resume his job as mine laborer ow the Incident Sylvester Itlloszkowskl and ctlcll spent six months In jail or possesslon of dangerous wenpontl lhuodoroa scutcnco wna suspended WASHINGTON cm lill orgy Mlnluor ll llutnux tpoooh nionluy tying llvlllllllill lly ol Cun liml noturul this needed by illt ll ltlhillllllty Ill acctm lu all mmkcls him nttlrtlml lllllllu ntliclllllt lIttc wllil hugwlt It Hllltktllltl hu ntmuHuct in Ullutlllln policy IICIIIIIJlL Illulillh IIIMI lltlt IllltI tilt xi IJI rtllltIl Motll lll lionvrr tlluy llzllllltl to ho quotcd lly nhlllu Vctluwltllly Iltlt mic htnu drphrlmtnt Atmhumlltlll hhld tilvclt ll llttlt ilmlr culllll Illlil II lllllJIl ur nlnro Jltmullltll Kllllllllttlltt In hpcrtlwn uml ln million In lltlrt tllnm lrl ltlrllnmtinl tlltli tire contrary to Mr nut Dru vcr hpcccll Atltlrclhhlg tllt Illtltllllltlll Iutrnlculll Annotlutlull of NutX ictlml IIIUIIIUU III Hliilltl L7 nzltlltln oil llrllwl1Hircvlllv hum Culmdltul Kim Wlll be tlvtlllublu to tllo US only It Cullllllltltl III in ulvtll IIMIUTId htllblllly it litwhit to ath nullktlh Whlkr IIILktl will It trllsn clin Ilfrllltt tlt illu tlllmullltll llllr HUIJ IIH IDS ANiIlll2ti 4M lt Milly Mlllr Mmll ll hltullt llmvln 9er who rttllwt Ill W15 hhlt lull Wmmu In on lthlHLHl tlt tilt lsmmlthotvm tiynltlll wrlwlqllmlll It it Miss Mllllt llll Ilium ticrllnas cm Mllr rtutnl Nullllulltt wnlt linker will Illi tlnxulwtl mmllwr o1 muvh illltllttl Vll Illlaoy llllll lllll Uttlllltllllll ttlhlllllll prlvuvy bllll ll ltlnot tllu ulum ltlltl Hurling Illllt lvluvlnllm how tut Wltlllhlllll Winltl llllllllrll UH Ill Ittl lllllllltf mill ltllllllt it Denver People Dedline Comment VHS to sell Illl Illnlu III to ill He noted ulna lllut Illu US lctCNR to Clmtldlnn dllppllctl lltllRtllu tllc mm lluluu IIIIIIIIW Illt tllltl It ytlll tllko the other llx ll tu ltt tlllltlltlct IIIR it Hit tloptlrtluonl ol IIIIOIIUI ullulll cxllurlttlull llII llIlIll OI llty doluoail llillllm llll Illull llusltllnlll Tlljlul ls running allan II lutturlll gtul tlIItI unxluus ttl llcqulru router ltmvcvur Grucuo clllpllltslrutl llllll lllllt lln llllltltl lto llllunlpl lo unlllllttl otherIt would his very llntl lcdtrlullvv to link thu two untl any you aim llnvo llulllll litlo tlsxlxlllllt Into rlor llllllllMtJMly who will ln hurtle to him cxpnuitotl GIN tllo tllrllrlt at thcvnull uncutll the Denver IthIltlllIOII llclu IN tlln llltltltilry mtm llt Illa lltn poorlch Im utlulllly rollcct on out Illllla IIII dtlvbluly lllththlllon HUBERT ms HUNTER Prim and Lawn called an Willinm IrrJAad M1 mark his Ioth mllmooe Oacgnznlr Gout Mn Ronald Allan and Mr nod run Bonaey nuggch the funeral of Mn Madam in Cooksva rum karma Kindle and Mrs Gordon MacDonald minded mower or brim elect Miss Furlch Iundle on Friday night at the borne Milan Gmmldu at Sdlomberg ML and Mrs Rod Clute Dunlt du Ind Mr nd Mn Johmon Hamilton visitor few days with Mr and Mn Harry Scan Attending the 5151 annual cork vcnuon or the province Out all West Grand Lodge In Or lllia were Mrs Willrvd Stewart Mn Jack Reive him Pearl cuppel Mrs Ired Qu Mrs Stewart DonncIly Miss ella Donnell hlrl William Ru th and Mn Cannau Hindi The latter two were dclcgntcs NEW BOOKS nle bookmobilc visited Chur chill library last Thursday and let good selection cl books tor spring and summer reading Mrs Fred Wicks Markham Ipcnt week with IIEI sister fills Mary Sloan and her father Also visiting at the same home were Mrs Prank Ryncx and Miss Shirley Ruby of Midland Mrs Lorne Matchclt and Mrs Hum 01 Barrie ACCORDION BAND Miss Wendy me rncmbcr DI the accordion bond of the National Conservatory at Music Harrie was In Owen Sound for muslc Iostlval April 27 and in Orllllzl or the Kiwanis music festival April 29 At both competition the band rccclvnd top plcirlgs In the IS years and under class and the 13 cars hrld under Congratulations are ex tended Saturday nitlt the Bar rie Band were guest performers lit music recital in Midland BAPTISM SERVICE The sacrament oi baptism was observed at special Mothcra Day service at the Church on Sunday morning Rev chdcs baptised Kyle Leo son of Mr and Mrs Wayne Knccshnw My Scott son or Mr and Mrs Allan Thump son and Stewart Andrew son at Mr and Mrs Stanley Todd Homemaking course The Cer crul Shelli with Achievement Day at Thornton on Saturday The Churchill Kool Cooks presen ted an exhibit titled Featuring Flnurs with commcntary by Host Zancul Terry Dermot was presented with county honors tor the complotlnn of six projects The club girls in this project were Suzanne and Janice Browning Cathy Butler Ann and Terry Dcrmotk Marlon IIlll ock Frances Kcll Lynn Lucas and Ros Zoncnl Mrs George Lucas and Mrs Hurry Squibb were lenders GA FESTIVAL Sti Peters and St Pauls Gills Auxiliary formed choir to sing at the service lit St Jnmcs Cnthcdlul In connection wlth the Festival at tile Diocesan Centre Inst Suturduy Thu old hymn Praise the Lord Who Rolgns Above by John Wesley vlth arrangements by Dnnuld Stvunn vtls sung as all nntllcln The girls received many compliments on their slnglng Prizes were won for docorntlvo sowing by sltlrlcy FIIIIIIOMI and Durham Alters nlontugu by Gull Mutcllctt pust cl by Donna Fulrhcbd clnllrnltl cry by chrll Drowning In tho cnbklng scrlloll Gull Mutthell tint LOIII Shoppqu won first lIlItI third or squllros Illo Glrls Auxlllnry ulsa cup tlllcd swcltll prlzu given for ll collcctlon tit gifts to bo sent In tl hillo Five ctlrlolls ol cloth lllg omit ttttlclcs mngnzlllcs llhtl bollks worn dtllllllttl Itt Ilomo ItIlssItlll projects by the Church III group Thu xlrls wulu tnkml tin tour or Fret Vlctnr Mls IthIl Inner City Boys hurl Sun tncna Ilccrptlull Centre SIXTH LINE 1813 ltlluutctt or it grcitlltlunul lnootlnu held at the Sixth Idnu IIQsllyltllllul Church hilly m7 Ilttvo llcon rccclvrd by tho Nncdsluull Illhtoly Cvmmltloo of Churchill Wolumla Institute The momt coutulnlug hund hlrlttcn muttx was contributed LOOK MOI HER DONT WE MAKE CHARMING COUPLE RIeHTotIrOF FAIRY TALE NEWS OF CHURCHILL by ms mam lamb HI CLUB Nine girls complctcd the Hi 16 naive of Tumult wan inarmnllylnnsm arm mum made were not carded rim or otherwin Evcn the Men in use minutes leavu tho rues withmanswmd question army of the names Icm ed hi with no givca ram or mitiaJ It would appear mag only man awarded his medic mesa ruinqu lthg ly in last not recorded baton ol the corrugation brat way to term new church 3mm At this time Prasby ry argunizcd second ll Innisl comma exam Knock lrsz church at the Line log one known use traI mural was built in 15 and stood where the cemetery is today Mrs Sinclairs mat grandralher Rev Thoma Iightman was minister the rpm tmuntil his death in mm During this time rams church replaced the log one The minis tear rede beside the church arise now home Thompson The succeeding minister willinm McConnell who reigned cd or over to years tin19M was In charge when the congrol gotron divided in law The frame church at the Sixth Line was sold in 192 zllren down and moved across Lake Slmcocon the lot to Sutton when it was rebuilt tor the Presbyterian congregation there Iobs Are Needed For Graduates IDNDON Ont Grad uatc student unemployment hus reached crisis proportions na tional conference at gradtute students was told at the UKIIITI city at Western Ontario chncs day One delegate said it the su ply of graduates continues outstrip available jobs In two arsa on on or unemployed PhDa might how to torrhed cm was laid to the hi of United States pmlcssorsr Canadian universities Indus try reticcnco to expand ro scurch investments and Inllurs at universities to extensively ad vertise job openings Mnrjalccrlu cho hulltime researcher for the graduate Stu dents unlon at tho University at Toronto complained In an Inter vlow IhD holders are being undorempluyed rather than ovorprodumd Academic fields am shrinking while graduate schools ara exlt minding enrolment she said PIle are unable to land jobs fitting their education and are unacceptable in lower positions becauso at their degrees Dri Dymond assistant deputy mlnlstcr In this depart ment of manpower and Immi grnllorl said manpower nur vcy or 769 Ior companies this your rovculcd Irln or In down to thin ynr lrrirnm lll 1w ONTARIO LIVESTOCK TORon or Price LIC may on good demand tor all classes and grades sluuglltcr cattle ut the Ontario public stockyards today Vcrtl cult prices were tirm hog prices were lower and lamb prices were steady Slnnglltrr cultlo 2000 Choice stccrs Sudl with sales to 34m good 31504250 mediums m1 commons 24 so choice hell ers $504250 gnod 3031 me diums 274950 commons 23 2650 good cows 23502450 with sales to 2350 mediums n23 runners and cutters 1521 good hollvy bologna bulls 229 com mons rind mcdlurns 2321 chlncemcnf cattle 250 Good Ilght stockers and tenders 3336 short kccp steers 2963 good stock stccr culvcs 35$ com mon and medium stockcrs IIIILI Iccdcrs 2543 good stock holler cnlvcs 35418 Chives 81 Choice vealers 424 with sales to 50 good 3741 medium 3236 commons 2131 bollors Ilogn nuso prtco 33h 3495 currently In Toronto 3393 up and boars llvcwclght 11145 Sheep and lamb 60 Spring lambs 4555 sheep 713 LIONS SIGN VANCOUVER CF British Columbia Lions of tho Canadian Ilootbull Ilcnguo Wednesday on noullcctl the signing ot three Ca nadians who played college ball Inst your wide receiver Roger Robins University of Western Ollturlo defensive back Pem llnhllm University of Toronto llntl doicnslvn back Dun Mo CIIIIOI University at Alberta CAR TRUC RENTALS BETTER WAY TO 00 7266474 RESERVE NOW 233 BRADFORD