Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1970, p. 16

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Q1352 ran an Finn Unconditional Grants Topic Of New House Bill mum to llnl Witt be from had kltncd his ion mm the severe public ri ed pride by the appeal mm Pat unim tNDPThronto ktsrmrtl wgglcd LhIl the ul mines and minerals should be tranxlrrmd lo Onlnh Revenue Minister John from Mina Minislcr Alnn Lawrence The suggestion was mnlziinrd in an attack on lr unrenccs handling ul ex the mineral indus Lixation system he lost the opening TORONTO CPI Municipal Torontos ammo Mills Ministtr Darcy Blr in 197 will conic rum t3 ere so Ccugh introducod uncondin mat with new orth or payments to Bulb ul thalvill Whit municipal poll Ottawa menu JulWWII Niagnrn and lrlmpohmn win It will be apchd to Mr rcgiotul gov ernnulls as they an antlch posed on to Lb mm of pnbtrmtmidpallilcs nuts or municipality residen tial tnxpnycn will have 11rd ntntial ll rate fund at 35 per cent the commercial tnx nit pct caplln according lo the total population at the are mimic3 paltirs Paynunl 50 cents per capila to represent share incl collodrd except tor lines levied undcr municipal bylaws Pcrcnpiml payment ol an amount based on the density 01 householdsln each area munici patlu according to schedule at householddensity paymenu attach to the hill Janna at $150 per rapita far Wit and subsequent years or regional governments which have established police force Is in Metropolitan Toronto and Niagara BILL GIVEN READING Tables released by Mr MC Koougb the bill was read in the Ontario legislature shilch that if the rational government grants turd been available in 1969 municipalich in 0ttawa Carleton would have enjoyed reduced residential mill rate at as much as hint mills in Cum berland table Niagara showed the increases in yams that will result when the regional govem 1nan grants replace the uncon ditional grants The estimates of increased revenue range rum $57000 or the new lawn oi Pel ham to 5221660 lor Niagara Falls Estimated total amount paya blc to Niagara region is samm mp re with $l896366that wuuld have been available under unconditional grants The overnil increase in lchnukS l5 51300758 Changes in the calculation ol provincial grants to regioan municipalities were announced in the Ontario budget but ler toils were not revealed until the hlll vus introduccdu chnngu will be more rnapom live to the inllmntly complux and unique problems conironl in those municipalities and their regional jurisdictions RELEASES FIGUREz In press statement released later Mr McKcough snitl Niag am will receive grant increases 5700000 in 1070 Ind 3490000 In 1W1 OluwaCarlcton will get an additional $447000 in 12ml and Metropolitan Toronto will receive an additional noonmo iu ism Variance in the nmuunls oi the increases and when they are received result from the laurvstagc mitlhpd by which the amount olgrzmis is determined Mr McKcough said that Niap urn and OttawaCarleton will rc c5ch grant increase this year because at tho llrst twp oi the our litach in the Vformula while Torontos grant this your will match what it already gull upliEv youraw enough mommglcoll Ilyuu dontyau how pmhlam Avw Financial Sonnch is woman to wlvo homcawncla mopoy pyoblumIWoIcon home owners tho mouoythev mud on 1h grimly In thulr homo moll 0596 call the zonsiblo way to purchucz alumcl yaw hymn rrm BARR EXAMINER FLDNLSDAT APRIL mu Charge Maoists With Disturbance OTTAWA al rte sall descrlbed part ol gulp lbnl engaged in coun roorn Lxouun smut Blond were bell5 lorriny mmovod cnarml Tucsday ultlx calms 65an by shout tacrcne TORONTO ll Provincial up srcurxw public gured branch till Wisbart was commm on to say it was pro vindal police knowledge In an intcrview on nllicial of UM new hmndl said it Is corn sad or six plainclothcsmcn meats in cabinet term at later 115 had iocrrmcd Incline bar service It pm and thc structure of govern Its cxistbnce wns disclosed in mvmcinl pollct annual re in thc lcgislslure tourneyGeneral Sixpercapizz paymcnl Mb has toen arm cuptori does not hJc at rational police force in recon11 Salem In othcr buicrss Atinmeaucnerul 1pc Email will Ipply to said or ulll prtsent legislation that ulu establish iu dicinl dBIXILL ulgu judges to an area cstab judges in C4 one The three were arreietl out courtroom Monday alter they rriuscd police r1 qucsts lu md sicgamshouiing Mklon Frederic shalt port tabled hlcsday by Arthur vishart The reports sDic nljhc now security branch is The security branch was its tabiishcd Aug ll 1953 for the or investigating persons he obviouslypose 31 throat to government olllclnls or to the slructurc ul govcrrunent addition mill description Ilc said that ministers in to or tclzpbonc ca threefold in the List is months The branchs cludc lookin cuvcmmmt escorts or vi protecting such as consuls st tnrip and supmlsi vincial police Queen inchmnnl llc said the security branchl was involved irrinrestigaling lIlll ft SIIIIIIIIIE pcrmancnuy tish Supreme Court The kinds provided will be pcrrnanwt location and realign the Rspcngbiluies of the var llsulu rt ldhe so my new s24 no phctl tocndum gcucrglmcm mo for lurtllcr action in the use at Provincial Judge Robert Bylur uho was rtprimandtd by the Ontario Court oi Appeal lor ning hmade during 11 is art said he be mfmfm Im 9mm Judge Taylor who was reported to have suggesxcd that one ol lgtrovlncral payment cl 37 the defendants in case helme Vichcrsan and John Kelsey 23 boll ui To ronto land woman identifying htrscll as Jpn Doc unom po lice believe to be Ann Briggs about II of Toronto icrc rev moved from the court untidy aiur they relmd to plead l0 charges against them Rune Marin alter Il5lt lions mm mm cmptiozts Io try and said works as oi nrtv mints activities in after the snlety ol lilciztls providing siting dignitaries ign naiionaLs allan in On ug the pro Park de ihe solely ranking olclal 01 other gov crnmrnis and controversial in diriduais who are Visiting Oti IJIES IN CILASII LITTLE CURRENT Ont 1C Johannes Edshpl 0i St Catharines dicd in car ac cident My Police said his would be shipped to his nntlvl Holland Judge tcning i0 accuse trio about aiicgtd lasclst and police bridalHY them removed lrunlcourt and justice ordered entered not bChaII guilty pleas on their can and malty Iililllllllll isterilltl Mr Mcxcougn raid the SUN IN HAIR LIGHTENER Sun In is new from Toni Works with natural light or your hair to lighten your hair NOXZEMA DEODORANT Nln pack of oz pero sol dcodorant tremen dous saving GILLETTE PLUS new Gilleilu IIus razor platinum chromium plated cdgus 20 OZ LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC REGULAR sles HEAD SHOULDERS 87c ouch NEW DAWN HAIR COLOR 101 each llcad and shoulders shnm New Dawn shampooin hair Listen kills germs instalm color 12 exciting shades to choose from FAMILY size KLEENEX 460s for 59 400 Kleenex inclul llsslios Soil absorbent and they pop up too Muiliplc uses around the home er 99 each no untidundruil poo Famous shampoo in your chulcc ol intlon tulle or jar iy on coniaet New shullcr prool poly hoitlo blades 57c FAMILY MACLEANS Muclcans tooLIh regular spclumint lor clean tr whiter teeth GILLETTE FOAMY ll Gillette Full smoother regular I2 01 SCOPE mouthwash for ftlst undlcilcct ivc oral hygiene ozl=Ds SPRAY Ihc rclrcshing Fe Dcodorzln Spray or good hy lo5 oz JERGENs LOTION Clmdil panic 87 GIANT COLGATE Anticulily Cclaic Ipntul cream with 109 minlnu enough moncy my all 83C ltcunlulntetl Iron Imka ruin it 15 OZ BAN ROLLON IIllII Super Dry roll pump dispenser SUDDEN BEAUTY thn tho my oi munoy mam Pioblom Lbnlact AVCD FINANCIAL SERVICES In mum 83 Hair spray shaves coupon or phono today 15 WELLINGTON ST BAHRIE ONT PHONE17200235 53C 73c 83c deodorant lccts two ways caromcull hum ihu many you nerd within 72 Ilnlll Mail the MlP IVID delic lemon iuus livers Iill hard to hold or me nlhol lime or ysurIspray now ullpcvnlcd AVI Avco tlnrnclal sonica Adm Mudaps Mpv IINANGIAI nunvtann Thu Tomorrow Plnpla tumors Oz PHISOIIEX ll 02 Kuovoclntn mortuy Hotoooomm mm In Mutual nwuvat you 21Supposliurlcn 179 ouch Preparation Il Suppositories or soothing relief oi hemorrhoids sand mo moxoiniormallon Ibollt mm pulr mun MEDch 77c ouch treatment or orrhca cnl or the whole family I6 OZ PARDEC 167 ouch Childrens 109 ouch hnctcrlul cleanser Inpnd 03000 WNW is ioni Excell rlciirs min supplement tki probicmi IlAME OPEN EVERY SHOPPING DAY AND NIGHT UNTIL 10 FOR SAVING BARHIE ONESTOP CENTRE DavinId Strum Highway 26 and 27 Gas HillFUUd ClY Anvilst CIIY Jnlviielt 05 APRIL 82h last auturmtlc HATFIELD GO undue the Thursv violmcc an ANNOUNCEMENT STARTING WEDJ All cars will be vasittl lot only $125 Drive in lor car wash usinc the most in SPEEDY BAY CAR WASH DOCK AT DELANEY BOATS OPP Have Security Service To Protect Public Figures recent threat to turn is the responsith oi this vimad sum vi in reluctant in Windsor ranch except The recount died through luchcil has baal under provln ccislun will cial police guard up spakzxmm for the depart Vietnam war 75 OZ ALBERTO VO5 Either CNN in rogu lar dry or lemon or Sham poo in regular dry or oily YOUR CHOICE OZ NOXZEMA CREAM skin cream the greaseicss medicated cream Regular Spraze or all purpose skin care 10 OZNESTLES SPRAZE or soil holding hair mm Nestlcain tile large oz size OZ VASELINE Vaseline Petroleum Jen The rst aid kit in jar cnch 100 BANDAIDS Johnson Johnson variety pack of too assorted size hand uids cnch Enlsui 88c ouch lsgpyfgwd Either 12 oz Mualox Suspension wash and an effect whim tor lust relic or thcrucidtly Your choice curh ivo cutglc on Mn 9i BABYPOWDER 14 oz Johnson Jullllson Baby Pow der Rcireshlng lpr mutllur as well as lluby I80 QTIPS QJil the Cotton swab that docs the job Lots ul uses around the home uran meldn loini mat ol ukmal allots said Saturday that US dammit in major Canadian cities luv vliuam been given special police pm tiun alter receiving threats lddnxwluz irorn groups which are against to cz cure equipment Simply sit in mm car and ride through weekdays 69cc cncl 53o 73c

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