0N POLLUTION Interior Secretary Walter as he testies today at Son ato Public Works subcommit md his Vim tee hearing in Washington the problem at water pollution AP Wirepholnl Worm BRIEFS Supreme Court Tests Breath Law OTTAWA The Su crease military expenditures by preme Court or Canada has set 61 per cent this year because May ID as the date or hearing oi what it called ever more tin war provocation lted States The oili news relercnca or the question to the agency said the Communist ges allocating 11 he total stole budg argumenl on the question at the scmpulous federal governments compul by the Un sory breath test legislation clot Korean countrys highest court was party envtszl made utter British Columbia per cent of court ruled the legislation in cttiry expenditures lor national valid delencc this year GUARD KEEPS CHANGING DEVELOPED GRASSES OTTAWA The unnqu TORONTO CF The Cann chonglng or the guard eeremtr dirin Tourist As soc atlon nies on Parliament Illll will presented Dr Itll McConkey June 23 and continue 78 with the Julian Crandnll ion Award lor 190 or naerent run his work with strains of nonon ci all the GovernorGenernls Font ducted research at the Ontario Guards it Ottawa and the Gren Agricultural College at Guelph adier Guards of Montreal both over 35year period lie devel militia units opetl 12 improved Varieties of grasses and clovers and helped LOAN INDIA MATERIAL develop programs or conserva begin daily through Lner Day Sept Conscrvnt modernise de nounsd 111W 11 no unaduvvrll=r gunrdsrnen will be drawn tram retired 195 tnugnt nn OTTAWA OP Canada is tion or natural resources supplying India with commodi PRIESTS FREE Lies valued at about 17090000 MADRID IRcutcisl Seven under in loot ogreemont sign Iuesdny in New goods include newspr have been par zinc rubber and load The inter estfree loan must be repaid in stoto Francisco Franco but 13 otherpriests jailed for slmilar 50 cars activities previously PERU COIILECTS that they would accept no par LIMA Reuters The duos Lind remained in jail No of those who refused pardons are serving 10 years or more United States tuna boat Western Ace seized or shing viLhin Perils 2DDrnlla territorial limit SXGN CONTRA was released nitcr paying $54m tn fines and lot fishing lien dyNgN mAgut cnce Perus marine ministry nnmunced 05d wns the Windsor Hamilton Toronto 0tlt mkd bum mEd here ims Iowa and Montreal have ratified shing reason The us gowrn maifmgggmgf Vld ment which recognizes only gtzxf No year mag 127 mung mummbuscs pliers and Photoengravcrs In the boat owners tortriatiloilmldUniolliJ rfpreientntive sai es ny or com GET NEW 50mm tract in which ninepercent TOWONTO my increase is slated for tho Iirst workurfxgtshe gyvcirgn year and an eightpercent relse 33 in the second the average wage new work contract whit gives Di mhogmphus mgrcased starting clerks $3800 LI year and maximum at $9705 er book hm 69 binders The workers had been negotiating the contract for nine months TURKEY TROTS BACK ALBANY NY AP The Wild turkey is making come back In New York state the do pnrtment or conservation said nlesday It said the blg game bird once near extinction is being helped by reloreslutlon pmjects that provide the kind of trees the birds tavor MORE FOR MILITARY TOKYO AP North Korea revealed mcsday plans to in SIMCOE DISTRICT The largest display County 259 Innlslll 7266531 bv cutting buried telephone cables Before excavating for any construction iab call Repair Service Well Ioalzbuned telephone ca as or you Lfast and without cost Canada Life Story Ills wife prnmpdy sold her story to moons uhlaid Sun day Mirror to tmoooi Vi Over Robbers Borne them Buzz and his wile are reported to have re ceived about $150 tor their separate stories The uyeaMld Riggs has been lame since 1965 when he broke out or Wadsworth prison here Scotland Yard traded aha last all but Lives stooped their resin No ot Britains um flamboyant newspapers are in raucous baer over Illa memotrs Roan old Riggs Britains most wanttd criminal itsd the List known Mdve at the Great Dain Rom IN The laden morning tabloids the sixmmld Sun and Th Seteh are locked in big cir culation ght to squeeze the most out at the recollectth Riggs supposed to be hiding when in Australia IDXDON reported tnrwgn latermedtonu aim is reported 30111 rtccived 49000 $31th Imrn Austrnb inn publisher Rupert Murdochs organization includes no Sun hem and Australian pa have Big A15 by the inno date then was no one Ln dance but his wile Maine and their thine children Since then Eiggs has been reported at various places in two hemh spheres pets The Sun has been at pains to explain that the money paid or the memoir is going into trust Iund or the Riggs hil nrnulo control In at nudi hm tor nay urn Iverd control elm who Barcelona priests imprisoned 1m pulp for up to 72 months for particl nickel almtnum pation in illegal demonstrations dcned by headoh ROSE BUSHES Use Towers handy layaway Colourful and nourishing roses No grade plan buy your awn mower Ilcld grown in Oregons rich 50 101 two Climbers or Florlbnndnl limts walling to grow In US GARDENING TOOLS Al MINI PRICES years Hybrid Tens and garden tools Healthy vlgormis your garden MARVELLII LONG HANDLE GRASS SHEARS 447 each English so durnlu minions rubber grip pull handles tempered machine rONKA SPREADER rorillizr aclty now too rotnwr tubular hnnl no at Will hold 2540 lhll rorttlizer Tnnka no turn cav wttn Ierra STURDY SPADING FORK 297 each line spndlng Koril nondloand Its rugged enough lot thin prnnnlng notch RCA Products in Simeon it handles unpssrigsss GAiiBsN sodas 477 each 677 each season relnlorced iBrnss Cvnplllgs All it mm 1250 no nanny Ill ow wnulna rx Nelv ply all garden hone Lind 11111 new to mixed 713x12 blade with long hard wood handle Perleetly hal ARRIE ONEnSTOP CENTRE goyiiold Street Hlu hway 28 and 27 Gar EuFggdly Quarries Bill Stalled For Time 1080310 legisla tion designed ta were mm to the cmde duty by pi Ind quarries in Onlyio cannot be put into dtect until the sprin although the need is ur mt slam Minister Allan lawman said nizsday Ila told the Ieglalaux the un controlled mirth or pits and quarries or the sand 5mm and gravel business mist be stopped as quiddy pmlbll but planntd legislation has been de layed because 111mm and misinter pretatlan at report on wbid it was to be based 3V2 HP QUIKCUT WI Hy Vertical null start dial with Wm Sunhehms Instant starting roll 13 as noise power Briggs and StrutIon that electric mower wheel height engine 19 mo named deck Deluxe adjustments swing over handle height adjusters deluxe loop handle rubber wheels Hang up tor any storage welghs only lb Twin vlilte Wnll wheels Towers lekal Iowa mowcrl cornea to gold Short Handle 297 each mmmmmmtrmumn Wer Edger Benson told Lb wt dikiu to Light million PRONG 14 TOOTH GRASS SHEARS CULTIVATOR RAKE 237 Bath 137 each 137 each Shellield tnnt Strong prong c1114 54 handle on this itvatnr ror breaking to tooth rake makes up and turning ov it excellent tor er ower beds earth work Clean no role tor leaves with clear nanolo ltlctlil tines Finance Minister Benson Tells 0i Inflation Fight undo Consenttile gaveln mum Prim nunLur Trudeau told Mr Douglas the gore his policies or Area ail by high unemployment Douglas had asked whether gnvunment would end int restraints 11 cities ILL by 011 AWA 1C Finance Tuesday that evan azt gradunlly working However nobody likes the wry high rates at unemploy meat La the country that ac emanks the battle he told Danniemoaat leader mpbmh The rule of unemployment to Replying to George lice March 1970 Ind hem equalled Plmtu Ed ardnsun or exceeded in eight the lost Trudeau the governan it years arr Benson said The timing ination to preys recent was in March 1951 greater unemployment rowcn own hnnl power rotary mower with Erin nod strntton cnzlno never gives in with recoil start 19 deck llyling white wall wheel and brill clips Thu chiulna bandit ls shaped with handll grips Cappertnnu coloured Plnltlu IIer ms catcher to it all Tower QuickOnt mowers extra 1197 Recoil start Chrome littlltlle wheels SUNBEAM ELECTRIC hindo deslgn cutting action 188 bag 40 lbs of chemlcnlly Prepared balanced or Illlzer Famous 777 mixture Gives your lawn that green look of envy GRASS SEED lb 127 II 317 Steele Briggs anions quick growing gross deed General purpose llfill hIiltablts Iat or do Have benntllul lawn spring this FOLDING FENCE 117 section Add as many sectlo us you need around your ower beds kinn borders or trees 10 long by 18 hlgh green Jointed baked nish n3 deco 11 protection In new seeded lawn OPEN EVERY SHOPPING DAY AND NIGHT UNTIL 10 FOR SAVINGS