SAFETY FEATURES Sur round giri drag racer Barbara Sullivan of Barrie as she sits at wheel of Barracuda luadlt ed with SiI pa 40 cubic When Insurance Is Due inch ngiac thc collapsibln steering column seat belts have and below padded dash and conlour scat Barbara and her husband Ed both race at By ANTHONY EVE Exam Reporta Itsitsbcsideynuataatop light milling softly loong Like melting of ran track It has wide HIS his mgiac aadagizmounthcrcardcck lth look like win Cbunccs are it Ls painted in gaudy color with even gaudier stripes along the hood and down Fear At 110 Fear set It had becn long timc sinus Iliad felt anything like it AS mppcd mysuu in the drier looked at mo and said All We wcrc in muscle car the sidu On the cadets it buvc Jim colored decals show in animals or lightening bolts ll may have stripes around in tail like some uotic insinct and its am often solde like it be longs somawbem else instead on the mat Cohm Barracuda Road Runnar Super Be This is musdc car The driver no longer has to lean over and sneer Wanna drag Peopln know it is last 31 car is cxpmslvc not only in cost but in low mileage high insurance rat and tnqucnt tune ups It has pdwcr speed and scans to gmcriltc an aura of slight disdntn by the police even though Lbc driver may be the most consck minus there is Painted in BM oltcn gnrlsh colors muscle cars are now be lag said right at the sawmom oor in dealerships across Can nda and the United Sales In Barrie there are several dealers selling high pcrIonn ance cars at this type BARBIE Elf115$ SATURDAY ywmmmwrwrzr FmmmmHVmwu it Bad BOY Blue May Blow Your But Sunburst Orange Is Nice Shade They look dangcmus almost ssiltheyarecomiagtngetycu duign loch brutish heausitul depending upon tbs behoidcrs eye And the muocle cars have dcv elipod Lermiadloy of their own Stemming mm the drag tracks and thc jargon of young drivcn Shaker spoiler slicks liemi GT STE 175 are all included in this vocabulary shaker is an air scoop that is uttachcd dimllv Ln the car hutnr which mixes um air with the fucl motor combustion The better the nintuel mixturc the more power Since the scoop is attached to the engine it protrudes through hole in the hood and vibrates when the engine is running Hence its name An air scoop is moulded onto the hood and feeds air to the top of the engine when it is drawn into the cummlar spoiler is owingshaped gild gct fastened onto the rear dads tracks in Ontario as good driver as any man in Barrie her husband says lExnrnlncr Photo modified Barracuda with 440 cubic inch engine with three dual carburetors Called pack by the manulncturer could develop an unbelievable mount of borscpuwcr by burning one gallon of fuel for every in miles or so travelled never wear those said the drivcl about my scntbclts as we rolled out If sec bad one coming Ill jump In the ack Shes Pay Through The Nose The muscle car owner may have the jump on lilr Convcn tiunul when it comes to looks spccd and pculormance but when insurance time comes around he pays through the nose Muscle can are being sur charged by insurance companies fur the rst time this year On insurance rating schedules little stars are placed next to the names of highrpowmd Como as Barracuda and Mustangs drivcr under 25 has hard enough time insurancewise as it is if he buy an overpow ered car his insurnnmwiii jump in per cent It be has had an accldcnt wlth ln the last three yem oi driv ing and made claim his pro miums will lump 20 our cent or more amending once company Special muscle car is owned by the young driver Chances are this hlgbcr insur since could be beaten the iiist time around by buying run of the mill sports type car and than loading it later with high pomr options nod modications But the chickens would come home to roast the next time around ALL THAT POWER The single largest contributing factor to tho insurance premium bike for muscle cars is the poly er to weight ratio This is simply an expression ol the wolgbt of the cor In unda divided by the number of orn power Generally this breaks down to around the 12 pounds per horse on his mumr Amusing lower than the loading ow urge 51 rmpwwpmtm1zwwwnwm Wumwrsraumr Wcmcc Service Marks Thu insurance compnaics am not biking their rates bccnuso they are afraid those new car will be involved in mnrc acci dcnts on insurance pgan Said Slntisllu are showing that thcy an being involved already in is greater percentage ni accidents and pitch the young driver is at fault Rates are the result of cx perkhoe rather than an attempt to forestall something the agent said The driver under relate seating 15 per cent of all driv crs is re ouaible for 30 per cunt ot the dents On top at that his average claim is 3600 as up poscd to $300 or the older driver Is it any wonder tbc young man behind the wheel of the gasguzzling supercharged mu duh mmefalookoi quiet dcsperuuua on his use Church Anniversary Central United Church will Sunday with special services featuring the United Churchs lay modeh ceiebrntc Anniversary BKOTDX Robert McClure There will be two services at 930 and 1100 am and Dr Mo Ciuro will speak at both sessions Minister oi Central Rev Don aid Jay has extended an in vitation to the general public and members at othcr cangrc Barrie and surround to hear Dr McClure gutionsof ing areas at either service The 11 am service will be broadcast Following the 11 am service Dr McClure will be present at social in the Church bail Cen tral United Church is located at Ross and Toronto directs Dr McClure was elected mod erntor at tho United Church in 1968 the first layman over to hold the office SCHOOL PATEOLLERS Speaker Stresses Bus Discipline the Simone Coibollc Separ County Roman wormed safety is lack of mung the riders atu School Board was this week Donald 15 Edwards depart trans rt accident pre mcll P0 mm mm tees that the driver was the only gorson lo control students and vcntlon coordinator is back was to than lm sure no dream of handling to in class hc said On big has them can be do riders turned free of school and in the mood for fun The board has jccl at its next meeting Mr Edwards showed the boulvi lilm about school pu Lrn system llo said system Slilior students to keep contr bus had been found tv Tho driver has lous problem and many uth problems would disappear it could no enforced The lilm Illustrated Jobs pairuilers in emerinlcymsltgjg tlons taking control teacher would act as his ussistaals invited provin ciul ollco corporal Ted Boone and 9city police officer Robert Thompson to speak on the sub at training They should be rewarded wi eflco fulltime lub driving bus Mr Edwards said Discipline Is the most scr to China and was born in the United States where his mother was taking refuge from the Bus er Rebellion Afterwards his parents returned to China where Mr McClure spcnt his curly years He learned hiundariu and to day he is as fluent in it as in English He received his later educa tion in Toronto graduating in College and International bl iego of Surgeons respcctivcly In 1934 he studied radiology In Europe and ruturncd to be the only medical missionary in inland China with radium for cancer treatment and subscv qucntly be studied public health in Sweden From ms to 1941 be served the International Red Cross as lield director during the Siam medicinu in 1922 The next year anlmc5e conict In 338 be was he returned to China where he served in variety of pests until 1948 when the Communists took over and the McClurus were as gain refugees During his mcdicai service in China his operations for gun shot wounds alone averaged and day every day for 10 years In 1931 Dr McClure was is wordcd the FRCS from the Uni vcrslty of Edinburgh and lutcr tho FICS Fellow of the Royal if the driver were stricken with heart attack use of tire ex tingulshels and emergency ovuc nation The film pointed out that pu troilels have many duties in eluding escorting youngsters cross streets keeping order and keeping aisles clear of dropped books and lunch buckets The filial responsibility still rests with the driver Palloilch in dealing with chronic oifcn docs the Iilm indicated the nth trollers job is not to squeal but simply to report to the driv er if talking to child or his par ents falls to bring results he should be barred from the bus for period of time Mr Ed wurds said The patrollch should be truath with respect he said or trip nuw uud then party or ly squculcr cl sissy Pntroiicrs should wear bells and butlch ullti should have hlch oi visibility mill cupLs liley slluuL the only foreigncr in the Chi seat We drove out OI town onto desened mu Up to this point we had been travelling at city speed limits Iii miles per hour and under The only reason guy buys ucnrlikclhisistnpluy with it this driver said Its no good just for transportation It doesnt ridc well It also costs around $50th as do many of the high powered curs being said right all the showroom oor This type of car is fun bu said and banged his foot to the floor About 13 seconds later we doing more than no miles per hour It took me quill somc time after we resigned to the car lot to pry my linger mm the edge oi the scat Who in his right mind would spend $5000 ibis 81 type edl thought upmwowwa $9 sumsnor students may learning easier taught in our schools department 01 education After course in Barrie this Why Because approximately 300 teachers will gather here to learn how to relate the subjects they teach to other courses The course is sponsored by the The objch will be to exposo teachers to multitude of topics and ideas which each teacher can modify to fit his abilities approach to teaching and pupils wt It will study three aspects learningby theme through en aad through the to media These will be considered in conjunction with the tradition ill way of teaching by subject Tbc liveweek course will be held at Central collegiate lrom June 29 to July 81 About 300 teachers arts expected They will vuo nmcnt be divided into small groups tlon easier theme will bo considered at rScSeiixuiii gag18 25 make discussion and participlb The first week the groups will study thematic planning One He sold the student body 01 any school must be aware at program belorc it can succeed All students must rcuiizo that putrollcr is but policeman bul special sumion DR McCLURE nesc delegation to the lntlsrnl clonal Red Cross conlerencc Aid Parker Criticizes Plan For Financing Parking Lot The citys proposed parking lot will have to bc loosed at $800 on Collier Street will cost tax year and well never owu payers $8863 in the first your lt operation Aid Dorian Parker Whats wrong with supplying said today an e161 untild entrance muselv Monday night council upprov es Sn ed leasing land for part of the She pulled on the imbue Writs parking int at $5455 unnunily 9mrmitre and tho special park Egmer ma mmmed um mg committee to investigate in pumse of second piece of stullation of an automatic gate $3500 or em oyment of an attendant Aid Parke said the estimated to We WW3 Thm cost including leasing of one lore economical ways of my progeny and the chhue of villdmggluniclpul parking lots another lus en ineerin costs would mill $203785 in first She term meme of V0 your Estimated revenue from Pamdpwm of mmd pnrkingmetcrs and firms and 55 laugihsnbie trafc reserve fund would The 95 my mom to 52003 can mukethls work so we When we tamed haul were told Aid Parker said am Farms 10 there we 49 The lease agreement With Ora spaces Now it has blossomed lnvesmfems has rah to Aid Parker said lbcro clause it The Muse Price Is something radically wrong there Even if there are as spaces she said ii is an extremely high cost per parking space She said lnnewoy on the cast sida of the property that would the finance committee recom mendation council also the land in 1972 or 1973 Aid says Maxwell course or ganizer and program consultant time and the groups will work Etch at conventional highway of 50 In 75 milcs per hour the air rushing over it Icic es the rear wheels down onto the mad and result in gruntcr stability As the speed increases and with it the need for stahiLity so doc thl airow over the spoil er which acts accordingly to steady the rear of the car on the road Slidcs are special LIES for the rear wheels only which an very wide and lack tread They are dsigncd for super traction Hemi means half It It lElS to the shape of the Qiihdcr head It is to increase the power output The term GT stands or Gran hirismv meaning Grand Tour ing It is now used to refer to dcsign of car with high power luxury interior and plenty of luggage space often mated by hinged mar dd To get the most out of muscle car it should be equipp cd with it standard trauma of through in several subjects such as scicacc mathematics or his FY Clothing for example can be considered in science gncgru pby social studies mathemat ics and home economics LEARN ON THE SPOT The second week teachers will study learning through em to virdnment Students definitely lbcnelit train on site studies by visiting industries museums and other institutions says Mr Maxwell By carefully planning ll field trips teachers can empbih School subjects in one trip APmllvllS sian prcicrialy ourgear siza floor mount rclcntd to as four on the oor insular automatic Kransiis slam do not allow for the 35 coloration and eminc speed con ml which standard does The weird decals names and Iarcut color schemes dont up peai in all enthusiasts of muscls can but some at them go In it Thc colors rumbling those of collection bubble guns balls symbolize the break with tradIUOnwhich the manic cer represent The big engine bani lin ers and triple carburetors 311 out at Slght under the hood but mm wild grape sunburst on unge and bad boy blue jump right off the road and shout Hcrc is my with real set of wheels The Barrie area has no iiilagi strips only stock car tracks lhc ctr dcalur said the noise and smell of the drag strips might influence people against musdo can and their owners size inherent angles on several with the departmLnt out how that theme comes Summer School For Teachers Here Should Attract 300 Participants The third week will be spent studying how the communication media including newspapers television taping and the tbc utrc direct learning Teacher will consider how these can in best used in the classroom The final two weeks ol this come will be open to clcc lives The teachers can choose whatever topics are of personal interest There will be time for more discussion ticllcrlps und fllmmaking among or things Basically we want the course to act as fund of ideas so eucli tcucbcr can adapt any onebe likcs according to his own per would increase $2000 year In ted recommendation to purc use Parker said the purchase price would be 580500 in i972 and BABRIE COLLEGIATE Music which arrived by air mail yesterday or the Barrie Collegiate band indicates that the European competitions it has entered will be the most demanding in the history at the band director Fisher said tvday In 1953 when the band enter ed the World Amateur Contests held once ovary our years it was assigned to division It won three firsts In July 1910 tho bandits required to play Ie set number and two of cqual dif ficulty of its own choosing Mr Fisher said or the set num bcrs the only one suitable to hand of symphonic proportions ls tbdrequired work Theme and Variations based on folktunc of one of the provinces of Hob land he said Tho work is contemporary and as demanding no any attempted by the youtb lul group from Burris whose average age is 17 years Because school music as it own municipalities mcr school be used loracccss and egress lord Fire Regulations Are Announced permit is required in some areas of Simcoo County to light fire for purposes other than heat or cooking Tho rules are in effect until Oct 31 People living In areas outsldo of fire districts are advised by the lands and forests department to consult municint authorities regarding rcguln Ions before starting tilc Information and permits for lighting fires ill restricted urcns is available from the deport EG LACHANCE CLU the end of tho bus run he senior students vilu ilvo ncur mom or from township wiudcns 332500 in 1M2 we can al Why not preserve what you have created by good Business and Personal Life Insur ance Annuity Plans Tax Eumpt Pension Plans North American Life Assurance Company 89 Dunlap St Barrio is incorporated into the edu IaM Planning Individual Phone 11845986 cational systems of United States and Canada does not exist in Europe the Collegiate band will be required to compete against adult bands such as the Police Band of Dresden and others These municipal bands the pride of many European cities will be amply backed by their and will contain many retired proicsslon musicians for Europe still has band music in its parks and citizens lacking the summer cottages of North America still attend bond concerts in the sum Along with this type of calm pctlon it is learned that 15 US and university bands NOTICE BAND Stiff Competition Faced touring Europe in the coming summer will be competing Shield campaign The Barrie AntiPollution Citizens Committee is wow affiliated with Pollution Probo at the University of Toronto and will henceforth operate under the name of POLLUTION PROBE AT BARRIE If you are interested In and concerned with pollution and would like to join the group PHONE 7280397 the Wereidmuzickcuncours dur ing July and August The Youth Band of America drawn lrom all the states of US has Kerk rode on its advertised itinerary With appmximately three months to go the tempo of in tercst in the Barrie entry is fast increasing Local citizens will have chance to hear Barrie at the Arena on May when they combine with Torontos Enrlscourt Salvation Army Band and the King Edward Choir in TriFesuvai of Music It will musk the opening of the Red sonulity says Mr Mnxwell Not every teacher can use tho same methods as the others and the more ideas the course puts for ward Lho more choice each will have GET WHAT IS PUT IN The value of the course lor any teacher will be Pmrtion ate to what he puts into it RD at Maxwell says Pruccnbility has been key work in organizing the course he adds Angles must be work able for the teacher easy to im plcmcnt in teaching and pleass ant to organize ging married This basket holds information and gifts especially helpful for you Call your Welcome Wagon hostess today Phona 7235354 or 726652 no