wrzi LLOYD CALDWELL tlcit background and Glen ndams WDEI are custom cutting ho carcass tor the Minesing Firm Is Flourishing treescr 01 an lnnislil lurm lnnlily in lr Adams packing plant which As MeatPacker Most 01 the old little but rings In which several armors pur llclpntcd lutd contributed heel and hogs in turn to assure them sclch plcntllul supply at lrcsh mcut lrtltll bolore the times at home freezers and commun Ity treczcr lockers have dicd out But tho Minesing beet ring build ing about to all into disuse was bought by Glen Adams in 1355 and 1mm it by hard work be has built up nouri ilig intat packing business that still serves lurnlurs and others now lrom throughout much at Sim coe County ENLARGE BUILDING when he took tho property up the building was about the size 01 it tmttll chiektlt house with room to store atin about onu heel and title or so hog carcasses at 11 time Since then he buo rcbuiit lll concrete and concrete block building 75 by 65 act with room it Shirt 10 bccl car casses and 11 large numbcr of hugs with nil thomodcrn hut chcrlnu Inellltlcs and rectors ln moments rutura ho uxpccty he will expand slarttgtl to 150 lteiltl It is under government supervision Mr Adams points out at his business that employs beside Illnis and his WlIl two other butchers and part time it girl Dcsiiltb custullt killing pack Illt and freezing of cultit hugs aunt sinu sltccp lit also buys some llnimltls tn supply lltulc lllltl rttllil Cllslullltls mul at 1000 pounds by the time It has the cuts lltnt hamburger zoopound hog you this meal is much lul NOT OVERFAT second cnll hciturs item but not mtr know that such nnl condition produce lll Iil good condltl buck much at young unlmuls All ship 01 tr lms this lll Sumo til the vcry bust lllcat or mm mm In tlttldttcttl trum Iitt tlttl ttlttl Holstein cm 011 anlilit mill Abtttlwtt Ania 1in Mr Ali unis Attilttttls ltuttltl lltlt be ill null uyvlieoiitltlollctl because the waste in tilt is lttlllllr and oils luttltts tlunt want 10 Waste iron or space storilli tut Pork Ilu cure by ttlttl klthlttsL Alltl ht witnr elilzili ailzilr What tltl tiltisl tttslullicts ltitlk or iii tilltilt They luck for cheap rural and ally lllllllll and any butellcl tlln loll will they are not ittg it lilttl it illutl libel ctrties 111 cents pound and what illtltiy people do not tlllllt Is tl required by the iilll or custom ultd ckttg 1120 the lilllJulltWltlu ltl ullt tcbttlllrli FOR THE FAMILY eMunRAv 58 DUNLOP ST tht For Woman CLOUD sonr NATURALIZERS 95010 cnoss oxen CARPET For Men For Children SAVAGE SAVAGE 90Ac1lts HUSH PUPPIES otlusn PUPPIES Burrlol Loading GNlclIALE Shoo Storo to produce hall that weight In saleable mcnt been trim med and excess tilt and bond has been removed There is not tho same shrinkage with pork be cause what ls lelt ovcr alter nll hccn taken out can be blended with becl as So starting with can end up with 160 pounds at muut lle disllkcs and will not buy rattle oil grass bccnllso shrinkage ls so great However he nds that cattle on grass that have been led regular grain ration are quite occcpt able 110 meters to buy groin letl beet cattle because they tend to have higher proportion of loin tttettt and ttt the same time the more avor Ml Adams xuggcsts to form era that where ever they their older cows and that and soil Sci them into tilt condition bccausu pucklnghouso buycrs mills in poor moat til lit lie or no IItttlt whereas II they on they guilt lluvor at it up to sce UlldClllI hcilets are classed as llcileicltcs it In good condition Mr Adams showed the writer am an over tut hog brought ill tor custom culling tlttd freezing To make this ll ltlylr t1 hull lhltk had in be sitlbbrd all rubbing with stlll ttttl lllllllllslolt ltt barrels oi bllilc lol so on days and then sttluklllg it 01 title titty in the smoke room rod with hardwood sd the sides are Illltll iii routing roam Litt er the butchers cut them tip as tiers and 11th he ltlcnt pa lUCklllllll lll trccrcr lit he makes at it kts it real good tinl asmtlny its 0011 hamburg puttlcs SELBY 7282397 originatcd from an oldtime boot ring sloushlcrtlouso at Minesing Baker Final at time Corned beet he make from the choice brisket point Barbecue bed is also very much in demand sacl Mi aavrvmrnwatwv umber rm 51 Am1A2r INNOCENI lOKES Hy BRIAN BAKER in these dilcuk times tarm Log is serious out this doesnt VIEva us from ha vesting little slur at innocent jokes and scrim Once me of our neighbors built it stack at msllagc To keep it airtight he had oovtrcd it with two huge sheets of thennew polyethylene plastic carcluily spiced by but clothes irons Be lon it was completely covered over 11 told the rest us to get all while tic remained on top or the final covering oi plas tic when he had to get down He jumped but not lar enough and lot out an anguished howl le his boot ripped hole in the arduin made scat The rest at us doubled up laughing AT COW SALE At ll mnt COW sale at Guelph they had got one cow up to 31000 and Orton big rollick L1 bldlarcr was trying to get this American buyer who by that time was wenrlnc aml crazyorwhat look to raise it by hundred Whats he say ing asked Mike auction cer 110 not suit it anything right now chuckled Orton And that has me worried Fol lowed by big laugh STORIES uho tripped backwards all an maer Allister tamers retool silk ilorr ed and expectm that the irtinl of the accideot would be smashcd to pulp onlooke wen abbcrgastcd iiilien nu gut up out at tile mud at the bottom at the Silo brush ed the clinging mud oil and non chalamly him it thcv would mind it he just went home tu change into clean clothes Once uhcn on Duke Edin bugh was talking It Llrnicr showing beet caulc at the at winter Fair in Toronto one woman standing ncarby said to her lriend wander he would shakc hands Sure sail Prince Philip wheeling round and piling her hearty handshake and addmt inunuiy But it vmnt do you any good Some tinic after it local tarni or had died neighbors of our suggested to the son that he must miss his lather Yes he atl mittcdBut mother says it sun saves on the grocery bit LAZY TRACTOR Ade haw his tractor was working neighbor repaid in all seriousness that it had got so lazy It wouldnt pull hop all its nest Thcn there is the story from Then there was the tanner Cecil tilse low low the pres at Uniroyal GNTHEFARM TIRE SERVECE BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE EVERY UNIROYAL BACKED BY LIFETIME GUARANTEE AGAINST MANUFACTURERS DEFECTS lcats ago about the tanner who nn WI EXAMINER SATURDAY APEIL 18 tm tom to let the hand pump hclp cce farmer haunt it for tidy littl prim when he had it Med home the mu got an ay They chased liner her or two or three miles and bad 11 most caught up with her when she came lam to ace with dentiny The donkcy brayed in her lace and she toppled ever dczld just like that highway department oliiclal year or so ago ordered local lunncrs wilt to tulle down an eraslocale sign beside the highway Look she snapped looking lint straight in the eye This is when we make our living and ihc nloncy to pay taxes to keep guys like you in good Jobs The mdlnccd Dillb irtl let in hurry and nothing mom was heard or Uio matter Faml people are usually putty good at dcscribiitz qualitics like peoples talking habits One de scribed another as talking ltkk wct straw coming out of threshing machine Anolhcr lralrl of one Vumnn 110 on voice so sharp she could split up the level 01 his milk cans rzuls Anmhcr said He lets One Arm Fools day his binnl bay studied rd in the spout oi the pump and then went tear on to his boss nnngbldhun Canadian Furs urgently Come qui our res cholung Finest In World Not too long ago South Sun on um beam mushat otter ur and hair seal and raccoon are the prin cipal Canadian tun used in mailing up coats and jackets Emtlnc sher tux maria rabbit and squirrel are used to lesser extent Practically all Canadian furs are used tor trimming purposes and the current vague or can temporary luxs is producing sty ilngs and combinations not used before to gcncral Canadian tuts are the nest in the world and much 01 the annual production 00 to American and over seas buyers However Canada also imports substantial qunnll lies at lur For instance while the fur industry sends mink muskrat and tax to many coun tries it also imports those turs from other lands lur domestic use This reflects the industrys nccd tor variety or types and Farming Has Humorous Side Too his word drop out of the lids at his mouth speaker at dairy mm cave our one smug pnuuclaa addressing gathertn cl MLIVI Canadians on their mmunltr Indian rescrvauua lam lie was pleased to not as be in them his political line aboulbulldtnz them new schools howItal and matter includes and so on that they kept replying wait seemingly enthusiastic Oom pnh utter they toured the lam Walking through in the bull barn the chick stopped in peliudna just in time and point tag to thc floor said dont stcp in the oompaltl FURNITURE REFINISHING Fm Estimate ENTERPRISES 205 Dunlap Call 7266178 urlqualtllcs VAlUE TRAETGR TIRES Heres tractor tire with everything you want tremendous lug strength positive self cleaning yet rolls smoothly over the road Has the toughest all nylon cord body ever built into tractor tireits built with brute strength to take punishment Get pair of these new kind of tractor tires now Sin 9524 924 11224 1024 14326 1326 120 1020 11428 1128 13648 1228 16930 1430 10430 1530 16934 1434 18434 1534 H230 1033 12438 1133 124311 1130 13638 1239 14338 1338 Ply Rating ooobboooobhohb TIRES 4944 5625 9340 5538 6222 7310 11820 14531 14510 15054 7907 8332 9161 9599 1334 TUBES 1215 335 2490 1485 1790 2020 3560 3890 3910 3955 1930 2320 2320 2825 3480