Ellie Theme Examiner Puhnshod by Canadian Navvspapm Limited 16 Hayeld Street Barrie Ontario Kerry Lamhie General Manager McPherson Managing Editor mar arm Walls Publisher mPAGEI Thousands Of Students Need Employment Help Soon thousands of students from schools and universities in Ontariowill be seeking summer jobs This large num ber coupled with an unusually high level of general unemployment will place bus iness under greater pressure than ever to provide summer work Already wellorganized national campaign is in motion to ensure that the studentjobseekers expected to ex ceed numericay ve per cent of the to tal labor force will not be turned back by palisade of N0 VACANCY signs Operation Placement program of the chamber of commerce movement in Canada has been designed to intermesh the jigsaw pieces of job openings and qualied applicants By polling their members the chambers and boards of trade hope to supply Canada Manpower Centres with complete and accurate pro lcs of anticipated seasonalhelp require ments The summer employment program is in coalition of mutual gain The student derives jobexperience and the funds to pursure his studies plus workin ac uaintance with cost risk and profit ywheels driving the machinery of free enterprise Reciprocally the bus inessman earns three significant returns from his investment the energy ambi tion and fresh viewpoint of young people eager to learn cumulative yields from trained hclp returning for summer or permanent placement general advance in the practical orientation of academic training Viewed nationally the situation is of critical proportions An army of students greater in number than the entire pop ulation of most Canadian cities will march on the job market within the next few months To counter the challenge business will have to explode the charges of its indifference to youth and make an early and total commitment to the placeL ment program For only response both adequate and prompt can permit job prospects andjobseckers to be success fully matched Rail Passenger Service Both Canadian Pacific and Canadian National railways have applied for per mission to close down passenger service on no rofitable lines in areas of Western Ontario These mainly terminate in Owen Sound and several towns on Lake Hur on As expected there has been consid erable opposition all along the lines Hearings were held at Owen Sound and Guelph in the past week with no deci sion expected from the Canadian Irans port Commission for some time On the basis of strict economic fact there can be no doubt but that the with drawal of even the present greatly cun tailed service is merited One suggestion advanced at preliminary meeting of civic ofcials and service club members was that the railways could regard pas sengel service as loss leader Many businesses accept loss on certain sales WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner April 10 1945Re feature to attract business and for good public relations It is claimed that major railways on both sides of the border no longer hold public opinion in high regard Forgotten are past favors some of which in early days allowed railways to emerge as fin ancial giants as the result of land grants But on the other hand as one railway official put it recently We have not forgotten the public The public has for gotten us In the Barrie area where rail roading was the main industry for almost 100 years this has been all too evident Perhaps it would be well to kee many lines in operationeven on some nd of subsidy for the time has almost come when highway travel by automobile will be much too congested and dangerous for those who must make connections between certain points DOWN MEMORY ton Dr and Mrs William Little Mr and Mrs Harold Urry Arrangements had been made by Childrens Aid So ciety when bombing became heavy 0f hundreds 30 were placed in Slmcoe cently chartered Barrie Flying Club or dered threeseat cabin aircraft from War Assets Corp Initial members are Mayor Peter Sinclair Ross Cowan Rob on Hodges Harold Henry Ted Twiss Joseph Moore Club has option on 145 acres west of Anne St north of Letitia St Eighth Victory Loan organization ready for West Slmlt coe unit with Morrison general chairman Leslie Chittick replaces Mr Morrison as Barrie chairman Sandy Coutts is unit secretary and Walls publicity chairman Other Bar rie men heading special unit committees are Walter Godwin John Woods Frank Spry and Michael Chepesuik Clifford Brown elected president Simcoe North CCF Trooper Ross Archer now at Camp Borden with Arm oured Corps for advanced training Town Council defeated motion to close Sunday midnight shows Reginald Godden presented piano recital at Eaton Auditorium highlycolnmendEd by Hec tor Cbarlesworth Globe and Mail music critic Mrs Worthington left Barrie for Vancouver to join her husband Colonel Worthington She has been extremely active in community work in past eight years Three British war guests who came to Barrie five years ago returned to thelr Scottish homes They stayed at homes of Mrs Fred 0t CBE MC among er of war Wing CarlingKelly many Gordon Needham right wing for Barrie Arena Wm mm IT HAPPENED IN CANADA EAsILv HEEDm Tilt PALM oh HAND an as POUNDEDIIII are 36 can We IEFDLDUIEu Fm lltgi autumnal WHO WERE llNorio DEVDTED 1m 3149 Elle TomM HE DEMAINIENON CEESDEIIzEIPLY lamentawry male PMMmIMtwvsrvrmw oemuun 4545M mum144mm rm WON THE WynDawootlwsetswursg mm MW 47 915 MS WM541 703$ 020M750 0050MB 17 MinnMIG MMilleWE QWMml NEW713 Ill 54 05611850 775 ERASEVMDCVlflm 7145 TRIKE SUADING THEM TUREFRAIN FROM ENTERING THE RIEL UPRISIN59 11 cmmswamem 5W MMWMMgwmrw osiarsoww iiIRAVWES EeflzVirl Maxgar County homes binal wings parade under British Commonwealth Air Train ing Plan held at Camp Borden includ ing pilots from Australia New Zealand and Norway Brigadier John Genet 476 officers and other ranks of Canadian Army Overseas men tionecl in despatches Mrs Genet Is for hanouk Cambodia and re mer Helen Falling of Barrie sister of placement by general in golng Mrs Garry Lee Cpl William to cause the Americans const Pomfret missing since December after durable trouble Not that the action in Italy now confirmed as prison Commander former CO at Borden RCAF freed from prison camp in Ger Spry elected president Barrie Country Club Due toLoxlymspliilllEg golf course now open np mms returned home after spending season as coach St Ef$flzpffh$ Louis Flyers of American Hockey Lea gue There are reports he will sponsor Junior hockey here if artificial ice plant approved in time by Town Council mwm JuInfatlbrr aRySADE THREE MEN ON HORSE LETTERS To THE EDITOR YOUTH AND CHURCH Dear Editor While reading this newspaper tonight found something that find impossible to agree with am referring to statement in the article on youth dropin centre in Barrie The statement was quote The church as meeting place has gone and few people under 21 take part in the church disagree entirely with this statement and would like to ex press my opinion On Monday Tuesday and Wednesday night of this weak Enhyed immensely meeting at one of the churchcs in Barrio group of 2580 kids between the an of 1621 got getber and discussed problems AROUND lHE WORLD Carobodian Coups By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affnlrl Analylt The overthrow of Prince Sl White House took decislnnto overthrow Slhannuk the white House may even be sorry he fell from power tiresome though the prince was considered in Barrie Colts eliminated in we on even 05mm OlIA Junior semifinals by Oshawa Teammembers were Jimmy Strachan goal Max Richardson Bill Laking Cecil Cook defence Albert Bowen Bernie agents would only annular Jones centre Murray Richardson Larry it be known that they old but Lougheed left wing Holden Robinson like Slhanouk That plus some Frank hair for to accept that the CIA did not actually plot his overthrow The CIA would not have to potontinl rivals of Si hanouk would do the trick Those opponents of the former Cambodian lender would easily EMMWerecl lllip Eoniv man 18 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7W Second Class Mall Registration Number 0484 Return postage guaranteed Daily Slmdays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates dolly by carrier 55c weekly $2860 yearly Single coplcs 10c By mall Barrie sum yearly Ontario $1800 your other mull $3500 year Motor throw off $2100 year National Advertising Offi ces 425 University Avenue Toronto 610 Cathcart St Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press Ll ex clusivelyerllltlcd If the use for republication all news dlspatches ln thlsfpuper cred ited to it or The Associated Prods or Reuters and also the local news published therein The Horrlo Examlner claims Copyright in all original ud vertislns and editorial mater Ial created by its employees and reproduced in this news paper Copyright Rogistrollon Num ber mots register 61 that come up and what the sol utions are to them In the church that attend am glad to be able on say that we have very active group of young people There kids arent squarethey are just looking for answers to problem in this life In Easter weekend attend ed convention in Toronto whcro close to 2000 kids met together Those were kids from churches all over Ontario Some of the topics in discussion were bnitlt ing doling muting generation gap or communication cant do not blow your mind use ill and handling your bangups know many of tho kids as well as myself found the ans wera to many nuestlg would get help from the CIA especially money power so large and rich as the US does not necessarily have to enter dispute and ac tichy side with one or another disputnnt the more knowledge that one disputnot is disliked by the Americans is enough to en cuuiuze his opponents So Slhanouk felt and the Americans hastened to recog nize the regime which suc ceeded him Hts sin in the view of the American military was that he allowed the Communists to use Cambodia He did not allow them he could not stop them To keep the Communists from infiltrating Cambodia more he would not let the Americans come in though US forces we now hear did enter Cambodia in hot pursuit often RALLIES STANDARD Now that be has been over thrown and his opponents are receiving 05 support at least diplomatically Sibonnuk can only regain his position by sid ing with tho Communists This provides the Communists with Cambodian calm and Cambo dian rally standardthey can now be in Cambodia to restore its rightful ruler 1f Slhnnouk goes to the part of Cambodia now controlled by movement expressing all the discontent of tho Cambodians And to regain power ho will identify himself with such dislt content He will be the spokes man of the landless peasants the neglected bill tribes much as Prince Souphana Vangthe soc oiled Red Princels in Loos Around Sibonouk the Com munisls will build movement that will some day take over Cambodia Could the Americans have avoided this development Not necossarlly But they had more of achanceof seeing Cambodia stuyl outof Commun lsI clutches with Sihnnouk at the head of the legitimate Combo dinn government Evan difficult nationalist lead era are better in the long run as nllics against communism Na tlonnlism of course means antiAmerichnlsm but tho Americans have not learned to put up with ontiAmcricanlsm even though it may be the ad or junct of antiCommunism ogrlized as meeting place es pecially for kids because it can and should be large part of the teenseer today Dear sir on the occasions of our recent opening of exhibitions OTTAWA REPORT Quiet Man Of By PATIJCK HINDIEON allotted to our armed forces this week our mlnlsur of tinnnl titIce Hob Ito Cad ieux ls erasing the Arctic Cir cloforfheflrsztlmotornakes complete circuit clockwis flight Oildhlly the ministh Is In ennunn posiblc sites for Canadas mall army of Arctic occupation and if headquar ters In fact his tour is perhaps more In International gesture and personal familiarization light It is typical of The Quiet Man that he mints on see for himself LIKE PAST GitEATS lieo Cadieux in cast in the ad mirable but fading pattern of some of the great FrenchCana dinn cabinet ministers of years past He in the complain pollu cinn Just like some of those past matsErnest upolnto and Louis St lament prouni nmt among themLeo Indian quietly keeps on top of his par liamentary work and maintain close contact with his constitu cutswithout hoopla without the narnntazz which some ministerr find necessaryuand without thought omeogehuild ing with pipe or skis Regularly as clockwork the minister arrives at national defV once headquarters in the old Wintime temporary building at 820 am having walked the mile and half from his tampo rary home in large apartment building on the bank of the pretty Rldcnu River He meets with his executive assistant to discuss the days program with CANADAS STORY Pamr The church should still be rec JUNE SUMMERS Grade 11 Student Barrie THANKS EXAMINER We wish to express our appm cintion for the publicity given our club during the past season Also for the excellent coverage Your co oporatlon has asle ted in our endeavor to bring cul turnl highlights to the citizens of Barrie 1Tbnnklng you mu Yours truly FRENCH President Barrie Art Club Defence Minister ijStalling Helped Save Confederation it WAY OF THE CROSS Gentlemen On behalf of all those who were Involved in the Good Friday Why of the Cross would like to thank you for the excellent cov erage your newspaper gave this event Your treatment was taste fill and complete Without such coverage it would not have been an event in the full sense of the word since communication is the basis of community It is especially gratifying to be able to complement the media on an occasion of such dclicncy which could easily have been distort ed 011 the strength of this ex ample Barrie is in good hands Looking forward to further op portunities for cooperation am Yours trull Rev Fletcher Stewart Farlsh of Trinity BIBLE THOUGHT When ye way say Our Father which art In heaven Hallowed be thy nnme Thy kingdom conic Thy will be done as In heaven no In earth Lnln 1122 To know God asheavenly Father involves rcvcrillg His name and seeking to do lilo will QUEENS PARK Govt Comes To Aid consummate Of Tourist Operators By DON DHEARN Persistence does pay off eventually in this years budget there is an amount of $900000 for loans to tourist operators This marks success in what must be one of the longest cam poiyls in the history of govern ment here ll Since at least the late 40 tourist operators Chambers of Commerce ln tourist areas and other interested parties have been asking the government for assistancoln loans to improve and develop tourist properties The up ors have bcen in bind The tourist industry can be touchvnndgo business It is mostly marked by short scrsons And even beyond that it can be hazardous Bad weather for cxumple can mean crisis it not disaster Therefore upcrators been considered bad credit risks so bad that practically every xmwmr ny non nowrvrAN From medical dodor in Nova Scotti to Premier of the prov ince to Father of Confederation to High Commissioner to Brit ain to Prime Minister of Can adu are some of the highlights is the career of Sir Charles the riding large share of the responsibility for building the CPR across the nation It was perhops be on life in NovaScotia and en ed his days in British Col umhla lhero were manor more appropriate that he Although Sir John Mncdon aid is regarded as having been the chief urchith of Confedera tion achieved It without the astute aid of the Nova Scotien physi cian It was on April to 1365 that he took step tha proba bly saved the Confederation plan from being wrecked he might not have Early in 1865 Canada ap proved tha Confederation pro posals that had resulted from the conferences at Charlotte town and Quebec However they were uickly redacted by New Bron ck and Prince Ed ward Island Newfoundland postponed its decision and later relected Confederation Moor wle was then Premier of Nova Scotla knew that if Confedera tion were rejected in his own thing except shortterm loan has been denied to them They have not qualified as ac ceptable risks in any of the reg ular financing areas Yet they obviously have needed capital money if our tourist facilities were to be of standard that the province needs for this truly significant industry Further complicating the posi tion of the Ontario operators has been the fact that capital money has bcennvallable to in dustry lathe United Slntcs AVAILABLE TO ILS It even has been available to us operators who have ester llsbed oration in tho prov inceThl3 has meant that On torio resort owners have been at strong disadvantage par ticularly in those tourist areas along the border such as in northwestern Ontario Theroibad been lending binds in other provinces also Despite the obvious needand HM Govt Lb of staff and with his aqu minister Parliament tnghe then movu to his Parliament Hill ofce Meeting of caburet of cabin ccnunit tees or treasury board oe curry most of his molars He likes to hand in the parliama tary restaurant alloying Luge plate of cold meats and uladandaneadesscrtutho large table frequented by Lil era MP from Quebec when the bells ring to sum mon 1th into the House the minister ofdefcnce is one of the quickest to react on hzcsdays Wednesday and Fridays which are his allotted days to attend the question period Mr Speaker lamourcux opens the proceedings by reading Freya before the public is ad rnittcd to the gauntlei But if the elector nf Labdlc in La Belle Province were admitted to the galleries they would note that their MP is almost invaria bly one of the small group of 15 or 20 MP who attend prayers LATE POLITICAL START an Cndlcux was newspaper man he was war correspondent in Dunn for the great Mont real mochlhngungc news paper La Presu Then he oper ntcd small publishing busi ness and won election as mayor for hls homemwn St Antoine do Laurentidu In 1962 when he was 54 his life took two sharp turns in June he was electedrto the House of Com mans and in August he was married Every weekend he can be take his wife and their small son Inbrice home to enjoy family life at St Antoine But Leo Cudicux is com plete politician Thus one recent amday was devoted to one of those meet your ll gather ings being hold all over Quebec Under the chairmanship of minister delegates and MP1 from four or five adJoining con stituencies spend tho whole day in discussing government poli ciesranging that day from the tax whitetpnper to the planned new Montreal international Alr port which has already caused the Cadlcux home to be marked for expropriation no legislature it might never be re vivcd So be decidgd to stall for time by proposing at the Maritime colonies sho review their original plan to form lmlan of their own He knew there was little Glance of this happening but it provided diversion until the atmosphere might change His strategy proved to be suc cessful Although US railway interests were spending money in New Brunswtck to support the antiConfederationists Cam ad poured in more money to stem the tide Then they USA annoyed be came of incidents to the Civil War refused to renew recip rocal trade agreement that had helped the Mnrilimes Til ley and his Coanlerntion sup porters were returned lo power in New Brunswick and on April 11 1866 nrpper was able to get the Nova Scotia legislature to vote in favor of Confederation with Canada One year of stall ing had saved the day TIER APRIL EVENTS ISMCanadians were forbid den fo emigrate to English colo nies to the south 1312USA called up militia Ha Prepare for attack on Can leftHalifax received charter as city advantage to the provincesue cesslve administrations here have turned down all requests The nancial leaders of vurious governments apparently have taken the position though they seldom have even hintcd this ublicly such loans would simp be too risky why the conversion now Ione reason would be the con tmmng pressure Persistence persistent enough can eventu ally turn out to be Irresistible Also there has bcen signifi cant developmenteven wlthoul the loans It is estimated that tourism now employs directly almost 10 cent of the prov inces vo force and is third largest export industry after pulp and paper and menu factoring Government perhaps had realize it isnt so risky after And even if it were provincial effort behind it was Justified There has been complaint nooul the small size of the fund provided