Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1970, p. 1

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$23 rough EXAMINER TELEPHOHES Gandhi Advertising mull All OthE Department meter ame 106m Your No 34 Berth Ontario Canada Friday April 10 I970 WEATHER tail aid or meter storm oold pass through the mini evening bow Saundra Dean pg hen l0 Per Copy l6 Pagu ARCTIC CONTROL IS REGRETTABLE Mental Checklip For Sault Man OTTAWA Patrick Jo seph Sayers 26 01 Sault Ste Marie Ont was sent to merr tal hospital tor days tor ob lervntion when he appeared in court here Thulsdny charged with possession at an explosive substance Sayels was charged allowing incident in the Parliament ulidings Wednesday alteration when homNnads tire bomb was thrown down stairwell WASHINGNN The United Stats has termed grumble proposed median lepslatinn to etrul arctic Ira tcrs and warned that the US does not recognizc jurisdictions at other commins on In ships on the high seas The natallent Thursday by state department spokesman the strongest yet on the arctic sovereignty lane made char the US will stick the three Bertrqnd Plans Expressways QUEH GP While Pr micr Juancquss Bertrand an nounced pill tszhbulgultiwo ult presswm and Thursday plat liberal under Robert Boursm denounced the go Union National lol making Tinemnsihin election promises Bath leaders were speaking in the Hull area Across the Ottawa River from Ottawa in their campaign or the ApriIz9 Quebec general electim In other campaign develop ments Alene Levesque leader at the separatist Peril Quchccois told meeting in bk Montreal Regina PhySician Pans Commission REGINA lCP The MDain commission bombarded with thousands or words on the evils and advantages or drugs hum day was told it may have been established tor political or 96 soual gain The attention made by no siciztn Dr Enr spouse tram Gerald Wain chairman of the federal com mission studying the nonmedl cnl use at drugs Some people suspect your commission may be asked to be rubber stamp or that you will he the acquiesch that provides the stamp or ap proval tor already Preeoncelv ed ideas said Dr namotes liir LoDaln the ASyeanold dean at Torontos Osgoode Hall law school lwarncd the doctor he was reflecting upon the inn tvgrity or the commission and its members and could have to answer For it The doctor asked at priv nte hearing because he did not Jzmmwww AP TE wish to otien the commis sionbut the angry chairmen replied Its too late for that You ve been very alienslve to me Manyxilled Lv During Clash PENOM RENE Reuters About 100 men women and chil dren were killed and 200 others wounded during fierce fighting between Viet Cong and Combo dian govement torccs near tacitly Journalist lying near compound identity cheek Thursday NWS Rhodesians Vote In General Election SALISBURY mutualRhodesian burned out telvote today in general election ailrm certain to return the white minority Premier Ian Smith with big majority The re tho first since Rhodesia declared independence from Britain in 1965 is foregone conciuclone mandate room government oi suitor the vote the white electorate tor even stricter racial segregation assistant secretary or state who 724nm visit CAIRO FemoralPrestich Nixons top Middle East expert ed Mons Arab resentment the United States as he headed here today for talks wil Egyptian here held out little encouragement for Joseph lsschedulcdtotiyintoday era Sisoo the LS Kirk Will VlVleet Force With Force ERADENTON Fla IAPlGov Claude Kirk vowing to meet torco with torce elmlg to control of the Manatee Conny sonnet system today in the taco or besioging us marshals The man snails seeking to clear the way tor school integration under said they already regarded three Kiri aides use county sherilt and five deputies as under arrest although not tederni court older in physical custody Exciting Chess MOSCOW tamll was onexeitlnlg chess nlnucn and 12year oid Serel Grigoridv was breathing so hard The newspaper Svlelskaya Rossbu re paw resident or Okuiovkn was taken and three surgeons removal til atch This One Had the youn to the Novgo pawn Tito boy is recovering Working Towards Phosphate Limit TORONTO CPIThe Ontario government in amount at phos hates detergent manufacturers may products the mnlster or energy and resources maxing the legislature Thursday George Kcrr Rainy River said the govemmcnt also that would oblige detergent companies to publish the pmduct phosphate content on the outside or the box Teenagers Killed thoson om killed Thursday night when their motorcycl after being chased tor t3 miles Martens it died at the accidentsch an later in hospital nan In Police Chase CPLNo mm County teenagers were went out or control Donald Lewis Donn Weulherbiel by police cruiser mile territorial limit now in the Canadian government which force by both Canada and the in our view constitutes nailab US erai approach to pmbiem we The US does not recognize belleve should be solved by eo ths right at any state unilater operative tsternatlmal action ally to establish territorial sea The US lines not recognize or more than three milu said any exercise at coastal states press spokmnan Robert bio jurbdiction over our vessels on donkey tn nerds man the high sens limited Jurisdiction in an Inn The state department reunion beyond tilnil followed by one day the an Thornton we regret the in nouncement or the proposed Ca trodstctlnn of this legislation by radian legislation to extend Ca riding of Luluin rst his party recently conducted poll that shows it will form the govern ment toliowlng the election Creditlstn Leader Camii Small told 50 persons in st Charles nenrQucbec City his party will help farmers by guar anteeing grants subsidies and seasonal employment it it is elected Tho Liberal party an nounced pinttonn calling tor greater Quebec powcrs over radio and television immigra tlon taxation social security and economic development Frontier Bertrand told about 00 persons at Hull the high ways department will in few days call or tender or con structtm or 2000000 ox pressway or nutomuts between Gatineau and Aylmer stretch of about 155 miles nnul Hull Plans were being studied tor second sutornute or about 30 miles between Hull and Wain told Mr nourossa told donut my person in the same city that Union iladonsie election prom iscs give the impression of laughing at the doctorate at the province Premier Rostrund niado series utsteps in the Hull region and spoke to mum of from 150 to 300 potions in worse beproausodin bridge but added lln only telling you this to put stop to rumors to the contrary Lenbtnrclmnd tIott Lib ernlmembcr for Kmnloopsy ot purlidinent discusses un Iroquois Indian mask with Howard Slants conm rst losing manna nutlve or the South Vietnnrnese border Thursday night witnesses said to Phnom Perth today trnm Prac saut village in Svey Ricog prov ince said they savvthe contorted bodies or women and children into which all people at Vietnamese origin were herded alter an erasmumttmw lenders Observers ho inhaled his block rezlonul hospitd ny soon limit the put in their meat told replying to PM Reid is considering legislation CAPE KENNEDY Fin AP Thmo astronauts including lastminute rookie substitute on whom everything depends learn today at hours before the scheduled binstott whether they will ieavu tor the moon Saturday The 213 pm EST Apollo 13 launch was left it chithanger ng as dcdsion on whether ullll Swigert Jr the stop gap replacement can mesh tnllt ant and personality with prime crow members James Lov ell and Fred liaise It not the flight will be pastl period until May at cost at $800000 The decision was to be made by Thomas Paine adminis trator oi the US space agency this nttcrnnun alter evaluating Swlgcrts performance in tourhour ul session today Thomas Mattingly II who had the mlstortune not to no im mune to the German measles to which he was exposed wus all but ruled out or the mission Thursday Physicians gured theywould be taking too much of chance sending him on the today light While Swigert worked out in Children CAIRO Reuters Fury swept through Egypt and the rest or the Arab world Thursday as grieving parents buried schooichildren who the Egypt inus charge wcra klilcdin an isrueli air strike Wednesday on the Nile delta town of Bohr el Eokr nor was under strong pressure to order reprisnis against ls leol which stuck by its Insist cnco that only Egyptian mili tnry targets had been hit in the raid Some or the 70 other civilians who the Egyptians say were injured in the attack40 oi whom also are childrenwere reported in lcritleol condition Thursday and tears grow that tho linul death toll would sour Maro than twice as many all viliulls died during Llll isracii raid on metals toctory outside President Gamnl Abdel Nos simulators with his new crew mates the sleek SKIloot high Saturn rocket was being readied as if no uncertainties existed about its human colgo The preparations were on schedule The weather was torts east to be scattered clouds with no rain In the makebelieve space capsule where launch lying and moanlanding conditions are simulated by computers Swlg crt worked on achieving the precise coordination that is needed among crow members The question was not how well he knows his job Ills training had been identical with Matting lYs but always with diiicrent motes its really compatibility sort or thing to got him up to speed in language and ro spousesthis sort of thing space agency spokesman said its matter of responding and knowing lot of times they use their own sort ai short hand in speaking Mission director Chester Lee ordered the countdown tor the launching to proceed alter Zlshour conference with space agency etticlals about all as pects of um night Rockie SubSitute Waits For Blasto Clearance nadisn sovereignty miles out to sea and utabiish Oxnadisn jurisdiction up to 100 miles nit snore over shipme in arctic waters Up In now both the Us and Canada observed the thrcemiie limit plus an additional nine miles tor shing rights state dcpnnmunt oliieini here re cently suggested is lruila terri torial limit it it could be agreed to internationally stccloskcy said that both gov ernrnenu had disde the issue over long period and that the Canadian nowroman is iuily aware of our views It is most complex issue and the this statement tndtLl allows or further Contact with the Canadian government he said Prime Minister Trudeau in announcing the legislation in the House at Commons said that the two bills are intended to protect Canadas marine enviv mment and the living re sources of the sen Liite SlcClosltcy said the US is more at clon gers to marine environment in the absence of international guarantees to protect against pollution For this reason we tulle par ticular noto OI till remarks at Prime Minister Trudeau that Canada is prepared to par tidpate actively in multilateral ctlorts to demon named rules or the protection it the envi moment in the Commons at Ottawa Prime Minister Trudeau said he has not received any ofcial American Nactiun He said Commons debate on the subject has been scheduled or Thursday April is mount Mr the Six Nations Reserve nnn Brantiord Mr Murcilnnd donned nn lndinn elltcts hcnddrcsoLor thoJirst Limo print to speaking at mect lng Thursday or Wire photo Glvc him plenty of rest and cancel all moan trips By HE ASSOCIATED PRESS Continuing strikes by truckers have resulted in Chicago lock out luyoifs in several United States Midwestern cities and brouglt scattered instances violence There was toachers strike in Minneapolis and threats at similar walkout in three other cities and continuing sick out by some air traltic control lets Five Chicago trucking asst cintinns ordered 33000 drlvcrs locked out today utter sixth carriers group signed cum tract providing pay hikes 50 per cent higher than tentative no tionni settleman truckers dissatised with the national agreement went on strike in several major Midwestern industrial centres Those combined with other can tinuing wildcat strikes to force iuyofis of 32000 workers in Cleveland Detroit and St leuis Six employees at Cleveland trucking lirm were arrested in Painesvilic Ohio utter bullet struck it rented truck driven by management trainees of rub bur nrm transporting tires In Huron County our rear OTTAWA The ennu dian RndloTcievisiun Commis sions controversial proposals for increasing Canadian content on radio and TV will get an in tensive public review at tour day CETC hearing opening Tuesday The question is whether the CRIC will enforce the propos lays in their will have to be introduced The proposals these major etiects substantial increase Sept 19 Canadian Content Hearing For CRTC Opens Thursday uls announced in February or wllclncr mndmcnuans and do implementatinn would have in Camilla TV programs particu Llarbr in prime time elicctive this all or the CBC and hetero tor the private programming on CBC rv this tat He told neWs conterence in Toronto Feb 12 Since private hmudcasters would bavti until September lint to comply with the same standards as the CBC this would mean tor many at them about four additional evening hours of Canadian programs 11 wcuk by thin nil andanutl1cr hours by the start of the oi lowing September Letters from individqu Cana dlunS now open to the public have been about 5050 or and against the proposals CRTC spokesman said Some of the slimst opposition is expected to come from the Canadian Associatianioi Broad casters representing about 95 per cent of Canadas privately owncd rudin and TV stations The CAB begun thrccililty annual meeting here today to sector By Sept 1971 all stu tions would have to give nt least on per cent of mm schedules to Canadian programming Slrict limits on the number of times TV program may be Continuing Strikes Cause Many US Layoffs Lockouts tires on moving tnlck were shot out and puiicu intmigrated mports at are punctures on n95 parked at truck stop WATCIIMAN BEAIEN In Gory Itld night watch man was bcotcn at freight terminal Teamsters Union and trucking industry ofcials in vllslllngtuu said they were sianding by the tentative contract they worked out It provides SLIO an hour waxe increase over three years In the newest labor deeluo mcnl 3400 striking illunuapulis school teachers crippiud the citys wscboel system and caehcrs prepade to strike in Los Angcles Muskogee Oklu and Butte Mont The Minneapolis went on strike in deance at state law and court order They demanded incmnsed pay and smaller classes The l7duy0ld ln trntilc con trollch strike has led to layolls at 1700 employees of Trans World and United airlines The controllers sold they are absent due to sickness caused by inadequate manpower and obsolete equipment Their all some continued to cause delays cancellations and airline losses day POSTMEN UNIIAIPY Postal workers who ended strike when they were promised lipcrcent pay increase were among the federal employees cnvcrcd by sixpercent raise Congress is expected to pass However some militants in the NCw York postal union lo cal have expressed unhappi ness at government plans to tie the second ciglltpcrccnt seg ment of their raise to postal rult form They threatened to rttlmv interrupted or advertising and clear sepnretlon between ads and programming the proposals and other their strike it the entire raise isnt enacted by April 30 lhe inclusion at virtually n1lnonipmgrum mulcrloL in eluding stations own promo tionnl messages as advertising and maximum of 12 minutes an hour that can be used for ads requirement that at least 30 per cent of the music played by AM radio stations be Cano dina WOULD ADD HOURS CRTC chairman Pierre Ju neau has said the proposals could mean an increase at about three hours week in Canadian Progress In Slow Despite By IAN PORTER OTTAWA CPI Prngrcss in solving tho Montreal postal dis pute remained slow Thursday despite another spirited demen otratlon on Parliaman Hill Parents Bury Killed In Raid Cairo Feb 12 but the emotional impact at the death of the chil dren has bccn much greater At the United Nations Wednesday Egyptian Ambassa lur Mahmud oi Zayyad charged that United States military us sizgunco had made the raid pos The chuucsn newspaper SnwtaivAurubn cchoed the ne cusution and said photographs the child victims of the Plum tom oircrntt bombs will con stltute storm or international violent wrnth that will melt not only the White House but the strongholds of imperialism wherever they are WARNS 0F REVENGE Pain lnlnn Arab com mando or tlnizution warned in so Syria it would strike at civliiun targets inside Israel in retaliation spokesman for Saiqn said the organization will make the Zionist enemy pay dearly lot Wednesdays bombing of 11 school in the United Arab Ru public In Tel Aviv Israeli officials said Egypt was to blame in Wednesdays tragedy because it appeared the Egyptian authori tlcs housed children in the com pound of nmiiitary installation Wednesday foreign colre spundents in Egypt were shown the bodies or some at the bomb victims and the injured in nearby local hospital but they did not see tile actunl school building whero the Egyptians any the children were studying when the bombs tell Olllclais sold it was too dark to reach the spot Egypt insists there ulo no military imtoiiations in the urea ail Dispute Demonstration The government is still dead locked with union leaders over the terms of entry into post of lico employment or mail truck drivers tormcriy employed by private contractor Late in the attemeon tollew ing Parliament Hill demon strntlon et solidarity by close to 1000 union members wives and supporters from Montreal turn ther meeting was arranged be tween union leaders and treas ury Board President Drury The talks included for the first time Jenn Marciland Regional Economic Expansion minister and former president at the Con federation of Natlenoi Trade Un ions The sticking point remained the CNills insistence that the drivers keep their present union and enter the post etlice as scpnrntn bargaining unit The government has repented that such procedure would contra vene its existing stnit reintlons laws and Mr Drury said follow ing the meeting it would result in administrative chaos DENIES SIATEmeTS Mr Drury also denied the as scrtion made earlier to the demonstrators by CNTU Presi dent Marcel Pepin that the gov eroment last month paid lnbor lawyer Curl Goldgnbcrg to gov or up alleged union busting by Post master General Eric Kielans Emmanuel Zucchini human cannnnball in the Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus pesos with his wife Linda at New Yorks Madison Square Garden Thursday night The Zucchl inis collided during per il Hlilll THE TEAM IS BACK tomonce of their act in Jack sonviiie Fin Feb and Zucchini has only recently recovered sutticlcntly irnm his injuries to return to the act Mrs Zucchini is still continent to wheelchair AP Wircpilolo reported at mum mansonunoov

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