111155 TEE BARSIE mm FRIDAY HASKIMS HASH EightEnder 11 Base Borden By EARL LOFTY HASKIM BARBIE 311501 hockey cams wind up lhe susco at the threeday Golden Horseshoe tournament in Burlingtan start in today Novice Pee Wee Em and uldgcu will take 11 The 13 teams will be in Owen Sound for tuouz pLly off in on Georgian Bay Lea gun MRS LLOYD STLNSON of 56 Clappcrtbn St was out fishing bright and early last Sunday at Mincts Point 5111 to wait long until she landed llrl nightlb Vinitash woes one gets stuck in snowstorm and behind in the Pasb you can count on VKV to pull you out ccntly no very high on him KEN MCKENZIE and Wife fti 111 the curling matches ld Silver Broom It bchanlcS daughter and Mrs Robert Christie live in Uticu and use Iooklntllc curling en 53 an dlamp deserved lb ricr rom old barrio col St when just but vesily of Toronto uldnl let him into medical school at that early age so he had to wait one year not nine Actually the age limit was 17 but the war was on and doc giale on Bloke years of ageQuitc tru stabbshm cnt dz WINNIPEG CF lishcd Gamcs swimming trials Miss Cougnlan of Burlington wUntn holder of the mark at two minutes 132 seconds in the zoometro frecStylc lcft seven other girls in her wake as she won in Smith of Edmonton boat Joanne Warren for the Sec and time as she cut twotenths of asccond off the Vancouver swimmcrs Canadian record in the 400metrc individual med Icy Miss Srnllhs limb was 15 finals were held Thursday night with favorites winning all but one Ralph Hutton of Ocean Falls 30 Won the EWmctre free style in 158 George Smith of Edmonton tho toometro individ ual medley with time of 45251 Bill Kennedy of London Ont took the 100mctre back stroke in 102 and Donna Marie Gurr of aocouvcr won the womens 100ltmclro back stroke in 11094 SHAW FaunTu Torontos Jim Shaw Cana dian record holder in the 100 metro backstroke finished fourth behind Kennedy Eric Fish of Medicine Hat Alta and Brad Storey of Calgary The lnycarold Miss Smith have BOB STEPHENS skipped his rink of George Hughes vice Lco Doucctlc second nnd Andy Am dcrson to an righbender at the Base Borden Curling Club re RON 3011321121 15 sure fire bet If he draltcd by ab olul Junior team this spnng Last week at nlcbmond Hill llnp Emms said Ron will go in the draft and hope ve Incl bill He reminds me of Rick Lc The London knlgbls have 33150 scouted young Bobbctte and On Wednesday night llsycarlt 1d Ron suited up with tho Bar 14 Colts Hc notched brace of boll DuguidllheEairle gain and returned lo by studies at Central Collegiate till up The Swedes hava young wetkg am and were very lmprcs vFovc of vllaplc Ava be play ve the Scotshnd lovgo an ra end to eliminate thcm We ct many pcoplo from Onlhrinl mmunltics hutthn crowd was nearly as large as file sucnr ERROR In slory Tc Bill Little Winning culzun Two Canadian Records Set In Indoor Winter Swimming Angela Coughlnn and Sue Smlth estab tlo Canadian records Thursday the opening day of the Conadiun Indoor winter na ll and Commonwealth AP urn9 for vlen needed However Dr Bill only waited long enough to qualify for the artillery in 1915 and enlisted went 011314225 then came back to graduate as an 111 fa three veals bl var service he could have been the youngcst medical doctor cler to graduate from good oldVzlr slly T1115 15 WHAT typical Little NHL hockey playcr looked like in Barrie about 15 years ago The is for Barncas of Col lier St United Clutch who won Sunday School league champion ship Photo was taken by his father on Mary St Others on thatwlnning team still around town are Ken McKenlic Hurry Phrtr go and Peter Sinclair P11 rAvrzno is home in on of Mr and Mrs Bruno cd 1c wing during thccurrcnt sumo lvlth Pctrnlia Jets and attended high school lullml lawn near sarnia There Were 11 clubs in the Junior hockey group divided between Michigan and Wcstcrn Ontario Ebll ad sick ncss in mldtcrrn0an lEo suf lcrcd severe kl no ups humanlan WhWl asonwllls father was stnl gcr for Barrie Flych back in the 191648 era of Junior and farmer photographer engraver val lids nEwspnpcr Bctty Glynetclls us the ladies scetionniythe Barrio Curling Club will holdgflut curling at their closing on April 15 never entered her mind said it had beaten Miss Warren race was the final two lapsthe breaststroke and freestyle Miss Coughland pared to try for the record just had to keep going 15 POPULAR COMPETITOR FifteenyeurDld Miss Gurr was nearly three seconds off the leetre backstroke record of Elaine Tanner but she drew loud applause from the gallery when she mounted the victory stand on crutches Miss Gurr said she has had cast on her left leg since De cember when it was discovered some bones were separated in the knee Doctors were sched uled to operate but further rays showed the knee improving so the operation was cancelled The Vancouver native said she practises with the cast on removing it only in competition Hcr 109A clocking Thursday wns her best ever in the event Canadas team competing in the Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh in July will be sc lccted on the basis of the four day competition here The team will be named Sunday The top two finishcrs in each event are eligible for the team but they must equal qualifying who admitted afterwards that thoughts of beating the record THE HORSES CPI Dl Russ Furnch of Milton Ont drove two winnch Thursday night at Mohawk Raceway bringing home Avon Betty in the third and Bundmas tcr III the sixth Bulldmnsftl fuurycawld Calnblncd with Belmont Jerry fur $77 cxaclur Ill the second und Bay of Bengal in the first rcturncdswu DATAVIA NY CPI llld Alllus and oil tvyculnuld buy Furness Has Two Winners CA LV 1111 old mare owned and driven by Gas Tllu duily double of Judicator times to be eligible for the Games full Guindun of Buckingham Que Thursday paced through snowstorm to Win 51100 clulmlng pace at Balaviu Downs Vern Adios paced the mile ill 214 LS and returned $1560 to Win GREEDY FISH lhn blucfish somclllnm dis gorges what It llils already was only the second time she She said the difference in the rated Can adas top freestyler camc pre trained for it all lcck she said felt strong all the way The last lap knew BASEBALL PREDICTIONS ST PETERSBURG Fla AP If anybody ls going to beat Baltimore Orioles in the American Leagues Eastern Db vision ll will be Boston Red slap If anybody is gain to in Minnesota Telins in the West it will be the Oakland Athletics It Says here the Red Sox will do the you on the Orioles al though they dubbed third games back in 1969 but Minn 5421 um staggcr past Oakland in the West only lo bc amA hustled by the Red Sox in the pennant plnynu cum division shapes up twoteam ram Detroit gcrs appear around by the Donny uc affair Washing Ltll Senators can cause trouble New York Yankees still lack long ball punch and Cleveland Indians just dont have it Be hind Minnesota and Oakland in thc Wesl Kansas City Royals Chicago White son and Califor nln Angels figure to scramble Could ST PETERSBURG AP Illabe the World Series chnmplon New York llets will fillIJlat on helr laces Maybe manngcr Gil Hodch will lose his magic Maybe pitchers Tom Scalcr and Jcrry Housman wont win at least 10 games Maybe but dont bet on it After eating chalk with St Louis Cardinals last spring this observer has caught the Met rc Iigion The nmazins did the convincing last September and October and there appears lp be no reason to abandon ship dc spite 5050 record in spring training The Mots have bolstered the one weak spot in their Infield with Joe Fay at third base Thcy picked up an experienced lefthandler in Ray Sadcckl And they will have the fullscason services of big Donn Clcndenbn Alter beating at Chicago cubs Pittsburgh Pirates and make the World Scrics ognin LPADRES PuT DOWN Aslros and Los Angelo Dodgers hero in the two divisions trcal WestI Cincinnati clsco Diego Ellis thc Cardinalstn say nothing of Philadelphia Pllillics and Mun treat Exposthey must lake on the best in the West before they The best in the West could be any one or 1ng teams We cx elude only San Diego Padres from the race Dcspilc pitch lug problem that still exlsts lbnl raw power in the Cincinnati Reds order suggests they will outslug Atlanta Braves Houston San Francisco Giants Heres the way looks from East1 New Yor Chi cage St Loui Pitts burgh Pllfladclphl Mon At Innta Houston San Fran Lns Angclcs San The Pirates llavc bccn getting big play from the Sports Writ ers in Florida who have been awed by that steady batting order and the fine curly form of Bob Vcnlc Bob Moose and Dock But it Is hard to overlook the Red Sox Challenge Could Upset Orioles for the crumbs with Seattle Pi lots and Milwaukee Brewers in the roar In tho twodivision syslun cad learn plays each of the other five teams in its division 1E times and ad of the 5k in the other divnlon 12 times The Twins fattcned up on the West LilSS season and should do it again PITCHING STRONG Jim Lonborg appears back on the beam The addition of Gary Peters from thc White Sex seems to have given the Rod Sax 50le pitching base that also includes Ray Gun and Mike Nagy George Scott had an outstanding spring and Carl Yustrzcrllski had one of his best exhibition seasons Catching ap pears to be Bostons chic protr ltrn now that Luis Alvarado has fitted into the Infield at third bnsc Hcrcs the way the tun divi sions look from here Amazin Mets Repth Mike Shannon Rcl Scocndicnst has been trying Joe Torre Phil Gnglfano and Richie Allen at third base Tcd Simmons the rookie who is expected to be the No catcher still is in the Army The bullpen is in trouble without Joc Hocrncr Allens big bat is going to be big help and the pitching trio of Bob Gibson Stcvo Carlton and Nelson Brilcs is rough The Phillics arc rebuilding the kids installing Larry Down at short and Denny Boyle alt bQC and in the middle of the infield They are short one oulfioIdcr MCCARVER VITAL Tim McCarvcr must bounce back strong it they are to get good catching Much dcpcnds on comebacks by Chris Short and Jim Running in the pitching dc partmcnf Montreal is in over its head last years sod 52410 record In the West the booming but though Jim lllaloncy on rookie shortstop Dave Con trouble heavy Nash big year from Hunk Aaron WATCH FOR ASTROS pitching slnll Strikeout record last year again but could db bcttcr than of the Reds will have to make up for pitching shortages al lngy bbpb Ilm Mc Glut hlin and rookie Wayne Simpson wlll come to the aid of Gary Nolarl Jim Merritt and Sparky Anderson is gambling ccplnin but has Woody Wood ward to fall back on in case of The loss 71 Ron Reed my body blow to the Braves taking away an 18gamc winner for an indclinite period That puts an load on Phil an Nickro George Stone Pat Jar vis and CxOnkland Athletic Jim The Braves are solid club and could repeat with another Many regard the ASIluS as the slecpcr in the field That led by Larry Dierker Don Wilson Tom Grif fin and Denny Lemastcr set Banks be disastrous Don Kessinger cubs who did have Ellagame lead on Aug 13 and appeared ready to sell World Series tick ets Losing that loud had to leave scars on the Cubs PITCIIJNG PROBLERI However the big reason we put them sccond is shortage of starting pitchers bulllnd Fer guson Jenkins Bill Hands and Ken Hellman The Cubs have strong but thin line at regulars Injuries to Ron Santa mic Glenn Beckcrt or Billy Williams could For starter they are in trouble with Randy Hundlcy on the injured list St Louis is in muddled situ ntion because of the illness of Remember thcy ries second five years in row kids like Bill Buckner and possi in centre and the ability Maury Wills to play steadily lar clobbcrod the Mets 102 in the season so Juan Morichnl and Gaylord Perry on the mound and willie Willie Mays and Bobby Bonds at the plate are going to keep the Giants in the thick of it Tth have flnisbcd The Dodgers are another club that could blow up storm bly Steve Garvey come through Much depends on Willie Davis San Diego should move up few lengths but it is difficult to see them gctting out of the eel Eastl morc fruit New York land Westl llinnesufzi Oak Mllvraukce The Orioles have solid linap from top to bottom with line power In Boog Powell Frank Robinson Brooks Robllr son and Paul Blair alike 0m lar Dave 1cally Jim Palmer and Tom Pnoebus are tough pilchcrs to crack rookie has to be new Ty Cobb to break into the starting lineup nm on lame awesome array of talent full before New York ch1 in ml World Series last October It Nuld happen again IIAS NEW LEADER Boston is hungry Vltll now manager Eddie Kasko at the helm to create new sprit of togetherness on club that feudcd with Dick Williams last year they could maplnlc um spark of 1967 Ted Williams worked nlira club with Vaslllngtun club last year in ng only one come behind the Red Sox ith hitters like Frank Howard Kcn Alcllullcn and llke Epstein to carry the load the Senators could sneak into third place The McLain case may have lvrcckcd the Tigers Mickey Lol lcn must carry um heavy load The llnLllp still is solid with Wll lCu Ilorton ll Knllnc Iinl Northrop Mickey Slnnlcy Nnrm Cash and Bill Frcchan fu suing the bat Who can replace IcLlilnS 21 wins The answer is cosynobody The Ivins floundcrcd through spring training losing nine in row at 0110 stage Ilarmon Kille hrclv bothered by chronic no condition was slow com aruund Bill Righty is count on Luis Hum 10 slcp in them with Jim at im Furry umi Dave Boswell lllE Kille brcw nnd Tony Oli do heavy bundling Oakland might jusl be rcady to make its move The Athlcti go the hvins score Inst yl unlil tllc cud The addition of Don Mincllcr and Felipe Alon plus thc holdnvcr power of Reggie Jackson and Rick Mun day should keep them in most Rnnlcs Donny ILLJIII what he will do between now and July the day his suspcn sum from baseball is llflcd Pilots Past Up For Recall SEATTLE APl Scuttle Il lots bocamc thing of the past Thursday vhcn bankruptcy referee affixcd his signature to all order allowing IIIL American League tcams sale to Milwau kcu Brewers Illc But the past apparently is going to be recalled one Of these dnys Villlnm Dwycr spcuial assist ant stilto attorney general said 5320001100 antitrust suit against the lczlguc and the own crs of the defunct Seattle base ball franchise probably will come up in court In about yutil The suit brought by Washing ton State and Seattle seeks damages fur economic injury in cnntcnds will result from loss of the Pilots When the federal bankruptcy referee Sidney Volinn signed the order Thursday night he gnvc the state and the oily the goollcad on the suit Volonn had suspended all legal action while 1112 considered Petition from the Pilots ownch for permis sion to sell to the Brewers for 5108000410 most of which was to pay off 5111300011 in debts Even before the suit comes up in court however organized baseball may be in for trouble because of the sale Senators Warren Magnuslm and Henry Jackson and Rep Brock Adams all Washington Democrats have they will introduce legislation in Con gress next week in an effort to strip the sport of its snycnrbld mmunlcy from federal antitrust aw Lake Levels Ottawa Gains First Victory Against Charlottetown Club HULL Que CF Ottawa 11 and Rangers skated to scored 111 the second period give islanders lead at in 43 victory over Charlottetown Islanders in the third game of thol bestnfscvcn Memorial Cup quarternal scrics Thurs day The Rangers scored two goals in the final period to come up with their first victory in the first three playoff games Islanders won the two opening games in Charlottetown The winning goal in the third period was scored by Brian Bonner at the 727 mark when be deflected Don Bclshcrs pass from behind the Charlottetown end of the second period relatively small crowd of 21130 fans watched the game played during one of the worst snowstorms to hit the arc this year DRINK P0 The average person in the United States drinks about gallons of sodas and fruitflu vored beverages each year incth above Survey Results DETROIT col The 115 Lake Survey at Detroit reported Thursday the following levels in the Great Lakes SuperiorThree inches below Canadian and us chart datum and Huron20 St Club21 inches above Eric28 inches above Cox for all their runs threeinnng bans ulrcurun Hortons LlVOtllfl basesempty blast Jones were the key blows LAKELAND Flu AP doesnt know nxpccl to gut some club bookings but dont have any thing sct limo urgulllsl Salli tllc sumo Tigers Continue Comeback With Senators Victims PRESS Short and 11y lllll Ull Philadelphia Detroit Tigers contlnucd spring training comebacks Thursday Sllurt pitching six shutout plugs in the Plllllics so exhib tinll bnscball victory over Knn sas City Royuls and un Tigers pounding Washington 1141 Lhcirthird successive triumph for Short limited the Royals to hits while posting in third spring victory without loss The big loltllnndcr has al lowed just two cnrncd runs Ill 311 innings of work Twudun singles by Jolln Briggs and Sam Pur nun paced the Philadelphia nt tack TI Tigers bringing Ultlf Olcr Il exhibition mark to 10 16 tagged the Senators Casey in Fruc span Bill llOIllLI Villic shot and ll by Dalton built an Minnesota Dvins early lead on home runs by Harmon Killcbrclv and Bryant Alyea homers and rookie Luis Alvarado for 51 and over the fled 50x IIITS FOUR IIOMERS then wcathcrcd Boston by Carl Yastrzcmski Hank Aaron hanged out four hits bringing his spring avcr ace in 500 ns Atlanta whipped Clo vclu of Indians ea Phil Nickro went eight the Braves scattering six hits Slim McDowell strum out Braves in seven innings but was tagged for six runs and 13 bits inni gs for and Burt Reggie Jackson in Oak Cumpancris homered April Fools Day Late In Montreal MONTREAL CF1 April Fools Day came 21 hours late for Lou Ifnltin director of oper ations fur Mnntrczll Expos of baseballs National League Frustration frustrating frustrating Martin Thurs day as he viewed inches of fresh snow that fell on Jurry Park The Expos are scheduled to play their second home opener in major league baseball next Wednesday altcr taking part in the leagues season opener at Cincinnati against the Reds Monday ch hud tllc field ill cxccllnl shape and the 10tons of straw bud on the infield nll winter loft everything fine Martin said Weve got to get rain and one or two days of warm weather but in the meantime Im trying to arrange to get machine from tho airportits lollfootwide hunt machine they Ontario14 inches nhnv goal onll onlcu so that It may eat more 11ch Early In Duncan picked up crlod and Dave the period Allan from tho Blockville Bravos for this so rics fled the game for Bangers scored for Rangch in the sec Charlottetown opened the soon ing In the first period with goal by Bob Macmillan Angus Muillllghall Hurry Promm INSURANCE AGENCY NEW vltll just ovcl two minutes TELEPHONE NUMBER gone not as 115th1 In 1169 Doug Grills and Belshcr Directory 7261 324 139 BERCZY ST Indy 800 Killy 506 Head 7211 end 1511 end 260 BARRIE Collier St Sports no use to clear the runways Llllllmu QUANTITIES Sale Price $11500 $13500 511111011 511113 $12001 Reg Price 521500 515500 $19500 $18500 $15000 The Sports Pooplo DENNY McLllIN WRITING UNTIL IULY iii 2912 Kulln announced in cv York chncsdny mat the lunar0 Detroit llgcr pllcllcr would mmfdmc fs suspended from professional WY mm baseball duuugb June 30 The Its my undcrslundlng out Ru an D6va cant be associated wtih scxlli askuc ntion llfll gamblch in pro ball so Ill just have to wait led in nu nllngud bookmak and sec lug 0cratiml in 11le in Flint Baseball commassinner Bowie Mich And dont know whom Ill be able to Work out with have cc romp ulcl LIliuluu Cull rldslllzlf llllIl Chl llilc Sail lllllll Athletics lll Iilwuukcc Bravos lrancisco Ginnls tllunlpcd San Louis dcd inficldcr Dicgo Putin 112 15 Ken llcn Sltlu lluan If zln Dltgn fur dcrsoll and lan lllutt cun slutllpdlv pitcher Blllv lcCoul Thursday 11 gave infielder 20 the Alllericnn nuctud fur llunlers Ilomc runs by Dcron Jullllsnn and Byron Browne curlled Phil ndclphias 13 team lb an 111 run dict over Cincinnati Reds lu nigllt games lva York illls played Pittsburgh rlrnles New York Yankees mct ubu trcul Expos Houston Astros look on BulLimnrn Orioles and Eddy Agha Has Better Day In Match With Champ Chenier TORONTO Cpl Montreals Eddy Aglla funk three of ve games from dclcnding cham pioll George cllunler of Toronto Thursday but trails the North Montreal 51 IILII Fred licld vclcrull first bus luln who came to camp as true azclll to 11 Contract lell lllt Buffalo fan club sumcs tonight cunuuuls clury Ncsdny Vcdllusdny and Friday lnlil one wnn an gamus The $2500 American snooker champion llln lllo lust nll flu Sllip match lbs Wednesday nllcl falll The competition which re the opening set lllllr turcd the first fourth and games Thursday nicllt Cllenicr uldcllcd his series lead by taking the scmlld and third game With breaks of 11 11 and 66 Denmark Master Beats Top Soviet BELGRADE AP Chess grandmaster Bent Larsen of Denmark representing world team in the chess match of the century against Russia dc fcatcd official world champion Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union in 37 moves Thursday was the first vicotry by Lorscn ovul Spassky here They were playing on the No board in the third round of the match that pitted 10 top grandmastch from seven countries against ll grandmaslcrs of the acknowl cdged world chcss powertile Soviet Union Lnrscns victory over Spassky came as surprise The two drew their first game while Spassky won over Larsen in the second round with only 17 moves TIME FOR HAIRCUT STAINES BARBER SHOP 47 Dunlap St lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll are