Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Apr 1970, p. 8

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PRESS BOX NOTES There was lot of emotion the Barrie Arena Wednesday night Of course there was um tense contention that goes with any key game in hockey playoff series But there was something more The Barrie Colt players remembered that game in Woodstock week ago today sense when Woodstock fans became hkc And Players against the top But Barrie players fans and game Wednesday in the Barrie Arena with the right attitude There was to be revenge but the rightlrind The kind that comes with players combining skill and lessons learned through the years of hockey experience to completely swamp the opponents Let the opponents taste the sour taste of nal defeat The losing of the last battle And the fans were there to cheer Cheerleaders from North and Central sat together and shouted enCOlnagement They called for the Colts of revenge to score and score and score The punches of revenge were to be goals not pieces And the Colts responded to the call witbout Woodstock rcply Playing game of hockey that swamped the Navy Vets Every one of the Colt team members had his say With every goal there seemed to be that small voice telling all present We remember Friday in Wood ot tubbyfour scoring 10 goals slock With every check there was reminder that pieces of twobyfour are more deadly heads There was revenge The sweetest kind The legal kind THOSE FIGHTS IN THE STANDS The cheerleaders were in top voicc Wednesday night They continually ouLshoutcd the large Woodstock con tingent and it became too much for some of those in toxicated few among the several that followed the Navy Vets The second period saw men from Woodstock cha1 Jmlgc girls from Barrie high schools to physical vio Proper Justice By GERALD ALLABY Examiner Spam Editor laces of twobytour at Colt goalie Art Willer They remembered that Barrie had to use pOIKe pro tcction in leaving the game for the dresstng room perhaps most of all they thoth of Navy Vet coach Ted Power who sent out hoe of expendable Barrie threesome with the def mite instruction to rid the Vets of the scoring threat riding on that game In It was revenge in executive and fans obnoxious red things executive mine to that power of rout The when aimed at peoples lcncc And the Barrie boys moved in to protect si The 33ml boys 35 me Igm They ch lrcal Canadicns ullu ucrc ilIlc there to see the justice of the the ice But the Woodstock crew couldnt take the punish ment and lost all sense of perspective And in the end they had to be taught lesson It was an unfortuth occurrence An incident to be deplored But there was also justice PICTURES LONG REMEMBERED Like the squad of five Barrie policemen that waded Intothc explosive crowd and without hesitation did their duty It was costly and two officers sustained in cause the 50 Win Tm jurles But the job that had to be done and the lessons taught were accomplished with cool skill credit to Barrfos finest Like those cheerleaders that held their ground lalld continued their yells despite the intimidation of Wood stock men And when it was over their jumping on the ice to congratulate the Barrie players much to the min Flam will 53 Win two ahead of Oakland Scals guys delight Like those midgets up with the Colts that skated circles around the more experienced Navy Vets and added much to the humiliation of Woodstock They were big part of an even bigger team effort where everyone gave their best and even more lake referee Blair Graham who in the cool composure characteer of the finest of his profession called it like he saw it grid gave no quarter aundcrs who had some of his Kth locks out and deposited in the championship cuepf And Levlns Kelly captain of the team holding the cup high as he skated around the rink Like Larry few of the many things from the scene at Barrie Arena last Wednesday night moment pronounced on III cmalry this wcckcnd that will be remembered TsTORONTO MARLIES IDNDON Ont CPI To ronto Marlboro gained berth in the Ontn Hockey Associa nbn Junior final by dcfcnt flag London Knights +2 before in crowd of 5221 ThulSflIly night Going into Thursdays game Toronto led the series with seven poinls on two wins and three tic games Landon had ac cumulated only three points for the tie games The TorontoMontreal final Is tentatively scheduled lo begin Sunday night in Montreal The Junior Canndicns who ousted St Catharincs Black Hawks in semivllnal play are dclcudiug lcague and Memorial Cup champions The Marlics unbeaten in 11 straight playoff games scored two thlrd period goals to brcak 22 dcadlock for the win Gavin Kirk Steve Sllult Fred Barrett and Gml Davies Scored goal each for Toronto Hamilton Team Are OutBirdied CAMBRIDGE Muss ICP Jim Lynch of Hamilton and his wife Nancy were crusth by the luck of the draw In the United States national open bdmlnton tournumcnt here Tllulbflll Jim went down 153 151 lu Stan Ilnlcs of California who lire the US national mcnn singles championship In closed tourney Wednesday And Nancy ran up ugulnat Elsuko Tokcnako or anon the world womens singles chnm pillb and tho topsccdcd woman ll tllhl competition Mrs Lynch lust 111 110 In other womens blngles play Nancy McKinley of the Univer slly of Toronto dcfcatcd Sue Pruuln of the United States I15l Toronto Marlies Gain Berth In Iunior Finals With Halls God Brook and Dcnnls Glannlnl were the londun marksmcn This year was the first that the London team had advanced past league quurtcrIinai com petition in Its five years in the league GreenDuval In Curl Final Finals of the challenge for the goal Bruce Gamblcs face 1st the frustration of Thurs Tie Will Place Wings In Playoff Position all teams in the East all the Wings now have to do Is tie Wings who load the Rangers by thrcc poinLS tic would give flu Vings 91 poian and playA off berth over the Rangers ba cncd their playoff hopes In the vecchio 20 Ilollc Mallovlichl Attendance 151190 0215 Detroit Bergman 1Po p191 010 PenaltlcsDorcy ST LOUIS PHILADELPHIA 252 MacGregor 903 Doroy Tortoxro MAPLE LEAP day night rst period wiul Detroit as the RM Wings rack ed up two points and went on to win 42 moving them past By THE CANADIAN PRESS Detroit Red Wings have one Illinnttsnla North Stars but they have one game remaining In the smnbling block rcmaining ln regular schedule compared with season lhrbugll the legs of one bid to make the Stanley IWl for both the Seals and Flych gbnlln Bernie rumnl Cup playoffs for the first time North Stars lakclys shutout was his infoln ycars The Red Wings wuslcd no fourth of the season as he The Wings dumped the IILst time in disposing of the teal turncd back at Philadelphia placlesdlnrontzh Maple Leafs 42 Tburfday at the Olympia shots run ny ni lo move into 130 ore 15390 ans were lhird place in the National comfortably settled in 111011 KINGS MEET SEN9 scals Alex Dclvccclllu scoer 16 seconds after the opening acc off on pass from Frank Ma llLIlliull and Gordie Howe About six minutes later Gary Bergman sent scrccncd siz zlcr past Toronto goalie Bruce Gamble from 40 feet out Norm Ullman put Toronto back in the game in the second period on powerplay goal but Hunc and Mahovlich scored two quick goals to deflate the Leafs winlnss in thcir last flvc games The Leafs held the Wings scoreless in the third pcrlod during which Toronto picked up its second goal as Bob Fulford ockcy Leagues Eastern Divl on one polnt ahcad 0f Mon With two games remaining for Di pm with New York Rangers their homeandhomc scrIcs win bDlh Rcd New York musl arms to gel past the yhilc till Red Wings strcngth were bombing St Louis goalie Emll Wakcly with shots from all points when Jim Roberts The loss left the Flych still in and GAME SUMMARIES TORONTO DETROIT Flrst PzrlOdl Detroit Dul Goal Gamble Toronto Cro zicr Detroit rim Period1 Sl Louis llobcrts 814 PcnaltlesPi card 220 Plngcr 1309 1134 Second PeriodI Toronto Ullman IE lEllis 639 Dev Dennis Nolcl Pha majors fruit Halve 28 Delvccchlo 13211 Bergman 102 Dctroit 1113 Second IcrlotlNo scoring hovlich 37 lBrewcr Dclvccchinl Pcnnllfcnllcard SL 221 941 FumblesRolfe 528 Fleming Pha 11511 Buun II 712 Pulford 11 Thlrd PeriodNo scoring PenaltiesW Hillman rbu am Hlllman rhn 607 Thlrd PeriodG Toronto Pul Shots on goal by ford 15 Kean 4177 Penalty 51 Louis 13 1133 Baun 1040 Goal Wakcly St Louis Pur pru on goal by cnt Philadelphia Dcflait 12 16 1543 Attendance 14006 Sid Ilbel Still About Detroit DETROIT AP Detroit Red Wings chances of getting into the Stanley Cup hockey Nay tlonal Hockey League playoffs are much brighter today but their coach Sld Abcl is still cou tious Ilarfls 31 My 1732 Harris 1741 Cautious Playoff Bid Stewart Wholesale Iruplly run this afternoon at the Barrie Cur llng Club llclwtcn the Freda Green and Miriam Duvul rinks In consolatlnn cvcnl Ady Cunnon mcctn Doris Humor The nemIlinala were held on Tuesday with close cxclting games The Green rink defeated Mur icl Fondlcy all in the trophy scmlIlnaln whlll Duval had llvcendcr in the sixth In ll 124 win over Dorothy Curdv In the cunsulutlon Ecmlllnnl the IIumcr rink find slecndcr In the fourth and cht on to wIn 1311 DVCI Stella Clarke Cannon was up by two com ing home over Ivy McWalcrs and won 117 Optimist Soccer Registration Registration for tile Barrio Optlmluls Minor Soccer Leu guu begins tomorrow The registration ls bcing Ilold In tho IlCAF Club Room High Street from am to noon Saturdays April 11 and 111 Thcro are still lot of lands and buts In this race and about the only thing can say In that we are very much in it Abel said Thursday night after his Wings bent Toronto Maple Lcafn 42 to climb Into tillrd place In the NIILs Eastern Dlvlslun The win gave the Rcd Wings threepolnt lead over New York Rangers whom they law 111 twogums series this weekend ThlsTuruntu game was the one really wanted for now we have the tllrcupolnt edge and the Rnngcru will have to come to us Abel bald They have to will buth games from us to nudllo us out the race and thats not golng Io happen We have momcntum now and the teams confidence SID ABEL BOWLING Montreal in contention for the Stanlcy mp playoffs Tcam mate Terry Clancy skates way AP Winphoto slulc the puck and akntcd ln nknc for his fifth goal of the In game tonight that could dulcrminc one of the two re meet the Seals at Oakland The playoff battle continues Salurday and Sundaywindup Boston Black Hawks assured of playoff berths In the Easl and St Louis and Pittsburgh penguins in the West Final positions In the Ensl cxccpt for lastplace Toronto dLpcnd on holncondhome so rlcs this weekend Boston and Chicago ticd for first play Tolt because of the greater number of thtl Dctrnit or New York miss nalcd if the Hawks win both lhtlr gnmcs against the Canal dlcns their two from Dclrolt In that casc Montreal will end the sea son in fifth place with 92 polan ncsotn plays the Flycrs nl PhiL adclpllin Saturday Pittsburgh 15 St Louis and Oakland 11 Los Anpclcs Sunday Minnesota is at Pittsburgh with the quarterfinals which open chncsday nals In set to go April 21 and the finals May ning spots in the Western sion bus Angclcs Kings tho rcgulnr seasonwith only Bruins and Chicago East Plliladclphla llycrs suf tipped in shot by Dave Kcon Tonto and Montreal respectively ms mm ltrcd setback in their bid for Philadcl 1113 loss was twice Ills weekend on Bus 32 75 11 125 playoff spot in the Western heartan or to the 14111 com If they both win their games Esposlw no 54 95 50 Division by losing 10 to first Secutlve sellout crowd of 14006 they wil end up vth 99 points Mum cm 35 as 50 place St Inuls Blues in the Spcctrum The Flych each but Chicago will bl first Goycuc 51L 29 78 Besides he possibility of cl ing the playoffs Montreal also fggffgm 34 stands chance bclng eliml HOW 23 58 null the Rangers tnkc in other weekend games lulu HOCKEY RECORD 11y THE CANADIAN Pitt55 National League East Dlvfslon Pt ClllcilLu 13 22 236 1l7 93 Boston 38 17 19 270 213 115 Dcfroll Ill 20 15 235 138 93 IlIDnlrcnl ZIE 2016 241 1137 92 New York 117 21 15 235 178 90 Toronto 29 32 111 211 235 71 West Dlvlnfon St Louis 38 27 12 221 17D 84 Pittsburgh 26 313 12 180 230 Phlla 17 34 24 197 224 58 Oakland 21 39 14 164 215 55 MInnusntn 17 35 22 2111 256 56 L011 Angclcs 13 51 10 103 2115 36 Itcsnlls Thursdny Toronto Detroit St Louls Phlludelplllu Game Tonight 05 Angclcs at Oakland illch Saturday Chicago at Montreal Boston at Toronto New York at Dctrolt Illlnncsotii at Philadelphia Pittsburgh at St Louis Oakland at Los Angelo Gumbo Sunday Montreal at Chicago Toronto at Boston Dctlult at New York Minnesota at Pittsburgh Kcmpvlcw Ladies Tucbdny Evenlng League TEAM STANDINGS Busy Recs 51 Moonbcnms 51 Blue Jays all Bouncers 4B Ono ngblcrs 49 Lumpllghtm 43 Moon Buggies 41 Poodle 41 Oro Lites 19 Klssing Collu 111K 17 Swingers 35 ICll 17 Inch Slnglcs Shirley Brown 300 Phyllls Excll 3211 Joyce 11ran 271 Ilcrnlco Graham 271 Thelma Line 107 Lenora Crown 2130 Vol llurndcn 200 III growing Alex Dolvccclllo who lilltLcd the Leafs wltll golll just 111 seconds after the game started was cquully confldcnl the Wings would make tho pluonIs If worsn come to worst nll we would have to do would be to tie either of the 11105 and wed be In But are going to flubultcr than that be out to win them be we will are also reserved for registra tion of all boys llshlng to 541 114 but then lost to Jn pana lMocIllko Azaw 112 113 play soccer on Bnrrlo this sum IIICI VALUAIILE LAND Space In sunln pans of Osaka Illgh Triples Phyllis Excll H75 Slllrlcy Brown 7211 Joyce Brown Cor C7 Truck RENTALS Cur Autnmltlo $5 ll Dny plus 71 nlllo Incl Kill oll insurance 7266474 CALI TODAY 2311 BRADFORD 6117 Lcnurn cruwc 591 BLrnlco Jupnn sells for nearly $000 Gruham 608 not Snllsbury 608 square yard goal with only In seconds lull in ma game gm urinal Out 34 victory om Thunder Bay APRIL Hockey Lcagul havent finished men who plan ahead are al ready busy setting up for the 15711 Stanley Cup playoffs whlch the East and West diVL sions play separately right up to the finals when the best in the East meets iLs Wcslcm counter part for the 01p director says that next year thn the league will have ex panded to 14 teamsEast will take on West In crossover se rics beginning at the scrnifinal level the semifinal next year An Howe Moves Into Tenth Spot By THE CANADIAN PRESS Wings moved lnlo loth place in National Hockey League scoring Thursdny night as ho picked up two points In Detroits 42 win over Toronto Maple Leafs of the seasonand 115515ch on another to increase his points 101111 to 60 Tkuczuk NY 17 49 7G 33 Bcrcnson StL 33 39 72 38 Parlsc Minn 21 4B 71 72 DAUPHIN Man CF TEE nulqu EXAMINER ramn By BRUCE LEVETT Canadian Press Sports Editor The 12 teams in the Nntlonal 1th Ibis season yet but the This years playoff begins the semiIi It will be the last playoff in Ron Andrews NHL publicity The crossover will come in Gordie Howe of Dctrolt Red tion Howe scored 11 goalIlls 28111 The Icadcrs Buffalo Arena Over Last Hurdle BUFFALO NY AP The last hurdle has been cleared for expansion of Memorial Audito rium for Buffalos new big league hockey and basketball teams The common council meeting in spacial scsslon Thursday narrowly approved acceptance of low bids for tho $8800000 pmlcct The council previously author Izod $610001 bond ksuo to 11 ounce cxpunslon of the city owncd downtown arena but the bids lntcr went $2500000 above that figure In nudltorlum Wlll be in crcuscd from its present 9800 souls to 15000 souls to meet the needs of the Buffalo Sabres of the Natlonnl Hockey League and the citys National Basket bnll Association franchise Both teams will begin play In the fall EXPAND AUDITOIUURI BUFFALO NY AP The Buffalo Common Councll voted Thursday to spend 5137000011 to expand Memorial Auditorium for use by two new major teams hnckcy and basketball The prcscnt seating capacity of nearly 10000 wlll be increased to 15 000 The fully qualified staff at Jun GullcsVic Lona John and Tullywould be pleased to cut color or 51on your hair exactly as you like No tru charge for razor halr cu llnlr tonlc or blowing All chlldren receive free gift Remember stylists on Saturdays for your convclcncc Joe Galles llnrbcr Shop tll Mcnl llnlr Stylist West End Ilnzn 10Ron Ive read this over Gray and the entire Eonlrnct givcs tllc effect of something out of feudal tlmcs Clause 17 here call the slavery clause once youve slgncd pro contract youve agreed not only for year but to continue slgnlng for every your Kane former prcsidcnt of the Hockey Leuguc until recently legal advisor to tho NHL Rcfcrccs Association noted that player is suspended If he docs not sign his contract by Sept and the ban is up hcld by amateur and interpo llunal hockey And it keeps you out not only as player but In any other job as well Kano said Now if you combine this with 14 lFoot Putt SAN DIEGO Calif AP There hundreds of holes lnono bul illloot putt Al Doerflcr 53 mum on Control ther putter 1910 drew says but the form the crossover will take has not yet been decided Next year will be ll full In tcrlocking season with team playing each other team six timesthree at home and three away making for 78 game reason Andrews says There were 456 gamcs in the rcgularscason schedule this year but the extra 90 games next year will make it 5th gnmc season This compares to the 210 games which made up tho 196667 season But it wont add to the each forward sold and been miniature golf course cl chcn other golfers witncsscd hls teeoff putt on the 16111 too of 1110 Monte Vista Course at Cottonwood Country Club Thursday Ills shot currlcd about 110 Yards bounccd twice and rolled Into tho cup Theyve been giving me bad time about using my putter on those short par threes said Al Now Ive got them laughing out of tho other side of thclr mouths Club pro Cliff Crnndoll bald he had never before board of bolcvlnono on rcgulntlon golf course with and Ive been around the gnmo 26 years LastMinute Goal Brings Midget Title To Orillia Ont Thursday night to Win the while Stan Groff scored the Manitoba Centennlal mid hockey tournament Bob Rowe paced Orillia with tvm goals including live winner other one Thunder Bay scorer were Nelson Pyn and Bill hott Thu teams were tied 11 after til rst period and 42 after thn bccond Peuwawa Ont won the con solatinn final with 94 victory over Daupbln Dick hluhns scored three goals for Petawnwa While Rick Darling andch 1AM coch got two Gory BlcCaun and Hugh Morrison scorcd single goals Dauphin marksmcn were Bill Murry Bob Mlchalcski Ken Buchy and Brion Roch Plans Being Formulated For 1971 NHL Playoffs length of the season which will cover the same number of weeks as this years Buffalo Sabrcs and Vancouver Canucks join the league next sea 51 moving into the Eastern tan with Detroit Red Wings New York Rangers Bos ton Bnlins Toronto Maple Deals and Moutrtal Canndicns Chicago Black Hawks muvo west next season linking up with St Louis Blues Oakland Seals Minnesota North Stars Pittsburgh Penguins Philadel phla flycIS and Los Angels Kings Osgoode Hall Group Attacks NHL Contract Reserve Clause CF The re scrvo clause of standard Nu tionnl Hockey League players contract was criticized Thurs day at meeting of 300 students from Dsgoodc Hall law school threeman panel Including Osgoodc assistant clean 11 Gray Toronto lawyer doe Kane and Mike Walton with the NHLS Toronto Maple Leafs led the discussion Thcpmo target was Clause 17 of players contract which hlnds player to the NHL team to which he has signed leaving only the salary open to negotiu MIKE WALTON the NHL rulc agalnst tampelm ing you have prclty effective instrument MINOR HOCKEY Stroud Novices won an cxcit ing 31 game over Base Borden Novlccs th Alllstnn Mn the Minnings Electric Trophy emble matic of the Centre Simcnc Min or Hockey Novice Dl vlslon Championshlp Barry Webb Grog Campbell and Alwln Moor scored for Stroud and Smith for East Bordon This completes successful season for the Novice team unlt der conch Murray Amos With the team having only lost three games all year in league ex hibition and tournament play SIMCOE DISTRICT The display of largest RCA Products in Simcoe County 259 Innlstll 7266531 ANNOUNCEMENT RAY WALTON General Sales Manager Roy says that April In an cxcollcnt moutll to pur chase quallly used car our new car deliveries are at their peak and clean used cars are arriving daily if

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