1123 EM Examwr Path by Canadian Hangman 16 am Street Burk Dumb Walk Pubfmnr In Todays qr wwmh 922 mmm nlfzmilizr1w 22an xwxnmm mttmleWv llmvjzmmfe 131 3212 21m agn Bow ism1 ion in Emily rang Lucnmgnpmlnin 22 m5 storage wznkns Innsz jazmiorinr ll=l bl nEFVllrf TSWN rays 40 YEARS A92 Bard ofcials combo gringo 12m on 3331 C311 nrancn LIIIL mm column 19 Alumna and 622mm ml rzns made dimLanna mprlmznngm Way Laid auto and hm rayon sible for 192 pastes2 mLonag Soapbox 22 Arrsnort in do 33 szmno gutnus County Clerk Ton than one mouzand planner tn Telephone manager Axon sairl company preparing in mm poly ram Barrle linen 32211227214 editor of Barr Examiner began palgn tn get 500 omnsz ur burntn uunl and tom imprwzm 1912 Local car dealer planntd 33 now no Frank Lizioytun was m1 my Listed 17 All Palms ltlulvx ingztun luzn Can lide 2111 George MW 7221 Rm 7mg Lthunm priw Mannaun Sunni la Patter L25 Chit tzx honored by rickz Parth Canadianmade Cnrllwel turning 21 cralt flown from Mann41 Borden 113 RCA pllulv Grant wwte rum Victor vlannbd to 5th won m1 would 19 home lawn Ezrrle but he lilL warn in 1355 John limbs of Cruwn Ll reached Lender Corps An pullv only 12 3121 as agent Canadian Lizluzl opened mu fbllillL utl third oor Herb Bubenwu bunting northram corner Owen Dean Swear Ca up fitl run be 12 Put vanwh nd Dnulvn 5n HE QUEBEC PAH 11115 inawlnua wetn wrlah an mun M311 tflnIIIItd than its nowlanguage vl 11441 Uuxaf mu tinnymow 4m 1ij Gran LI V031 do 115 Qurlec hot mama mi 12 undying on red bu Tell it 12 gram 472 1119031 an aill frugal to account Tne prnldtm the Que Te ache warzun ha 100950an ln Lulvtncy cl the 431 pmlment 1n hit opinlml martial trial comparable 22 1109 is approaching The Ge partmenl has no mans and neither have boardl Everywhere inQueL the dance of million ha Lem going on zinc3 19w are building the mat Some are verllzhle works an Nothing in if sultiently bezntilul gaunt or luxurious Nu cunatr in lhe world no Can pays In LLLh 93137 inrtiiw mall the 11 lb the nyllaul nkn 1911 ml 3v in la hm lawnIll Wmllul schools 321 province produ not pm at wal or teacheu may some mil mince no warm 0n mold hardly ray they are not div manning Mr dilyntw the public treasury sum And their palmezt now rcprezents 47 per can the budget ol the wholl boards slrikc nlajre redn Ho II the be up on 22 PM Caryl 42m llha mu roballly Stories Stlll Abound Old Town Square 4in23212eiols hnngeihfzm am 317ng prot and ms and wool and 145 E22 1326 To 2293 2311 ii 244 21132112 fzg hut only rnilm 3an 25 Pm who mi in fr 235 in mm of 5221 more nrmnns 22 331 zit hl1lzxpvm2znac 4le Tgaznjhsgum 32 nmlsestnprrnmzngnmrzzj myriMm names 12341 Wm mrz rim3 DDWN MEMORY LANE Chmin in 2131 rind of 11 and Mr Tony Caruso Cmzs Saar and 51m Jenner are goi Ezlim zln gunman IJIL C1234 Alexandr Stem1 Pa in hip v1 rit 3mg 22 ln wiring 3mg nzm wann lg motslunsbngmieb5 unnmmmo gin unscrammmxm Wsrfxmcnmzt 25 Barr Smith Com 01515 3324 92m 3m Yuzl 1273 3133115326 by in Barr 9112 193m 33 bring Lawn 925 39 humorAble Illrjlill Among new 2396215 10 32 Linn in Eate 1mm thr 22 Eu moum 125312 We Dorm M4 Cfmnylnn mix arm 312v limit mam KW l3 at tin nllrm min 21M 52 to in p221 311132113122 brim mat szsnrzl nv mung timer Grant 35mm mgr toy 52 591v jag1 it learnt 31822263 x42 rim iwtt 1253 319 Tim it v5 WowJamil momma Eat rut it r120 saww WEGZ be byw We Cant Legislate Against Shipwrecks Bu We Can Against Litterbugs 14 OTTAWE RESET How MPS Just Kept Growing 22131 panic1 01 A5 mln were to live to an 79nzroul4mmlinpznmn 5137 in man it into Lb lz total Pensions the arent worth arm Universilln arent mermpradcdnz and yonooukhtsenonzotthedc begun on th open market or mg can And axmal lntertnl ant Wm on than in win by th yum mm mm 111 an annual grant it to 12 universities In the mmtixrzz Ontario is mm on ddx hood Canada Pusan Plan borrowings 0n the Inherit and account it has rst botned 541000000 plan borrowing to dam are 311090000 Intern has to be paid these berm last year at an average of about per cent Etmwb and or l5 where the real point of weakness is Lb mm amounts also will have to be paid back And abso lute no yrwislon is being made mm or these eventual cam mm PAY M17251 T3 wind the whole gov ernment 531 yolicy ol llvlng or or nsizhn is the gov 2332295 min am other debt For years it carried slnhlng 11 void 1125 put aside tor dart 125 year ll wa dme may wiLh otherWlse there mm never have bgen deficit Present policy ts scram through by meetan debt mt by 357330 pmng but by digging up the munzy or pay mans they car along In other word the govern budzet gimme 25 by the trestxy worthlas as rah presmla Can of the yrovinces true scal operations and Ihis of 501159 lied The treasury answer wou be all 925 12615 are in ass primed budge gamma and tabls Illb is true And you can proper picture if 3171 have the and harm to go Marina with the re ny pox onlsz L219 91 the old age penslm atoal oi 12 S3 in 53 332 mittsAl 171 mmmmdnm m9 312 km of on 32 1142 2115 174115 manef B2 was 21 elected 1sz 192 gratied to draw penis 11 vs to wire todzy 23 optima Iszt misc 7123 he anointd ml of and be enitlrd to mum at 317 per year say In 151 years life npxxn trial 11 3712 in psalms Under no plan now will remix2b increase his $142 173222 in $21420 and 23 mm 2mm noun 25500 21221 are hit 1L Elm payments totalling $170500 There is new wormm In this new act which would up those peuions Ward each year in return for scan aid tional paymt to onset an IlaLlvn Lamis banana an pawn 121 CF amt11 In zonal cncnnbn have 53509 to 1n I722 7971 be uid tlz fund 3r imck It on 132213 mm 71 22 pm The Lth 3322 penzlqr ha bx 2225 many at 113 9933 19 152291335 Same 3m znm 19 minrhithnlspayizzixcna 75 provision lo was $1 is 22 93 ad begins v7 reinant or So the rva pelr nrr zrro am and maxi mal Jw manor0253 mam11 iv an vz r23 19 72 blma mm amicaedtbelci maria grLy 241 AL gtrg Ie 2522 Smnnvns 2121225 innintro null trim its 523 Sun hori liztr 33 Mom was at 12min 11219 37 35 3m 3112 also 23 rms Lm in TlLrtllnl 319le Vittoria 16 any yin mel reman 291 1911 at 1116 m9 my 22 622 1121 neednt 12 13 255 v2 land and And the put forward 21 is now max practically 211 v2 21 22 531 2r of ii As this expzzlsun anion cold be de mzr carol yea will comm sly logacarly it Sewn be carried in the ordi nary swarm of the pmmce 312 it were it would mean budgetary mi So sanidummy corpo ragm ls used It takes money chm Lle province bums Imm the Canada Pension Plan and in turn buys debentures from the univasities CANADAS STORY CPR was Started At Thunder Bay By BOB EDWELKV Allhougb Fort William and P921 Arthur amalgamated only ms 322 as Tom Bay Quadas newzst area been known as Thun der Ba fcz many years It was the same heaiquaners cf the North yrs Cbmpany and Fan wlllsam named after one or is directors TIIe CPR had is beginning there wlzm contract was eradad an April 12m to build railway to lm92 113 work began in June and f0 lzmed the highway at destiny mm recommended by one at Emcyurs Sandford Flembg who also ched standard time The company that began the vqu in 121 was not the mg 1221 CgP organized by Montreal nancia Szr Su Alan was granwd by Sir John Mudnad gmermnent and Vorster Courts patience thrown than But it isnt true Di $2 budget speed and of the picture the treasurer man on the Street AJAY9 ZVXJY $611156 531 11723 leii an 14 mm 27 071 gt fund scandal 12d Lbs defeat Madman go 173221 and Canadas rst will genero mt under Alexander Masha 29 was in p015 when the sec and CPR work Iron 155m In order to keey arm to Coumbla 1h we been completed to we Pan12 21 1281 8916115 even when work began in tar Prme 1mg Mackap Zlc sDeccb 22 Sarah 05 m2 company began lnunn Air British should railway Ylizm al Lhe years Canadas greazesl lees bzl L132 c153 cam gany argznaed after the Mac nonald gluestram waS ro tumm to parser in 1313 om APRIL Ens Mackenzie b9 cma the Es rmym of To new 18551 oi all in L515 papa gea Asuthd not ex to 23 1079 that 14 ISMW soldiers dew ed and mills closed in Callurnia as er gold rush haw varsity oi Sakaidm wen waived charLT urn5er of Alf13929 17mm GovernorGmcral 05 Canada 194s Canada paid v5 $20300000 for Alaslm Highway an the act 193514 15 11019 ConnDuos war recorded by gyms med em 1136 I7 cab Fraser raster 1917 Eme Cartha Canera v5 sum was life of the campaign