Appraisers Differ On Home Value Supreme Court sat until dusk Ln Barrie My at lawyers questioned two real estate tp praiscrs during the hearing of the lawsuit by bounded wo mnn ngntnst Gull Oil Canada Limited Etlpllernla Jenn Campbell the Dunlrnon postmistrcs and own er of Campbells General Stare is suing Gui and service st ttaa operator or contaminating her drinking water with gust line in 1965 The case began nlcsdJy and was adjourned shortly odor pm yesterday with no decision reached Mr Justice Oslur said the trial would continue later Wednesday 313$ Carrmbell tes tied that gasoline leaking mm the service station owned by Daniel Hennasy hadrnincd her well and Lhe well of house which she rents Gulf Oil in an attempt to Sex Crimes Prevalent In Wasaga Beach Areal Crown Attorney John Murphy told Supreme Court in Barrie yesterday that rape and other sex crimes are prevalent in the Vnsztgn Beach area lie was urging Mr Justice Ii Oslcr to hand out still penalty to Ronald Hum 24 at Toronto who earlier pleaded guilty to indecent assault Hum was originally charged with the August toast rape of 17 year ald Toronto student at Wasagu Beach The man was sentenced to re lormntory for one your to be Inl lowed by year on pmbntlnn in an earlier rape trial Mr Murphy named the Pcnetnngub shene Part McNicnIl are as another sex crime anble spot 1ch6 olienccs almost Iolinw pattern where the girls are to some extent the nutbum of their own mistortunc Mr Murphy said They accept ridts at night from strange men in cars But lust because girl gets into car with man doesnt mean shes asking or should ex pool to be molested he said Mr Murphy said thtts relt cord seemed to indicate the man had come to expect leniency mm the court and he should not be treated that way this time Mr Justice Oslcr told Hunt it was to his credit that be bad avoided trouble hr the past six years following wilful damage charge But what you did on this ac cnsIon was II serious matron he said coanutdisrcgatd what SUIT AGAINST GULF CANADA LTD End Wale or her dug our 15 one nhich producrd salt water and ruined some cl be property The other three wells were dry would cost about SOON to water tram neighboring property she said MANY OBJECHONS Miss Campbells lawyer John Caste and Cut lawyer Malicvn spent almost the entire day yesterday objecting to each Luthers mthods ct questioning the appraisers Mr Justice Os ler had to intervene several times George Thompson an npprais or from Stnyner testied tar Gull Oil placing value of 3H on Miss Campbells proper ties with adequate services and $11000 now without good water supply its baSLd his estimates on mzrket trend drawn rpm the le of what be called it com parable prvpcny nearby This property Watt owned by man whase water was also ruined was possible that with pm mt upswing in values Miss Campbells propattes might he worth as much as 8250 today be said He mid appraisal klr ram being an exact science was matter uI opinion based on cx periencc and market trends An appraiser rut ltttss Camp bell Robert Abernathy Daviv tool the stand alter Thompson had been questioned for more than three hours He severely cricfctzrd Thompsons appraisal saytn it was not valid Mr Davis who is lecturer with the American Institute of Real Estate appraisers said Thompson made several mis4 takes in arriving at his gures He bad only uSEd one property or comparison whereas sever al at lensL would be needed would inspect and measure each property and talk to the owners DavLs said These are essential ingredients at prop cr appraisal Thompson earlier admitted to Mr Comes he had neither mans ured the outside til the buildings nor glue inside He had also re lied heavily on the assessed val ue of the property My experience is that the work an assessor is not It be relied upon Davis said share this view with many nih er appmiscls lle said appraising on assess ed value would be reaching decision based on sommmc elses work Because 01 an absence of mar but data he would be complete ty unable In put value on the Campbell property he said Miss Campbell said earlier hu grandlathcr opened the store in ton and the tmily had lived there ever since She would not sell or move she said ller lawyer also asked that the ammnt paid to McDonald hyi Gulf or damages be revealed McDonald had claimed against Gulf and the amount would have an etlect on what he sold the property for Mr Justice Oslcr ruled that the mean or settlement could nIlLcl the asking price and Mr ltcxcun led the release from the McDonald tamily for 9500 Thompson used the sale price or the McDonald property in ur riving at his value or Miss Campbells property Mr Jus Lice Osler ruled that the Donald sllc should be disregard ed The court adjourned shortly bciore pm llr Murphy has said about Lhe prevalence of this type or crime in this arcll am not entirely convinced that you have learned your proper relationship to soclt ictv have to make an example to others who might feel they can get away with Similar ul lance Hunt stood in the prisoners dock nnd tnld the court be mode mistake in running away from the scene at the wilini damage Ive had time to think and sort this thing out he said iy record in debt to society Chargex Card Canvass Starts Chargex representatives wi begut to call on businsscs in the SimoneMuskth arcs Mon day with now allpurposc char gex charge card plan In this area there are over 33000 potential card holders Chargex officials estm to The plan is offered throng the Can udtnn Ungrial Bug of Com merce yal Ba xlfomnto Dominion Bank and Enrique Canadien Nationale Chntgex representslavas say that the cards are cspedally useful for those in the tourist business The cards are inter changeable with 115 BankAm ericard British Barclnytard South Alricnn Bardnylmurt Por tugese Sdttomnyvr Venezuelan BancUnion and Japanese Su mttmo cords Foresters Training Exercise In Crown Hill Area 0n Weekend Residents of the Crown Hill area should not be alarmed this weekend by gunre and explo sions in the night Local militia will be on Lialih in exercises east or Highway 93 Saturday and Sunday The training oilicc at the Bar ric armory has nnnounecd that recruits from Company the Grey and Simcoc Foresters will be inking their liminnly training in ficidcrait and tactic Thch tht be heavy volume oi blank tiring Saturday evening lLi have to bear fur the rest 01 my life It seems you learned some thing about running away this time Mr Justice Oslcr said Hunt was chargcd with rape after he returned to the girls home in daytime and apologiz ed to her other The incident took place when the girl returning to her par ents summer cottage found it locked She walked to rt nearby slum and was olicrcd ride to another store where telephone was located by Aunt and anoth nr man Mtcr advances wort made to the girl on back road she got out and began walking The men chased her in the car until she was exhausted Mr Murphy told he court yes terdny that the girl did not have the strength left to resist Hunt when be got out 01 Lhe car and attacked her N0 NOT DECEMBER it was taken Thursday during the height of the storm which unti113 gt dumped 76 inches or snow mixed with rain on the area An unidentified man gingerly picks his way through the with light tiring and practice ex plusions during the alternoon None of these will harmful indany way the LrnIning outed sat Periodic exercises are run by the Foresters at Crown Hill when tract of privnIc land has been obtained for training purposes Moshe the recruits undergo utg training will be high school tutients from Barrie Midland and Base Borden The return of winter Thursday was heralded by an upswing in the number or accidents in the Barrie area but most were min or and no injuries resulted car driven by Norman EI twood Vcbb oi 1m Pninswick was in collision with vehicle dertn by Cliiiord James Anl old at Bradford Street Barrio last night The Webb vehicle was west bound on Burton Avenue when it All accident in Ich DcVilbiss parking lot Thursday uftcmouu msultcd in $300 damage to twu vehicles Police said the drivers was in collision witlt Lhe other apparently failed to see each vebrcle also westbound at other tempting to make leit turn in Drvicrs of the vehicles were to driveway Total damage in Lhe accident was estimated at stall thliam Fisher of Hulgate Strcct ltltti Donald MeAllistcr oi Butllwtll Crescent Seventeenth Anglican Synod Set For Trinity Church Monday One Monday morning the scv cntcenth Anglican Church syttnd luv the Ecclesiastical province of Ontario will convene in Bar lic at Trinity Anglican Church The session will begin with ll meeting of the House of Bish ops Fifteen bishops from the seven dioceses in the Ecclcstias lical province Huron Algo mu Moosonec Niagara Ontarlo 0iluwl and Turontul will ut tclld Most Rev Wright Arch bishop for Algomu and Me politan for the Ecclesia Province will give the Metro polituns Charge at 9530 Tue ll its an opening to the sum far 165 clergy and inier tending the synod That will be followed at 10to hi it presentation by Torontos titsbvp Garnsworthy on ministry ill the 705 gt7TIIIS topic will be the central Cancer Campaign Going Well Says lack Duval Chairman no dis ict objective is smut Mr Duvltl is cuttfidcttt that the gual can be reached it enough pmplv rue wttltng to Barrie residents are respond lllt very well to the cancer tgvlttuuon which runs until April lsJlck Duvul campaign cit rmntl Wcvc had some visits from ltlupltg who brought donu ltuns in directly to the cancer Hutmutton contra he uttllllcis mm Slrcloc ttcd dt la lep lcar cancer campaign lytzan Is CathCl can be beat lintvrqxntttttcty 500 canvas ML going from door to 10 III narrcl the dis tttl the light ngutnst tltumc fur the three day synod The Synods are held cvcry three years to promote discussion and co operation between the Ont uriu dioceses The hosting diocese this year affairs theological colleges didt or the Anglican mtttts tot and provincial canons report on the Metropolitans Charge will also be given with suggested action is Toronto and Barrie was cho on by Archbishop Wright us the locaiiun This is the rst time format this yea On Wednesday dc ministry to indinns The help If you live ill lliltlie you Will not Itclivu cheque lUIIIl from lltlt lvt lIlUSL illlv illcludl tn lillIutulc so that an mail them back to campaign headquarters an automatic death sentence Mr Duvnl satd tilt sutill sitlu Ll od itt cam residents thcrluts Cattch is not Willi everybody helping run he bculcll Id has been held in Barrie id Archdeacon Read 0i cussion groups to be held nudity afternoon will appear lot the first time in the synod reports mtmhtls or the seven dioceses will be read Topics will IVtIt in part by ilcdiern Lant lit of Moose Factory nnd report on youth ttlld urban aLlllirs Top more concerned with ulltluliulls of the church will in clude report all inter diocesan by in to be The snyod will end Wednes duy uftcntcun with modern communion scr cc The Ecclesiu cal Province of Ontario does not include N0rtlt western Ontario but does in eludo Lhe northern portion of Quebec It is one of tour large divisions of the Anglican Church in Canada which include other ecclesiastical provinces of Que bec Ruperts Land and British Columbia up Snell ovcr by Btsltop Luxton ate the largest dioceses in the Vin Each will sent three bishops l6 clergymen and 15 lay members to the synod Wayfvhv wafermwnnm cancer Toronto presided over by Bislt nd Huron presided ANNUAL MEETIN THE ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL INCORPORATED Tuesday April iilt at 800 tun tutti Hospital rulotcrtn Film fIIIttctl In tho llosnilulu operating mom will lie shown at the conclusion or the meeting with commentary by Dr II Delaney The Pltblle are welcome to hiltml From tttoosenve lug Bishop Wattutt will attend along with another diuscesc hisltvp and five clergyman ivc lay members From the Niagara din ccse Bishop Bagnnllot Humil tun will attcnd and one other bishop as well as lay and clergy members Archdeacon Read til Barrie will be Chief host or the Synod Mayor Lcs Centre will wet come delegates at luncheon in the churcl hall on mcsday at 12 There will be choral even song at pm mesday to which the public is invited vnn READ Synod trust Members of Trinity Augtian tutor Church are responsible for llc ROADSTER paring meals and providing lets Bulb St Giles Anglican Cumin Church and Collier Street Unib Cycle Cd Church will help Dix 26 ssoo dumng THURSDAYS to had everyone mturr to their favorite winter Shnv slush on Dunlap Street Exam iner Pimth Minor Accidents Follow Storm vehicle owned Gorski of Pratt Road ctl lacing south on till west of Duckworth St yesterday when one driven by Gilberto chlnnc Muchiillan of Street accident was estimated at $500 At 730 tun this morning curs operated by James Quick or Crawtord street and ttatuld Starr RR 0m were in col llsiun tl div intersection of Don aid and Weill ltoll streets The Quick automobile was not dam aged The Start cor received $175 darn Two separate single car uc cirlcnts slurday rcultul in ctlclt clticlu atlcr curs lctt the mud and struck guard posts 1an Carl Clark at RR Shanty Bay was involved in an accident on Cuttc ssintt of 0m Tulmsltip while car driven by David Arthur Batik nt Midltttd ltIt iligllwuy too norllt of Bar rib and struck two guard EMERGENCY NUMBERS Fire Dept 7233M Amhlllan Service 7233103 Hospital 7289302 City Police 72842583 7254 is Stuinns 0n Snowmobiles EWAtEGAhhoE 7281616 snow trvm the sidewalk in front of Memorial Square 051 antlnchhotn cllittg Snow John RacdtS an employee or Parks and RD creation Commission shovels Spring Was Dealt Crippling Blow You would have thought ituus ys crews ltlrkntl Morisltly the middle of Dccemhcr instead to keep roads clear No roads at the beginning at April the in the Barri amt were closed traditional month oi spring The 13mm by high The Base Borden weather of winds drifted heavily and cut ficc rtpons the major slnrm visr lilin tn ntt at LtmLs Truffle which struck orttnrto and Quc on mnjur ltgimays in the area bcc Vcdncsd night and Thurs was sluwctl 43 mplt UI less day dumped Iolnl oi 75 inch my Hch es ur snow on the area wtnds spams lad rm Busted as high as 61 mnlL the area would be all clunr by The snow and high winds Illcw noun over tree unto hydro lines in The snow was record amount the Crown lIiII drcn outing r0 AP in me power int six hours years yin Essa Township power in in east youve inrgnttcn on crruptinns up to an hour and April tore the area buskcd half turn were reported under sunny skies and high bout 125 hydro subscribers were temperature at dcgrcus1hcru attccled was only trace oi snow re ohmic Department of tnnining lliglu iBig Brothers Need More Men The Big Brother ttwsuuiatiuH in have problems they can Call 723 struek it Total damage in the Eu ic ts inciting fur Big BroLll crs Nut uttt Big Blullltrs but kinetic Ill Btllllltr ltn will in to spend little with vs who have nu udUIIIIJiL IuUIcr image There are ntth Big Bruill nrs hero but llltl iS always demand for Hlxll Tilt snLilltiott ltll its motlt In it man stand so tall vllLlI llc stttups to built 21110 TLd Bigclotv and Mrs ILitl Mills hut lJttll hired as purl limc stlLtnl Ul rs fur the movement Nut your the Dr gdnir ion 1m to nally as cltlltltlllllc organization When big or little brothers CIAG INSURANCE Home Life Atttulttobilc CALL 7282042 0515 and an appuianLnt with it social worker mtt be arranged Anyone interested in the organ izutintt should call that number or information ntcntbcrslltp drive will be gin soon An mutual ntctnbntslllp Inc of two dollars is all that required in join STRUCIIVE FORCES mcltes rank land vulcanic crupltnns curllt ltd iloods as the mutt 273 Innis il 5L Barrie unanwvnwwmwmMamasi ENTERTAINMENT ATMOSPHERE FINE rooo NIGHTLY This Weeks Feature Entertainment Audlay Williams and The VIP Sturtltta ntuutluy liolthy Parks Company Try our on $195 Luncheon Buffet Monday Frltlay