tums Major Study On Rejection OTTAWA it to at laboratory researcme cal and surgical clinicians tor mzilly took shape Thursday or themaleliort to solve some of cs plaan han trans fba pionezring program will rm 1105521011 Strong Defence 0t Parole System IIALIFAX Ctl The Cano dlan parole system is one of the best tools there is for reliabili tnting criminals says John Ar nott director oi the John lIow ard Society here its net that no per cent of parolces do not go back to jail during their parole teml he said adding that no per cent at exconvxcts who had been pa roied were still without further convictions live years later Mr Amott was commenting on recent statement by for mcr Winnipeg police chic George Blow that the parole boards leniency is breeding crime in Canada Chief Blow said the case with which paroles could be obtained encourailcd younger criminals Mr Arnalt said in an inter view the number oi penitentiary inmates has dropped steadily be undertaken at the Univ at Alberta medical school the next five years with man than sconce from the Medical march Council at Canada it links up with another major kidney transplant ellortnlr liens tests nanced by the Medical Research Council on nnldympbocyte serum the rst attempt by any country at largescaie study of wbctbcr the serum helps lengthen the tile ulna waged organ do Dossetnr leading lridacy transplant aul thorny irom Montreal and Dr Earl matches radiovbioio or 1de magm Australia will Malcolm Brown res dent oi the Medical Reszarch Council signed the agreement to back this Udvcrsily of Al berta program at newsconr gcxrclkee attmded byADr at on Albert medicine dean Dr MacKcnzlc said Dr Div encrs ratarch iit Melbourne has already bowed promising results in in slug UVing organs isms to tolerate lereign tissue He said Dr Diancr has been able to induce tolerance in test tubes and in animals though not yet in humans by getting the recipient tissuc accustomed to the donors antigens pm fin substance that is kind lingcrprint of each lndividuais living tissue The Edmonton group will begin work with the emphasis on developing tolerance in transplants rather than in supv pressing the recipient tissues normal cflorls to reject donor tissue In lEdmonlon medical team working on the problem of the bodys immunity to transplant tissue hopes to achieve major breakthrough within five years Dr John Dnssetor 44 hand at the research team of top sei cntlsts ready to begin work at the University at Alberta said Thursday he hopes tor clinical application of the induction oi immunological tolerance by 1075 This would mean person could be readied to receive an organ transplant such as kid ney or heart lrem specilie and some pcnitcntiaries only halt full donor withouttho rejection re action as Is haul the case Statistics Show OI Protessors NonCanadian WATERWG iCPl Man power department ilgures tend to support suerya which indi cate foreign professors may be getting up to 06 per cent at uni versity teaching tabs open in Canada Carleton University prolessor said Thursday Prof James Steel who with Robin Mathews fellow prafcsu star at the Ottawa university iirst raised the complaint that Canadians cannot llnd jobs in their own universities said the department figures show 1700 lorelgn university teachers on tcred Canada during the first nine months at 1969 This com pared with 1500 intlle same pe riud the previous year Built Prol Steel and Frill Mathews spoke to meeting ai 500 students and faculty at the Universlty at Waterloo Prat Mathews said he doesnt consider their position discrimi nlent action would be precipi ll Majority natory against foreign pmicslt sure He and Prof Steel have suggested Canadians it held twothirds of the university teaching iobs in this country Pral Steel aald eve count but Canada discrlmlnlllhs or r12 slricts the immigration oi lor clgn prnlcssors and cited the examples Britain and the United States tic sold Britain requires work permit which is dislrihu led on tight quota system While in the US foreign rippli cants have in wait more than your for approval to immigrate which means they must got the Joli almost two years in mlvlincl near impossibility in the per ndcmic world Prai Steel prcdlctcll guvcra tated hy the rising unemploy ment 01 graduate students WORLD BRIEFS AntiNoise Bylaw Invalid TORONTO CF An unli riolse bylaw passed by tho bor ough at North York last lune was ruled invalid Thursday by County Court Judge Joseph Kelly because it discriminates against other religions and in trudos on Canadas Criminal Code Judge Kelly hold the lice tlon ol the bylaw which exempts the Salvation Army from its provisions was discriminatory to other religions anti that the borough went or beyond its powers in passing the bylaw BMOG Kle TnEEs LAKE ARROWIIEAD Calif AP The federal govern men is cutting down and selling about 2000000 board feet of trees on 1010 acres in the San Bernardlne Mountains that hwa been severely damaged by smog that drills from Los lingo in it was announced Wedncs DY OETB ONE YEAR BARIllE CF Ronald Ken neth liunt 24 of Toronto was sentenced to one year in refor motory Thursday on charges at indecent assault liunt origi nally charged with the August rape at i7ycnrrold Toronto girl at Wasaga Beach pleaded guilty to the reduced charge two weeks ago CHARGED WITH FHAUD TORONTO CF Sander ii Marriott 40 assistant director of loaded at Sunnybrook Hospital was charged Thursday with fraud involving $74000 All int tornnl oudlt disclosed alleged ir regularities in hospital records between October 1000 and Fobs ruoly me Mr liamutt llp peared before provincial Judge Thursday and was re manded week GlllI ETHUCK LONDON Out 01 Anna Daniels ill Unlvnrsty of Western Ontario student was picked up as hitchhiker near the university Thursday and was confronted by the mole driver With gun she told pa lllcrli Silo struggled with the ver as the ear through the city and intornvec cupcd LONDONERH REMAND WOODSTOCK lCIl ghvid noss Silver 25 alld Larry Clay ton Garrison both olLntion and charged with attempted armed robbery in connection with an incident at Thames iord hotel March 27 were re rnyl villLeustody Thursday to amesior east of London 15 mugs YOUTII SENTENCE AJAX 0M iCFl lierbcrt Charles Dunn ill ol Toronto vxns sentenced Thursday to out months dellnlto and 10 months indeterminate on charge of possessing LSD for the purpose or traillckillg lie was arrested Foil INVESTIGATE POLLUTION LONDON Ont CPl The Ontario Water Resources Com mission has taken water sum plcs tram tha north branch at the Thames River Thursday to see it pollution was involved in the death at thousnnds ol llsb lound Wednesda on th bank in London 50 Hours Sat 530 Fri99 ASSISTANT MANAGERS SALE intrusion BIKES Cl bikes with High Riser chrome handle liars colullrlul banana saddle with matching grips 16 Sissy Bar satiety coaster brakes and chrome lenders lemon lurlluys ruse lurgirls iii Up To 13 am MENS NOlRON SPORT SillitlS iwn handsome shunsleeve styles Strictly 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