Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1970, p. 6

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FASHIONS Curran inshions of smart brightly colored outts are much in evich at the Bar rie Century Club during the waiter mils and early spring when curling is the main sport or women Above standing leit is Mrs Ede Cor GARDENING HINTS AT BARBIE COUNTRY CLUB dy wearing hot pink spring pant suit accented by gold drain nockbcc Mn Gordy Ls president the Barrie Coun try Club Ladics Culling Seclt Clan Rilt shows Mrs Mary ann Smith secretary to the curling section wearing navy blue stretch pants with an olive green and dark green ivy blouse Sitting with curt ing broom in hand is Mrs Bil lie Anderson social convener wearing lilac irilly blouse with her one piece black stretch Jumpsuit with front llppcr Examiner Photo Grow For Showing At Local Flower Exhibitions 37 CLIFFORD ROLLABON Barrie Horticultural Society Just tickle the earth with hoc and she loughts with bar ortunately tbegrewlng of plants and owers is not that simple often believe the in secls and diseases are waiting iar you to plant so they can eat There Isnt gardener alive whose soul hasnt llllcd with joy over the mutant product at is seed planted carlier Be the pro duct is superb ower plump vegetable or Juicy Iruit the satisfaction in the some Though nothing worth while is gained without ciiart We are entering the time ior lower shows In Barrie The rst In the Spring Flower Show at the Legion Hall on May ltth Prev pare those tulips and daiiodils new or showing at our show show Is place or iricndly competition and an exchange 01 Ideas It also gives the nongar dening viewers an opportunity to see what well grown speci men should look like Alter season or two when growing or exhibition you will observe that ill varieties dont produce equally well nor do they hold up well In the garden or on the show table It the vario tics are not good ior the show worked up with spade or ro totiller Add additional nitrogen during the year with side dress Inga oi nitrate ol soda along the rows PLANTING For exhibition bloom plant In rows or plenty or room ior light and aIr circulation Marigolds uncles and tomatoes ab uld be minlnlmurn at two icct part asters and snaps 11 cal and smaller owers to is inch es apart The site should be as sunny location as possible or most annuals MULCIIINGr An absolute necessity ior ex hibltinn bloom Is to cover the ground around the plants with Inches oi mulch This can be peat moss shavings straw or sawdust It is used to out down evaporation keep down weeds and decrease foliage splatter litter rain At lho end oi the season it can be Incorporated in to the sail Watering ls essential to pre vent the soil Irorn drying out It your soil has good drainage you rarely overwater QUANTITY Grow enough oi one variety to select uniiorm specimens Ior showing but oiten diiiicult to ind with small samples sumo All plants Ior exhibition which are spike typo must be staked to assure straight stem This must be started early and the ower head tied as It grows DIBBUDDING This Is essential to produce exhibition bloom bloom pcr stem Is grown in data lias roses and snaps Spraying is done In the early morning every ll days to weeks For show purposes the ower or foliage cannot show any evidmcu oi insect or its case damage nor have any evi dance at pesticide residue In further article we will dis cuss cutting and conditioning or showing SOCIETY NEWBI bus tour to Anne oI Green Gables May zath We have vallnbla slide library at land reaped homes in Barrie Ii any your or organization would like an illustrated talk all Iandscap ing In the next weeks please let me know and we will try and Work it in Plan to attend the showing at color slides by Dr II PORT PERRY VISIT Dunlap St holiday at the home oi their dillInner and sonlnlzw Dr and Mrs Ralph Price granddxildrm hanbc rley and Matthew at Port Perry PROM coon1r DOWN guests the hostess sister Mrs Banks aud ailerinlnw AllL II Iinskinsol County Down Northern ireiand On Saturday the min guests will attend the weing their niece Mia VIV lenne MoCcrrlston to Carlo Gill ly In Stlohns Anglican Giurch Iy In St Johns Anglican Guilds Mrs will holiday in Can Ida tor amonth bolero reunn log to Ireland GET TOGETHER CLUB tether Gilda met Tuesday after nnqn in the Army Navy Force Hall on Dunlop St En uaimntnt Included an Easter bat parade with Mrs Betty Carmaon winning the prize or the best decorated hat Qne male marrber Mr Fraud joined the parade to an original creation WEIGHTWATCHERS in Polaroid and surrounding area are attempting to arrange weightwatchers dub Any one interested may come to Warnlca Public School Pains wick on Tuesday evenings at pm SILVER ANNIVERSARY oi Zlo Ooxmilllid Painsmck are celebrating their 15th wed ding anniversary open house ior iricnds and neigh bore DAFIODIL TEA iorced postponement oi the DaI iodll Dessert Tea scheduled tor the True Blue Hail this ailer om ADHERE THURSDAY APRIL PEOPLE AND PLACES call Audrey Contact or Skylar HillJackson at 75637 Anglican churches irnmUtDplA ivy and Thurston Musical nc aompeniment rather than oom mentary will be unique touch to the pruentatioa oi inshion by Walkers oi Barrie An add cd ieaturc will be swuts boutique when home coocs will be sold Lucky ttclt ht holders will receive door prizes Tickets or Fashion Flair can be obtained from ACW mem bers or at the door the aimt oi the show DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB There were seven tables in play at the Barrie Duplicate Club game on Monday evening held In Burton Avenue Church ball Winners In the north south position were lirnt Mrs Ralph Hart and Bill PutVia and second Mrs Ralph lIawo and Mrs Jack Woods East Wirst rst Vivian aleaazes and Mrs Curt Spearin and second Mrs Joe Aikins and John Gra blra John Hoere west spent Easter Lani blr and Mrs George McCor tston of Cookstmn have as Senior citizens the Get To Air hrrm ninnbcr oi women resident Mr and Mrs Herbert Rugman today with Inclement weather today noon Sponsors ol the tea Beav er Rebekah Lodge have arrang ed to hold the tea Friday aiteh noon irom until 430 oclock Home baking novelties and candy will be sold LAW RUIIIMAGE SALES Weekend rummage sales In elude ThrtIt SnloIn Trinity Purim Hull Collier St on Fr day Sponsored by the women of St Pauls Anglican Church lonial the sale will Icature nr ticlcs from live cents to $150 and the hours or sale are mm 10 rim until pm Collier United Church Women have arranng sale of rum rouge to take place in the churchs Fellowship Hall on Sat urday morning beginning at It oclock The Business and Pmicsaional Womens Club oiBnrrIe Will hold rummage solo to the legion Hull Collier St on Saturday morning beginning at 845 am Central United Church Women are holding rummage slilo Saturday morning commencing at oclock in the churchs Youth Centre Rosa and Toronto Streets THORNTON FASHION STIOW Fashlan IIalr display at clothing ior all ages will be pro scrich In Thornton Hall on April ti commencing at 330 pm The show is being held under the auspices of the North Essa An glican church women com Sl Marys Church Barrie will be the setting ior the mar rioga oi Sondra Catherine Hali pcnny to Norman Wayne Gal braith on April is at high noon Plans or the wedding have been announced by the your entry Unliormliy of size color and shape is essential ior table they am not good tor your garden SOILS Without good soil ior your base your work will he ior naught Whatever your type or soil It should have liberal ap piicatlon at well roitcd man uro or peat moss well worked in every year This will not only provide good organic matter but will Increase drainage and arm tion All applicatinn oi 54040 lar tIlIzer at ll pounds per loo so it should he added This Is than Snug as bean Probably not yet if youve just moved in Perhaps your Wol como Wagon hoatcsa can help to case the confusion Co has today Manila 8435 or 7265302 thto Open Mon to Welt it am to we alpacarug We apoolalizo to do Ives at the Central Collegiate on Tuesday May that pml Thus at aerated WE BAKE TO PLEASE YOU naked for all aaeunlona Yoarorder ior Weddlng Birthday at Anniversary cakes will receive export attention by our linkers bined tund raising protect by the womens groups of the three fence APRIL WEDDING VOWS KITCHEN KAPERS SingleDish Meals Boon To Todays Homemakers tram mums mutant slt lb or taiderioki mm uniporklbinsatsclhQuar this new halo Inuwbfuvggwm aringlndlinnreuinhat sag uIm hebabusyboanaker new mm 69 MWNW wedatanew prim capers agentslaminae hPcmelbadrbacmisex wmibeynlbwtandvm gigwcgm preporaanialeimtunepqsv he 1min into the ma or tum 5mm 68cm rifting ms presto they VlYMcddlncauac mmslsbloweentamuotthe Whitman Ioour aficttiring yogaDc In bmmmmmetgnstmb mm mefnnn blade mmnnwmm mastsJectasechsreakbuyn hot oven Imumgd$ stead let the temperature tor Iewminutel beililfndpcs PM is this Td diah men men In todays col umn utter bonus they are sbimdant In vitamin mutant and an economical to prepare The darken and ham casserole may bcthanawertouslnguntho tag ends of the Euler ham ADVERTIEED SPECIALS Weekend showing Ionturcs are concentrated on specials in both pork and beef According to the demand at your otbpok you will dioosc boa is Iota pork to the menu include spinada at 1002 pad ior 39c cabbage 14c 1b celery hearts 29c queen size 29o green beans mm Fiitida 39c lb Proftn beans are icatured at lbs or 65c Fresh blrdcan tomatoes are 31c per package Ontario lilo Intosh Jamie are 784 or the iourqualt baaitct California or anges 59c dozen bananas lbs 5c Canned fruit buys include peaches 23 oz tips for dollar Frozen orange juice the or size are or dollar Stocking up ior staples look ior sweet mixed pickles 24 oz jars tor dollar pure jam seedless raspberry or strawbeb ry three 90 Jars ior one dol lar Giccse slices 16 at pack 65c canned lundieon meat 39c ior 1247s tin And lot grand nale deck your Sunday dinner table with over golden yellow daffodils Ircsh from British Columbia at it paw cup light cream tarps malted madman nodlu la Otmca Uncooked Grps Diced Cooked Chickm cup grated dices Saute ham and mh tablmon tamer about mm ntm remove mm panzln the amt frying pan carbine rt malnlng mau and limit GIM aelly add seasonmg and cream atinton COW until thid tiled lAbOln to 10 minutl Mix horn mushrooms and pencils and place in ceased baking dei Arrange chitin on top and pour sauce over Bake at 38 lot 30 minutu Sprinkle with grated cheese and and about minlnes mings KEUDARB MERINGUE PIE mp sugar Hour salt was cut rhubarb asind pieces egg yolks Pastry ior Mild single mist pie AIEILINGUE egg Mules Few grains salt sugar Combine sugar flour salt and rhubarb Alix wall Atlam to stand 30 minlncs irriug ao cosionally Beat egg yolks thoroughly mix into rhubarb mixture Lino pie pan with pastry Torn rhubarb into unhnkcd pie shell Bake at 350 for 20 minutes Reduce heat to 3501 and con tinuc baking until iiillling at centre oi pie has thickened 30 to 40 minutes Retrieve pie mm oven on erack and allowtoooo Make meringue oi the egg whites salt and sugar Spread evenly over pic Bake at 40F lace 39c per bunch Can Spring be Iar away ERAIEED LIVER AND VEGETABLES in cup celery diced cups carrots sliced cups canned tomatou butter Cut liver in small squares Dredge in seasoned tour Brown In butter and remove to baking dish Brown onion celery and carrots lightly Add to liver Add canned tomatoes Cover Lightly Bake at 350 de grocs until liver In tender CHICKEN HAITI CASSEROLE cup malted hard out in thin strips cup sliced mushrooms about Vs pound brideelects parents Mr and Mrs William Halipcnny oi Barrio The bridagroomtobe Is the son at Mr and Mrs 31 butter Norman Galbraith at Rose our mont Ontario Photo by an cups bouillon or salt until peaks are lightly browned about minutes Advertising Finds Suitable Mates NEW DELHI AP In the classiiied ads between Situa tions Wanted and Educational Opportunities waits the girl of young Indiana dreams Graduate good looking healthy virgin oi 24 Knows cooking painting needle work knitting Father is isctory owner Candidates ior the ialr ladys hand are Invited to correspond with full particulars to box at the Hindustan Times Although social customs are changing in India advertise ments under the heading Mult trimonlal remain practical and popular means at match making DMINIBNQARDWAR Black Decker Jig Saw Vuiue $195 One Hand Operation Blade Wrench Included 3000 3PM 24 amps 17 HP net wt lbs Shoe tllts 45 In one directionmtovlslon for rip Maker straight curved or Irregular cuts In wood metal or plastic Blades ore eslre Aslisalr AT YOUR NEAREST DOMINION HARDWARE DEALER CHECK YOUR YELLOW PAGES

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