Plastic Surgery May Change Leeks mosmax MD matter or Incl some pa tcnls build up in their rm rounds mach landll notions of what pkuic may will do tar them that they are disappointed alter an excellent lab has been done They expected to have enhanced beyond Du Dr Mesa My sons are was slightly scantd in an uzta lcw years ago and are thinking about nlssuc son say he would like relnllvc ul ours my have the some basic head shape and their lace struo urgery My like to thclr loolu reason You talk or surgery on the lips dillL and postny lb um That Luanda to me like three op erations not counting repair or the original scarringl can be expensive You my also be disappoian rem because shaping lace is one thing pv iax the patlcat lb murmurs and racial crpressloas at some body else is quite another ry in Drisam that is done occasionally wash cinl appearance ls repels pcoolc and makes it impossible Ior tho mm decent living Ecswb asonably normal no is all that is sought There IS no attempt to max him resemble some olhzr per sou in particular Dear Dr nucleon II have been treated or yeastJntcc lion ol um vagina but it to recur Can it be transrnln intercoursefMn tures In mint alike The surm would have to be dune around the lips chin and nose would which he an operation of possibly II In know this sort Illmud cost and if it Is pumble or our Inn to be made to look like this relative The My Is now have heard that three operations have been per ed msllly in prisons Ella P5G the nal As to surge prisoners the scarring tom the acci such that it lent which you say zhtl is correcting surgically ave yourlregular doctor retcr plastic surgeon who ed with as earn lngl re nearabac built give you an lnIorm nala I7 the cast and let it 20 Ill Talk to the plastic surgeon II on vth about trying to make cul sun look like that relative ut dont be surprised if the opposes the idea or re Certainly my ad ICE is to girt up that part 01 lo plan entirely Plaztlc surgery ls capable mt remarkable achievements at you are asking entirely too uch Scars can be removed oses can be bobbed or built Claus can be too Shattered ces can be natured But malt one penon look like an hcr or tuning pl to beautllul one Is scope TELEVISI BUFFALO RUFF urgcoa uses to try it through YES it can and thats one OI Ihc things that is dlillcult to ex plain to husbands bar these yeast inILtlu low or no symptoms clears up the mmplly gets it back again un he husband agree to be treated lac Diabetes is com monly associated Man can har ns with The wile lion and I05 ain ace beyond 0N PROGRAMS TORONTO with this trou BARRIE EUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON 12 PETERBOROUGII MORNING VIEWING MONDAY 10 FRIDAY ncan Uclrno st or Inn Century nvo ndv GrIlIlh 7Hn Sun Sun Sun lzlaylon Plan SDllk van ka0 6Doualn Dlpolun nun zllollvwouu Saulzcs LLovl at Lllc 1nnnv Tbnmu orovlc IzCnrtnnns llNcws lovle Glma lStrlxcs nnalsonm Now most OMETA sElvo zTuku rwo IZCaldln Schnnl tLucula sill vunclo ltouuv ms 13le Kangaroo rSaeclll rlm 141er ornate Today In muna For cum stamp the sun Rumpcr lwum niln Anllll wallomnx IIcomer Pyl zConccnuunn Izrrlvndxy mlluulle Gourmet Ln 1uIlun salnzmnw THURSDAY APRIL EVENING bBowllcbea llPlem Burton Draalwt oIlannlx BNcwl vnznrr am llGot Enlr nGlon Campboll zncn slnnln lGAlzTbundlv Night 1anls lIDnvIa Frot nos 2chk Van ova nDlamonu Llll 10ch Vln lka OTruth or Cnusnauencu ZBlnnn slum CThn Game Game Fllntlwncu nrmurl Daughter ilgtucmc unu spent here with her pl lllrs Norman Tuck Congratulations to Bantams hockey players on win ning the consolation trophy at dumndm the NHL tournament at Mill brook on the weekend Boys lruln this area playing were Bill Ell gurtaa llm Kennedy News Walther snnru VIamllv Altalr llM In carlunu an um 130 20 11 Couldnt Ho ivlcwnulnt omcr Pyle bPcrry Illson oKlng Arthur Luv Lucv ostnr Trek IlTbe Game oun zCampus oulz ohnnv cnmn Mch Grlln 7Movl unvlstnlo strives 5Peltlcnat Inncunn dFlunllv Alfalr lZDarls Day Paulun alom Jones llVlovlc Irnu wr Lover lmo 3skIsnnwnrobh Itnnort lllavle Km 0t mm ssc Inc IlMovle Irnltcru ol Plunder l2lnvr Elma or Furl ouevcrlv Hillbllllcs To Tell Thu Trula ruth Or Conscauencu sum II I2BIII Corby Him Nlbon 7Tlut clrl 11pin Vnu Dyko 530 21m Slde xzNnrure al Ruched 9D9An llIlIItln INawr vumer kunlvcrslty nn tn hrcrrys Prob 100 24mm Allen tMavlo You chcr Can moo MInnIun Impossible cm Wuthar Spart Fate hauler l7Bunanza lTom Jones AY APRIL AFTERNOON bblaet tau Illllen oLuncncon onto 1neat the clock bMovla Expectations lllllcrv Grlln lzvMovla Nightmares 1chk cavclt 7Nluuu uNews Vcalhcr Heonu eLunchenn one 74m or mcrythluz DI Love llIAt Ta About it ILNGWI 1Daeton ITlnm Out rnr Recreatlan LGuldlnl leht oComnntlon sum 7ontlnu CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER North deala castes the queen at hurls End NanhSoutLi Vulnerable Haz ailtr Krme wbznble 3mm anon North he saw Wm at so Openingjcads kin or dis monds when tbabnnd was playcd he sbllled lo club and South had no trouble making lulu Dc clan won with the king return ed trump and the only tricks be lost were spade heart Ind diamond Had West led the heart at trlds two he would have dclcatcd the mnuacl ll declare wins and leads trump Eat grabs the uce SlMllOEiEOUNTY NEWS unto spent the Easter weekend with Mrs Fern Gray Mr and Mrs Jack Pulley ul Surnia were at their home here and had as guests on Sumhy ML and tlltlr sltun alter President Don Pm young of aid Murdell rclused lb guanine Mr and Mrs Mrs Keith Cook and children Mrs James Smith and chil dren went to see Disneyland at Maple Lcar Gar ens Mnrch 2a 531Ve gm CROWN HILL By MRS DUNSMORE Miss Diane Tuck bl Toronto the school hullday week rents Mr and Why did you grab your hat and coat cause asked you to have drink with me sunk ul lo the Muse king of Dunedkl Allen Enwden Kevin and Kim 01 lilidhurst vis Itell Mr and hlrs Bow Guthrie Bluko alllcc he said gives West rut to produce the Duclung the lung ui Ircnru does not cup bcwuse Went coa unues vmlx heart In put South In down one All this is easy enough to see am you look all our hands but me question In wneurcr West shotud Ind this mede ol de lease seeing only cards The answer is yes It is bay ic principle oI delcnse me Icnder should dinIS tram can sidcratlon haarb his partner may KNOW rre new PM SMNNEW 57 WAS Il WSPAPJRS HES col To 59le 5mm MW manyO tsuxa MALAWI have that do not lend to deieat of the contract West should cumulrntc on hands East can msonably hold that will pro duce tour tricks lo assign the qucen ol heart1 and KJ ol clubs tD East may bu consistent with the bidding stop the contract because South will be able to make three heart tricks bdore Ex can score bOEIJIIS club lri Similarly assigning the ace of spades and king of clubs to East cannot pmsibly bring about declarers delcal The only reasonable prospect or our tricks lies In assuming that East has the queen of bearb and act at spades DONALD DUCK distinct possibility an the bld ding The king at heart ls there tare tbn right play at trick Ivm SECRET AGENT Partridge Douglas Pnrtridgc Shane Reid Gary Sommvrs Mr and Mrs Nurval Duns ALLEN more spent the Easter weekend rut and ms Boyd and mm Pctcrnnruugn and attended hlcalurdwure Sunday uucsls Eastern Ontario Curling ul lilr and Mrs Alex Sheppard bowling Inurnnment and ban Miss Jean Barnes and Victor qucl Blunt Toronto were recent ilr and Mrs Howard rm guests at the Bumcs home miscnnd manly Mr and Mrs Knnx Ladics Aid had quilt Hume Pmndxe and am mg In My cum Greggs lltr and Mrs Clarence Smltll mesdny Lois and Paul Mr and Mrs lllrs Preston Duan accompan Mnncdy and Innnly and led 5mm mm Mr and him Graham Summers Bostun Mass or the christcn W1 lam allundvd the names lag or bar yealgrunddaughlcn In support ol the team Susan Embree Houows Students SitIn uy nuts BOWDEN III RYBISOII Tech Mrs Margaret Philput ul an TORONTO ICPI students occupying the administrative building at rtynrson Polytechni cal Institute decided late Wednesday night to continue tcL reinstatement of live touch ers About loo students began the SlLAin Wednesday ulternoon Io protest the dismissal of the live English department teachers who were told last month their In addition to reinstatement of the teachers the dommrstrntars are demanding student particl patiull in the hiring and ring oi acuity members Mr llcrdcll whu met briefly vi the students said he could llul guarantee an open meeting of the board at guvernors tu ru vicu the position oi the live teachers as the students were cannot guarantee Inact ing of the board at any time and would not be so Iublisll as lo try and give you any such guar just be lZFIm Newl Pry us olu The World IZCIlepdu 7Ilmro pent 7Nau 7Anothcr World 121 so LSccrot Storm 1ocncnl Howl nrcnule nun zVhts lllv Llne HrSealch For Tomorow 1vorld Aunt orllntstone nMv Tuxe Sam Dr Klldnru owls Neav It lety weldcntl pLucnl News 1D1v at Our lee bLovn Is lllnny Splendor Htrnnzo Newlywnd umu lion 2Erllht Promla MHzEnter Ill 7commnaer Tom sDocror Dllrv 11Dlk Cnvott Paralso FRIDAY APRIL EVE uItnpnn llcrou uGunamoko ZBrnckcn cDlnnn sn llDavid Frost no Move Do You Lava Me ylc USMC sGuurmer Athrnlr oHuel 100 2xch van nyko SFtveAO bTruth or curumuencen 1Nuwl Weltbcr soaru oAndv Willlams IITlln Conwnv Inorl Dly szm Cantux nAntholory IZwovta oI llbc Guns cam 7Fllntstonen llFnrmul murmur lILuclllu Bill ll 1110 ovlcwpalnt Hum speclu llPlcrm nurton AMulc Fantasy LJulIa lylng Nun Don Messur smoleI nd Mu $rulr 1110 1JIhnny Oman dMuvlo llllundcr Buy 751 ovlo lllo Eller Vnmuuu crcrw Man ItsIrusuro lsland Law stnr lleh llThc Game namu lzCartoons lLLlughvln 7lllily5 lllmcll oanlc Ilrsewl ilPotdcual Junction lllrvcrly ISnowmoblla lllllblllIc 1ro rnunro Truth rrutn or nscnucnccn chk Van Dyk zII ovlo Buy NIKM out Lanln Ihlnko vny For Tomorrow a1 tlrcld somy Strallucrl lZvMovle lNu mu Ir latum Nuns the Gama host and ulr lllllubblt noulct 553 llvNEvrs Vellhvr INn Down linmcllt Isuou Ituuun Illu nlqun Juatlu 7han uvucktest ship Ink aha VllUlIl storm IZNuwl alhcr snnm 6D Van Dvl lwllllllt Zone Duwllhld IwIIerle uman 12no vrorrya Probe anlo ollmnlc rrv mnnv Etellng man Lululnu lmllosdble llN=ws llAtllmu I2 DlilLY CROSSWOBD ACROSS 32mm unqulres contnlncrs crsnny or Bett bacon animal rock London 5Wci1ht 29 Proposi atlel 1nd tlon 10Nobleman dlhnldlalecl 30111 Semblance 7Debata ndvnnce Rural acmudy Frelght it Superln morn boats lament van 11 Koapltal ll and Tomor Senalblllty row ISWns In aahm 15 Loans 35 Rcvcrlea debtod to tended 15 van employs llForut 11 Famoul 19 Present strength garden Prolit 33 Actions 46 Recline 24 Gazelle 22 Prlnterl 39 Clash I7 Antlered meuure Int animal The Old Eng 20 law 25 Ind wladorn so Kebraw month sz Grampus 34 ncnun the hand Long or 40 Nnuucnl measure no 41 Epoch or the ltd 45 Nimble Nltch to Satan on Gang searchfor oz and ends DOWN Nut The Swan 23 273mm um Yuurdun AIIer 3614 44 Lake UNFCRTUNAIELV GMAN NAMED PHIL CORRISAN HAS BEEN TALKING GIRL wzu Imam rum TbE ENTRE OPERATION BUT MY WAv YDULL STILL GET HE DEFENSE Duels IN SPITE OF THE FBI MAN ANarHEIz CHANGE IN PLANS THATS ALL YOUVE GIVEN U5 SINCE WE CDNIRACIED VOL TO DELIVER THOSE paras rls FUNNY HOW some THING5 sncK WITH you MRS FITZ HENRY NOT mint 551 AN ADVANCE ON MY ALLOWAN ZfAIl DIGEING GET UPJ MY EGS ADE sacs awoke TOO ETTA KETT aurwou WATCH Ir FAITHFUL EVERY WEEK THIS cLEVlSlON BLONDIE umwuv plan1 BNlNEms mm or BUT BUILD IT ON THE OPPOSITE END OF YOUR AREASE AND YOULL NOT ONLY SPARE EDEll VlLLE THE FUMB BUT YOUR TRUCKS WILL KEA CHARTER MlLE NEARER THE HIGHWAY OKAY BUILD YOIIK CHEMICAL PLANT KERE AS FLANNEDI All IllE PREVAILING BKEEZE WILL CHOKE EDENVILLE WIT NOXIDUS FUMES lSHT MOST OF YOUR TRANSPORTATION HANDLED BYTRUCK ME HlLL BUZZ SAWYER MAYBE ITWILL WASH 59MB MLUOON OUTOFUIE EM omuhmwwal mus RAINAIIM HESDWECAN SMELL MUGGS SKEETER